Detroit Diesel heat exchangers - cleaning and installing the cores

Kind: captions
Language: en

hey they don't gas to here today's video
00:00:02.180 00:00:02.190 is getting all the heat exchanges back
00:00:03.800 00:00:03.810 on to the Detroit Diesel and is proudly
00:00:05.420 00:00:05.430 sponsored by marine engine calm all
00:00:19.130 00:00:19.140 right first step in getting these heat
00:00:21.529 00:00:21.539 exchangers back on is getting them
00:00:22.880 00:00:22.890 cleaned up so let's start there the idea
00:00:25.189 00:00:25.199 with the heat exchanger is that it works
00:00:26.599 00:00:26.609 very similar to a radiator in a car
00:00:28.330 00:00:28.340 except instead of cold air blowing
00:00:31.040 00:00:31.050 across the radiator and cooling the
00:00:32.659 00:00:32.669 coolant that's flowing through it you
00:00:34.280 00:00:34.290 have another fluid flowing through it in
00:00:36.560 00:00:36.570 one direction that cools a different
00:00:38.000 00:00:38.010 fluid going in the other direction this
00:00:40.369 00:00:40.379 is the raw water heat exchanger wall
00:00:43.130 00:00:43.140 water as in sea water just comes from
00:00:44.810 00:00:44.820 outside the boat comes in goes through
00:00:47.360 00:00:47.370 the heat exchanger and then goes
00:00:48.889 00:00:48.899 overboard again and it cools the coolant
00:00:51.860 00:00:51.870 that runs through the engine itself so
00:00:53.689 00:00:53.699 the engine runs on coolant like you
00:00:55.670 00:00:55.680 would in your car fresh water with some
00:00:57.470 00:00:57.480 glycol or whatever added and then the
00:01:00.439 00:01:00.449 sea water cools that coolant so this is
00:01:02.119 00:01:02.129 the equivalent of the radiator main
00:01:03.560 00:01:03.570 radiator in the car then once that fresh
00:01:05.960 00:01:05.970 water is cooled down by the seawater
00:01:07.580 00:01:07.590 that fresh water then in turn runs
00:01:09.830 00:01:09.840 through these two heat exchangers to
00:01:11.390 00:01:11.400 cool the engine oil and the gearbox oil
00:01:14.210 00:01:14.220 all three of them need cleaning up
00:01:15.920 00:01:15.930 before I put them back in the boat you
00:01:17.690 00:01:17.700 can run you know like a descaler flush
00:01:21.560 00:01:21.570 through these components Institute
00:01:23.480 00:01:23.490 nowhere near as easily as now while
00:01:25.640 00:01:25.650 they're apart so let's do it
00:01:27.350 00:01:27.360 this is the product line used for this I
00:01:29.480 00:01:29.490 saw this for the first time at the boat
00:01:31.219 00:01:31.229 show never used it before but it's
00:01:33.080 00:01:33.090 specifically for this job one thing I
00:01:35.179 00:01:35.189 particularly like about this stuff is it
00:01:36.620 00:01:36.630 very very safe hopefully you can see
00:01:38.660 00:01:38.670 this graph without too much glare but
00:01:40.550 00:01:40.560 what it's saying here this top line is
00:01:42.620 00:01:42.630 the CFS where you can leave it in for
00:01:44.660 00:01:44.670 quite a long time and you lose about
00:01:46.639 00:01:46.649 three percent of the metal whereas with
00:01:48.319 00:01:48.329 other products you know you can get to
00:01:49.850 00:01:49.860 the point where after 101 700 which of
00:01:52.219 00:01:52.229 my glasses 20 hours I think it is in
00:01:54.740 00:01:54.750 solution you've lost almost two percent
00:01:56.270 00:01:56.280 of the mass of the metal and that's
00:01:58.370 00:01:58.380 really what you don't want so we're
00:02:00.649 00:02:00.659 gonna go the immersion route where we're
00:02:02.240 00:02:02.250 going to get a tub we have to mix this
00:02:03.950 00:02:03.960 up at a ratio of four to one one part of
00:02:06.080 00:02:06.090 the descaler four parts water and then
00:02:08.600 00:02:08.610 we're gonna soak them for between one
00:02:10.309 00:02:10.319 and four hours just checking it
00:02:11.630 00:02:11.640 regularly see how it's going
00:02:13.040 00:02:13.050 this one's a bit taller than the bucket
00:02:15.110 00:02:15.120 of trot so we'll probably have to sort
00:02:16.970 00:02:16.980 of in friend it means the area at the
00:02:20.150 00:02:20.160 interface is going to be in twice as
00:02:21.440 00:02:21.450 long so it's a bit of a shame but I'll
00:02:23.720 00:02:23.730 keep a close eye on it once again makes
00:02:26.120 00:02:26.130 me comfortable this stuff can actually
00:02:27.290 00:02:27.300 be left in for like a hundred and
00:02:29.240 00:02:29.250 something hours and not eat the metal
00:02:30.770 00:02:30.780 away speaking of which I have here when
00:02:34.610 00:02:34.620 I first cleaned up so I have I love it
00:02:36.740 00:02:36.750 this piece here is actually the front of
00:02:39.260 00:02:39.270 the heat exchanger there's one inside
00:02:40.580 00:02:40.590 for the water in and out and see what it
00:02:44.390 00:02:44.400 comes down this way coolant comes down
00:02:46.220 00:02:46.230 this way
00:02:46.790 00:02:46.800 what I do is I've actually had this
00:02:48.980 00:02:48.990 soaking in a solvent to get the paint
00:02:50.870 00:02:50.880 off this was painted initially I'm also
00:02:52.760 00:02:52.770 going to put this in as well and just
00:02:54.260 00:02:54.270 see how it goes see if it cleans it up a
00:02:55.850 00:02:55.860 little bit more because these components
00:02:59.750 00:02:59.760 I'm actually not going to repaint I
00:03:02.060 00:03:02.070 figure they're nice brass components or
00:03:03.860 00:03:03.870 bronze check and you know why not have
00:03:08.150 00:03:08.160 them look that way when you're cleaning
00:03:09.920 00:03:09.930 a heat exchanger like this I would go
00:03:11.660 00:03:11.670 for a bit of a mechanical clean first
00:03:13.400 00:03:13.410 give it a brush blow some compressed air
00:03:15.650 00:03:15.660 through it just get as much of the gunk
00:03:16.970 00:03:16.980 out as you can first then we'll give it
00:03:18.770 00:03:18.780 a soak this heat exchanger actually
00:03:21.230 00:03:21.240 blasted with a pressure washer through
00:03:22.699 00:03:22.709 to get most of the gunk out first you
00:03:25.190 00:03:25.200 need to be careful with different metals
00:03:26.770 00:03:26.780 the instructions for the CFS give you
00:03:29.630 00:03:29.640 different ratios depending on what type
00:03:31.160 00:03:31.170 of metal it is and what type of metals
00:03:32.840 00:03:32.850 it's not in any way compatible with good
00:03:35.690 00:03:35.700 example of that is this this is the oil
00:03:39.080 00:03:39.090 filter fuel filter housing off the boat
00:03:41.990 00:03:42.000 I threw a whole lot of stuff into some
00:03:45.040 00:03:45.050 what was it soda ash on these sort of
00:03:47.810 00:03:47.820 paint stripper type stuff everything
00:03:50.060 00:03:50.070 that was steel was fine but the
00:03:51.350 00:03:51.360 aluminium got eaten away really badly so
00:03:53.180 00:03:53.190 be careful when you deal with aluminium
00:03:54.800 00:03:54.810 in particular all right I'm gonna go
00:03:58.010 00:03:58.020 fill this container with waters a 2
00:03:59.660 00:03:59.670 litre container until the buckets
00:04:01.460 00:04:01.470 getting reasonably full and then we're
00:04:03.590 00:04:03.600 going to add a fifth of this solution
00:04:06.470 00:04:06.480 which is one to four so it's tier one
00:04:08.449 00:04:08.459 part solution four parts this so 20
00:04:10.550 00:04:10.560 percent another point of gasses just
00:04:12.680 00:04:12.690 don't be confused by the ratio 2
00:04:14.270 00:04:14.280 percentage it's because it's one to four
00:04:17.270 00:04:17.280 it's not a quarter this stuff it's
00:04:18.920 00:04:18.930 actually 20 percent because it's one
00:04:21.200 00:04:21.210 part CFS four parts water
00:04:24.510 00:04:24.520 [Music]
00:04:31.440 00:04:31.450 [Applause]
00:04:34.769 00:04:34.779 alright that's 8 liters of water put in
00:04:37.659 00:04:37.669 2 litres of CFS leaves me a little bit
00:04:40.029 00:04:40.039 of room for the displacement that the
00:04:41.559 00:04:41.569 objects all cause
00:04:45.460 00:04:45.470 00:04:49.420 00:04:49.430 it's quite thick and heaviest stuff it
00:04:52.070 00:04:52.080 has quite a high specific gravity so
00:04:53.929 00:04:53.939 this 5 litres weighs well over 5 kilos
00:04:58.750 00:04:58.760 00:05:04.149 00:05:04.159 this stuff's also biodegradable which
00:05:06.439 00:05:06.449 makes it nice when it comes to disposal
00:05:09.279 00:05:09.289 it's nothing too nasty to get rid of so
00:05:15.709 00:05:15.719 let's try this one first it's got a bit
00:05:19.339 00:05:19.349 of bit of gasket on the back edge still
00:05:26.389 00:05:26.399 so get rid of that
00:05:27.120 00:05:27.130 00:05:31.089 00:05:31.099 ok part one that's what it looks like
00:05:33.799 00:05:33.809 hang and I'll bring you over the pipe so
00:05:38.299 00:05:38.309 this is what the part looks like now
00:05:43.239 00:05:43.249 this is what it looks like before
00:05:45.049 00:05:45.059 anything goes in it see there we go
00:05:54.459 00:05:54.469 alright we'll leave that to soak and
00:05:56.779 00:05:56.789 I'll check it each hour can already see
00:05:59.449 00:05:59.459 some debris coming up to the surface of
00:06:01.369 00:06:01.379 the water shall I turn it around a few
00:06:08.329 00:06:08.339 times just get any trapped air out of it
00:06:14.079 00:06:14.089 which means we're getting to the inside
00:06:16.399 00:06:16.409 of it - all right getting better each
00:06:21.589 00:06:21.599 time we're definitely getting still a
00:06:23.420 00:06:23.430 bit of air coming out though each time I
00:06:24.679 00:06:24.689 rotate it alright we'll leave it like
00:06:27.799 00:06:27.809 that
00:06:28.219 00:06:28.229 give it an hour alright it's been 1 hour
00:06:31.279 00:06:31.289 now let's take it out and have a look
00:06:33.499 00:06:33.509 where we're at
00:06:45.899 00:06:45.909 certainly looks a lot cleaner this is
00:06:48.999 00:06:49.009 between one and four I reckon I'm gonna
00:06:50.769 00:06:50.779 give it one more hour two hours then
00:06:52.989 00:06:52.999 we'll just give it a little bit of a
00:06:54.129 00:06:54.139 light brush maybe maybe a bit of a light
00:06:58.059 00:06:58.069 brush before we put it back in this is
00:06:59.739 00:06:59.749 just a nylon bristle brush so nothing
00:07:02.649 00:07:02.659 too serious probably makes sense to get
00:07:08.499 00:07:08.509 some of this stuff that's now loose off
00:07:11.979 00:07:11.989 before it goes back in all right let's
00:07:23.199 00:07:23.209 give it another out a little bit short
00:07:25.869 00:07:25.879 of two hours now but let's take it out
00:07:27.639 00:07:27.649 and have a look so you've got a head off
00:07:35.189 00:07:35.199 yeah definitely a bit cleaner again all
00:07:38.529 00:07:38.539 right I'm gonna give this a really good
00:07:40.179 00:07:40.189 rinse with fresh to get the solution off
00:07:42.519 00:07:42.529 it and then I'll pop the other one in
00:07:44.649 00:07:44.659 for a couple of hours as well all right
00:07:46.739 00:07:46.749 here's the second of the oil heat
00:07:49.299 00:07:49.309 exchangers it's much much cleaner we'll
00:07:54.429 00:07:54.439 take this one over to and I'll stick it
00:07:59.079 00:07:59.089 on the tap and just show you
00:08:03.830 00:08:03.840 00:08:07.420 00:08:07.430 you sort of run some water through then
00:08:11.330 00:08:11.340 I was finding it was a bit chunky on the
00:08:13.460 00:08:13.470 other one till it run through for a
00:08:15.890 00:08:15.900 while but it gave it a good internal
00:08:18.080 00:08:18.090 flush okay this one's kind of the worst
00:08:28.969 00:08:28.979 because it's the one that the saltwater
00:08:30.590 00:08:30.600 runs through this has salt water cooling
00:08:33.050 00:08:33.060 fresh water whereas these ones were
00:08:35.060 00:08:35.070 fresh water cooling oil all right this
00:08:39.140 00:08:39.150 is what it looks like at the moment so
00:08:40.310 00:08:40.320 let's dump it in that in first and see
00:08:42.320 00:08:42.330 what looks like in a couple of hours to
00:08:44.630 00:08:44.640 be honest with you I don't think we're
00:08:46.010 00:08:46.020 gonna have a huge amount of overlap
00:08:48.579 00:08:48.589 certainly fizzing away I think by the
00:08:52.400 00:08:52.410 time we infer end it that's about the
00:08:55.220 00:08:55.230 depth of the water we've got so a couple
00:08:57.980 00:08:57.990 hours one way a couple hours the other
00:08:59.870 00:08:59.880 way this is what the top half looks like
00:09:02.300 00:09:02.310 before it's gone in so we'll just flip
00:09:04.190 00:09:04.200 it in friend now this hasn't been in
00:09:06.500 00:09:06.510 long actually probably only about 45
00:09:08.660 00:09:08.670 minutes maybe close to an hour but I
00:09:10.760 00:09:10.770 just want to keep it rotating rather
00:09:12.230 00:09:12.240 having it sit for the full two hours on
00:09:13.820 00:09:13.830 one side then flipping it over
00:09:27.000 00:09:27.010 just topping it up with a bit more CFS
00:09:30.070 00:09:30.080 and water just so that the fluid level
00:09:31.960 00:09:31.970 reaches past halfway where it was before
00:09:34.530 00:09:34.540 otherwise it would have had a little gap
00:09:36.490 00:09:36.500 in the middle that wouldn't have been
00:09:39.310 00:09:39.320 done this is what the top looks like now
00:09:44.430 00:09:44.440 give it a good rinse when it's finished
00:09:47.579 00:09:47.589 actually now that that's out of the
00:09:50.290 00:09:50.300 water
00:09:50.910 00:09:50.920 maybe I should have actually rinsed that
00:09:52.990 00:09:53.000 then put it in the other way around
00:09:54.600 00:09:54.610 otherwise this does have the solution
00:09:57.970 00:09:57.980 sitting on the surface of it let's do
00:09:59.320 00:09:59.330 that give it a good rinse then I'll put
00:10:00.670 00:10:00.680 it back in this way I'll flip it again
00:10:03.190 00:10:03.200 hasn't been in long it's obviously not
00:10:04.780 00:10:04.790 finished but it's doing a good job
00:10:07.560 00:10:07.570 somewhere down in this primordial ooze
00:10:12.210 00:10:12.220 yeah he's a puller it was really crusty
00:10:17.890 00:10:17.900 and rusty I've actually left in there
00:10:24.370 00:10:24.380 overnight
00:10:29.400 00:10:29.410 morning chickens
00:10:30.990 00:10:31.000 00:10:40.720 00:10:40.730 speaking of chickens this is definitely
00:10:44.810 00:10:44.820 my injured chicken yes and I Daffy's a
00:10:46.700 00:10:46.710 duck named kids named her you're in the
00:10:51.440 00:10:51.450 infirmary aren't you yes all right Julie
00:10:56.300 00:10:56.310 here we go
00:10:57.290 00:10:57.300 breakfast that eats generally a pretty
00:11:00.740 00:11:00.750 chilled chicken just done it apart while
00:11:02.540 00:11:02.550 she's eating I'm gonna do this end of
00:11:18.080 00:11:18.090 the main heat exchanger again I'll clean
00:11:20.180 00:11:20.190 this up with a brush as well as been a
00:11:22.100 00:11:22.110 bit of mud really but I'm actually this
00:11:24.800 00:11:24.810 is looking pretty monkey now so I think
00:11:26.390 00:11:26.400 I'll put a fresh load of the CFS in and
00:11:28.820 00:11:28.830 then do the other end again but I will I
00:11:31.610 00:11:31.620 should just give this a brush up with a
00:11:32.750 00:11:32.760 wire brush see what it looks like
00:11:42.890 00:11:42.900 00:11:50.230 00:11:50.240 looking like it's still got some life
00:11:52.010 00:11:52.020 left in it I wish I had a helmet before
00:11:55.460 00:11:55.470 I popped it in camera is flat I didn't
00:11:58.490 00:11:58.500 really think to go and get my phone but
00:12:01.150 00:12:01.160 looking he was better than it was after
00:12:03.890 00:12:03.900 that slime it's quite nice to see a
00:12:05.570 00:12:05.580 fresh batch it's interesting it starts
00:12:07.940 00:12:07.950 out this color as soon as you pour in
00:12:11.360 00:12:11.370 the water so there goes green let's take
00:12:17.240 00:12:17.250 this end of the heat exchange just a
00:12:19.700 00:12:19.710 little bit longer maybe another 30
00:12:22.430 00:12:22.440 minutes while I'm here
00:12:28.420 00:12:28.430 who might try these heat exchanger caps
00:12:31.250 00:12:31.260 to see if it makes any difference to
00:12:34.400 00:12:34.410 those alright I'll just add a little bit
00:12:42.380 00:12:42.390 more water to cover them alright all
00:12:45.800 00:12:45.810 covered over now let that soak for a
00:12:47.210 00:12:47.220 little while alright here are my three
00:12:49.280 00:12:49.290 heat exchanger cause I've dropped the
00:12:51.230 00:12:51.240 gasket onto this one I'm just gonna find
00:12:53.750 00:12:53.760 the gaskets for these two and just start
00:12:55.730 00:12:55.740 piecing them together oh yeah here's one
00:12:57.920 00:12:57.930 I think these actually have the same
00:13:02.500 00:13:02.510 shape and bolt pattern so that's fine I
00:13:05.500 00:13:05.510 thought I did have two of these but I
00:13:08.450 00:13:08.460 think maybe I'm thinking of these but I
00:13:10.730 00:13:10.740 had three of the square ones how well
00:13:15.370 00:13:15.380 I'll see how quick it is to order it
00:13:17.930 00:13:17.940 otherwise I'll just make one this plate
00:13:20.240 00:13:20.250 here goes over the end I left AB look at
00:13:23.570 00:13:23.580 my video sphere which way over the end
00:13:26.720 00:13:26.730 of the heat exchanger core which is the
00:13:29.540 00:13:29.550 main saltwater heat exchanger this is
00:13:32.000 00:13:32.010 the one that pulls the coolant the
00:13:33.560 00:13:33.570 coolant calls the other two this has an
00:13:36.980 00:13:36.990 o-ring in here which is pretty squished
00:13:40.250 00:13:40.260 and this so ring seals around the
00:13:45.710 00:13:45.720 outside are here so I'll find a
00:13:47.870 00:13:47.880 screwdriver or a pic or something and
00:13:49.660 00:13:49.670 get this old one out and put the new one
00:13:52.730 00:13:52.740 in with a bit of grease on it
00:13:59.590 00:13:59.600 I will clean this out brush all this
00:14:08.200 00:14:08.210 gunk out and then see if we can get this
00:14:11.050 00:14:11.060 in I'm actually tempted to take this
00:14:16.630 00:14:16.640 home and give it a soak and then repaint
00:14:18.610 00:14:18.620 it it's great having the workshop to do
00:14:25.300 00:14:25.310 this job in big thanks to Dean for that
00:14:28.060 00:14:28.070 but it's just means things are spread
00:14:32.920 00:14:32.930 across a couple locations again you know
00:14:35.890 00:14:35.900 I think I'm going to do that you know
00:14:37.000 00:14:37.010 take this home clean it paint it again
00:14:39.310 00:14:39.320 fit the o-ring bring it back it's no big
00:14:42.130 00:14:42.140 deal all right what I'm going to do now
00:14:44.200 00:14:44.210 is I have covered oil gallery just
00:14:48.040 00:14:48.050 connects I'll show it to you hang on
00:14:49.810 00:14:49.820 let's get some gloves done wash solvent
00:14:53.560 00:14:53.570 at the moment just getting small paint
00:14:55.330 00:14:55.340 and stuff on clean the old paint off put
00:14:59.830 00:14:59.840 it on the wire wheel and I've got to
00:15:02.050 00:15:02.060 make a couple of gaskets for it this
00:15:04.600 00:15:04.610 part feeds the oil lines that go to a D
00:15:06.970 00:15:06.980 box I believe it's a part of the engines
00:15:09.370 00:15:09.380 paralyzation so it's not that easy to
00:15:12.130 00:15:12.140 find the factory gaskets from a Detroit
00:15:14.080 00:15:14.090 you know past specialist so this is what
00:15:17.200 00:15:17.210 the solvents done to this paint
00:15:18.550 00:15:18.560 overnight should be able to wipe the
00:15:21.640 00:15:21.650 bulk of it off but we'll brush the rest
00:15:27.420 00:15:27.430 00:15:30.579 00:15:30.589 I'll pop it on the wire wheel to clean
00:15:33.110 00:15:33.120 up these mating surfaces then we'll make
00:15:34.760 00:15:34.770 the gasket alright this is the only drag
00:15:42.440 00:15:42.450 of gasket paper I could find in the
00:15:44.090 00:15:44.100 workshop but left to do try somebody
00:15:47.360 00:15:47.370 spray grease I can't find anything below
00:15:52.280 00:15:52.290 it between the workshop the boat moan
00:15:59.840 00:15:59.850 moan moan alright yeah this stuff goes
00:16:04.050 00:16:04.060 00:16:09.430 00:16:09.440 pretty bad mm not too bad actually
00:16:14.470 00:16:14.480 alright I think I can actually work with
00:16:16.400 00:16:16.410 that we can always test it so punch this
00:16:25.510 00:16:25.520 for those middle hot pretty close
00:16:30.410 00:16:30.420 actually
00:16:31.000 00:16:31.010 alright we might be in luck it's not bad
00:16:45.590 00:16:45.600 either puncture holes before you cut
00:16:47.750 00:16:47.760 them out cuz stops the edge distorting
00:16:53.550 00:16:53.560 00:17:01.480 00:17:01.490 and I think this one no it's ah this one
00:17:06.610 00:17:06.620 was actually pretty close just having a
00:17:22.220 00:17:22.230 look at the real thing quickly to get a
00:17:25.490 00:17:25.500 sense of how the lines actually go there
00:17:40.250 00:17:40.260 let's have a look whether we've missed
00:17:42.260 00:17:42.270 the mark entirely or whether it seems
00:17:44.350 00:17:44.360 usable put it on the right one right
00:17:47.120 00:17:47.130 yeah that'll do okay
00:17:51.200 00:17:51.210 one different shape on the other side
00:17:56.780 00:17:56.790 I'm not totally sold on this through
00:17:58.580 00:17:58.590 Spain good for this stricken fine
00:18:03.250 00:18:03.260 alright that's it right - done okay give
00:18:08.330 00:18:08.340 this another clean up just get the
00:18:09.440 00:18:09.450 grease off and give these a wipe
00:18:14.470 00:18:14.480 grease isn't a huge problem on the
00:18:16.520 00:18:16.530 gaskets there for retaining oil anyway
00:18:19.340 00:18:19.350 so no big issue there but I probably
00:18:23.180 00:18:23.190 will put some sealant on them alright
00:18:28.300 00:18:28.310 just gonna fold these and some cardboard
00:18:30.860 00:18:30.870 so they don't get damaged in transit
00:18:35.170 00:18:35.180 00:18:39.160 00:18:39.170 all right let's go I'm gonna try and
00:18:42.260 00:18:42.270 clean up the bronze housing for the jobs
00:18:45.320 00:18:45.330 go pump and I was fishing with my mate
00:18:48.980 00:18:48.990 Steve earlier this week and he used to
00:18:51.650 00:18:51.660 work as a conservator at the Maritime
00:18:53.150 00:18:53.160 Museum and he was saying citric acid is
00:18:55.490 00:18:55.500 the thing to use on these so I went just
00:18:58.280 00:18:58.290 a supermarket today and somewhere here
00:19:00.440 00:19:00.450 we go
00:19:01.030 00:19:01.040 bought citric acid it's just a food
00:19:04.340 00:19:04.350 grade product and he was saying about
00:19:06.710 00:19:06.720 sort of five to ten percent by weight I
00:19:09.170 00:19:09.180 think they say one to five percent for
00:19:11.240 00:19:11.250 objects but that's if it's like a really
00:19:12.710 00:19:12.720 delicate object that you're conserving
00:19:14.600 00:19:14.610 for a museum and you're really worried
00:19:15.740 00:19:15.750 about not damaging it I'm thinking of
00:19:17.750 00:19:17.760 going to go around 10% just cause it's a
00:19:19.280 00:19:19.290 large item that doesn't need a beautiful
00:19:21.290 00:19:21.300 finish just to get happened faster so
00:19:23.990 00:19:24.000 it's by weight so these are 75 grams so
00:19:26.930 00:19:26.940 I've got six of them so what's that 450
00:19:29.450 00:19:29.460 so about four and a half litres to 450
00:19:32.660 00:19:32.670 grams of citric acid
00:19:48.690 00:19:48.700 little bit more so it's completely
00:19:50.560 00:19:50.570 covered these are the end caps for the
00:19:54.580 00:19:54.590 heat exchanges that are also made out of
00:19:56.470 00:19:56.480 bronze all right let it sit for uh you
00:20:00.399 00:20:00.409 know a little while not too long maybe
00:20:02.560 00:20:02.570 ten fifteen minutes and then check it
00:20:04.000 00:20:04.010 for these items I'm gonna use the green
00:20:06.610 00:20:06.620 polishing compound which is for copper
00:20:08.799 00:20:08.809 brass and stainless clearly Steve knows
00:20:11.769 00:20:11.779 what he's talking about because these
00:20:13.090 00:20:13.100 came out really nicely so he reckoned
00:20:17.769 00:20:17.779 Jess
00:20:18.220 00:20:18.230 so we popped these other copper bits
00:20:20.680 00:20:20.690 from the cooling system in possibly
00:20:23.260 00:20:23.270 bronze as well a copper pipe definitely
00:20:24.700 00:20:24.710 but maybe some bonds bits bronze copper
00:20:26.710 00:20:26.720 we'll leave those influency it's gone
00:20:28.510 00:20:28.520 green just from the Detroit paint that's
00:20:30.310 00:20:30.320 come off it so it's taking the paint off
00:20:32.070 00:20:32.080 next thing I do is stick these in a
00:20:34.180 00:20:34.190 buffing wheel polish them up then we're
00:20:36.010 00:20:36.020 gonna put a bit of clear coat on them
00:20:37.240 00:20:37.250 okay so I've just set the bench grinder
00:20:39.669 00:20:39.679 up it's soui bought this morning while
00:20:41.320 00:20:41.330 he's out getting more nuts and bolts I'm
00:20:42.970 00:20:42.980 just gonna polish up this water pump
00:20:44.320 00:20:44.330 housing for him or attempt to anyway
00:20:46.710 00:20:46.720 look he's supplied this metal polish
00:20:50.170 00:20:50.180 00:21:05.600 00:21:05.610 as you can see that's coming up real
00:21:07.370 00:21:07.380 nice already
00:21:22.400 00:21:22.410 00:21:35.620 00:21:35.630 down here is where the oil cooler
00:21:39.500 00:21:39.510 adapter plate goes you can see these
00:21:42.350 00:21:42.360 engines is a plug here and there are
00:21:45.860 00:21:45.870 plugs here and the dipstick here so
00:21:48.320 00:21:48.330 designed to go either way we could have
00:21:50.300 00:21:50.310 that oil color this side gearbox at the
00:21:53.060 00:21:53.070 front the blocks pretty much symmetrical
00:21:54.800 00:21:54.810 in this case we've got this side blocked
00:21:57.260 00:21:57.270 off in the old caller here but we could
00:21:59.630 00:21:59.640 have the dipstick here and the oil call
00:22:01.460 00:22:01.470 of it anyway that's cleaned up now I've
00:22:04.670 00:22:04.680 got the paint cleared off this mating
00:22:06.410 00:22:06.420 surface now so I'm gonna put a little
00:22:08.150 00:22:08.160 bit of Harlem are on the two gaskets and
00:22:10.100 00:22:10.110 get ready to mount this adapter plate
00:22:11.780 00:22:11.790 these are the two gaskets for here like
00:22:14.720 00:22:14.730 this I'll spray both sides and let that
00:22:16.700 00:22:16.710 dry for a couple of minutes this is the
00:22:18.860 00:22:18.870 adapter plate itself just found the
00:22:20.750 00:22:20.760 right bolts for it got some new ones for
00:22:22.610 00:22:22.620 the longer ones and just got a bit of
00:22:25.730 00:22:25.740 fresh paint on here so I'm just letting
00:22:27.200 00:22:27.210 that dry before we mount it in this
00:22:29.600 00:22:29.610 temperature that won't take long to dry
00:22:31.310 00:22:31.320 though so let's get the hilum art onto
00:22:33.110 00:22:33.120 these gaskets and give that a chance to
00:22:34.670 00:22:34.680 start to set so this is a harlem are
00:22:37.220 00:22:37.230 amusing bit of a universal joint in
00:22:40.010 00:22:40.020 compound i quite like your stuff alright
00:22:46.880 00:22:46.890 let that dry for a bit flip it over and
00:22:48.980 00:22:48.990 we'll spray the other side okay
00:22:54.940 00:22:54.950 hana mars actually very sticky so it's
00:23:00.440 00:23:00.450 good in that it okay help you just
00:23:04.150 00:23:04.160 position gaskets and get them to stay
00:23:06.530 00:23:06.540 there as well as sealing it's a bit of a
00:23:10.850 00:23:10.860 double bonus
00:23:24.100 00:23:24.110 so this particular cooler is the engine
00:23:26.660 00:23:26.670 oil and these two hoses will go up to a
00:23:29.030 00:23:29.040 remote oil filter which was mounted onto
00:23:33.470 00:23:33.480 the inside of the Komi I'm just going to
00:23:36.830 00:23:36.840 put a little smear of lithium grease on
00:23:39.590 00:23:39.600 each bolt some people eternal I find
00:23:42.320 00:23:42.330 lithium grease quite good in the marine
00:23:45.320 00:23:45.330 environment there's a particular one as
00:24:06.410 00:24:06.420 the heat exchanger come out this way and
00:24:10.010 00:24:10.020 it takes a full flat gasket on the back
00:24:11.810 00:24:11.820 here Steve also recommended this gal met
00:24:15.050 00:24:15.060 metal protector so it's essentially a
00:24:17.720 00:24:17.730 rust converter but it's also a sealer as
00:24:19.580 00:24:19.590 well you reckon is pretty good stuff so
00:24:21.290 00:24:21.300 we'll give this a whirl I think this
00:24:23.270 00:24:23.280 stuff may be tannic acid based instead
00:24:26.330 00:24:26.340 of phosphoric acid from memory of what
00:24:28.610 00:24:28.620 he said but I can't see it here anyway
00:24:31.730 00:24:31.740 I'm gonna brush some of this inside lip
00:24:34.100 00:24:34.110 of the housing here which is where our
00:24:37.880 00:24:37.890 sealing o-ring goes so it's a thicker
00:24:42.290 00:24:42.300 consistency
00:24:47.590 00:24:47.600 which i think is the seal apart okay let
00:24:54.760 00:24:54.770 that work it's magic for a while
00:24:56.850 00:24:56.860 and we'll clean off the excess residue
00:24:59.520 00:24:59.530 this is the output side of the heat
00:25:02.290 00:25:02.300 exchanger so this goes on last anyway
00:25:11.100 00:25:11.110 all right next thing to do I'm gonna
00:25:14.380 00:25:14.390 spray up so I'm gonna put a high level
00:25:20.410 00:25:20.420 spray on four of these gaskets
00:25:35.800 00:25:35.810 all right leave that for 10 minutes and
00:25:38.510 00:25:38.520 then we'll flip it to the other side in
00:25:41.030 00:25:41.040 the meantime I got all my bolts ready so
00:25:42.950 00:25:42.960 we've got the longer ones for the side
00:25:45.080 00:25:45.090 with the o-ring housing and the short
00:25:47.690 00:25:47.700 ones for the input side that doesn't
00:25:49.430 00:25:49.440 have that ok Harlemites had a chance to
00:25:52.010 00:25:52.020 drive for a little bit so let's go put
00:25:53.360 00:25:53.370 this main heat exchanger in for the
00:25:55.100 00:25:55.110 engine call it put the gasket on here
00:25:58.550 00:25:58.560 first slide that right down I've cleaned
00:26:03.980 00:26:03.990 the surface up here but I'm quickly
00:26:05.330 00:26:05.340 gonna run a thread repair tool through
00:26:07.670 00:26:07.680 these just to clean out the paint that's
00:26:09.680 00:26:09.690 gone to the threads the tedious process
00:26:16.640 00:26:16.650 but it's probably worth it I just figure
00:26:20.840 00:26:20.850 all this stuff that's never gonna be
00:26:22.370 00:26:22.380 easier than it is now plenty of space
00:26:25.700 00:26:25.710 around the engine clean the threads out
00:26:32.140 00:26:32.150 put some grease on the new threads
00:26:37.480 00:26:37.490 definitely gonna make it easier to work
00:26:39.410 00:26:39.420 on in the future
00:26:41.050 00:26:41.060 he'll exchange your goes in we only got
00:26:43.610 00:26:43.620 one way it's rectangular for a reason
00:26:45.320 00:26:45.330 which is to make sure you don't get the
00:26:46.550 00:26:46.560 wrong way so the freshwater or the
00:26:49.070 00:26:49.080 coolant comes through this side salt
00:26:52.190 00:26:52.200 what it comes through here
00:26:54.090 00:26:54.100 00:26:55.450 00:26:55.460 00:26:56.260 00:26:56.270 00:27:03.720 00:27:03.730 interesting with this gal man it's gone
00:27:05.650 00:27:05.660 blue inside this part which is been on
00:27:08.170 00:27:08.180 five minutes and then it's gone very
00:27:10.600 00:27:10.610 black on this part that's been on about
00:27:12.850 00:27:12.860 ten minutes oh here's that lean cut
00:27:17.340 00:27:17.350 00:27:18.660 00:27:18.670 another one of our highlight gaskets on
00:27:21.520 00:27:21.530 the outside so a little bit of grease on
00:27:26.230 00:27:26.240 the threads and a lock washer on each
00:27:28.210 00:27:28.220 bolt is the service manuals
00:27:31.990 00:27:32.000 recommendation this end cap has a top
00:27:37.450 00:27:37.460 here which is where the arrow goes which
00:27:40.140 00:27:40.150 aim and it's not gonna leak as much if
00:27:42.430 00:27:42.440 it does leak or put thread sealant but B
00:27:44.350 00:27:44.360 just makes it easier to change giving us
00:27:46.690 00:27:46.700 a service either being a flange with the
00:27:57.820 00:27:57.830 gasket probably the main thing here is
00:28:00.160 00:28:00.170 just getting a nice even pressure so
00:28:03.820 00:28:03.830 that it doesn't link all right so far
00:28:07.180 00:28:07.190 all I can find is a quarter inch socket
00:28:10.360 00:28:10.370 that fits these bolts I don't have any
00:28:13.120 00:28:13.130 of our tools here this is actually for
00:28:14.800 00:28:14.810 Marty's old box but it's a quarter inch
00:28:16.120 00:28:16.130 and my torque wrenches are 3/8 so I'll
00:28:19.000 00:28:19.010 see what I can find to solve that
00:28:20.080 00:28:20.090 problem
00:28:20.640 00:28:20.650 all right really like I found a 3/8 to
00:28:24.100 00:28:24.110 quarter inch adapter
00:28:28.440 00:28:28.450 00:28:32.270 00:28:32.280 yeah that was a good socket all right
00:28:36.420 00:28:36.430 head socket was a half-inch this is a 17
00:28:38.850 00:28:38.860 30 seconds so I think we'll still be in
00:28:45.630 00:28:45.640 luck all right this is the new anode for
00:28:49.530 00:28:49.540 the salt water side just gonna put a bit
00:28:53.640 00:28:53.650 of thread sealant on it if I can
00:28:56.850 00:28:56.860 remember which way is open this way drop
00:29:05.880 00:29:05.890 this in and you can see there the flow
00:29:09.510 00:29:09.520 with the salt water goes across the
00:29:11.100 00:29:11.110 anode to protect the engine block from
00:29:14.100 00:29:14.110 electrolysis okay let's look at the
00:29:21.810 00:29:21.820 other side this side is a housing with
00:29:27.360 00:29:27.370 an o-ring the seals around here so we
00:29:30.150 00:29:30.160 need to gasket against here and an
00:29:32.550 00:29:32.560 o-ring around here that's how it gets
00:29:34.200 00:29:34.210 sealed but I'm gonna run the thread
00:29:36.810 00:29:36.820 repair tool through all these threads
00:29:38.220 00:29:38.230 first as well these are our last two
00:29:40.320 00:29:40.330 gaskets let's bring these over so one
00:29:47.430 00:29:47.440 onto the heat exchanger hopefully it's
00:29:51.060 00:29:51.070 still wet enough to stick yes good Thank
00:29:55.470 00:29:55.480 You Haleh ma here you've just got a
00:29:59.190 00:29:59.200 little bit of rubber grease I'm gonna
00:30:01.260 00:30:01.270 put some rubber grease on the o-ring
00:30:03.720 00:30:03.730 that goes in there just smear it right
00:30:07.560 00:30:07.570 round it's gonna help it bed into the
00:30:09.120 00:30:09.130 housing as well as slide onto the heat
00:30:12.330 00:30:12.340 exchanger core and we'll fit that in
00:30:16.640 00:30:16.650 hopefully easily
00:30:20.799 00:30:20.809 if not not all right there we go I was
00:30:25.129 00:30:25.139 all right smear it around a bit not sure
00:30:29.989 00:30:29.999 it matters hugely but I checked the
00:30:32.629 00:30:32.639 video and this side went to the outside
00:30:34.970 00:30:34.980 oh yeah the o-rings closer so that puts
00:30:37.100 00:30:37.110 the o-ring closer to the heat exchanger
00:30:38.450 00:30:38.460 core felt like a pretty snug fit which
00:30:48.289 00:30:48.299 is good from a leaking point of view so
00:30:51.200 00:30:51.210 the o-rings just sealing the gap between
00:30:53.960 00:30:53.970 the outlet on the heat exchanger call
00:30:55.700 00:30:55.710 and this housing and then obviously the
00:30:58.609 00:30:58.619 gasket sealing the inside there
00:31:00.549 00:31:00.559 one more gasket on the outside as before
00:31:07.779 00:31:07.789 anode to the top
00:31:28.919 00:31:28.929 what a bit of rubber grease off come
00:31:32.799 00:31:32.809 this far okay all right there we go
00:31:38.710 00:31:38.720 main heat exchanger core back in this
00:31:42.310 00:31:42.320 one here now is the oil cooler for the
00:31:45.850 00:31:45.860 gearbox what I'm gonna do to avoid that
00:32:02.140 00:32:02.150 happening just going to assemble this
00:32:04.330 00:32:04.340 all together just put a couple of bolts
00:32:08.560 00:32:08.570 in just to keep it aligned all right
00:32:13.360 00:32:13.370 I'll just make sure we can get all the
00:32:14.799 00:32:14.809 others started it's before I knew penny
00:32:19.570 00:32:19.580 of them up all right I'm just going to
00:32:28.720 00:32:28.730 talk it up in a bit of a spiral pattern
00:32:30.460 00:32:30.470 starting from the center going out all
00:32:40.299 00:32:40.309 right once again hilum our coders side
00:32:43.810 00:32:43.820 down onto the core and our double-sided
00:32:49.150 00:32:49.160 gasket to the housing drop the core in
00:32:59.669 00:32:59.679 then we'll get a couple of bolts through
00:33:03.360 00:33:03.370 just to make sure everything stays
00:33:05.320 00:33:05.330 aligned quite long bolts for this one
00:33:07.900 00:33:07.910 because it goes all the way through
00:33:24.630 00:33:24.640 now this pipe here attaches to this pipe
00:33:27.700 00:33:27.710 here so it's the water pump outlet
00:33:28.830 00:33:28.840 coming in here so normally you'd put
00:33:31.420 00:33:31.430 your rubber seal here and a hose clamp
00:33:33.490 00:33:33.500 but because the supercharger units
00:33:36.160 00:33:36.170 coming off again before I finish this
00:33:38.170 00:33:38.180 install I'm not gonna do that now so you
00:33:48.310 00:33:48.320 can see here just a little rubber seal
00:33:50.200 00:33:50.210 goes around looks like this plenty of
00:33:58.330 00:33:58.340 new ones just looks like that but when
00:34:00.880 00:34:00.890 we remove the supercharger we'll install
00:34:02.590 00:34:02.600 that all three heat exchanger coolers
00:34:06.430 00:34:06.440 back in finally I'm gonna take this out
00:34:11.230 00:34:11.240 this is the old dipstick I've ordered a
00:34:13.510 00:34:13.520 new one online that's taller comes up
00:34:16.390 00:34:16.400 here I mean that's just virtually
00:34:18.490 00:34:18.500 inaccessible once the boats in the water
00:34:20.530 00:34:20.540 it's behind the starter motor under the
00:34:22.630 00:34:22.640 supercharger you're never gonna check
00:34:24.610 00:34:24.620 the oil and that's not what we want so
00:34:26.020 00:34:26.030 I'm waiting for the new one to arrive
00:34:28.659 00:34:28.669 which should bring the dipstick right up
00:34:31.210 00:34:31.220 to here oh I'm pretty happy with the
00:34:33.460 00:34:33.470 progress this week particularly
00:34:34.990 00:34:35.000 considering I was off for most of the
00:34:37.090 00:34:37.100 start of the week and our fishing trip
00:34:38.800 00:34:38.810 actually had been booked for six months
00:34:40.149 00:34:40.159 and whole group of us were going that
00:34:42.280 00:34:42.290 was up at lake jindabyne I did do some
00:34:44.860 00:34:44.870 filming wise up they're obviously not
00:34:46.780 00:34:46.790 related to the troll or anything but if
00:34:48.370 00:34:48.380 you like I'll edit that up and put it as
00:34:49.899 00:34:49.909 a midweek video you'll probably notice a
00:34:52.180 00:34:52.190 few other things are done on this injure
00:34:53.919 00:34:53.929 at the moment gearboxes on etc which I
00:34:56.320 00:34:56.330 filmed but I'm trying to group the
00:34:58.150 00:34:58.160 videos into logical sort of you know
00:35:00.130 00:35:00.140 sequences as such so this video
00:35:03.400 00:35:03.410 obviously is about the heat exchangers
00:35:05.110 00:35:05.120 but I will do future videos on the
00:35:07.840 00:35:07.850 gearbox it's already on and you know the
00:35:10.450 00:35:10.460 engine mounts blah blah blah it goes on
00:35:12.010 00:35:12.020 anyway they're coming up in some future
00:35:13.840 00:35:13.850 videos so until then take care I'll
00:35:15.490 00:35:15.500 catch you soon
00:35:16.690 00:35:16.700 00:35:35.450 00:35:35.460 you
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