/ News & Press / Video / Black Spot Rose Disease – Treatment _ Die Black - Save Rose Plant
Black Spot Rose Disease – Treatment _ Die Black - Save Rose Plant
WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en
00:00:11.280 --> 00:00:15.230 First of all, you must know what actually these black spots are. 00:00:15.230 --> 00:00:20.750 They are actually a fungal disease typically caused from moist and cooler weather. 00:00:20.750 --> 00:00:27.220 Blackspot disease is one of the most common diseases of rose bushes; and, if left unchecked, 00:00:27.220 --> 00:00:31.670 it can cause quite a bit of damage to your rose plants. 00:00:31.670 --> 00:00:38.780 The causative organism is the fungus Diplocarpon rosae. 00:00:38.780 --> 00:00:44.140 Black spot rose disease is characterized by black spots on the upper side of leaves. 00:00:44.140 --> 00:00:49.530 This Fungus spreads quickly and can move from plant to plant if intervention is not done 00:00:49.530 --> 00:00:50.559 quickly. 00:00:50.559 --> 00:00:55.989 So, these are the 5 important steps to control black spot rose disease. 00:00:55.989 --> 00:00:57.239 1. 00:00:57.239 --> 00:01:02.020 Location: Carefully Choosing Your Rose Garden location is very important to prevent the 00:01:02.020 --> 00:01:04.110 development and spread of this fungus. 00:01:04.110 --> 00:01:11.030 Choose a location which receives Atleast 6-8 hours of direct sunlight and preferably morning 00:01:11.030 --> 00:01:15.950 sunlight is best so that the night time dew dries out early. 00:01:15.950 --> 00:01:20.670 Also there should be enough air circulation around the plants. 00:01:20.670 --> 00:01:22.009 2. 00:01:22.009 --> 00:01:26.780 Soil: Water should not stagnate around the plant at any cost. 00:01:26.780 --> 00:01:32.110 So make sure you have a well draining soil for your potted plant. 00:01:32.110 --> 00:01:33.110 3. 00:01:33.110 --> 00:01:37.409 Watering Frequency and method should be appropriate. 00:01:37.409 --> 00:01:42.220 Watering early morning is best way to prevent fungus so that the leaves dry out quickly 00:01:42.220 --> 00:01:46.719 rather than leaving them wet overnight by watering in the evenings. 00:01:46.719 --> 00:01:51.469 The first three steps I discussed are mainly preventive measures and also a part of treatment 00:01:51.469 --> 00:01:54.829 of this black spot fungus in rose plants. 00:01:54.829 --> 00:01:59.880 Now moving on to the two most important steps for actual treatment or the complete removal 00:01:59.880 --> 00:02:01.649 of this problem. 00:02:01.649 --> 00:02:03.119 4. 00:02:03.119 --> 00:02:09.880 Pruning: If your black spot disease is not so extensive, so soft pruning or remove only 00:02:09.880 --> 00:02:11.530 the affected leaves. 00:02:11.530 --> 00:02:16.900 Trim off all the affected leaves and branches and keep them away and dispose them safely 00:02:16.900 --> 00:02:19.590 so that your other plants should not get infected. 00:02:19.590 --> 00:02:23.409 Better use a trash bag and dispose them. 00:02:23.409 --> 00:02:24.590 5. 00:02:24.590 --> 00:02:29.340 Now before moving on to the actual remedy for black spot rose disease, we should understand 00:02:29.340 --> 00:02:33.680 the pattern of this black spot or brown spot rose disease: 00:02:33.680 --> 00:02:38.400 � They are Circular black spots or brown spots on the leaves. 00:02:38.400 --> 00:02:43.659 � The lower leaves tend to be infected first, and then it spreads quickly to the whole plant. 00:02:43.659 --> 00:02:45.739 � The leaves then turn yellow and fall off. 00:02:45.739 --> 00:02:55.360 � Then eventually the plant becomes weaker and it either blooms less or stops blooming. 00:02:55.360 --> 00:03:00.530 Many recommend spraying with broad spectrum chemical fungicides like imidacloprid, mancozeb 00:03:00.530 --> 00:03:11.100 which is a component of SAAF powder and other like trifloxystrobin, Ziram, chlorothalonil 00:03:11.100 --> 00:03:12.580 and many others. 00:03:12.580 --> 00:03:17.340 Even Copper and Sulfur fungicides work great for black spot rose disease treatment. 00:03:17.340 --> 00:03:25.980 I think you can reserve this if your conventional organic treatment fails. 00:03:25.980 --> 00:03:32.569 What I recommend is an Organic Solution � that is NEEM OIL SPRAY. 00:03:32.569 --> 00:03:41.189 5ml neem oil in 1 liter of water weekly twice for 2 weeks and then maintenance dose of atleast 00:03:41.189 --> 00:03:44.980 monthly once or once in 15 days. 00:03:44.980 --> 00:03:46.381 CHECK DETAILED VIDEO HERE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6TtdKGIE-0 00:03:46.381 --> 00:03:47.381 So, there we have it folks. 00:03:47.381 --> 00:03:51.000 That was a quick gardening tutorial on how to cure black spot rose disease. 00:03:51.000 --> 00:03:52.701 Please gimme a thumbs up if you like the video. 00:03:52.701 --> 00:03:56.129 Share the video and comment your feedback below. 00:03:56.129 --> 00:03:58.629 Consider subscribing to the channel if you are new to the channel. 00:03:58.629 --> 00:03:59.050 Happy Gardening.
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