/ News & Press / Video / Air-Cooled Porsche 911 Gets Help With Front Oil Cooler Mods
Air-Cooled Porsche 911 Gets Help With Front Oil Cooler Mods
WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en
00:00:00.060 --> 00:00:05.100 welcome to garage time this week I'm going to show you how to improve the air 00:00:05.100 --> 00:00:16.590 flow on the front oil cooler on this air-cooled Porsche 911 so you've 00:00:16.590 --> 00:00:20.580 probably heard me talk about the larger engine in this car and I definitely want 00:00:20.580 --> 00:00:23.880 to upgrade the engine to something that's higher than three liters that 00:00:23.880 --> 00:00:27.779 does require additional oil cooling even though these are air cooled cars 00:00:27.779 --> 00:00:31.529 actually a bigger percentage of the cooling is done through the oil so the 00:00:31.529 --> 00:00:35.670 front mounted oil cooler is very important and Porsche put a lot of oil 00:00:35.670 --> 00:00:40.680 coolers in the right front fender and there is some airflow in there but it's 00:00:40.680 --> 00:00:45.450 not the same as a front mounted oil cooler which sees direct flow due to 00:00:45.450 --> 00:00:50.399 driving you know 50 60 hundred miles an hour air flow if it's done correctly and 00:00:50.399 --> 00:00:54.180 the ducting is done correctly all that air has to flow through the oil cooler 00:00:54.180 --> 00:00:59.430 and it's much more efficient so my front RS bumper is not just for looks it's 00:00:59.430 --> 00:01:03.840 chosen for performance all right the problem I'm trying to solve today is 00:01:03.840 --> 00:01:08.729 this front mounted oil cooler there might be room for the oil cooler to 00:01:08.729 --> 00:01:12.360 mount but there's no room for air to efficiently flow through the oil cooler 00:01:12.360 --> 00:01:18.030 and underneath the car so this stock latch panel is really in the way so I 00:01:18.030 --> 00:01:25.049 have left this uncut or untrimmed or unfinished so that I can add a airflow 00:01:25.049 --> 00:01:35.310 duct just like they did in the early 70s with the RS and the RS are cars before I 00:01:35.310 --> 00:01:39.350 get to work today I wanted to take a moment to thank you guys for watching 00:01:39.350 --> 00:01:46.200 today's episode marks one year of a garage fire if you are new to my channel 00:01:46.200 --> 00:01:51.960 welcome my name is Tom and I try to encourage you to get out in your garage 00:01:51.960 --> 00:01:57.299 and build something I strive for professional results but I am NOT a 00:01:57.299 --> 00:02:00.570 professional I have learned everything by doing and and that's what I encourage 00:02:00.570 --> 00:02:12.229 you to do this is my first Porsche 911 and I am still learning a lot 00:02:12.520 --> 00:02:17.510 okay this is the area that I'm gonna be cutting out and I'm gonna be welding up 00:02:17.510 --> 00:02:21.830 on the top of this here too now this bracket here appears to be in the way so 00:02:21.830 --> 00:02:25.010 I'm gonna remove this bracket and also I've already removed most of this 00:02:25.010 --> 00:02:31.330 bracket but I need to remove it all the way down to this latch panel 00:03:17.850 --> 00:03:24.220 this is roughly the shape that I want to have it's a curved arc going down into 00:03:24.220 --> 00:03:29.440 this gas tank side support here I'm gonna put a flange here on the top so I 00:03:29.440 --> 00:03:33.340 don't have to weld a continuous bead along the top I can just spot weld it or 00:03:33.340 --> 00:03:37.209 seam weld it there from the front it still doesn't look like much because 00:03:37.209 --> 00:03:41.110 they haven't cut anything out yet I'm gonna go right to sheet metal on this 00:03:41.110 --> 00:03:46.860 one pretty early because the shape is so hard to hold with this paper 00:03:48.060 --> 00:03:54.250 okay I've also free-handed a second line here this this is just kind of a curve 00:03:54.250 --> 00:03:59.260 it's gonna be kind of a bulbous shape as it comes from the front of the car it's 00:03:59.260 --> 00:04:04.180 gonna you know this is this is the front it's gonna go out wide and then and then 00:04:04.180 --> 00:04:08.320 neck down at the very end so I want to have it curved kind of in this direction 00:04:08.320 --> 00:04:12.280 and in this direction plus I know that it's gonna make the welding a little 00:04:12.280 --> 00:04:16.390 easier instead of putting a flat panel along this side having a curved section 00:04:16.390 --> 00:04:22.090 is going to keep it some shape and help prevent the distortion at least that's 00:04:22.090 --> 00:04:27.360 the theory anyways 00:05:04.909 --> 00:05:09.930 I'm having to redo this flange a little bit to put some curve into it the front 00:05:09.930 --> 00:05:15.449 of the car is not as flat as I expected it so once it's in metal I'm able to see 00:05:15.449 --> 00:05:19.289 that the gaps there so I'm going to hammer this flat and then rebend it on a 00:05:19.289 --> 00:05:21.889 new arc 00:05:57.110 --> 00:06:05.310 here's a quick status update that flange I formed on the bead roller is this 00:06:05.310 --> 00:06:10.860 flange right here it's it's sandwiched together on that so it's about a I guess 00:06:10.860 --> 00:06:17.160 a 45 degree or so flange and then let me show you from the inside okay so from 00:06:17.160 --> 00:06:21.090 the inside this is that flange you can see just a little bit of daylight in 00:06:21.090 --> 00:06:25.140 between here I need to pull it up tighter with some more clamps but I want 00:06:25.140 --> 00:06:31.050 to have that folded over edge right even along this folded over edge here which 00:06:31.050 --> 00:06:36.420 is part of the factory edge and I have a little bit of curve in the the panel I 00:06:36.420 --> 00:06:41.190 just formed it over the bench just you know using my hands and you can see this 00:06:41.190 --> 00:06:44.940 kind of curved shape here this will come straight down okay I'm making this 00:06:44.940 --> 00:06:49.710 little test strip so I can get the length right here without ruining this 00:06:49.710 --> 00:06:53.880 huge piece of metal I don't have a lot of time invested in this piece of metal 00:06:53.880 --> 00:06:57.960 but I it's the only metal I have I'd have to go to the store to buy more so I 00:06:57.960 --> 00:07:01.680 want to make sure that by bending this little strip I have left over I get the 00:07:01.680 --> 00:07:05.970 length right and then I can check it in three places to make sure I can mark 00:07:05.970 --> 00:07:09.800 this piece here without having to scrap it 00:08:18.030 --> 00:08:21.740 if it's like right here it's still a little bit long at least it's too long 00:08:21.740 --> 00:08:29.000 better long then short should I force it in there 00:08:46.740 --> 00:08:51.879 I'm just reworking these flanges a little bit to try to get it more even 00:08:51.879 --> 00:08:55.199 with that gas tank panel 00:09:09.450 --> 00:09:15.250 okay here it is the part in the car it's not welded or anything it's just 00:09:15.250 --> 00:09:20.170 basically holding itself in place just the spring tension on this thing and it 00:09:20.170 --> 00:09:25.420 fits really well right here and then over here there's a little bit of a gap 00:09:25.420 --> 00:09:29.500 I'm not too worried I think I can pull this tighter when I weld it in you know 00:09:29.500 --> 00:09:32.920 this whole thing is flexible and depending how much curve it has in it it 00:09:32.920 --> 00:09:38.770 really affects this gap but I did trim this a little too too narrow 00:09:38.770 --> 00:09:44.680 this needs to be a little bit less of a gap so even if I straighten out this arc 00:09:44.680 --> 00:09:49.600 it's still probably trimmed a little too far it's just really difficult to try to 00:09:49.600 --> 00:09:55.300 get that perfect all the way across here I think I'm gonna drill a few holes here 00:09:55.300 --> 00:09:59.740 and put some screws or clecos in here just so I can have a reference and I'm 00:09:59.740 --> 00:10:05.380 gonna start banking the walls that that closed out this section and I decided to 00:10:05.380 --> 00:10:09.010 put them in a little bit of an angle rather than go straight down I think 00:10:09.010 --> 00:10:14.250 I'll do like a 10 degree angle so that it is a little bit more of a gentle 00:10:14.250 --> 00:10:20.140 shape and then I'm gonna trim this is very lumpy down here on the floor so 00:10:20.140 --> 00:10:23.710 there's one lump right there one lump right there and then it gets flat again 00:10:23.710 --> 00:10:27.640 so rather than try to make a wall and then flange it over all these lumps I 00:10:27.640 --> 00:10:31.420 think I'm just going to cut straight down and then weld the edges from the 00:10:31.420 --> 00:10:36.730 bottom okay I've taken this scrap piece of sheet metal and I've sharpened the 00:10:36.730 --> 00:10:43.450 end to a point and I'm I have my digital level here and I'm just going to trace 00:10:43.450 --> 00:10:50.230 on here the about a 10 degree angle on this and I've put some dye CEM down on 00:10:50.230 --> 00:10:59.589 the suspension pan so I can trace the the path so that's 80 degrees right 00:10:59.589 --> 00:11:06.600 there just scratch a little mark 00:11:10.050 --> 00:11:19.610 Edie 00:11:19.610 --> 00:11:23.550 okay I can see the line well enough to make a cut company the same here this 00:11:23.550 --> 00:11:36.040 side 00:11:36.040 --> 00:11:40.760 okay I think I can get most of this cut done from the top side using my air saw 00:11:40.760 --> 00:11:44.750 so I'm gonna drill a hole and try to do most of the cutting from here if I need 00:11:44.750 --> 00:11:51.520 to go underneath and cut I will you got to drill a hole first 00:13:56.949 --> 00:14:02.839 okay there's a quick status update I got these side curve pieces in and they are 00:14:02.839 --> 00:14:08.630 tax weld tack welded on the edge and there's a little bit of a gap there on 00:14:08.630 --> 00:14:12.470 the bottom it but it flexes I can just tighten it up and then the same is true 00:14:12.470 --> 00:14:21.110 for for this side I have that piece tack welded in so I'm going to remove this 00:14:21.110 --> 00:14:25.790 from the car and weld this on the bench I think it's gonna hold its shape okay 00:14:25.790 --> 00:14:32.149 so I'm going to weld these these curved edges here on the top half here's a look 00:14:32.149 --> 00:14:36.589 from underneath the car and you can see the welds coming through on that line 00:14:36.589 --> 00:14:43.490 that I want to weld right now and this is a pretty big mouth more welds right 00:14:43.490 --> 00:14:46.399 there I really like the curved shape to 00:14:46.399 --> 00:14:52.339 this portion here is going to be trimmed this is overhanging so I'm gonna trim 00:14:52.339 --> 00:14:56.029 that and weld it on to the outer edges and then the same is true for here this 00:14:56.029 --> 00:15:01.040 is gonna get edge welded and pinch weld it up here and seam weld it on the 00:15:01.040 --> 00:15:07.610 inside also this flange here is left long and it's gonna get cut once it's 00:15:07.610 --> 00:15:10.550 welded from the inside that's gonna get trimmed and make a nice smooth 00:15:10.550 --> 00:15:15.430 transition between here so there won't be this ledge right there 00:15:46.329 --> 00:15:54.980 just like that now it's one piece so there's the weld all along the edge okay 00:15:54.980 --> 00:15:59.329 right here is where I accidentally cut this a little short when I was just 00:15:59.329 --> 00:16:04.429 guessing at the fit so I welded this little piece on the end and I'm going to 00:16:04.429 --> 00:16:08.929 now try again to trim it to the right size so this all grind down with a 00:16:08.929 --> 00:16:13.639 grinder and you won't even know it's there but that's just the advantage of 00:16:13.639 --> 00:16:20.209 being a welder you can always fix your mistakes on this side I did something a 00:16:20.209 --> 00:16:24.920 little different I actually put a weld bead on the edge now this is 18 gauge 00:16:24.920 --> 00:16:30.110 metal you won't see a lot of guys try this this is now obviously pretty thin 00:16:30.110 --> 00:16:35.329 metal but putting a bead on the end grind it smooth and it just makes the 00:16:35.329 --> 00:16:37.749 part bigger 00:16:57.260 --> 00:17:03.060 ground everything down so the edges are smooth and filed and I treated the 00:17:03.060 --> 00:17:08.280 backsides of these flanges with the well through primer and I've also marked my 00:17:08.280 --> 00:17:12.870 seam welds every one inch so they line up with these seam welds and it'll be in 00:17:12.870 --> 00:17:19.290 the same pattern as everywhere else here in the in the trunk area so I need to 00:17:19.290 --> 00:17:22.250 fire up the MIG welder 00:17:38.880 --> 00:17:43.440 okay everything's finally fully welded in I've been laying on my back 00:17:43.440 --> 00:17:48.510 welding upside down with the TIG welder it's it's actually pretty difficult I 00:17:48.510 --> 00:17:53.039 use a foot pedal and in order to use the foot pedal when you're on your back you 00:17:53.039 --> 00:17:56.370 got to put it between your knees and kind of squeeze it so because of the 00:17:56.370 --> 00:17:59.880 close proximity to the wall and all that I didn't take video of that I know 00:17:59.880 --> 00:18:03.720 you're you're disappointed but it's all in there and I'm gonna show it to you 00:18:03.720 --> 00:18:07.919 real quick so I wanted to talk about the patreon page I didn't do a good job 00:18:07.919 --> 00:18:13.500 describing this and I think I'd confused a lot of people it's not a YouTube 00:18:13.500 --> 00:18:17.580 livestream on Sundays it's really through patreon it's a private 00:18:17.580 --> 00:18:22.559 membership it's really more of a conference call a video conference call 00:18:22.559 --> 00:18:28.110 where we spend an hour on Sundays going over what you want to go over so maybe 00:18:28.110 --> 00:18:32.250 it's your project at home maybe it's something you saw me do it's really 00:18:32.250 --> 00:18:36.000 above and beyond what you can normally get in the comments below now 00:18:36.000 --> 00:18:39.570 nothing on the channel is gonna change I will continue to answer questions and 00:18:39.570 --> 00:18:44.909 comments in the comments section on YouTube and will continue to post videos 00:18:44.909 --> 00:18:49.350 every Saturday and that content is completely free if you want to do more 00:18:49.350 --> 00:18:53.789 like a 10-minute conversation about your question that's what the livestream is 00:18:53.789 --> 00:18:59.159 on Sunday we're going through and you can email me in advance I send out the 00:18:59.159 --> 00:19:03.179 link prior to the phone call if you want to send pictures documentation drawings 00:19:03.179 --> 00:19:08.309 sketches ideas I look at those we spend you know maybe 10 minutes per person and 00:19:08.309 --> 00:19:13.140 we go in depth other people can jump in and help there's other people on this 00:19:13.140 --> 00:19:17.280 community that are more knowledgeable than I am so it's a great way to get 00:19:17.280 --> 00:19:21.770 your individual questions answered with someone who you know can do the work 00:19:21.770 --> 00:19:26.760 that's the benefit it's on patreon.com I'll put the link in the description 00:19:26.760 --> 00:19:32.429 below it's 5 bucks 5 bucks for the month so that gets you 4 sessions hour-long on 00:19:32.429 --> 00:19:37.620 Sunday and we talk about whatever you want to talk about so 5 bucks come on 00:19:37.620 --> 00:19:41.309 guys let's get it done I want to know what you're working on you have full 00:19:41.309 --> 00:19:47.549 access to me and email all that we get work done on Sundays so I think you'll 00:19:47.549 --> 00:19:51.330 find it beneficial please take a look and join that way but don't look for it 00:19:51.330 --> 00:19:55.640 on YouTube sorry if I can whew people it's really a video conference 00:19:55.640 --> 00:20:00.770 call consultation with me so please take a look at it and let me show you what we 00:20:00.770 --> 00:20:04.480 got done peace
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