Boiler tube failures in Eskom coal fired power stations

Kind: captions
Language: en

s gone cold
00:00:10.220 00:00:10.230 stations these giant power stations are
00:00:13.579 00:00:13.589 familiar landmarks on the Mpumalanga
00:00:15.769 00:00:15.779 high felt and in Limpopo 13 operational
00:00:19.040 00:00:19.050 power plants make up nearly 85% of s
00:00:22.310 00:00:22.320 combs generating capacity to new power
00:00:25.069 00:00:25.079 stations are currently under
00:00:26.419 00:00:26.429 construction
00:00:27.279 00:00:27.289 towering over a hundred and ten meters
00:00:29.900 00:00:29.910 above the foundations one can clearly
00:00:32.540 00:00:32.550 see the six boiler houses that shape the
00:00:34.910 00:00:34.920 horizon
00:00:35.630 00:00:35.640 within these weatherproof enclosures are
00:00:37.970 00:00:37.980 the boilers themselves boilers are
00:00:41.119 00:00:41.129 highly complex machines that convert the
00:00:43.490 00:00:43.500 chemical energy contained in the coal to
00:00:45.889 00:00:45.899 kinetic energy in the steam this steam
00:00:48.740 00:00:48.750 is then piped to the turbo generators
00:00:51.139 00:00:51.149 where this energy is transformed to
00:00:53.450 00:00:53.460 electrical energy or electricity as we
00:00:56.420 00:00:56.430 know it boilers are manufactured
00:00:59.180 00:00:59.190 entirely of steel tubes that are welded
00:01:01.700 00:01:01.710 together over 650 kilometers of tubing
00:01:05.210 00:01:05.220 is used in a modern boiler the
00:01:07.700 00:01:07.710 evaporator tubes are arranged to form a
00:01:09.919 00:01:09.929 gas tight container or furnace enclosure
00:01:12.639 00:01:12.649 this is where the combustion of the coal
00:01:15.139 00:01:15.149 takes place within this furnace the
00:01:18.499 00:01:18.509 tubes of the economizer
00:01:20.029 00:01:20.039 super heaters and re heaters are
00:01:22.040 00:01:22.050 arranged to absorb the maximum amount of
00:01:24.680 00:01:24.690 heat from the combustion process our
00:01:27.169 00:01:27.179 boilers are more than 90 percent
00:01:29.029 00:01:29.039 effective in achieving this
00:01:30.499 00:01:30.509 transformation of energy boilers are
00:01:33.740 00:01:33.750 constructed from the top down on site
00:01:35.870 00:01:35.880 therefore they cannot be replaced
00:01:38.359 00:01:38.369 modular replacements are also not
00:01:40.790 00:01:40.800 possible because of heat exchangers have
00:01:43.130 00:01:43.140 to be replaced they have to be cut out
00:01:45.290 00:01:45.300 tube for tube and reassembled inside the
00:01:48.440 00:01:48.450 boiler
00:01:50.870 00:01:50.880 it follows that they have to be
00:01:53.330 00:01:53.340 maintained to continue to function
00:01:55.039 00:01:55.049 effectively to the end of the station's
00:01:57.469 00:01:57.479 life process description two different
00:02:02.240 00:02:02.250 processes take place in a boiler firstly
00:02:05.480 00:02:05.490 the combustion process where the energy
00:02:08.300 00:02:08.310 in the coal is converted to heat this is
00:02:11.059 00:02:11.069 achieved by grinding the coal to a fine
00:02:13.340 00:02:13.350 powder heating air and then using fans
00:02:16.460 00:02:16.470 to blow this hot air and coal powder
00:02:18.559 00:02:18.569 into the furnace this coal ignites to
00:02:22.610 00:02:22.620 form an intense flame that can reach
00:02:24.680 00:02:24.690 temperatures of up to 1600 degrees
00:02:27.080 00:02:27.090 Celsius the coal burnt in our power
00:02:30.530 00:02:30.540 stations is of the worst quality in the
00:02:32.720 00:02:32.730 world and contains up to 48% ash ash is
00:02:36.770 00:02:36.780 the common name for the in combustible
00:02:38.960 00:02:38.970 mineral matter contained in the coal
00:02:40.729 00:02:40.739 these minerals take no part in the
00:02:43.220 00:02:43.230 combustion process but cause extensive
00:02:45.500 00:02:45.510 wear to the mills and tubes as they are
00:02:47.780 00:02:47.790 highly abrasive our coals are also
00:02:50.960 00:02:50.970 slower to burn than northern hemisphere
00:02:53.000 00:02:53.010 coals for this reason our boilers have
00:02:57.110 00:02:57.120 to be built much taller to allow more
00:02:59.509 00:02:59.519 time for the coal to burn out the second
00:03:02.990 00:03:03.000 process is heat transfer this is where
00:03:06.319 00:03:06.329 the heat from the burning coal is
00:03:07.940 00:03:07.950 absorbed by water to generate steam
00:03:10.690 00:03:10.700 boiler designers ensure that the maximum
00:03:13.759 00:03:13.769 heat is absorbed by the steam from the
00:03:15.740 00:03:15.750 hot gases passing over them one way they
00:03:19.069 00:03:19.079 achieve this is by spacing the tube
00:03:21.349 00:03:21.359 elements close together currently less
00:03:24.470 00:03:24.480 than 10 percent of heat is wasted in
00:03:26.660 00:03:26.670 this process the heat transfer process
00:03:30.650 00:03:30.660 starts where demineralized water is
00:03:32.660 00:03:32.670 pumped into the economy xur water is
00:03:35.900 00:03:35.910 preheated by waste heat from the furnace
00:03:38.289 00:03:38.299 next it flows upward through the
00:03:40.880 00:03:40.890 evaporator radiant heat from the
00:03:43.610 00:03:43.620 combusting coal is absorbed here and
00:03:45.530 00:03:45.540 about halfway up this wall the water
00:03:48.140 00:03:48.150 turns into steam steam is then piped to
00:03:52.009 00:03:52.019 the first stage super heater directly
00:03:54.470 00:03:54.480 above the furnace more heat gets
00:03:57.949 00:03:57.959 absorbed here steam then gets fed
00:04:00.890 00:04:00.900 through to the second stage super heater
00:04:03.520 00:04:03.530 both these super heaters consist of
00:04:05.830 00:04:05.840 hundreds of tubes running from the front
00:04:08.050 00:04:08.060 to the back of the boiler in a
00:04:09.820 00:04:09.830 serpentine manner this high-pressure
00:04:13.030 00:04:13.040 steam is then piped to the third stage
00:04:15.699 00:04:15.709 super heater where it is heated to the
00:04:18.009 00:04:18.019 design temperature of 564 degrees
00:04:20.830 00:04:20.840 Celsius the steam is finally piped to
00:04:24.159 00:04:24.169 the high-pressure turbine where some of
00:04:26.470 00:04:26.480 the work is done to drive the generator
00:04:28.800 00:04:28.810 the cooler lower pressure steam is then
00:04:32.409 00:04:32.419 returned to the boiler where the reheat
00:04:34.540 00:04:34.550 --is again heated up to 572 degrees
00:04:37.630 00:04:37.640 Celsius and is again piped all the way
00:04:40.840 00:04:40.850 back to the intermediate and low
00:04:42.880 00:04:42.890 pressure turbines where the rest of the
00:04:44.770 00:04:44.780 work is done to drive the generator what
00:04:48.370 00:04:48.380 can go wrong as with any pressurized
00:04:52.600 00:04:52.610 system containing potentially dangerous
00:04:54.370 00:04:54.380 substances any leak or failure in such a
00:04:57.490 00:04:57.500 system is regarded as a risk the
00:05:00.520 00:05:00.530 severity of the failure will guide the
00:05:02.440 00:05:02.450 actions to be taken to deal with it in
00:05:05.170 00:05:05.180 boilers the failure itself presents as a
00:05:08.110 00:05:08.120 tube that bursts or cracks and high
00:05:10.690 00:05:10.700 pressure high temperature water or steam
00:05:12.909 00:05:12.919 escapes in Eskom 70% of tube failures
00:05:17.290 00:05:17.300 result in a forced outage boiler tube
00:05:21.010 00:05:21.020 failures are the leading single cause of
00:05:22.960 00:05:22.970 unavailability in generation and in the
00:05:25.960 00:05:25.970 rest of the world the contribution of
00:05:28.570 00:05:28.580 boiler tube failures to the system
00:05:30.279 00:05:30.289 unavailability has been as high as 50%
00:05:32.920 00:05:32.930 in a month but the average has decreased
00:05:35.680 00:05:35.690 steadily from 30% in 2008 and is
00:05:39.100 00:05:39.110 currently hovering around 20% in the
00:05:42.370 00:05:42.380 last financial year 159 tube failures
00:05:45.790 00:05:45.800 occurred on the 79 boilers in service
00:05:49.020 00:05:49.030 boiler tube failures are classified in
00:05:51.850 00:05:51.860 terms of their failure mechanisms when
00:05:54.820 00:05:54.830 analysing the boiler tube failure
00:05:56.680 00:05:56.690 statistics over the past eight years it
00:05:59.200 00:05:59.210 can be seen that there are six failure
00:06:01.390 00:06:01.400 mechanisms that dominate and therefore
00:06:03.880 00:06:03.890 are the primary focus of the boiler tube
00:06:06.370 00:06:06.380 failure reduction program fly ash
00:06:10.120 00:06:10.130 erosion welding defects and overheating
00:06:13.300 00:06:13.310 failure mechanisms will be discussed
00:06:15.719 00:06:15.729 flaw
00:06:16.790 00:06:16.800 i Ashe erosion fly-ash erosion failures
00:06:20.420 00:06:20.430 can be caused by one or a combination of
00:06:22.909 00:06:22.919 the following poor or deteriorating coal
00:06:26.180 00:06:26.190 quality or an increase in ash content
00:06:28.430 00:06:28.440 high peak velocities within the boiler
00:06:31.189 00:06:31.199 caused by design deficiencies poor
00:06:33.860 00:06:33.870 workmanship relating to tube alignment
00:06:35.990 00:06:36.000 and the maintenance of flow correction
00:06:38.029 00:06:38.039 screens in adequate testing and
00:06:40.640 00:06:40.650 inspection plan or inadequate
00:06:42.619 00:06:42.629 engineering assessment of the plant
00:06:44.270 00:06:44.280 condition these failures usually occur
00:06:47.570 00:06:47.580 in the economizer and the first stage
00:06:49.909 00:06:49.919 reheater
00:06:50.659 00:06:50.669 or between the two bends and the water
00:06:53.689 00:06:53.699 walls the failure has a fish mouth
00:06:56.629 00:06:56.639 appearance and consequential damage is
00:06:58.909 00:06:58.919 usually extensive due to the mass of
00:07:01.430 00:07:01.440 water or the steam that escapes and
00:07:03.409 00:07:03.419 which damages adjacent tubing welding or
00:07:07.520 00:07:07.530 repair defects welding defects are
00:07:10.790 00:07:10.800 introduced during the welding process
00:07:12.140 00:07:12.150 and over time these defects will emerge
00:07:15.350 00:07:15.360 as tube failures the majority of welding
00:07:18.770 00:07:18.780 defects are introduced during the
00:07:20.270 00:07:20.280 construction of the boiler where only
00:07:22.279 00:07:22.289 small samples of the construction worlds
00:07:24.439 00:07:24.449 are tested for defects until about 6
00:07:27.230 00:07:27.240 years ago
00:07:28.100 00:07:28.110 maintenance welds were also not fully
00:07:30.529 00:07:30.539 inspected there are a number of reasons
00:07:34.370 00:07:34.380 why welding defects can occur and as
00:07:36.980 00:07:36.990 this list is extensive only a few are
00:07:39.350 00:07:39.360 mentioned the skill of the welder the
00:07:42.230 00:07:42.240 control of welding consumables and
00:07:44.540 00:07:44.550 equipment poor supervision dirty windy
00:07:48.680 00:07:48.690 or cramped welding environment these
00:07:51.529 00:07:51.539 failures can occur anywhere in the
00:07:53.420 00:07:53.430 boiler where a weld is located thus
00:07:55.969 00:07:55.979 there are tens of thousands of potential
00:07:57.800 00:07:57.810 failure locations in each boiler these
00:08:01.159 00:08:01.169 failures usually result in a small crack
00:08:03.529 00:08:03.539 or pinhole if these failures are
00:08:06.320 00:08:06.330 detected soon and if their consequences
00:08:08.600 00:08:08.610 can be evaluated the boiler could
00:08:10.790 00:08:10.800 continue steaming for some time before
00:08:12.890 00:08:12.900 having to shut it down however the
00:08:15.800 00:08:15.810 majority of the leaks caused adjacent
00:08:17.689 00:08:17.699 tubes to rupture and an urgent shutdown
00:08:19.969 00:08:19.979 is required long and short-term
00:08:23.029 00:08:23.039 overheating long-term overheating
00:08:26.209 00:08:26.219 failures occur because the tube has
00:08:28.040 00:08:28.050 reached the end of its life this
00:08:30.300 00:08:30.310 happens after 200,000 to 300,000
00:08:33.030 00:08:33.040 operating hours the material becomes
00:08:36.060 00:08:36.070 brittle and can no longer contain the
00:08:38.250 00:08:38.260 steam pressure it is important to
00:08:40.500 00:08:40.510 establish whether the failure was
00:08:42.210 00:08:42.220 premature or not an engineering and
00:08:45.540 00:08:45.550 metallurgical investigation is required
00:08:47.520 00:08:47.530 to establish the root cause of premature
00:08:50.040 00:08:50.050 failure short-term overheating failures
00:08:53.670 00:08:53.680 on the other hand occur because the tube
00:08:55.950 00:08:55.960 has quickly reached a temperature high
00:08:57.960 00:08:57.970 enough to soften the tube and it bursts
00:09:00.800 00:09:00.810 the most probable causes of these
00:09:03.210 00:09:03.220 failures are exposure to temperatures
00:09:05.400 00:09:05.410 higher than design over a long period or
00:09:08.060 00:09:08.070 exposure to sudden overheating due to a
00:09:11.070 00:09:11.080 flow blockage tube starvation or
00:09:13.440 00:09:13.450 excessive firing long-term overheating
00:09:17.640 00:09:17.650 failures usually occur in the third
00:09:19.530 00:09:19.540 stage superheater
00:09:20.850 00:09:20.860 due to it having the hottest tubes in
00:09:23.070 00:09:23.080 the boiler the failure usually has a
00:09:26.430 00:09:26.440 thick edged fish mouth appearance a
00:09:28.680 00:09:28.690 crack or it can be a clean break the
00:09:32.460 00:09:32.470 consequential damage is usually
00:09:33.860 00:09:33.870 extensive not only from steam washing
00:09:36.930 00:09:36.940 but because of mechanical damage caused
00:09:39.300 00:09:39.310 when these ruptured tubes swing about
00:09:41.340 00:09:41.350 inside the boiler and breaking other
00:09:43.440 00:09:43.450 tubes as they whip around short-term
00:09:47.220 00:09:47.230 overheating failures can occur anywhere
00:09:49.380 00:09:49.390 in the boiler but are most prevalent in
00:09:51.660 00:09:51.670 the water walls the final stage super
00:09:54.120 00:09:54.130 heaters or final reheater
00:09:57.560 00:09:57.570 tube leak detection early detection of a
00:10:01.710 00:10:01.720 boiler tube failure is essential to
00:10:04.140 00:10:04.150 minimize the extent of consequential
00:10:06.030 00:10:06.040 damage if this is achieved the offline
00:10:09.210 00:10:09.220 time required to repair the failure is
00:10:11.430 00:10:11.440 largely reduced a power station is a
00:10:14.880 00:10:14.890 noisy place and it is impossible to hear
00:10:17.820 00:10:17.830 a tube link unless you are standing
00:10:19.800 00:10:19.810 right next to an open boiler manhole
00:10:23.020 00:10:23.030 to overcome this problem all the espen
00:10:25.870 00:10:25.880 boilers have been equipped with tube
00:10:27.610 00:10:27.620 leak detection equipment this system
00:10:30.340 00:10:30.350 consists of microphones fitted at
00:10:32.230 00:10:32.240 openings around the boiler at various
00:10:34.660 00:10:34.670 levels that are connected to a processor
00:10:36.970 00:10:36.980 that listens specifically for the
00:10:39.040 00:10:39.050 hissing sounds of a boiler tube leak the
00:10:43.060 00:10:43.070 information for each microphone is
00:10:44.890 00:10:44.900 processed continuously and is presented
00:10:47.740 00:10:47.750 to the operator in the form of a bar
00:10:49.840 00:10:49.850 chart on a separate display in the
00:10:51.790 00:10:51.800 control room normal conditions are
00:10:54.460 00:10:54.470 indicated by green columns and allow is
00:10:57.700 00:10:57.710 received when one of the microphones
00:10:59.770 00:10:59.780 picks up a higher noise level and this
00:11:02.350 00:11:02.360 is displayed on the screen as an orange
00:11:04.570 00:11:04.580 column an audible alarm is also sounded
00:11:07.840 00:11:07.850 to draw the operators attention to the
00:11:10.120 00:11:10.130 problem operators have been trained to
00:11:14.320 00:11:14.330 respond to this alarm by carrying out a
00:11:16.630 00:11:16.640 series of cross checks with other
00:11:18.490 00:11:18.500 instrumentation to see if there are any
00:11:20.710 00:11:20.720 other signs of a leak an operator is
00:11:23.590 00:11:23.600 also sent to the boiler to look and
00:11:25.990 00:11:26.000 listen for any telltale signs if a
00:11:29.440 00:11:29.450 boiler tube leak is confirmed a decision
00:11:31.900 00:11:31.910 to shut the unit down is given by the
00:11:33.880 00:11:33.890 responsible person on-site following
00:11:36.340 00:11:36.350 discussion with system operations and
00:11:38.350 00:11:38.360 the divisional executive generation how
00:11:43.329 00:11:43.339 do we repair boiler tube failures
00:11:46.079 00:11:46.089 unplanned outages have a negative effect
00:11:48.880 00:11:48.890 on the National Grid and detailed
00:11:50.680 00:11:50.690 procedures have been compiled to ensure
00:11:52.900 00:11:52.910 that each phase of the repair is carried
00:11:54.940 00:11:54.950 out the shutdown and forced cooling once
00:11:59.740 00:11:59.750 operating personnel have to shut down
00:12:01.720 00:12:01.730 the boiler in accordance with safe
00:12:03.700 00:12:03.710 operating practices the boiler is then
00:12:06.400 00:12:06.410 forced cooled with the forced draft fans
00:12:08.980 00:12:08.990 at a safe rate during cooling engineers
00:12:12.700 00:12:12.710 and maintenance staff carry out planning
00:12:14.680 00:12:14.690 to ensure that when the boiler is opened
00:12:17.050 00:12:17.060 repairs take place safely and in the
00:12:19.690 00:12:19.700 shortest possible time
00:12:21.010 00:12:21.020 once cool enough gas tests are conducted
00:12:23.860 00:12:23.870 to ensure that there are no dangerous
00:12:25.870 00:12:25.880 gases present inside the boiler if clear
00:12:29.110 00:12:29.120 a permit is issued to allow persons to
00:12:31.660 00:12:31.670 enter it can be seen that the only way
00:12:35.350 00:12:35.360 to enter a boiler a
00:12:36.879 00:12:36.889 through manholes the size of car wheels
00:12:39.030 00:12:39.040 all equipment spare tubing and personnel
00:12:42.579 00:12:42.589 have to pass through the small opening
00:12:44.669 00:12:44.679 if the location of the tube leak is not
00:12:47.979 00:12:47.989 safely accessible a scaffolding team
00:12:50.379 00:12:50.389 will immediately start building
00:12:51.939 00:12:51.949 platforms inside the boiler to ensure
00:12:54.460 00:12:54.470 safe access to the inspection team a
00:12:57.900 00:12:57.910 small team will then enter the boiler to
00:13:01.090 00:13:01.100 find the tube leak and carry out an
00:13:03.099 00:13:03.109 investigation to determine the failure
00:13:05.409 00:13:05.419 mechanism and most probable root cause
00:13:08.849 00:13:08.859 inspectors also carry out ultrasonic
00:13:11.289 00:13:11.299 tube thickness measurements to identify
00:13:13.929 00:13:13.939 those tubes that have been eroded by
00:13:16.059 00:13:16.069 steam or water and which also have to be
00:13:18.729 00:13:18.739 replaced the repair with the scope of
00:13:25.210 00:13:25.220 work finalized the maintenance team will
00:13:27.609 00:13:27.619 commence repairs in some cases the
00:13:30.639 00:13:30.649 failure location is not accessible and
00:13:32.919 00:13:32.929 perfectly good tubes have to be cut out
00:13:35.470 00:13:35.480 to gain access to the damaged area once
00:13:39.069 00:13:39.079 the damage has been repaired the tubes
00:13:41.289 00:13:41.299 that were removed have to be welded back
00:13:43.419 00:13:43.429 into place the quality of the repairs is
00:13:47.619 00:13:47.629 of utmost importance
00:13:49.299 00:13:49.309 each world is x-rayed and the x-rays
00:13:52.629 00:13:52.639 have to be signed off by a competent
00:13:54.699 00:13:54.709 person if the x-rays reveal defects in
00:13:58.210 00:13:58.220 the welds the tube is cut out and re
00:14:00.939 00:14:00.949 welded and the quality checks have to be
00:14:03.340 00:14:03.350 repeated tube samples of the failed
00:14:06.429 00:14:06.439 tubes are sent to our metallurgical
00:14:08.650 00:14:08.660 laboratory to confirm the failure
00:14:10.600 00:14:10.610 mechanism the inspection authority
00:14:13.019 00:14:13.029 acting on behalf of the factory's
00:14:15.249 00:14:15.259 inspector has to apply his stamp of
00:14:17.679 00:14:17.689 approval of all work carried out on the
00:14:20.139 00:14:20.149 boiler operating personnel then commence
00:14:24.400 00:14:24.410 preparing the boiler and the rest of the
00:14:26.470 00:14:26.480 unit to return to service
00:14:29.950 00:14:29.960 returning the unit to service
00:14:33.510 00:14:33.520 they remove all the isolations carry out
00:14:37.139 00:14:37.149 complete plant inspections according to
00:14:39.300 00:14:39.310 checklists and provide management with
00:14:41.850 00:14:41.860 the assurance that the unit is safe to
00:14:43.860 00:14:43.870 return to service once the final
00:14:46.560 00:14:46.570 approval has been given the boiler has
00:14:49.110 00:14:49.120 to be filled with water the air supply
00:14:51.449 00:14:51.459 established and oil burners put into
00:14:54.210 00:14:54.220 service to heat the boiler up to a point
00:14:56.400 00:14:56.410 where it is safe to allow coal firing
00:14:59.510 00:14:59.520 once steam is produced the turbine can
00:15:02.760 00:15:02.770 be started up the average offline time
00:15:05.730 00:15:05.740 to repair a boiler tube failure in Eskom
00:15:08.280 00:15:08.290 is currently 63 hours what is being done
00:15:12.840 00:15:12.850 to reduce boiler tube failures Eskom has
00:15:17.070 00:15:17.080 one of the most comprehensive boiler
00:15:18.810 00:15:18.820 tube failure reduction and cycle
00:15:20.940 00:15:20.950 chemistry improvement programs in the
00:15:22.920 00:15:22.930 world a basic program was established in
00:15:25.800 00:15:25.810 1994 which yielded excellent results
00:15:28.889 00:15:28.899 this program was reintroduced and
00:15:31.320 00:15:31.330 further enhanced on request of mr.
00:15:33.870 00:15:33.880 Thomas in May 2008 and was compiled by a
00:15:37.590 00:15:37.600 team of s coms boiler metallurgical and
00:15:40.319 00:15:40.329 chemistry specialists who are recognized
00:15:42.780 00:15:42.790 for their knowledge and expertise the
00:15:45.660 00:15:45.670 program is based on the Electric Power
00:15:47.730 00:15:47.740 Research Institute's boiler reliability
00:15:50.220 00:15:50.230 and cycle chemistry improvement models
00:15:52.590 00:15:52.600 that are applied successfully all over
00:15:54.990 00:15:55.000 the world and has been further refined
00:15:57.180 00:15:57.190 with inputs from companies such as
00:15:59.069 00:15:59.079 structural integrity associates and the
00:16:01.560 00:16:01.570 rwe engineering also determines and
00:16:05.910 00:16:05.920 verifies inspection and non-destructive
00:16:08.190 00:16:08.200 testing techniques that will detect
00:16:10.590 00:16:10.600 damaged tubing so that systematic
00:16:12.960 00:16:12.970 replacements can be planned into the
00:16:14.940 00:16:14.950 available outages
00:16:17.530 00:16:17.540 since 2008 a dedicated multidisciplinary
00:16:21.220 00:16:21.230 team of Escom specialists have been
00:16:23.470 00:16:23.480 working with the power stations to
00:16:25.210 00:16:25.220 ensure that the program is implemented
00:16:27.310 00:16:27.320 according to the directive and that a
00:16:29.860 00:16:29.870 common approach is applied throughout
00:16:31.560 00:16:31.570 the team also stays abreast with
00:16:34.210 00:16:34.220 international developments and
00:16:35.939 00:16:35.949 proactively addresses potential failure
00:16:38.559 00:16:38.569 mechanisms statistics show that the team
00:16:41.559 00:16:41.569 is continually making progress to reduce
00:16:44.350 00:16:44.360 the number of failures and increase
00:16:46.480 00:16:46.490 boiler availability they are however a
00:16:50.019 00:16:50.029 number of challenges that are slowing
00:16:51.850 00:16:51.860 progress and these are inadequate
00:16:54.790 00:16:54.800 planned outages of sufficient duration
00:16:57.040 00:16:57.050 to carry out testing and inspections to
00:16:59.410 00:16:59.420 determine deterioration rates find
00:17:02.019 00:17:02.029 damaged tubing and to execute the
00:17:04.390 00:17:04.400 required replacements or repairs the
00:17:07.150 00:17:07.160 availability of skilled engineers on
00:17:09.039 00:17:09.049 site to determine the root cause of the
00:17:11.380 00:17:11.390 failures and develop testing techniques
00:17:13.710 00:17:13.720 the poor condition of some of the
00:17:16.030 00:17:16.040 boilers overcoming these challenges will
00:17:19.539 00:17:19.549 make it possible to achieve our targeted
00:17:21.640 00:17:21.650 performance and support Eskom in
00:17:23.860 00:17:23.870 becoming one of the top 5 performing
00:17:26.260 00:17:26.270 power utilities in the world
00:17:36.090 00:17:36.100 you
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