Core Refrigeration - Evaporators

Kind: captions
Language: en

in this video we're going to be talking
00:00:02.510 00:00:02.520 a little bit more about evaporators
00:00:04.309 00:00:04.319 because this is such an important
00:00:05.990 00:00:06.000 subject
00:00:07.150 00:00:07.160 remember vaporators are one of the major
00:00:09.620 00:00:09.630 components of your refrigeration system
00:00:11.870 00:00:11.880 so it's really important we have an
00:00:13.730 00:00:13.740 understanding of the temperatures the
00:00:15.230 00:00:15.240 operation and everything having to do
00:00:17.269 00:00:17.279 with evaporators so an evaporators
00:00:20.150 00:00:20.160 function basically is to absorb heat
00:00:21.950 00:00:21.960 from the space okay what we do is we put
00:00:25.099 00:00:25.109 we pull warm air through an evaporator
00:00:27.650 00:00:27.660 warm air enters the coil the aluminum
00:00:30.740 00:00:30.750 fins are wrapped around tubes to
00:00:33.290 00:00:33.300 increase the heat transfer area the
00:00:35.479 00:00:35.489 refrigerant inside the tubing absorbs
00:00:37.760 00:00:37.770 the heat and cool air leaves the coil
00:00:39.619 00:00:39.629 because cool air is just a lack of heat
00:00:42.430 00:00:42.440 so the evaporator temperature is the
00:00:46.100 00:00:46.110 temperature the refrigerant that's
00:00:47.779 00:00:47.789 inside the refrigeration tubing inside
00:00:50.930 00:00:50.940 the tubing how do you measure evaporator
00:00:53.750 00:00:53.760 temperature determine the suction
00:00:55.939 00:00:55.949 pressure refer to your pressure or
00:00:58.099 00:00:58.109 temperature chart for that refrigerant
00:00:59.840 00:00:59.850 choose the temperature of the
00:01:01.639 00:01:01.649 refrigerant at that suction pressure
00:01:03.130 00:01:03.140 okay so to met it's basic conversion
00:01:06.980 00:01:06.990 you're changing your suction pressure
00:01:09.140 00:01:09.150 which is your low side pressure to
00:01:12.250 00:01:12.260 temperature using the appropriate chart
00:01:15.170 00:01:15.180 now temperature difference versus delta
00:01:18.050 00:01:18.060 T is pretty important in an evaporator
00:01:20.359 00:01:20.369 the temperature difference is the air
00:01:23.359 00:01:23.369 temperature entering the evaporator
00:01:25.640 00:01:25.650 minus the refrigerant temperature inside
00:01:28.760 00:01:28.770 the evaporator okay so temperature
00:01:31.700 00:01:31.710 difference is a difference between the
00:01:34.850 00:01:34.860 air temperature coming into the
00:01:37.010 00:01:37.020 evaporator and the refrigerant
00:01:39.530 00:01:39.540 temperature inside the evaporator delta
00:01:43.340 00:01:43.350 T is the difference between the air
00:01:46.819 00:01:46.829 entering the evaporator and the air
00:01:49.010 00:01:49.020 leaving the evaporator don't get the two
00:01:51.499 00:01:51.509 confused because technical support and
00:01:53.749 00:01:53.759 technical documents will sometimes list
00:01:56.719 00:01:56.729 both of these ok delta T is most often
00:02:00.230 00:02:00.240 used in air conditioning temperature
00:02:02.749 00:02:02.759 difference is most used in commercial
00:02:05.149 00:02:05.159 refrigeration so we have a typical AC
00:02:08.710 00:02:08.720 evaporator okay the air coming into the
00:02:12.559 00:02:12.569 evaporator
00:02:13.850 00:02:13.860 is 75 degrees my refrigerant or my
00:02:18.260 00:02:18.270 boiling point from my pressures is 40
00:02:21.770 00:02:21.780 degrees my temperature difference is 35
00:02:24.830 00:02:24.840 degrees the air leaving has been cooled
00:02:28.790 00:02:28.800 from 75 degrees to 55 degrees my delta T
00:02:34.130 00:02:34.140 is 20 degrees so as you can see if you
00:02:37.640 00:02:37.650 get these two confused these the
00:02:39.949 00:02:39.959 temperature difference versus the delta
00:02:41.930 00:02:41.940 T and if the technical documentation is
00:02:44.780 00:02:44.790 telling you one thing and you have
00:02:46.220 00:02:46.230 another thing you could end up in some
00:02:48.590 00:02:48.600 real issues our humidity is 50%
00:02:52.610 00:02:52.620 okay so again one of the things our
00:02:54.890 00:02:54.900 evaporator has to do is to remove
00:02:57.650 00:02:57.660 humidity so originally evaporators were
00:03:03.080 00:03:03.090 just pipes with fins gravity coils or
00:03:05.540 00:03:05.550 convection coils fans increased this
00:03:08.000 00:03:08.010 heat transfer okay he dubs absorbed
00:03:10.190 00:03:10.200 during the boiling process of
00:03:11.750 00:03:11.760 refrigerant and that's latent heat then
00:03:14.479 00:03:14.489 we increased surface area by in capacity
00:03:17.870 00:03:17.880 by folding the coils over using multi
00:03:20.810 00:03:20.820 circuit coils and we made the coils
00:03:23.449 00:03:23.459 longer and had more surface area without
00:03:25.759 00:03:25.769 increasing pressure drop okay now this
00:03:31.610 00:03:31.620 is a gravity or convection coil you have
00:03:34.490 00:03:34.500 tubes with fins you have drain pans
00:03:36.470 00:03:36.480 under them why do we need the drain pans
00:03:38.840 00:03:38.850 because the air will actually the
00:03:41.750 00:03:41.760 humidity will start accumulating on the
00:03:44.090 00:03:44.100 tubes and have to drip someplace okay
00:03:47.150 00:03:47.160 and those drain pans have to be kept
00:03:49.460 00:03:49.470 clean and they have to take the moisture
00:03:51.530 00:03:51.540 out or there's going to be a puddle on
00:03:53.120 00:03:53.130 the floor sometimes ice okay the fan
00:03:56.990 00:03:57.000 coil unit okay fans he increased the
00:04:01.070 00:04:01.080 heat transfer and this is the most
00:04:04.670 00:04:04.680 common evaporator construction copper
00:04:07.280 00:04:07.290 tubing with aluminum fins okay it's a
00:04:11.180 00:04:11.190 block almost and the fan blows air
00:04:13.550 00:04:13.560 across of it and you have your where the
00:04:16.130 00:04:16.140 black caps are here on the tubing that's
00:04:19.430 00:04:19.440 where the connections are made in for my
00:04:21.710 00:04:21.720 suction line and my liquid line it's a
00:04:26.719 00:04:26.729 single circuit
00:04:27.710 00:04:27.720 the operator okay this is a Multi
00:04:30.710 00:04:30.720 circuit evaporator notice the
00:04:32.420 00:04:32.430 distributor here okay you come in out of
00:04:35.480 00:04:35.490 your metering device the refrigerant
00:04:38.390 00:04:38.400 vapor or the flash gas gets distributed
00:04:41.240 00:04:41.250 it out and then you also have then you
00:04:46.220 00:04:46.230 also have a manifold that takes it back
00:04:49.460 00:04:49.470 to the suction line of the compressor
00:04:52.030 00:04:52.040 okay your TV is their distributor tube
00:04:55.010 00:04:55.020 to each circuit and circulator outlets
00:04:57.080 00:04:57.090 enter a suction header that come back to
00:04:59.480 00:04:59.490 the suction line they a stamped or plate
00:05:02.840 00:05:02.850 type evaporator again using distributor
00:05:05.150 00:05:05.160 notice it's plates it's not it's not
00:05:08.360 00:05:08.370 fins and tubes it's plates and it's
00:05:10.910 00:05:10.920 stamped and it the two sections are put
00:05:13.250 00:05:13.260 together okay they're used in ice
00:05:16.040 00:05:16.050 machines into cool liquids okay to
00:05:21.380 00:05:21.390 understand that evaporator temperature
00:05:23.750 00:05:23.760 difference we have to know the type of
00:05:25.850 00:05:25.860 refrigeration so air conditioning space
00:05:29.090 00:05:29.100 temperature 75 degrees evaporator
00:05:32.360 00:05:32.370 temperatures forty degrees so my
00:05:34.250 00:05:34.260 evaporator temperature is 35 degrees
00:05:38.260 00:05:38.270 okay reach-in refrigeration we have a
00:05:41.420 00:05:41.430 space temperature forty evaporator
00:05:44.060 00:05:44.070 temperature of twenty evaporator
00:05:46.969 00:05:46.979 temperature difference of twenty degrees
00:05:50.350 00:05:50.360 reach-in freezer zero Degree space
00:05:53.540 00:05:53.550 temperature evaporator temperatures
00:05:56.510 00:05:56.520 negative twenty degrees so my evaporator
00:05:59.570 00:05:59.580 temperatures 20 degrees this is because
00:06:01.820 00:06:01.830 the space temperature is what's being
00:06:03.920 00:06:03.930 pulled through the evaporator okay it's
00:06:06.440 00:06:06.450 the air entering the evaporator versus
00:06:09.230 00:06:09.240 the evaporator temperature okay walk-in
00:06:13.040 00:06:13.050 refrigerator 35 degrees evaporator
00:06:16.159 00:06:16.169 temperature 25 degrees evaporator
00:06:19.159 00:06:19.169 temperature difference 10 degrees
00:06:22.210 00:06:22.220 walk-in freezer space temperature
00:06:24.740 00:06:24.750 negative 10 evaporator temperature
00:06:27.440 00:06:27.450 negative 20 evaporator temperature 10
00:06:30.409 00:06:30.419 degrees so this is an air handler with
00:06:34.760 00:06:34.770 an evaporator coil like you would find
00:06:36.469 00:06:36.479 in the in the in an air conditioning
00:06:39.200 00:06:39.210 system not in refrigeration
00:06:41.600 00:06:41.610 okay we have our fan we have our coil we
00:06:44.839 00:06:44.849 have our return air coming in of 75
00:06:47.809 00:06:47.819 degrees we have a 40 degree refrigerant
00:06:50.719 00:06:50.729 temperature so for air conditioning
00:06:53.089 00:06:53.099 units my temperature difference is most
00:06:55.610 00:06:55.620 often 35 degrees we don't want our coil
00:06:58.610 00:06:58.620 under freezing reach in and a walk-in
00:07:01.990 00:07:02.000 okay reaching evaporator temperature
00:07:05.420 00:07:05.430 difference of 20 degrees walk-in
00:07:08.209 00:07:08.219 evaporator temperature difference of 10
00:07:10.640 00:07:10.650 degrees these are numbers that are the
00:07:12.409 00:07:12.419 standards okay so you really should know
00:07:14.719 00:07:14.729 these low velocity high humidity
00:07:17.659 00:07:17.669 evaporator coil temperature different
00:07:20.390 00:07:20.400 eight degrees so refrigerate evaporators
00:07:25.070 00:07:25.080 dehumidified they remove moisture from
00:07:27.649 00:07:27.659 the refrigerated space so what's
00:07:30.200 00:07:30.210 affecting our humidity evaporator
00:07:32.540 00:07:32.550 temperature difference the lower the
00:07:34.309 00:07:34.319 temperature difference the less moisture
00:07:36.860 00:07:36.870 removed so humidity is a measurement of
00:07:39.830 00:07:39.840 the amount of moisture in the air based
00:07:41.719 00:07:41.729 on its temperature okay
00:07:44.779 00:07:44.789 so different types of systems need to
00:07:47.809 00:07:47.819 have different types of space humidity
00:07:50.589 00:07:50.599 okay and that's what this chart is going
00:07:52.879 00:07:52.889 to show you so air conditioning
00:07:55.480 00:07:55.490 okay coil temperature difference 35
00:07:58.399 00:07:58.409 degrees humidity 50% reach-in coil
00:08:03.050 00:08:03.060 temperature 20 degrees humidity 65%
00:08:06.860 00:08:06.870 walkin coil temperature 10 degrees
00:08:09.860 00:08:09.870 humidity 85% okay so for medium
00:08:15.800 00:08:15.810 temperature walk-in refrigerator we have
00:08:19.189 00:08:19.199 a relatively high humidity of 85 percent
00:08:23.980 00:08:23.990 okay for medium temp reach-in
00:08:26.809 00:08:26.819 refrigerator I have a lower humidity
00:08:30.129 00:08:30.139 okay of 65 percent for air conditioning
00:08:35.540 00:08:35.550 which is considered a high temp air kiss
00:08:38.079 00:08:38.089 refrigeration system we have a 50
00:08:41.120 00:08:41.130 percent humidity notice the difference
00:08:43.759 00:08:43.769 based on the temperature difference okay
00:08:47.480 00:08:47.490 so the top left has a temperature
00:08:50.210 00:08:50.220 difference of 10 degrees I have a pretty
00:08:52.189 00:08:52.199 high humidity the next one the medium
00:08:55.550 00:08:55.560 Chinn refrigerator has a temperature
00:08:57.170 00:08:57.180 difference of 20 degrees slightly lower
00:08:59.330 00:08:59.340 humidity coming out of that coil the
00:09:02.120 00:09:02.130 bottom one which is air conditioning has
00:09:04.220 00:09:04.230 a temperature difference of 35 degrees
00:09:06.260 00:09:06.270 we have a very high hue or lower
00:09:09.230 00:09:09.240 humidity of 50% why do we want a low
00:09:12.380 00:09:12.390 humidity of 50% because mold and mildew
00:09:15.829 00:09:15.839 will start growing on sheetrock and
00:09:18.320 00:09:18.330 everything else if I had maintained an
00:09:20.120 00:09:20.130 85 percent humidity too much heat load
00:09:24.860 00:09:24.870 boils the refrigerant away very quickly
00:09:27.250 00:09:27.260 refrigerant molecules move faster okay
00:09:32.329 00:09:32.339 and it results in higher pressure and
00:09:33.950 00:09:33.960 temperature - lil heat load decreases
00:09:36.470 00:09:36.480 refrigerant boiling refrigerant
00:09:38.480 00:09:38.490 molecules move slower pressure and
00:09:40.550 00:09:40.560 temperatures drop okay so superheat as I
00:09:44.540 00:09:44.550 said is the difference between the
00:09:45.980 00:09:45.990 suction line temperature and the
00:09:47.780 00:09:47.790 evaporator superheat - high is starving
00:09:51.170 00:09:51.180 an evaporator superheat to low is
00:09:54.590 00:09:54.600 flooding an evaporator okay so we want
00:09:58.220 00:09:58.230 to take our coil temperatures okay as
00:10:02.360 00:10:02.370 close as we can get to that liquid line
00:10:05.480 00:10:05.490 okay so again pressures of 49 is 25
00:10:09.290 00:10:09.300 degrees
00:10:10.040 00:10:10.050 okay liquid line temperature is 35 so 35
00:10:14.090 00:10:14.100 minus 25 is 10 degrees superheat okay
00:10:21.260 00:10:21.270 when space temperatures above normal
00:10:23.750 00:10:23.760 there's a heavy load on the evaporator
00:10:25.310 00:10:25.320 that's considered a hot pull down okay
00:10:28.720 00:10:28.730 for a cur superheat calculations the
00:10:32.840 00:10:32.850 space temperature must be within 5
00:10:35.390 00:10:35.400 degrees of design conditions evaporator
00:10:41.300 00:10:41.310 troubleshooting basically comes down to
00:10:43.190 00:10:43.200 three main problems air flow refrigerant
00:10:46.010 00:10:46.020 and load air flow dirty filter dirtier
00:10:48.890 00:10:48.900 iced evaporator blower ductwork problems
00:10:51.260 00:10:51.270 refrigerant metering device issues
00:10:53.449 00:10:53.459 refrigerant charge load too high too low
00:10:59.019 00:10:59.029 okay
00:11:00.230 00:11:00.240 medium temperature refrigerators will
00:11:02.690 00:11:02.700 frost if space temperatures between 36
00:11:05.510 00:11:05.520 and 40 and evaporator temperatures are
00:11:07.880 00:11:07.890 15 to 25
00:11:09.500 00:11:09.510 oyel frosting is normal coil will
00:11:11.810 00:11:11.820 defrost during its off cycle because we
00:11:14.630 00:11:14.640 still pull air across that coil and that
00:11:16.640 00:11:16.650 air is above freezing medium temperature
00:11:19.580 00:11:19.590 refrigerators used a thermostat off
00:11:21.620 00:11:21.630 cycle to melt frost accumulation
00:11:23.800 00:11:23.810 sometimes the time clock is needed to
00:11:26.390 00:11:26.400 extend the length of the off cycle okay
00:11:30.230 00:11:30.240 so basic wiring of a hundred fifteen
00:11:33.260 00:11:33.270 volt evaporator and a walk-in
00:11:34.670 00:11:34.680 refrigerator okay we use a pump down
00:11:37.400 00:11:37.410 solenoid okay to shut off the flow of
00:11:41.030 00:11:41.040 refrigerant to the evaporator okay we
00:11:44.300 00:11:44.310 have our evaporator coil okay the common
00:11:48.710 00:11:48.720 time clock is used for cycling outdoor
00:11:50.780 00:11:50.790 lights heaters etc okay the clock is
00:11:53.690 00:11:53.700 eight in our example has one set of
00:11:55.670 00:11:55.680 normally closed contacts
00:11:57.140 00:11:57.150 it is a refrigeration it cycles the
00:12:00.620 00:12:00.630 refrigeration compressor for extended
00:12:02.510 00:12:02.520 off cycle okay the time clocks are used
00:12:06.170 00:12:06.180 in refrigeration for planned off cycle
00:12:08.660 00:12:08.670 defrost it gives the evaporate or extra
00:12:11.000 00:12:11.010 time to air defrost the clock shuts off
00:12:13.700 00:12:13.710 the compressor while the evaporator fan
00:12:15.440 00:12:15.450 continues to run okay fan switch wiring
00:12:21.590 00:12:21.600 some customers want to shut off the fan
00:12:24.020 00:12:24.030 switch may serve as a service disconnect
00:12:26.660 00:12:26.670 fan switch must also turn off the
00:12:28.760 00:12:28.770 refrigeration if not your evaporator
00:12:30.770 00:12:30.780 freezes and floods the compressor okay
00:12:34.190 00:12:34.200 this is just a wiring diagram of our fan
00:12:37.640 00:12:37.650 switch wide spacing of fins slows frost
00:12:45.290 00:12:45.300 build-up medium temperature evaporators
00:12:47.540 00:12:47.550 have about ten fins per inch low
00:12:50.240 00:12:50.250 temperature evaporator --zz have seven
00:12:52.460 00:12:52.470 fins per inch or less so the lower to
00:12:54.620 00:12:54.630 the temperature the wider the fin
00:12:56.300 00:12:56.310 spacing okay and you can measure the
00:12:59.300 00:12:59.310 evaporator fin spacing to make sure the
00:13:01.310 00:13:01.320 correct evaporator is being used in the
00:13:04.160 00:13:04.170 system so again we really have to
00:13:07.190 00:13:07.200 understand what the evaporators are you
00:13:09.140 00:13:09.150 have to know about superheat and you
00:13:10.940 00:13:10.950 have to totally understand how the
00:13:13.250 00:13:13.260 superheat works in a system and how you
00:13:15.800 00:13:15.810 can use it to troubleshoot systems
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