#135 - Measure Capacitor ESR with an Oscilloscope and Function Generator

Kind: captions
Language: en

or in this video we're going to measure
00:00:03.050 00:00:03.060 the equivalent series resistance of a
00:00:05.780 00:00:05.790 capacitor using an oscilloscope and a
00:00:08.629 00:00:08.639 function generator
00:00:09.589 00:00:09.599 this also is called ESR ESR is really
00:00:13.520 00:00:13.530 kind of a measure of effectively the
00:00:15.580 00:00:15.590 resistance that looks like it's in
00:00:18.200 00:00:18.210 series with the capacitor itself now
00:00:21.109 00:00:21.119 ideally that doesn't exist but for
00:00:23.660 00:00:23.670 inexpensive capacitors used at high
00:00:25.609 00:00:25.619 temperatures with high ripple currents
00:00:28.070 00:00:28.080 and things like that many times the
00:00:31.099 00:00:31.109 capacitors a pin can begin to dry out
00:00:33.170 00:00:33.180 and when that happens the resistance
00:00:37.270 00:00:37.280 effectively increases which causes
00:00:40.100 00:00:40.110 heating which kind of accelerates the
00:00:41.959 00:00:41.969 whole process and the capacitor
00:00:43.340 00:00:43.350 ultimately fails it's a pretty common
00:00:44.930 00:00:44.940 failure mode so we can model that ESR
00:00:47.959 00:00:47.969 kind of like this simple diagram here
00:00:50.360 00:00:50.370 and reality it's a little more complex
00:00:52.400 00:00:52.410 than that but for our purposes this will
00:00:54.319 00:00:54.329 do the way we're going to measure the
00:00:57.430 00:00:57.440 ESR is to essentially put an EC signal
00:01:00.979 00:01:00.989 through the capacitor we're going to
00:01:02.599 00:01:02.609 pick a frequency that's high enough that
00:01:04.160 00:01:04.170 the capacitor would ideally look like
00:01:06.080 00:01:06.090 nearly a short less than 1 ohm of
00:01:07.910 00:01:07.920 resistance or capacitive reactance so if
00:01:10.910 00:01:10.920 there is any voltage drop across the
00:01:12.560 00:01:12.570 capacitor it's going to be due to the
00:01:15.679 00:01:15.689 ESR and not due to the capacitive
00:01:17.990 00:01:18.000 reactance ideally okay so we're going to
00:01:21.020 00:01:21.030 use a function generator now most
00:01:22.580 00:01:22.590 function generators can be modeled kind
00:01:24.859 00:01:24.869 of in this way where you've got an ideal
00:01:26.929 00:01:26.939 voltage source in this case a square
00:01:28.609 00:01:28.619 wave followed by a 50 ohm output
00:01:31.190 00:01:31.200 resistor so it gives them a 50 mm output
00:01:34.249 00:01:34.259 impedance now it's going to be important
00:01:36.319 00:01:36.329 to know what the output impedance is or
00:01:38.390 00:01:38.400 at least to verify that yours is 50 ohms
00:01:40.399 00:01:40.409 or something else before you go do the
00:01:42.830 00:01:42.840 measurement but because we're going to
00:01:44.630 00:01:44.640 use this later on when we go to
00:01:46.010 00:01:46.020 calculate things when we set up the
00:01:48.800 00:01:48.810 function generator we're going to use a
00:01:50.030 00:01:50.040 frequency I like you know somewhere
00:01:52.039 00:01:52.049 between 100 and 300 kilohertz because at
00:01:55.730 00:01:55.740 that frequency the electrolytic
00:01:57.560 00:01:57.570 capacitors that were typically
00:01:58.819 00:01:58.829 interested in will have a capacitive
00:02:01.580 00:02:01.590 reactance less than 1 ohm if we pick 200
00:02:05.630 00:02:05.640 kilohertz you know you're looking at
00:02:07.039 00:02:07.049 typically 10 micro farad or larger
00:02:08.749 00:02:08.759 capacitors the reactance is going to be
00:02:10.940 00:02:10.950 low so a good capacitor is going to look
00:02:13.190 00:02:13.200 like
00:02:13.970 00:02:13.980 and it's not going to generate any
00:02:15.229 00:02:15.239 voltage across it when you connect it up
00:02:16.880 00:02:16.890 to the function generator but this
00:02:19.309 00:02:19.319 frequency is also low enough that we can
00:02:21.259 00:02:21.269 kind of ignore any transmission line
00:02:23.479 00:02:23.489 effects reflections and that kind of
00:02:25.490 00:02:25.500 thing we don't have to properly
00:02:26.600 00:02:26.610 terminate the lines and such so that's a
00:02:29.149 00:02:29.159 pretty good compromise I'm going to use
00:02:31.729 00:02:31.739 a volt peak-to-peak because that's
00:02:33.050 00:02:33.060 pretty good for out of circuit testing
00:02:34.640 00:02:34.650 if you really want to try doing in
00:02:36.559 00:02:36.569 circuit testing you probably want to go
00:02:38.000 00:02:38.010 to two to three hundred milli volts
00:02:39.860 00:02:39.870 peak-to-peak maximum but I don't really
00:02:42.500 00:02:42.510 recommend in circuit testing so let's
00:02:45.289 00:02:45.299 take a look at how we're going to set
00:02:47.809 00:02:47.819 this measurement up okay in order to set
00:02:50.509 00:02:50.519 this up first thing we're going to do is
00:02:52.220 00:02:52.230 set the amplitude of our function
00:02:54.379 00:02:54.389 generator we'll just connect it right up
00:02:56.270 00:02:56.280 to the scope you can use a probe or you
00:02:58.129 00:02:58.139 can go right into the high input
00:02:59.690 00:02:59.700 impedance input of the scope again we're
00:03:02.149 00:03:02.159 using a low enough frequency that we
00:03:03.500 00:03:03.510 don't have to worry about putting a 50
00:03:06.020 00:03:06.030 ohm termination there so what you want
00:03:08.750 00:03:08.760 to do is set it up for about 200
00:03:10.250 00:03:10.260 kilohertz and the voltage to vary
00:03:12.530 00:03:12.540 between ground and your peak to peak
00:03:14.270 00:03:14.280 voltage say 1 volt peak-to-peak and then
00:03:16.490 00:03:16.500 back down again you don't want to go
00:03:18.319 00:03:18.329 below ground and reverse bias the our
00:03:20.479 00:03:20.489 capacitor under test so we do that first
00:03:23.119 00:03:23.129 the next thing we can do is simply put a
00:03:26.720 00:03:26.730 resistor now soothly put our capacitor
00:03:28.909 00:03:28.919 under test right across the output of
00:03:31.460 00:03:31.470 the function generator and we'll do that
00:03:32.930 00:03:32.940 right at the front of the input of the
00:03:34.819 00:03:34.829 scope and I'll show you how we'll do
00:03:35.960 00:03:35.970 that now ideally the capacitor should
00:03:39.409 00:03:39.419 have no equivalent series resistance and
00:03:42.110 00:03:42.120 the capacitive reactance should be well
00:03:44.719 00:03:44.729 under 1 ohm so that as soon as you
00:03:46.580 00:03:46.590 connect that capacitor up the output as
00:03:48.619 00:03:48.629 seen on the scope should go to nearly
00:03:50.089 00:03:50.099 nothing okay now what will happen is if
00:03:53.719 00:03:53.729 a capacitor has some equivalent series
00:03:57.110 00:03:57.120 resistance that's measurable a couple of
00:03:58.789 00:03:58.799 ohms or more the capacitor might look
00:04:01.640 00:04:01.650 like a short but the ESR component will
00:04:03.949 00:04:03.959 not and a voltage will be generated
00:04:05.990 00:04:06.000 across that and by measuring that
00:04:07.909 00:04:07.919 voltage with the scope compare and then
00:04:09.860 00:04:09.870 it's a simple voltage divider
00:04:11.800 00:04:11.810 calculation to you know extract what
00:04:15.110 00:04:15.120 that equivalent series resistance is but
00:04:18.439 00:04:18.449 the reality is is that often times as
00:04:20.390 00:04:20.400 these capacitors dry out and the ESR
00:04:22.550 00:04:22.560 goes up the capacitance also goes down
00:04:26.650 00:04:26.660 you know the capacitors will be reduced
00:04:28.480 00:04:28.490 in value so what will happen is this
00:04:30.820 00:04:30.830 capacitor might get low enough they will
00:04:33.370 00:04:33.380 start to see the RC charging time
00:04:36.070 00:04:36.080 constant you know instead of you know a
00:04:39.280 00:04:39.290 nice low impedance and you can see a
00:04:41.530 00:04:41.540 combination of that I'll show you what
00:04:42.730 00:04:42.740 that would look like in a moment now
00:04:45.700 00:04:45.710 many ESR meters including the one that I
00:04:47.770 00:04:47.780 built a few years ago and did a video on
00:04:49.780 00:04:49.790 I'll put a link to that by the way down
00:04:51.760 00:04:51.770 below will measure the response of that
00:04:56.350 00:04:56.360 RC exponential as well as the ESR but at
00:05:00.250 00:05:00.260 the end of the day that's okay because
00:05:02.110 00:05:02.120 in either case the capacitor is bad and
00:05:05.590 00:05:05.600 you're going to want to replace it so
00:05:07.930 00:05:07.940 here's what we're going to do we're
00:05:09.130 00:05:09.140 going to have our function generator
00:05:10.450 00:05:10.460 we'll start off by measuring just the
00:05:12.010 00:05:12.020 voltage without a capacitor connected to
00:05:14.260 00:05:14.270 it but then when we connect our
00:05:15.940 00:05:15.950 capacitor up we're going to see one of
00:05:17.350 00:05:17.360 two things we're either going to see
00:05:18.940 00:05:18.950 just a reduced square wave on the scope
00:05:21.940 00:05:21.950 and then the voltage there is really the
00:05:24.730 00:05:24.740 voltage across the resistance the
00:05:26.650 00:05:26.660 equivalent series resistance because the
00:05:28.900 00:05:28.910 capacitor looks like a short at those
00:05:30.460 00:05:30.470 frequencies but often times what you'll
00:05:32.740 00:05:32.750 see is a combination of the effects
00:05:34.210 00:05:34.220 you'll see a step change that's due to
00:05:37.210 00:05:37.220 the ESR but you'll also see an
00:05:39.220 00:05:39.230 exponential rise in an exponential fall
00:05:41.410 00:05:41.420 on either end of the step change that
00:05:45.160 00:05:45.170 indicates that you essentially have got
00:05:47.350 00:05:47.360 a much lower value of capacitance and
00:05:49.840 00:05:49.850 you're seeing essentially the RC time
00:05:51.730 00:05:51.740 constant of this combined resistance and
00:05:54.730 00:05:54.740 the capacitance but in either case you
00:05:57.370 00:05:57.380 know what this is showing you is you're
00:05:59.020 00:05:59.030 going to be generating some voltage or
00:06:00.640 00:06:00.650 dropping some voltage across this
00:06:02.410 00:06:02.420 capacitor what ideally it should look
00:06:04.540 00:06:04.550 like a short and you shouldn't develop
00:06:05.980 00:06:05.990 anything so this is the arrangement
00:06:08.350 00:06:08.360 we'll use to make the measurements this
00:06:10.630 00:06:10.640 the end of this coax here runs back to
00:06:12.520 00:06:12.530 my function generator is back over my
00:06:14.470 00:06:14.480 shoulder I'm just going into a little
00:06:16.750 00:06:16.760 BNCT one end that I'm going to couple
00:06:19.930 00:06:19.940 right into the scope input the other end
00:06:22.270 00:06:22.280 connected up to a set of Miniclip leads
00:06:25.090 00:06:25.100 that we use to connect to our capacitor
00:06:27.460 00:06:27.470 under test
00:06:28.060 00:06:28.070 so without anything connected here if we
00:06:30.940 00:06:30.950 just hook this up to the input of the
00:06:32.740 00:06:32.750 scope I can see the response of my
00:06:37.030 00:06:37.040 function generator I'm at 200 millivolts
00:06:39.820 00:06:39.830 of division
00:06:40.450 00:06:40.460 so that's five divisions that I've got
00:06:42.460 00:06:42.470 one volt peak-to-peak now if I
00:06:44.440 00:06:44.450 momentarily couple the scope to ground I
00:06:46.480 00:06:46.490 can see that's where ground is so this
00:06:49.570 00:06:49.580 voltage is varying from ground up to a
00:06:51.850 00:06:51.860 volt and then back down the ground so
00:06:54.670 00:06:54.680 again we're not reverse biasing it so
00:06:56.830 00:06:56.840 that's the proper setup to get ready to
00:07:00.130 00:07:00.140 make the ESR measurements all right
00:07:02.920 00:07:02.930 starting off with a good capacitor so
00:07:04.930 00:07:04.940 you know what you want to see is we're
00:07:07.120 00:07:07.130 just going to take this 220 micro farad
00:07:09.670 00:07:09.680 capacitor note that this is the
00:07:12.010 00:07:12.020 indication here for where the negative
00:07:14.140 00:07:14.150 lead is so we'll connect the black gram
00:07:17.530 00:07:17.540 a black mini grabber lead up to that and
00:07:21.720 00:07:21.730 then we'll take the the other lead and
00:07:24.340 00:07:24.350 hook it up to the other end and watch
00:07:26.050 00:07:26.060 what happens on the scope screen so we
00:07:28.810 00:07:28.820 effectively you know nearly completely
00:07:31.060 00:07:31.070 squashed that signal we're going to see
00:07:33.130 00:07:33.140 the average value of it and that's
00:07:34.390 00:07:34.400 normal
00:07:35.020 00:07:35.030 we're also going to see a couple of
00:07:37.210 00:07:37.220 little blips right at the edge
00:07:38.740 00:07:38.750 transitions and if we look carefully if
00:07:40.690 00:07:40.700 I turn the intensity up I'm able to see
00:07:42.940 00:07:42.950 those little blips here and here and
00:07:44.680 00:07:44.690 here
00:07:45.100 00:07:45.110 now that's normal what we're looking at
00:07:47.620 00:07:47.630 is the you know the fact that we're not
00:07:50.620 00:07:50.630 terminating this this coax properly
00:07:52.900 00:07:52.910 there's a little bit of reflection
00:07:54.430 00:07:54.440 coming back off of these leads a little
00:07:56.890 00:07:56.900 bit of inductance in series with the
00:07:58.510 00:07:58.520 capacitor so you're going to get that no
00:08:01.030 00:08:01.040 big deal but ideally what we've seen is
00:08:03.490 00:08:03.500 that we've taken the top and brought it
00:08:04.930 00:08:04.940 down the bottom brought it up those two
00:08:07.120 00:08:07.130 are effectively at the same level if
00:08:09.490 00:08:09.500 there was some effective series
00:08:11.560 00:08:11.570 resistance there we would have a
00:08:13.930 00:08:13.940 difference between the high and the low
00:08:16.150 00:08:16.160 level so this is what a good capacitor
00:08:18.820 00:08:18.830 looks like so let's take a look at even
00:08:22.060 00:08:22.070 a little bit closer in here what we can
00:08:23.530 00:08:23.540 do is change the scope to be AC coupled
00:08:26.610 00:08:26.620 all right we'll move our position up and
00:08:29.650 00:08:29.660 then turn up our volts per tor turn down
00:08:32.800 00:08:32.810 the volts per division to get a little
00:08:34.300 00:08:34.310 bit more magnification on this and now
00:08:36.700 00:08:36.710 you can actually see a little bit of the
00:08:39.340 00:08:39.350 kind of the step change due to those
00:08:42.880 00:08:42.890 inductance components that we talked
00:08:44.320 00:08:44.330 about I can see a very small change like
00:08:47.080 00:08:47.090 if we go to even smaller I can see a
00:08:48.940 00:08:48.950 very small change here I'm at 10
00:08:50.560 00:08:50.570 millivolts a division
00:08:52.210 00:08:52.220 okay so we can see a very small voltage
00:08:55.120 00:08:55.130 change here in fact if we put a couple
00:08:57.100 00:08:57.110 of voltage cursors on here we go take a
00:08:59.080 00:08:59.090 look
00:08:59.380 00:08:59.390 now I'm measuring about three millivolts
00:09:01.750 00:09:01.760 so we've taken that one volt
00:09:03.310 00:09:03.320 peak-to-peak square wave and reduce it
00:09:06.040 00:09:06.050 down to three millivolts that's pretty
00:09:08.230 00:09:08.240 insignificant this is a pretty darn
00:09:10.330 00:09:10.340 close to a short so we're looking at
00:09:12.760 00:09:12.770 well under 1 ohm of equivalent series
00:09:15.370 00:09:15.380 resistance with this good capacitor so
00:09:18.280 00:09:18.290 let's go look at one that's not so good
00:09:19.720 00:09:19.730 this is actually a good capacitor brand
00:09:23.020 00:09:23.030 new it's just a lot physically a lot
00:09:25.930 00:09:25.940 smaller and typically as the capacitor
00:09:28.240 00:09:28.250 gets smaller for the same value they're
00:09:31.210 00:09:31.220 going to have an equivalent resistance
00:09:33.490 00:09:33.500 and you can see that here on the screen
00:09:35.110 00:09:35.120 that this one is dropping about eight
00:09:37.660 00:09:37.670 millivolts nine millivolts from that one
00:09:40.600 00:09:40.610 volt peak-to-peak signal so while it's
00:09:43.000 00:09:43.010 not a bad capacitor the capacitance is
00:09:44.920 00:09:44.930 still good it's just the fact that it's
00:09:47.890 00:09:47.900 physically smaller you will naturally
00:09:50.020 00:09:50.030 see a larger ESR because the plates are
00:09:52.510 00:09:52.520 physically smaller it will have larger
00:09:54.160 00:09:54.170 resistance but this is the same type of
00:09:57.640 00:09:57.650 shape that you'd see that just might be
00:09:59.980 00:09:59.990 large or an amplitude when you've got a
00:10:02.050 00:10:02.060 capacitor that has even a higher series
00:10:04.000 00:10:04.010 resistance so let's go look at a
00:10:06.310 00:10:06.320 capacitor that I pulled out of an old
00:10:08.050 00:10:08.060 monitor that actually failed you'll see
00:10:11.260 00:10:11.270 now that this bad capacitor in here I've
00:10:13.900 00:10:13.910 actually got to bring my volts per
00:10:16.030 00:10:16.040 division back up again so I can actually
00:10:18.070 00:10:18.080 see what's going on so with this one
00:10:20.260 00:10:20.270 this we can kind of see that effect that
00:10:21.850 00:10:21.860 I mentioned earlier where we have a step
00:10:24.160 00:10:24.170 change due to the ESR but then an
00:10:27.310 00:10:27.320 exponential change due to the reduced
00:10:29.290 00:10:29.300 capacitance so this this was a failed
00:10:32.020 00:10:32.030 capacitor if we look carefully at it you
00:10:34.180 00:10:34.190 might be able to see the top of it is
00:10:35.500 00:10:35.510 domed out it you know it kind of got hot
00:10:37.570 00:10:37.580 and overheated and dried out it's just a
00:10:40.210 00:10:40.220 nasty capacitor but if we look at the
00:10:42.400 00:10:42.410 peak to peak voltage of this say from
00:10:44.470 00:10:44.480 down here all the way up here worried
00:10:46.840 00:10:46.850 about a hundred millivolts so that one
00:10:50.410 00:10:50.420 volt peak-to-peak signal was only
00:10:51.970 00:10:51.980 brought down to to 113 millivolts here
00:10:54.730 00:10:54.740 now so this capacitor certainly bad now
00:10:58.150 00:10:58.160 what's funny is that if you measure the
00:10:59.980 00:10:59.990 capacitance of this it might look you
00:11:02.560 00:11:02.570 know larger than you might it might
00:11:05.170 00:11:05.180 appear from this
00:11:06.070 00:11:06.080 RC time constant but that's just due to
00:11:08.170 00:11:08.180 the fact that when these things dry out
00:11:09.790 00:11:09.800 the capacity resistance is not or the
00:11:12.490 00:11:12.500 resistance increase is not evenly
00:11:14.350 00:11:14.360 distributed across the plates and you
00:11:16.480 00:11:16.490 get a little more of a complex thing
00:11:18.040 00:11:18.050 going on but at the end of the day that
00:11:20.410 00:11:20.420 would be a bad capacitor leaving that on
00:11:22.900 00:11:22.910 the same scale just to kind of give you
00:11:24.580 00:11:24.590 some perspective let's go back and take
00:11:26.350 00:11:26.360 our good capacitor and take a look at
00:11:28.570 00:11:28.580 what that one would look like under that
00:11:30.880 00:11:30.890 same scale okay so you have that same
00:11:34.270 00:11:34.280 scale you can see how much better this
00:11:36.370 00:11:36.380 capacitor is so if you if you're
00:11:39.250 00:11:39.260 interested in trying to calculate out
00:11:40.960 00:11:40.970 what that equivalent series resistance
00:11:42.100 00:11:42.110 is just stick around for the next part
00:11:44.860 00:11:44.870 of the video if not that's basically how
00:11:47.170 00:11:47.180 you do the measurements so let's go take
00:11:49.630 00:11:49.640 a look and see what those calculations
00:11:50.920 00:11:50.930 look like it's really quite simple
00:11:52.830 00:11:52.840 alright to calculate the equivalent
00:11:55.180 00:11:55.190 series resistance it really is just a
00:11:57.250 00:11:57.260 voltage divider calculation right and
00:12:00.700 00:12:00.710 we're looking for this resistor value we
00:12:03.010 00:12:03.020 know what this function generator ideal
00:12:05.080 00:12:05.090 voltage is we know the output impedance
00:12:07.240 00:12:07.250 is 50 ohms we just don't know they are
00:12:09.270 00:12:09.280 so that the typical voltage divider
00:12:11.920 00:12:11.930 calculation would be you know the
00:12:13.870 00:12:13.880 function generator voltage multiplied by
00:12:16.720 00:12:16.730 that resistance divided by the sum of
00:12:18.970 00:12:18.980 the resistances gives us that voltage
00:12:21.670 00:12:21.680 which we'll call V R now we know what V
00:12:25.720 00:12:25.730 R is we've measured it okay we know what
00:12:28.120 00:12:28.130 the function generator voltage is we've
00:12:30.130 00:12:30.140 measured it we just need to solve for R
00:12:32.170 00:12:32.180 so we can simply run that equation or
00:12:35.110 00:12:35.120 rearrange that equation like this and
00:12:37.950 00:12:37.960 we're going to rearrange the equation as
00:12:40.300 00:12:40.310 such we wind up with this equation here
00:12:42.190 00:12:42.200 that says the ESR is equal to the
00:12:44.800 00:12:44.810 measured voltage across the capacitor
00:12:48.900 00:12:48.910 multiplied by 50 divided by the open
00:12:52.390 00:12:52.400 circuit voltage of the function
00:12:53.620 00:12:53.630 generator minus VR or our measured
00:12:56.560 00:12:56.570 voltage so let's run that calculation
00:12:58.930 00:12:58.940 for the bad capacitor that we measured
00:13:01.630 00:13:01.640 that was putting 113 millivolts across
00:13:04.900 00:13:04.910 the cross itself okay so we know we
00:13:10.750 00:13:10.760 measured 113 millivolts and we'll
00:13:14.080 00:13:14.090 multiply that by 50
00:13:16.150 00:13:16.160 and then we're going to divide that by
00:13:17.910 00:13:17.920 that we have one volt peak-to-peak minus
00:13:21.250 00:13:21.260 the point 1 1 3 volts divide that we
00:13:25.270 00:13:25.280 wind up with about six point three ohms
00:13:27.130 00:13:27.140 of ESR for that particular capacitor
00:13:31.210 00:13:31.220 let's go take a look at what I measure
00:13:33.190 00:13:33.200 on my homebrew ESR meter for that bad
00:13:37.750 00:13:37.760 capacitor here's my little homebrew ESR
00:13:42.130 00:13:42.140 meter let's make sure that it's zeroed
00:13:43.870 00:13:43.880 properly we'll short the leads together
00:13:45.220 00:13:45.230 and it looks like we're or zero properly
00:13:48.790 00:13:48.800 there so let's connect up that that bad
00:13:52.330 00:13:52.340 capacitor so I've got the negative lead
00:13:55.360 00:13:55.370 going to the negative side positive lead
00:13:58.060 00:13:58.070 to the positive side here if we take a
00:14:00.610 00:14:00.620 look it's actually you've got a little
00:14:02.680 00:14:02.690 bit of parallax you're looking off to
00:14:03.940 00:14:03.950 the side from here but if I pull this
00:14:05.590 00:14:05.600 over you can see it's just a little bit
00:14:07.240 00:14:07.250 greater than five ohms close to 6 ohms
00:14:09.610 00:14:09.620 there so this meter is basically
00:14:12.640 00:14:12.650 measuring that peak to peak value are
00:14:14.890 00:14:14.900 pretty close to it of that response that
00:14:20.020 00:14:20.030 we're seeing on this back capacitor they
00:14:21.850 00:14:21.860 get a lot of ESR meters will do that but
00:14:23.830 00:14:23.840 at the end of the day that value is much
00:14:26.080 00:14:26.090 higher than you'd want to see on a good
00:14:27.640 00:14:27.650 capacitor if we connect up my good
00:14:29.680 00:14:29.690 capacitor here
00:14:30.700 00:14:30.710 let's same that same way okay so here's
00:14:35.710 00:14:35.720 the ESR that good capacitor you can see
00:14:37.720 00:14:37.730 that looks pretty darn near or short so
00:14:40.510 00:14:40.520 if you don't want to go and build one of
00:14:42.370 00:14:42.380 these things and you have a function
00:14:43.810 00:14:43.820 generator and an oscilloscope you can
00:14:46.060 00:14:46.070 very easily measure what the ESR is or
00:14:49.390 00:14:49.400 just at least to check whether a
00:14:50.800 00:14:50.810 capacitor is good or bad anyway thanks
00:14:53.530 00:14:53.540 for watching and oscillator
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