Are Paper In Oil Caps Better Than Orange Drop

Kind: captions
Language: en

00:00:05.150 00:00:05.160 so I've been sitting here I think this
00:00:08.160 00:00:08.170 is take nine or ten trying to make this
00:00:10.440 00:00:10.450 video today we're going to talk about
00:00:12.329 00:00:12.339 capacitors I think people spend way too
00:00:14.549 00:00:14.559 much time
00:00:15.209 00:00:15.219 nerding out about stuff that doesn't
00:00:17.490 00:00:17.500 really matter today we're going to talk
00:00:19.230 00:00:19.240 about capacitors because this is one of
00:00:21.599 00:00:21.609 those things paper and oil versus
00:00:24.240 00:00:24.250 basically anything else it's almost a
00:00:27.390 00:00:27.400 religion at this point before we get
00:00:29.490 00:00:29.500 started on this conversation what I want
00:00:31.650 00:00:31.660 you to do is go in the comments and make
00:00:35.549 00:00:35.559 the comment how you feel about it
00:00:37.830 00:00:37.840 doesn't matter not judging how you feel
00:00:39.810 00:00:39.820 about it kind of get your feelings out
00:00:41.819 00:00:41.829 like I let everything flow any kind of
00:00:45.000 00:00:45.010 anger any kind of frustration about
00:00:47.520 00:00:47.530 capacitors how you feel about it how you
00:00:49.740 00:00:49.750 disagree with somebody else how you're
00:00:51.720 00:00:51.730 about to disagree with me all that kind
00:00:54.360 00:00:54.370 of stuff just go in the comments and
00:00:56.729 00:00:56.739 just kind of work it all out like just
00:01:00.209 00:01:00.219 tell me about your mother if you want
00:01:02.720 00:01:02.730 however you want to do it just work it
00:01:05.490 00:01:05.500 all out all wait okay we're going to
00:01:07.410 00:01:07.420 talk about paper and oil we're going to
00:01:09.030 00:01:09.040 talk about polypropylene like the spray
00:01:11.040 00:01:11.050 go orange drops we're gonna talk about
00:01:12.450 00:01:12.460 silver mica we're gonna talk about all
00:01:14.640 00:01:14.650 these other ceramic all these other
00:01:16.350 00:01:16.360 capacitors let's talk about first of all
00:01:18.030 00:01:18.040 why we choose a capacitor for a
00:01:20.040 00:01:20.050 particular project so from an electronic
00:01:23.550 00:01:23.560 engineers standpoint when he designs a
00:01:26.730 00:01:26.740 circuit he's looking at a few things
00:01:28.950 00:01:28.960 he's looking at the capacitive reactance
00:01:31.890 00:01:31.900 that he means basically a capacitor is a
00:01:35.040 00:01:35.050 storage device right so electricity goes
00:01:37.080 00:01:37.090 into it it stores there for a moment and
00:01:39.480 00:01:39.490 then it comes back out with a DC circuit
00:01:42.210 00:01:42.220 it stores in there as much as long as
00:01:45.090 00:01:45.100 there is a charge to keep it charged in
00:01:47.580 00:01:47.590 an AC circuit it actually goes in and
00:01:49.650 00:01:49.660 out with the cycling of the frequency of
00:01:51.630 00:01:51.640 the of the circuit it's just a storage
00:01:53.430 00:01:53.440 device the capacitive reactance of it is
00:01:56.070 00:01:56.080 the value so 15 micro farad's 22 micro
00:02:01.260 00:02:01.270 farad's 33 micro farad's
00:02:02.880 00:02:02.890 point 0.04 seven micro farad's point oh
00:02:06.090 00:02:06.100 i mean for guitar values right that is
00:02:08.999 00:02:09.009 determined by basically it's two plates
00:02:11.850 00:02:11.860 of metal of a particular size and our
00:02:15.270 00:02:15.280 particular
00:02:16.530 00:02:16.540 distance apart with a dielectric
00:02:19.140 00:02:19.150 material inside basically electricity
00:02:21.780 00:02:21.790 can travel across anything right even
00:02:24.240 00:02:24.250 air air has a dielectric water has a
00:02:27.149 00:02:27.159 dielectric everything electricity can
00:02:29.849 00:02:29.859 pass through anything
00:02:30.959 00:02:30.969 it's how sparkplug works right so you
00:02:32.910 00:02:32.920 have two electrodes and if the voltage
00:02:35.309 00:02:35.319 is high enough or in certain
00:02:37.710 00:02:37.720 circumstances if the current is high
00:02:39.300 00:02:39.310 enough electricity can jump across even
00:02:41.670 00:02:41.680 air so everything has a dielectric so in
00:02:44.910 00:02:44.920 a capacitor you have two plates and you
00:02:47.009 00:02:47.019 have a gap and then you have that gap
00:02:48.929 00:02:48.939 and it's a certain distance apart and
00:02:50.849 00:02:50.859 the plates are a certain size and
00:02:52.349 00:02:52.359 that'll let that electronics engineer
00:02:54.390 00:02:54.400 needs to say okay I want it to be
00:02:55.860 00:02:55.870 charged for a certain amount of time I
00:02:57.740 00:02:57.750 want it to be able to hold a certain
00:03:01.500 00:03:01.510 amount of voltage without electricity
00:03:03.420 00:03:03.430 going across that gap so it needs to
00:03:05.879 00:03:05.889 hold a certain amount of voltage that's
00:03:07.830 00:03:07.840 gonna create a certain amount of heat so
00:03:09.929 00:03:09.939 I need it to work within that heat range
00:03:11.970 00:03:11.980 I also need it to have a certain amount
00:03:14.220 00:03:14.230 of Tolerance because the frequency of
00:03:16.530 00:03:16.540 the current that's going in and out of
00:03:18.270 00:03:18.280 there I need it to operate within a very
00:03:20.550 00:03:20.560 narrow range of that frequency so I need
00:03:23.490 00:03:23.500 to know the tolerance of it I need to
00:03:25.530 00:03:25.540 also know not just the heat failure
00:03:28.110 00:03:28.120 point but also how is it gonna perform
00:03:30.569 00:03:30.579 at its extremes when it's really cold
00:03:32.939 00:03:32.949 and when it's really hot is it gonna
00:03:34.469 00:03:34.479 give me that precision that I need now I
00:03:37.409 00:03:37.419 need to decide what material of the
00:03:41.339 00:03:41.349 capacitor and what type of capacitor I
00:03:43.349 00:03:43.359 need to fill all these criteria for this
00:03:47.039 00:03:47.049 design that I have and then they pick a
00:03:49.199 00:03:49.209 particular sort of capacitor for that we
00:03:51.629 00:03:51.639 have let's say we have electrolytic Swee
00:03:53.339 00:03:53.349 have ceramics we have polypropylene sort
00:03:55.710 00:03:55.720 of like a like an orange drop we have
00:03:58.409 00:03:58.419 paper and oil we have mylar and oil we
00:04:00.780 00:04:00.790 have silver mica we have there's many
00:04:03.000 00:04:03.010 many different kinds of capacitors the
00:04:04.830 00:04:04.840 reason those are there is not because
00:04:07.559 00:04:07.569 they sound different but it's because
00:04:09.719 00:04:09.729 they perform different in different
00:04:11.490 00:04:11.500 environments all those criteria that we
00:04:13.800 00:04:13.810 just mentioned in a circuit design have
00:04:16.110 00:04:16.120 to be taken into consideration and then
00:04:17.969 00:04:17.979 the material itself stands up to those
00:04:21.149 00:04:21.159 particular things so that electronics
00:04:23.339 00:04:23.349 engineer would pick the style of
00:04:25.500 00:04:25.510 capacitor needed to fulfill a particular
00:04:29.540 00:04:29.550 need so let's bring that whole concept
00:04:32.059 00:04:32.069 to a guitar first of all let's talk
00:04:34.460 00:04:34.470 about why particular capacitors were
00:04:36.830 00:04:36.840 used in guitars at particular times we
00:04:39.589 00:04:39.599 think of the vintage guitar having a
00:04:42.439 00:04:42.449 paper and oil capacitor in it why
00:04:44.890 00:04:44.900 because just like anything else in the
00:04:48.080 00:04:48.090 guitar industry at the very beginning
00:04:49.999 00:04:50.009 they were basically just using stuff
00:04:51.710 00:04:51.720 they had so cloth wire for bond for the
00:04:54.740 00:04:54.750 bobbins and the pickups butyrate for the
00:04:57.260 00:04:57.270 bobbins and the pickups all those things
00:04:59.719 00:04:59.729 were not made even the wood choices were
00:05:02.420 00:05:02.430 not made because who I'm gonna is gonna
00:05:05.210 00:05:05.220 make some sort of tone and in 50 years
00:05:07.399 00:05:07.409 everybody's gonna want this
00:05:09.020 00:05:09.030 it was literally because it's what they
00:05:10.430 00:05:10.440 had on a shelf it's what the head
00:05:11.960 00:05:11.970 available paper and oil caps for
00:05:14.120 00:05:14.130 instance were the norm because in the
00:05:17.300 00:05:17.310 40s and 50s
00:05:18.230 00:05:18.240 basically all audio processing circuits
00:05:23.029 00:05:23.039 or tube-based so you had 400 volt plate
00:05:27.320 00:05:27.330 voltages you had 2 to 3 amps of current
00:05:29.899 00:05:29.909 or maybe more or less depending on what
00:05:32.719 00:05:32.729 you were doing but that created a lot of
00:05:35.300 00:05:35.310 heat so they had to have some sort of
00:05:37.670 00:05:37.680 capacitor that would process that much
00:05:40.249 00:05:40.259 heat so when you take a piece of paper
00:05:42.020 00:05:42.030 and you roll it up with electrodes in it
00:05:44.420 00:05:44.430 and you put oil in there it stays cooler
00:05:47.059 00:05:47.069 that's why paper and oil was invented
00:05:49.580 00:05:49.590 you fast forward 40 50 years and there's
00:05:53.390 00:05:53.400 other stuff that does exactly the same
00:05:55.279 00:05:55.289 thing and keeps up with heat and doesn't
00:05:57.890 00:05:57.900 blow up and doesn't burn and more
00:06:00.230 00:06:00.240 importantly stays within tolerance at
00:06:03.230 00:06:03.240 the extended areas of its heat range
00:06:06.230 00:06:06.240 that's why paper oil was used Becht it's
00:06:09.110 00:06:09.120 not because it's sound a certain way
00:06:10.610 00:06:10.620 it's because it's what they had the
00:06:12.769 00:06:12.779 capacitance is exactly the same point
00:06:15.800 00:06:15.810 low to 2 is 0.02 to in a paper and oil a
00:06:18.589 00:06:18.599 ceramic an orange drop it doesn't matter
00:06:21.709 00:06:21.719 the capacitance does not change and you
00:06:24.680 00:06:24.690 could say well yeah but the dielectric
00:06:27.320 00:06:27.330 material means that it charges up slower
00:06:29.540 00:06:29.550 and faster no that's the value that's
00:06:32.809 00:06:32.819 the the number on the side that's the
00:06:34.879 00:06:34.889 value and you could say well yeah but a
00:06:37.219 00:06:37.229 no paper and oil behaves differently
00:06:39.700 00:06:39.710 because no here's why the
00:06:43.189 00:06:43.199 difference in capacitor design is for
00:06:45.850 00:06:45.860 different environments heat voltage
00:06:48.619 00:06:48.629 current and frequency tolerance of a 12o
00:06:52.610 00:06:52.620 and very narrow tolerance are all things
00:06:55.040 00:06:55.050 that we do not have in a guitar the
00:06:56.869 00:06:56.879 easiest way to illustrate this would be
00:06:58.519 00:06:58.529 if you put an orange drop or a paper and
00:07:01.550 00:07:01.560 oil cap in a guitar it would read what
00:07:03.980 00:07:03.990 it reads and it would do what it does if
00:07:06.350 00:07:06.360 you held a lighter to that and you heat
00:07:09.409 00:07:09.419 it up to 400 degrees or 700 degrees or
00:07:12.860 00:07:12.870 whatever the limit of it was depending
00:07:15.200 00:07:15.210 on what it says on the side the
00:07:16.610 00:07:16.620 performance would change that is the
00:07:19.249 00:07:19.259 difference when a capacitor is at its
00:07:21.860 00:07:21.870 limit of performance its performance can
00:07:24.290 00:07:24.300 change its ability to stay within its
00:07:27.649 00:07:27.659 performance parameters at its extreme of
00:07:31.420 00:07:31.430 environment these the difference between
00:07:34.100 00:07:34.110 capacitor it's not the capacitance it is
00:07:37.939 00:07:37.949 a thing it is a passive thing now here's
00:07:40.850 00:07:40.860 the interesting part about a guitar
00:07:41.929 00:07:41.939 circuit you have a coil you have a
00:07:45.050 00:07:45.060 resistor which is the pot and you have a
00:07:46.909 00:07:46.919 capacitor all working in unison you have
00:07:49.429 00:07:49.439 the capacitance of the guitar cable you
00:07:51.469 00:07:51.479 have all those things working together
00:07:52.939 00:07:52.949 kind of talking to each other working in
00:07:55.839 00:07:55.849 reacting to each other as a circuit
00:07:58.760 00:07:58.770 don't look at the capacitor as doing its
00:08:01.070 00:08:01.080 own thing look at it as the rest of the
00:08:03.619 00:08:03.629 hole and you will quickly find out that
00:08:05.839 00:08:05.849 a paper in oil versus a orange drop
00:08:08.689 00:08:08.699 don't make any difference because all
00:08:11.360 00:08:11.370 this other stuff is what is making the
00:08:13.189 00:08:13.199 difference it's as simple as that
00:08:14.540 00:08:14.550 there's no reason to spend $17 for a
00:08:19.070 00:08:19.080 capacitor none whatsoever
00:08:21.170 00:08:21.180 in fact there is even more reason to not
00:08:25.850 00:08:25.860 use vintage parts in your guitar because
00:08:29.149 00:08:29.159 here's why people get so freaked out
00:08:32.089 00:08:32.099 about this they go ahead play a 1950s
00:08:34.670 00:08:34.680 Les Paul or 1960s Les Paul with paper
00:08:37.370 00:08:37.380 and all caps in it and they go oh man
00:08:39.019 00:08:39.029 those Spragg vitamin Q's sounds so
00:08:41.180 00:08:41.190 amazing that capacitor is blah blah blah
00:08:43.550 00:08:43.560 so here's what happens in a paper
00:08:44.960 00:08:44.970 capacitor as it gets older it drifts
00:08:48.290 00:08:48.300 from its original value the resistance
00:08:51.350 00:08:51.360 Rises and it sounds different better in
00:08:53.960 00:08:53.970 some people's
00:08:55.280 00:08:55.290 so an old capacitor sounds different
00:08:58.070 00:08:58.080 than a new one simple as that
00:08:59.600 00:08:59.610 that doesn't mean that you can go put a
00:09:01.400 00:09:01.410 capacitor in your guitar today and it
00:09:03.920 00:09:03.930 have it sound like a 1950s capacitor
00:09:05.990 00:09:06.000 because you can't make old and it's
00:09:07.970 00:09:07.980 actually not a desirable thing it's a
00:09:10.280 00:09:10.290 failure that just kind of sounds good to
00:09:12.889 00:09:12.899 some people but that doesn't make it a
00:09:15.290 00:09:15.300 better capacitor than another it just
00:09:17.600 00:09:17.610 makes that guitar sound a certain way
00:09:19.610 00:09:19.620 because that a particular capacitor has
00:09:21.829 00:09:21.839 aged in that way it's not that you can
00:09:24.740 00:09:24.750 actually duplicate it it's very
00:09:26.480 00:09:26.490 interesting
00:09:27.079 00:09:27.089 in fact we sell oil-filled capacitors on
00:09:29.360 00:09:29.370 our website they're not as expensive as
00:09:31.400 00:09:31.410 some of the crazy ones but we also use
00:09:34.400 00:09:34.410 mylar and oil instead of paper oil
00:09:36.530 00:09:36.540 because they last better they don't
00:09:38.570 00:09:38.580 break down if you have any questions
00:09:39.980 00:09:39.990 about this capacitor stuff if you want
00:09:41.630 00:09:41.640 to fight about it in the comments please
00:09:42.949 00:09:42.959 be nice we will delete obscenity and all
00:09:45.380 00:09:45.390 that sort of stuff I'm just you know
00:09:46.910 00:09:46.920 we're nice around here so have a
00:09:49.220 00:09:49.230 conversation in there in the comments
00:09:51.290 00:09:51.300 and let me know what capacitors you use
00:09:54.019 00:09:54.029 and yeah this is an interesting one I've
00:09:58.100 00:09:58.110 put it off for a long time this is like
00:10:00.260 00:10:00.270 take 10 I've been trying to figure out a
00:10:03.110 00:10:03.120 way to like put this into words because
00:10:08.800 00:10:08.810 you know that people argue about it all
00:10:11.269 00:10:11.279 the time do me a favor hit the subscribe
00:10:12.949 00:10:12.959 button hit the bell a little next to it
00:10:15.530 00:10:15.540 and make sure that you watch the next
00:10:17.569 00:10:17.579 video I'm Dylan stalks tone thanks for
00:10:19.760 00:10:19.770 hanging out
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