The image formed by the quality of the company's employees.
And almost a thousand Units already work perfectly at the enterprises all of the world ...
Do more than the customer expects.
Cooling asphalt with a mixture of asphalt and propane. More than 8 years without cleaning and repair (Rosneft).
Activities aimed at clarifying values for mutually beneficial cooperation.
The oil and gas industry is crucial in the economic and social development of our country at present and in the foreseeable future.
Everyone's conscious contribution to expected result.
Any story moves in a spiral, crises have always contributed to the emergence of new materials, equipment, technologies, communications, relationships, thinking, awareness and readiness for change.
Improving the ability to hear and clarify in joint activities.
In Russia there are a large number of smart, professional people who are able to turn the world in a particular area.
Sincere desire to develop each other.
LOTOS company’s life position: it is very important to get together with those colleagues to whom you feel confidence and say everything as it is.
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