Discovering & Automating Oil Refineries - Unlocking Tier 5 and 6 Technology - Satisfactory Gameplay

Kind: captions
Language: en

oh it's the dog oh my Celia oh no oh
00:00:05.960 00:00:05.970 shoot shoot no dog oh are you frickin
00:00:10.549 00:00:10.559 serious
00:00:10.930 00:00:10.940 [Music]
00:00:18.650 00:00:18.660 see it going guys Trey here and welcome
00:00:21.230 00:00:21.240 back to the factory in satisfactory
00:00:23.419 00:00:23.429 today we are launching a ship guys I
00:00:26.659 00:00:26.669 guarantee it because I've already
00:00:28.189 00:00:28.199 prepped I had to actually make motors I
00:00:30.830 00:00:30.840 thought it was rotors again I always get
00:00:32.389 00:00:32.399 these two confused we don't actually
00:00:34.459 00:00:34.469 have an assembly process for motors yet
00:00:36.530 00:00:36.540 they are quite complex we'll get into
00:00:38.780 00:00:38.790 some of those deeper assemblies later on
00:00:41.000 00:00:41.010 and as you can see our modular flat
00:00:44.030 00:00:44.040 claim well I can't talk our modular
00:00:46.610 00:00:46.620 frame assembly is doing just fine it's
00:00:49.520 00:00:49.530 taken a long time to get enough to
00:00:52.039 00:00:52.049 launch this ship but we're gonna waste
00:00:54.530 00:00:54.540 no time at get right into this episode
00:00:56.060 00:00:56.070 and launch that sucker so we can see
00:00:58.249 00:00:58.259 what exactly is going on in tier 5 & 6
00:01:01.369 00:01:01.379 now we still have to unlock one more
00:01:03.859 00:01:03.869 thing in tier 4 I believe that is the
00:01:06.440 00:01:06.450 conveyor belts so we might do that or if
00:01:09.140 00:01:09.150 there's something really exciting in
00:01:10.730 00:01:10.740 tier 5 & 6 and I assume there will be we
00:01:13.010 00:01:13.020 might do that as well I definitely do
00:01:15.109 00:01:15.119 gotta upgrade my conveyor belts though
00:01:16.819 00:01:16.829 that is like a multiple hour process
00:01:19.940 00:01:19.950 though to try and upgrade all my
00:01:21.679 00:01:21.689 conveyor belts so I'm kind of trying to
00:01:23.419 00:01:23.429 avoid it just because that would be
00:01:26.149 00:01:26.159 stressful to say the least
00:01:27.709 00:01:27.719 alright so let's get this thing launched
00:01:29.419 00:01:29.429 hopefully I calculated this right and we
00:01:32.059 00:01:32.069 should have everything that we need and
00:01:33.679 00:01:33.689 yes indeed we do seal that sucker up and
00:01:37.149 00:01:37.159 send it to frickin space hope we gotta
00:01:40.910 00:01:40.920 wait a bit all right there we go now
00:01:42.169 00:01:42.179 it's sealed now let's send that sucker
00:01:44.179 00:01:44.189 to pay to space I love that little
00:01:47.139 00:01:47.149 animation it's got - and there it goes
00:01:49.429 00:01:49.439 you don't see this thing moving too much
00:01:52.340 00:01:52.350 usually but oh dude that's so cool I
00:01:55.550 00:01:55.560 don't think I watched that last time I
00:01:57.169 00:01:57.179 thought it was an actual shuttle no
00:01:58.910 00:01:58.920 they're just kind of like elevator ring
00:02:00.499 00:02:00.509 it up really really cool alright and now
00:02:03.230 00:02:03.240 I think we got a wait to be told what we
00:02:06.139 00:02:06.149 get in tier 6 it looks like we do have
00:02:07.910 00:02:07.920 tier 7 and 8 unavailable in early access
00:02:10.900 00:02:10.910 okay so we have it the limit in early
00:02:14.720 00:02:14.730 access then well we haven't unlocked
00:02:16.250 00:02:16.260 anything yet but we can at least see
00:02:18.470 00:02:18.480 what is the limit in early axis so I'm
00:02:20.780 00:02:20.790 curious 1 7 & 8 is gonna come out then
00:02:22.790 00:02:22.800 how long this game's gonna be an early
00:02:24.650 00:02:24.660 access I actually don't
00:02:26.130 00:02:26.140 so if you guys know no limit let me know
00:02:28.140 00:02:28.150 in the comments below alright tier 5
00:02:30.330 00:02:30.340 what do we got oil
00:02:32.510 00:02:32.520 alright that's gonna be interesting to
00:02:35.610 00:02:35.620 do so I honestly thought coal will be
00:02:38.340 00:02:38.350 the end but no we could actually make an
00:02:40.020 00:02:40.030 oil refinery we can make plastics
00:02:42.060 00:02:42.070 obviously with that in rubber and feel
00:02:44.040 00:02:44.050 and circuit boards and scanner update
00:02:47.760 00:02:47.770 crude oil oh I can update Caitlyn ok it
00:02:50.310 00:02:50.320 makes sense I can update my scanner to
00:02:52.140 00:02:52.150 crude oil now we also have industrial
00:02:54.120 00:02:54.130 manufacturing we can get a manufacturer
00:02:56.550 00:02:56.560 wow crafts three or four parts into
00:02:58.980 00:02:58.990 another part so that's actually a really
00:03:00.720 00:03:00.730 good machine for some of these more
00:03:02.100 00:03:02.110 crazy things that we're going to have to
00:03:04.350 00:03:04.360 make very soon we get a truck as well 48
00:03:07.020 00:03:07.030 slot inventory so basically the upgraded
00:03:09.360 00:03:09.370 equivalent of the tractor and a computer
00:03:11.580 00:03:11.590 is a complex logic machine that is used
00:03:13.110 00:03:13.120 to control advanced behavior in machines
00:03:15.449 00:03:15.459 so can we like program macros or
00:03:18.479 00:03:18.489 something I'm not sure what that
00:03:20.610 00:03:20.620 computers about but I'm kind of
00:03:22.170 00:03:22.180 interested that's what I was hoping for
00:03:24.479 00:03:24.489 a freaking jet pack now we need oh
00:03:27.570 00:03:27.580 that's not the ordinary uh these are the
00:03:29.790 00:03:29.800 heavy modular frames now I did look
00:03:32.220 00:03:32.230 those up I think it takes five ordinary
00:03:34.680 00:03:34.690 modular frames to get one heavy so holy
00:03:38.310 00:03:38.320 crap that is a lot and then we need
00:03:40.289 00:03:40.299 motors and we need computers as well so
00:03:43.020 00:03:43.030 there's no sense of getting this until
00:03:44.850 00:03:44.860 we get the computer upgrade in
00:03:46.830 00:03:46.840 industrial manufacturing that's too bad
00:03:49.140 00:03:49.150 well yes we also get expanded power
00:03:51.750 00:03:51.760 infrastructure so we get a fuel
00:03:53.490 00:03:53.500 generator and compare belt mark for so
00:03:55.440 00:03:55.450 another conveyor belt and the gas mask
00:03:58.800 00:03:58.810 which would help us out a lot
00:04:00.930 00:04:00.940 dealing with the fart cloud clouds
00:04:02.729 00:04:02.739 around us but once again not cheap to
00:04:05.520 00:04:05.530 get to so that's something we are going
00:04:07.350 00:04:07.360 to have to do later so I think what I
00:04:09.390 00:04:09.400 kind of want to do now I'm really
00:04:10.979 00:04:10.989 curious about this oil do we get some
00:04:13.850 00:04:13.860 how do we get how do we find oil that's
00:04:16.650 00:04:16.660 the thing
00:04:17.520 00:04:17.530 ah that's in the tr4 scanner up update
00:04:20.340 00:04:20.350 that's right so we need to unlock this
00:04:22.440 00:04:22.450 one first so we may as well do this this
00:04:24.210 00:04:24.220 one isn't that crazy is that ordinary
00:04:26.850 00:04:26.860 modular French I really hope so yes
00:04:29.610 00:04:29.620 ordinary so 50 is not gonna take too
00:04:31.110 00:04:31.120 long to make and yes this will allow us
00:04:33.570 00:04:33.580 to upgrade our whole system into oil
00:04:35.400 00:04:35.410 which sounds actually really fun
00:04:38.250 00:04:38.260 and I'd like to actually find the oil as
00:04:40.140 00:04:40.150 well I haven't found oil just luckily so
00:04:43.140 00:04:43.150 we are gonna have to get that scanner
00:04:44.160 00:04:44.170 upgrade so let's work on this right now
00:04:46.200 00:04:46.210 what we're gonna need is motors modular
00:04:48.660 00:04:48.670 homes already over here what am i saying
00:04:50.220 00:04:50.230 but yeah basically the only thing we're
00:04:52.320 00:04:52.330 gonna have to make is probably the
00:04:54.330 00:04:54.340 motors because I don't have that
00:04:55.740 00:04:55.750 automated either also I should say I was
00:04:58.470 00:04:58.480 doing a little bit off recording just
00:05:00.510 00:05:00.520 organizing and whatnot and I actually
00:05:02.340 00:05:02.350 unlocked something using the scanner if
00:05:05.250 00:05:05.260 we go to tier 3 I believe it is we have
00:05:08.100 00:05:08.110 the rebar gun um so this is another
00:05:11.010 00:05:11.020 weapon I don't know if it's better than
00:05:12.510 00:05:12.520 my sword but having a range based weapon
00:05:14.490 00:05:14.500 would be smart so we'll definitely do
00:05:16.680 00:05:16.690 that later as well not really too
00:05:18.900 00:05:18.910 concerned about that now I just thought
00:05:20.070 00:05:20.080 I would let you guys know that and let's
00:05:21.420 00:05:21.430 actually I don't know if we have
00:05:22.920 00:05:22.930 anything that we can research I'm having
00:05:25.020 00:05:25.030 this weird issue that whenever I log out
00:05:27.090 00:05:27.100 of the game
00:05:27.720 00:05:27.730 I get basically a new character and I
00:05:29.550 00:05:29.560 lose my whole inventory so I if you're
00:05:31.680 00:05:31.690 ever those slugs that we spent so much
00:05:33.690 00:05:33.700 time getting last episode well I did
00:05:36.180 00:05:36.190 install quite a few into my assembly but
00:05:38.520 00:05:38.530 to us I did log out with some and I did
00:05:40.470 00:05:40.480 unfortunately lose them so yes I've lost
00:05:42.810 00:05:42.820 a few of the good stuff that we could
00:05:44.970 00:05:44.980 use to research as well but we have
00:05:46.650 00:05:46.660 Kataria more I know we have that I think
00:05:48.900 00:05:48.910 it's actually over in this is it right
00:05:51.150 00:05:51.160 here yeah okay oh so we can at least
00:05:53.760 00:05:53.770 research this keep this thing busy
00:05:55.650 00:05:55.660 because it does give us good things from
00:05:57.480 00:05:57.490 time to time we need 25 thank God we
00:05:59.370 00:05:59.380 have 28 that's gonna be good take 15
00:06:02.070 00:06:02.080 minutes to do that so hopefully that
00:06:03.540 00:06:03.550 will unlock something interesting
00:06:04.680 00:06:04.690 because the Criterium or not something
00:06:06.900 00:06:06.910 we haven't really done anything with you
00:06:08.310 00:06:08.320 all right but back to the base how we
00:06:10.680 00:06:10.690 doing okay so we're still keeping up
00:06:12.390 00:06:12.400 with the coal we are losing about maybe
00:06:14.490 00:06:14.500 five cool an hour or something like that
00:06:16.620 00:06:16.630 so I could up the process a little bit
00:06:18.870 00:06:18.880 but I'm not too worried about it we're
00:06:20.490 00:06:20.500 having a backlog here this is actually
00:06:21.980 00:06:21.990 just want to look at my systems right
00:06:24.240 00:06:24.250 now see how we're doing so I've
00:06:26.040 00:06:26.050 overclocked it just enough to utilize
00:06:28.290 00:06:28.300 the iron ore that's coming in we're
00:06:29.970 00:06:29.980 getting forty nine point five nine five
00:06:31.740 00:06:31.750 four minutes ah but yeah you the way I I
00:06:34.080 00:06:34.090 love this overclocking because you can
00:06:35.490 00:06:35.500 fine tune it you don't have to go all
00:06:37.650 00:06:37.660 the way to 150 you can basically
00:06:39.990 00:06:40.000 customize this so you're as optimal as
00:06:42.660 00:06:42.670 possible still don't have the perfect
00:06:45.480 00:06:45.490 system here I'm just not getting enough
00:06:46.830 00:06:46.840 resources that's going to help once we
00:06:49.110 00:06:49.120 upgrade the conveyor belts and whatnot
00:06:50.640 00:06:50.650 but that's
00:06:51.570 00:06:51.580 take a little while here looks like
00:06:52.800 00:06:52.810 maybe we're going a little bit too fast
00:06:54.240 00:06:54.250 with this one so being that this does
00:06:56.520 00:06:56.530 use more power the more overclock we do
00:06:58.890 00:06:58.900 we're gonna drop this down to 127 see if
00:07:02.580 00:07:02.590 that should help a little bit and I
00:07:04.469 00:07:04.479 can't go much faster because of an iron
00:07:06.540 00:07:06.550 ore issue so basically you just want to
00:07:08.520 00:07:08.530 kind of follow up the stream especially
00:07:11.040 00:07:11.050 with how messy mine is and see where the
00:07:14.129 00:07:14.139 bottlenecks are and where you need to
00:07:15.629 00:07:15.639 increase more so if we upgrade this
00:07:17.189 00:07:17.199 conveyor belt I assume that will fix our
00:07:19.350 00:07:19.360 system later on I need to figure out a
00:07:21.959 00:07:21.969 quicker way to get iron though well yes
00:07:23.969 00:07:23.979 i went way off on a tangent that's for
00:07:25.830 00:07:25.840 another task for another day so we're
00:07:28.499 00:07:28.509 not gonna do that right now now I did as
00:07:30.540 00:07:30.550 you can see you might see some dead
00:07:31.740 00:07:31.750 people around here I figured out that
00:07:33.899 00:07:33.909 you can kill my old self so all these
00:07:37.800 00:07:37.810 guys around here from what I log out and
00:07:40.110 00:07:40.120 I don't know if these guys will go away
00:07:42.089 00:07:42.099 now I hope they will I've been having
00:07:44.100 00:07:44.110 quite a few glitches and ones get in
00:07:45.719 00:07:45.729 this game I gotta be honest I'm not game
00:07:48.180 00:07:48.190 breaking glitches thankfully but yeah
00:07:50.399 00:07:50.409 it's not the most stable right now which
00:07:52.200 00:07:52.210 makes sense it's an early access for
00:07:53.999 00:07:54.009 good reason all right but it's motor
00:07:55.950 00:07:55.960 building time so I just gotta remember
00:07:57.420 00:07:57.430 what we need to make the motors look at
00:07:58.920 00:07:58.930 that I was already building some
00:08:00.089 00:08:00.099 actually because I needed to send some
00:08:02.820 00:08:02.830 to these ships so we could launch it and
00:08:05.369 00:08:05.379 we will automate all these more complex
00:08:07.499 00:08:07.509 items later I just want to focus on
00:08:09.749 00:08:09.759 progression today I want to get some
00:08:11.249 00:08:11.259 unlocks you know get all the stuff that
00:08:13.469 00:08:13.479 we need that way we don't have to
00:08:15.930 00:08:15.940 upgrade multiple times for example if I
00:08:18.149 00:08:18.159 upgraded the conveyor belt to mark 2
00:08:19.800 00:08:19.810 well we already got mark 3 unlocked and
00:08:21.719 00:08:21.729 we might even unlock mark 4 by the time
00:08:24.059 00:08:24.069 we get to the conveyor belts so I just
00:08:26.670 00:08:26.680 don't want to waste time doing multiple
00:08:28.529 00:08:28.539 upgrades well you don't really need to
00:08:29.909 00:08:29.919 so if we need status or more motors
00:08:32.819 00:08:32.829 later which it is seeming like we might
00:08:34.589 00:08:34.599 need to want to get a motor assembly
00:08:35.880 00:08:35.890 line going um will definitely set up one
00:08:38.430 00:08:38.440 but for right now I'm just seeing which
00:08:40.139 00:08:40.149 resources are the most use I'm thinking
00:08:42.180 00:08:42.190 heavy modular frames there's gonna be
00:08:43.949 00:08:43.959 one that we really got to focus on
00:08:45.630 00:08:45.640 because modular frames would we use a
00:08:47.850 00:08:47.860 lot of as well basically I'm using them
00:08:49.740 00:08:49.750 as quickly as I can
00:08:51.230 00:08:51.240 manufacture them but we're gonna need
00:08:53.250 00:08:53.260 that new combiner or whatever it was
00:08:55.350 00:08:55.360 called because this takes four units
00:08:57.509 00:08:57.519 into one so we really got to upgrade
00:08:59.460 00:08:59.470 that before we can get on the modular
00:09:01.050 00:09:01.060 frame that's something I would like to
00:09:02.699 00:09:02.709 automate though that's the most complex
00:09:04.110 00:09:04.120 item we currently
00:09:04.950 00:09:04.960 have so hopefully maybe in the next
00:09:07.050 00:09:07.060 couple episodes we can do that now well
00:09:08.820 00:09:08.830 we're sitting here looking at a crafting
00:09:10.770 00:09:10.780 bench as well you want to address
00:09:11.820 00:09:11.830 something else I know a lot of you guys
00:09:13.560 00:09:13.570 have asked me to restart this
00:09:15.930 00:09:15.940 playthrough just because I cut out a lot
00:09:18.210 00:09:18.220 of it
00:09:18.630 00:09:18.640 I see help me build this Factory and you
00:09:21.780 00:09:21.790 guys wanted to see the build process
00:09:23.010 00:09:23.020 restart with my new form knowledge I
00:09:25.590 00:09:25.600 gotta say with how much I've done I
00:09:27.630 00:09:27.640 don't really feel comfortable restarting
00:09:29.850 00:09:29.860 at least right now I think once we fully
00:09:32.430 00:09:32.440 unlock everything and I'm content with
00:09:34.860 00:09:34.870 everything we've done here we'll
00:09:36.600 00:09:36.610 probably do a new run-through with my
00:09:38.880 00:09:38.890 newfound knowledge that way we can
00:09:40.770 00:09:40.780 actually strategize a system and build
00:09:42.990 00:09:43.000 something that's not as messy as this
00:09:44.940 00:09:44.950 one this one definitely works there's
00:09:46.680 00:09:46.690 nothing wrong with it it's actually I
00:09:48.180 00:09:48.190 know you guys say it's really messy but
00:09:50.040 00:09:50.050 compared to some that I've seen this is
00:09:51.660 00:09:51.670 actually quite clean at least we got the
00:09:53.250 00:09:53.260 conveyor belts all going to the outside
00:09:54.690 00:09:54.700 so I'm really happy with this actually
00:09:57.480 00:09:57.490 considering my little knowledge that I
00:09:59.070 00:09:59.080 have in games like this I'm been pretty
00:10:01.200 00:10:01.210 happy I know I got conveyer belts going
00:10:02.820 00:10:02.830 everywhere and whatnot but yeah I think
00:10:04.560 00:10:04.570 we'll do that is kind of like a series
00:10:07.800 00:10:07.810 after this one if you guys still really
00:10:09.450 00:10:09.460 like this that our will simply do it
00:10:11.160 00:10:11.170 like on maybe a 24 hour livestream
00:10:12.540 00:10:12.550 building a factory let me know in the
00:10:14.190 00:10:14.200 comments below what you guys think of
00:10:15.270 00:10:15.280 that yeah I hope you guys like that idea
00:10:17.430 00:10:17.440 because I didn't like this game and I do
00:10:19.680 00:10:19.690 want to restart from fresh but I want to
00:10:21.900 00:10:21.910 get to the end first to just because I
00:10:24.330 00:10:24.340 want to get some of these really cool
00:10:25.440 00:10:25.450 elements and bam as we were rambling on
00:10:28.140 00:10:28.150 we got 50 motors now we definitely don't
00:10:30.900 00:10:30.910 have enough modular frames right now we
00:10:33.150 00:10:33.160 might want to help it out we have 20
00:10:35.670 00:10:35.680 right now so since we've been gone we've
00:10:37.740 00:10:37.750 built 20 I think today okay I took out
00:10:40.350 00:10:40.360 just as many as I needed so yeah we
00:10:41.850 00:10:41.860 could wait we could also help it now
00:10:44.310 00:10:44.320 modular frames I know it takes rods and
00:10:47.660 00:10:47.670 reinforced iron plates I believe so I
00:10:50.160 00:10:50.170 know I have a rod over production right
00:10:52.440 00:10:52.450 here we're just gonna steal something
00:10:54.330 00:10:54.340 out of this cuz it's just gonna regen it
00:10:55.920 00:10:55.930 anyways we might actually have 100 in
00:10:57.660 00:10:57.670 here too
00:10:58.290 00:10:58.300 so yeah let's just help it out and let's
00:11:00.510 00:11:00.520 get that milestone set up there we go
00:11:03.120 00:11:03.130 it's always a fun day when you can send
00:11:05.430 00:11:05.440 this thing to space alright 2500 oak
00:11:07.740 00:11:07.750 crap do I not have enough of those
00:11:08.970 00:11:08.980 that's fine we'll go grab those cuz
00:11:11.550 00:11:11.560 they're right here okay today we are
00:11:14.070 00:11:14.080 literally well hopefully gonna strike
00:11:15.720 00:11:15.730 oil
00:11:16.050 00:11:16.060 I hope it's close to here and I got
00:11:18.120 00:11:18.130 figure out how I really want to do this
00:11:20.760 00:11:20.770 we can either probably do it by truck
00:11:23.010 00:11:23.020 well I don't know if oil can go on
00:11:24.870 00:11:24.880 conveyor belts I like the idea of
00:11:26.910 00:11:26.920 conveying it in if we can um oh we're
00:11:31.310 00:11:31.320 300 cables clearly I read that wrong I
00:11:36.000 00:11:36.010 only grabbed a hundred so we got more I
00:11:38.100 00:11:38.110 know that I just hate running back and
00:11:40.200 00:11:40.210 forth goddammit well yeah currently
00:11:42.030 00:11:42.040 we're trucking all the colon with the
00:11:44.790 00:11:44.800 automated trucks which are really cool
00:11:46.830 00:11:46.840 don't get me wrong um I don't know I
00:11:50.130 00:11:50.140 just really like the conveyer belt so
00:11:51.960 00:11:51.970 I'm thinking we might stop that assembly
00:11:54.180 00:11:54.190 line with the trucks and move it over to
00:11:56.160 00:11:56.170 conveyor belts if we indeed Ken I'm
00:11:57.990 00:11:58.000 thinking ahead though we may as well
00:12:00.060 00:12:00.070 just unlock this first and see how far
00:12:02.340 00:12:02.350 I'll is away because if it's really far
00:12:04.020 00:12:04.030 away I can i watch it so this part of
00:12:07.260 00:12:07.270 the but well it works now okay though
00:12:08.850 00:12:08.860 you know what let's just let it happen
00:12:10.140 00:12:10.150 before I break it again but yes there we
00:12:12.630 00:12:12.640 go oh my god I didn't know so cool okay
00:12:21.690 00:12:21.700 so I was like what is exactly launching
00:12:23.970 00:12:23.980 cuz we didn't really move or anything
00:12:25.620 00:12:25.630 but yeah there's a little jet on the top
00:12:28.500 00:12:28.510 of the roof so now oh yeah crude oil
00:12:32.010 00:12:32.020 time where is it okay not far not well
00:12:36.360 00:12:36.370 let me actually see oh crap 2,000 meters
00:12:40.590 00:12:40.600 away well I mean that's pretty far away
00:12:44.850 00:12:44.860 we actually got two right over there
00:12:46.740 00:12:46.750 though let me make sure that's the
00:12:47.670 00:12:47.680 closest let's do it again there it is
00:12:49.830 00:12:49.840 so yep that is the closest wine in it
00:12:51.750 00:12:51.760 that's not crazy far away but that's
00:12:55.110 00:12:55.120 gonna be a pretty big conveyor belt if I
00:12:57.660 00:12:57.670 want to do what I'm doing just looking
00:12:59.550 00:12:59.560 at the terrain we'd have to build
00:13:02.960 00:13:02.970 basically probably a road all the way
00:13:06.420 00:13:06.430 across this if we did want to do the
00:13:08.220 00:13:08.230 tractors or the trucks because you got
00:13:10.170 00:13:10.180 to remember we got to bring them here
00:13:12.150 00:13:12.160 too so we can't go over crazy terrain if
00:13:14.760 00:13:14.770 we do do that 1500 metres is a lot
00:13:17.040 00:13:17.050 further than I expected okay then the
00:13:19.740 00:13:19.750 mam has completed its analysis well I'm
00:13:21.450 00:13:21.460 gonna have to get that later what the
00:13:23.670 00:13:23.680 hell
00:13:25.230 00:13:25.240 kind of glad I'm exploring the side of
00:13:27.150 00:13:27.160 the map I'd never really have and I'm on
00:13:29.880 00:13:29.890 a land bridge right now so that tells me
00:13:31.740 00:13:31.750 maybe we do want to do the trucks cuz
00:13:33.540 00:13:33.550 look at this this is kind of built for a
00:13:35.910 00:13:35.920 truck right now or a conveyer belt I
00:13:37.380 00:13:37.390 mean that's that - man I was really
00:13:39.480 00:13:39.490 hoping it would be kind of close to base
00:13:41.610 00:13:41.620 but in typical oil fashion it's not easy
00:13:44.850 00:13:44.860 to find so huh now I have a decision to
00:13:48.870 00:13:48.880 make which what do I want to do do I
00:13:51.210 00:13:51.220 really need the oil I mean Cole's not
00:13:53.550 00:13:53.560 that big a deal I had to add one more
00:13:55.700 00:13:55.710 thing to my refinery as you can see we
00:13:58.680 00:13:58.690 have six now so it's not what the Frick
00:14:01.140 00:14:01.150 all these resources around well yes it's
00:14:04.620 00:14:04.630 not totally needed that we get oil I
00:14:07.200 00:14:07.210 still really want to get it though okay
00:14:09.870 00:14:09.880 so what we're gonna do we're gonna have
00:14:11.130 00:14:11.140 to bring cement over there um just
00:14:13.800 00:14:13.810 because we're gonna have to build a road
00:14:15.540 00:14:15.550 over I think we're gonna probably end up
00:14:18.150 00:14:18.160 using the trucks the question is can you
00:14:21.210 00:14:21.220 power the trucks with oil if you can
00:14:23.820 00:14:23.830 this is gonna make this process a lot
00:14:25.500 00:14:25.510 easier if not I got to bring it over to
00:14:27.270 00:14:27.280 a coal plant to automate the refueling
00:14:30.000 00:14:30.010 process which would be really really fun
00:14:32.520 00:14:32.530 but yeah way before that we got to make
00:14:34.650 00:14:34.660 modular frames motors cables steel pipes
00:14:36.990 00:14:37.000 for the oil refinery and oil pump we're
00:14:39.960 00:14:39.970 also gonna want some sort of power over
00:14:42.210 00:14:42.220 there I guess technically because we're
00:14:44.880 00:14:44.890 getting oil instead of bringing over
00:14:46.890 00:14:46.900 something like coal or using the grass
00:14:50.430 00:14:50.440 we're definitely gonna want to get an
00:14:52.230 00:14:52.240 oil pump as well as the oil refinery so
00:14:55.050 00:14:55.060 that's what I got set up aside from that
00:14:56.850 00:14:56.860 the only other thing we're gonna need is
00:14:58.500 00:14:58.510 we're assuming we're gonna be using a
00:15:00.210 00:15:00.220 tractor so this is really easy to make
00:15:02.040 00:15:02.050 but we're gonna need the truck station
00:15:03.630 00:15:03.640 in the tractor and then the generic
00:15:05.850 00:15:05.860 stuff like power chords so we can power
00:15:08.580 00:15:08.590 each system well yeah we'll start
00:15:10.710 00:15:10.720 working on the modular frames because
00:15:12.180 00:15:12.190 they're gonna be fun to deal with let's
00:15:13.500 00:15:13.510 actually see how we're doing four-man we
00:15:15.750 00:15:15.760 only got 14 okay so we might have to
00:15:17.760 00:15:17.770 automate that a little bit harder like I
00:15:20.670 00:15:20.680 said we'd need five per one so we're
00:15:24.180 00:15:24.190 almost there
00:15:25.110 00:15:25.120 we're also gonna need more motors so
00:15:26.760 00:15:26.770 basically what we did before we're doing
00:15:29.100 00:15:29.110 for a different thing now so that kind
00:15:30.450 00:15:30.460 of tells you we might want to focus on
00:15:32.520 00:15:32.530 getting some motors later huge bummer
00:15:35.220 00:15:35.230 this is the closest crude oil man I
00:15:37.320 00:15:37.330 there we go
00:15:38.260 00:15:38.270 we just hit it so yes it is indeed over
00:15:40.210 00:15:40.220 there so we're just gonna start building
00:15:42.610 00:15:42.620 right from here we're gonna do the
00:15:44.740 00:15:44.750 ordinary foundations and hopefully we
00:15:47.410 00:15:47.420 can build all the way across this gap
00:15:49.030 00:15:49.040 here and should we do a little what
00:15:52.300 00:15:52.310 might do a little ramp there we'll worry
00:15:54.130 00:15:54.140 about that later I'm gonna use a lot
00:15:56.200 00:15:56.210 more concrete than what I have so I'm
00:15:58.690 00:15:58.700 gonna have to go back home and get some
00:16:00.460 00:16:00.470 more not that far away from home once
00:16:02.260 00:16:02.270 we're done this bridge we can just
00:16:04.060 00:16:04.070 restock okay so it looks like we have to
00:16:06.940 00:16:06.950 build over to that next Island over here
00:16:09.340 00:16:09.350 I think all these are gonna be broken
00:16:10.690 00:16:10.700 eyelets so this is gonna be interesting
00:16:12.040 00:16:12.050 to deal with I also just thinking about
00:16:14.860 00:16:14.870 it
00:16:15.190 00:16:15.200 I was talking about travel times with
00:16:17.260 00:16:17.270 these tractors I'm going to need to have
00:16:19.810 00:16:19.820 a wide enough clearance to have two
00:16:21.760 00:16:21.770 pathways that way these tractors if
00:16:23.650 00:16:23.660 they're seeing each other on the pathway
00:16:26.020 00:16:26.030 they can go around each other so I might
00:16:28.750 00:16:28.760 even want to make these roads too wide
00:16:31.510 00:16:31.520 it cuz I don't think two tractors are
00:16:33.640 00:16:33.650 gonna fit on it if they're passing each
00:16:35.350 00:16:35.360 other really going to weird parts of the
00:16:37.330 00:16:37.340 camp though um I might need to like I
00:16:41.230 00:16:41.240 need to go over here so I'm thinking
00:16:43.930 00:16:43.940 maybe we should do another bridge
00:16:45.220 00:16:45.230 builder what are these guys oh those are
00:16:47.230 00:16:47.240 these spitters sores gonna run that guy
00:16:48.760 00:16:48.770 over there we go excuse me sorry get out
00:16:50.650 00:16:50.660 of my way I'm thinking it's either on
00:16:52.720 00:16:52.730 the hill in the distance or in this deep
00:16:55.660 00:16:55.670 pit over here beautiful part of the map
00:16:58.210 00:16:58.220 though this is really really cool oh
00:17:00.780 00:17:00.790 crap okay okay well you might need to do
00:17:05.710 00:17:05.720 some work here can we actually get up
00:17:07.150 00:17:07.160 that way yeah it looks like we can ah
00:17:08.770 00:17:08.780 god damn you scared me sorry about that
00:17:10.720 00:17:10.730 dude whoa look at those plants you know
00:17:14.140 00:17:14.150 what let's just take a minute here oh my
00:17:16.810 00:17:16.820 god that guy is huge got a crazy
00:17:19.060 00:17:19.070 waterfall here ah easy now but Jesus
00:17:22.180 00:17:22.190 Christ that was a good shot my friend um
00:17:24.540 00:17:24.550 yeah okay I don't like that said this is
00:17:27.100 00:17:27.110 why I'm building a bridge guys and I'm
00:17:28.540 00:17:28.550 not going down there cuz there's some
00:17:29.800 00:17:29.810 creepy creatures around here
00:17:31.690 00:17:31.700 I don't god damn it he's still attacking
00:17:34.240 00:17:34.250 me I hope there's no bridge damage I
00:17:37.150 00:17:37.160 never thought of that but there might be
00:17:38.850 00:17:38.860 we're gonna be so close but I don't
00:17:41.230 00:17:41.240 think we have the resources that I need
00:17:43.000 00:17:43.010 unfortunately they still got to build an
00:17:46.030 00:17:46.040 inclined downwards that
00:17:47.880 00:17:47.890 or you know what from raid now I mean I
00:17:50.789 00:17:50.799 am gonna keep this thing nice and wide
00:17:52.400 00:17:52.410 but at least that's giving us all the
00:17:55.770 00:17:55.780 way there with just a few that we need
00:17:57.780 00:17:57.790 okay what is oh it's the dog oh my Celia
00:18:03.240 00:18:03.250 oh no oh shoot shoot no dog oh are you
00:18:08.669 00:18:08.679 freaking serious Oh God actually this is
00:18:11.640 00:18:11.650 bad I don't have any food here I am NOT
00:18:13.650 00:18:13.660 gonna fight this guy right now cuz I am
00:18:15.120 00:18:15.130 way too low health that was the dog oh I
00:18:17.669 00:18:17.679 hope he didn't die um yeah that's why I
00:18:20.850 00:18:20.860 didn't really want to fight cuz I lost
00:18:22.980 00:18:22.990 all my food like I said when I respawn
00:18:24.990 00:18:25.000 into the game I lose everything
00:18:26.850 00:18:26.860 alright so what we're gonna do is
00:18:27.960 00:18:27.970 actually record our pathway home just so
00:18:30.120 00:18:30.130 we know exactly where we need to go cuz
00:18:33.480 00:18:33.490 I'm actually already lost I know we got
00:18:34.950 00:18:34.960 to go this way though and then there
00:18:36.390 00:18:36.400 should be a bridge right over here yeah
00:18:38.280 00:18:38.290 we'll just give us an indicator on how
00:18:39.750 00:18:39.760 exactly - oh god this thing's faster
00:18:41.909 00:18:41.919 than I thought to get back okay and we
00:18:44.520 00:18:44.530 are back this time a lot more concrete
00:18:48.030 00:18:48.040 so we should be able to finish this up
00:18:49.740 00:18:49.750 obviously and hopefully that big bad
00:18:53.159 00:18:53.169 guys gone I want to meet the dog ooh
00:18:54.870 00:18:54.880 though god damn it I hope he's still
00:18:56.490 00:18:56.500 here I'll have to figure that out later
00:18:58.740 00:18:58.750 but I just want to get this done real
00:19:00.000 00:19:00.010 quick so yes I brought the tractor all
00:19:03.419 00:19:03.429 the way through I expanded out the other
00:19:05.070 00:19:05.080 bridge as well too so we should have a
00:19:07.620 00:19:07.630 good left and right lane going all the
00:19:10.620 00:19:10.630 way down now let me just do this once
00:19:12.120 00:19:12.130 again bacon alright once again right
00:19:15.419 00:19:15.429 over here
00:19:17.220 00:19:17.230 and then there's one right over there so
00:19:18.780 00:19:18.790 this is actually perfect we have this
00:19:19.830 00:19:19.840 nice flat ground here to put crude oil
00:19:22.650 00:19:22.660 cannot be picked up normal so I can't
00:19:24.600 00:19:24.610 even extract it here unlike the other
00:19:26.370 00:19:26.380 resources but what I can do is put an
00:19:29.430 00:19:29.440 oil pump on it so yeah there we go and
00:19:32.840 00:19:32.850 we're gonna bring that over there so we
00:19:35.789 00:19:35.799 need 40 megawatts of power
00:19:37.950 00:19:37.960 oh man 40 that's a little scary we might
00:19:41.700 00:19:41.710 actually need coal to come down here
00:19:43.770 00:19:43.780 how we gonna power this thing at least
00:19:46.110 00:19:46.120 until we can extract some oil and power
00:19:49.440 00:19:49.450 it with an oil refinery crafts crude oil
00:19:53.190 00:19:53.200 into other parts actually are we not
00:19:55.830 00:19:55.840 gonna be able to take the crude oil all
00:19:57.480 00:19:57.490 the way back until we craft it that's
00:19:59.130 00:19:59.140 the question cuz how we gonna put it in
00:20:00.930 00:20:00.940 the tractor so we might need to do the
00:20:02.850 00:20:02.860 refinery first and then refine the oil
00:20:05.669 00:20:05.679 here and then transfer it back like that
00:20:08.060 00:20:08.070 isn't it beautiful though oh my god it's
00:20:10.560 00:20:10.570 almost going to the top
00:20:11.820 00:20:11.830 that is amazing alright conveyor belt ah
00:20:14.960 00:20:14.970 so this can make plastic feel and rubber
00:20:18.900 00:20:18.910 that makes more sense now so we might
00:20:21.440 00:20:21.450 god do we want to conveyor it back that
00:20:25.169 00:20:25.179 would be such ridiculous conveyor belt
00:20:27.030 00:20:27.040 let's just do them
00:20:28.910 00:20:28.920 man let's just see I would take 111 just
00:20:32.540 00:20:32.550 to get up there that no there's no way
00:20:35.120 00:20:35.130 because that's reinforced as well okay
00:20:37.190 00:20:37.200 so what I think I'm gonna do is refine
00:20:39.680 00:20:39.690 the oil active factory I've been doing
00:20:41.960 00:20:41.970 some thinking I asked a few friends if
00:20:44.300 00:20:44.310 you can truck the raw oil and indeed you
00:20:46.670 00:20:46.680 can it comes out in barrels I just
00:20:48.050 00:20:48.060 didn't know if it was like a liquid or
00:20:49.460 00:20:49.470 what um so what we're gonna do is get
00:20:52.520 00:20:52.530 rid of the oil refinery here and all
00:20:54.380 00:20:54.390 we're gonna need to do down here is put
00:20:56.510 00:20:56.520 a truck station up there we're still
00:20:58.160 00:20:58.170 gonna need it
00:20:59.060 00:20:59.070 how much power does this thing take is
00:21:00.680 00:21:00.690 it just yeah this takes 40 megawatts
00:21:02.840 00:21:02.850 power alone so I apologize I was a
00:21:05.390 00:21:05.400 little confused I thought if we needed
00:21:08.270 00:21:08.280 the oil refinery to make the feel know
00:21:11.570 00:21:11.580 as you can see you can make plastic and
00:21:13.280 00:21:13.290 everything else out of that so what we
00:21:14.870 00:21:14.880 actually need is a different type of
00:21:16.700 00:21:16.710 generator which I need to unlock so
00:21:19.220 00:21:19.230 we'll have to do that later let's just
00:21:22.070 00:21:22.080 get the raw oil over there and then
00:21:24.140 00:21:24.150 we'll worry about the refinement process
00:21:25.670 00:21:25.680 to turn this into power later so
00:21:27.590 00:21:27.600 basically I want to set this up I'm
00:21:29.210 00:21:29.220 setting up the whole pathway to do that
00:21:31.820 00:21:31.830 just to give some space for these guys
00:21:34.370 00:21:34.380 to turn around and not hit each other we
00:21:36.200 00:21:36.210 want a nice wide platform here and then
00:21:39.050 00:21:39.060 we should well we'll see if we can
00:21:42.140 00:21:42.150 actually make the truck station really
00:21:44.390 00:21:44.400 hope we can but we still got to deal
00:21:45.620 00:21:45.630 with power too we got to bring power
00:21:47.030 00:21:47.040 down here somehow until we get that
00:21:49.940 00:21:49.950 refinery I think we're done well how
00:21:52.400 00:21:52.410 much power does the let me actually see
00:21:54.440 00:21:54.450 in here biomass burner it does 20
00:21:57.080 00:21:57.090 megawatts of power so I would need to
00:21:58.760 00:21:58.770 that could be a temp solution until we
00:22:02.540 00:22:02.550 get the field generator and bring a
00:22:04.250 00:22:04.260 field generator down here I could
00:22:05.900 00:22:05.910 obviously do coal as well the problem is
00:22:07.550 00:22:07.560 I gotta extract coal all the way to here
00:22:09.530 00:22:09.540 which I don't know an easy way to do
00:22:11.270 00:22:11.280 that so I think for right now we're
00:22:12.830 00:22:12.840 gonna biomass it and then once we unlock
00:22:15.350 00:22:15.360 the field refinery we can just use the
00:22:17.480 00:22:17.490 feel that word or the oil it works for
00:22:19.100 00:22:19.110 the extracting to do that and then there
00:22:21.080 00:22:21.090 we go we have our truck station I didn't
00:22:23.600 00:22:23.610 realize that thing was so big so we can
00:22:25.670 00:22:25.680 bring the resources in here bring one
00:22:29.000 00:22:29.010 into field this is where you bring it to
00:22:30.650 00:22:30.660 field by the way this third one and then
00:22:32.660 00:22:32.670 in whatever you put in here stores it in
00:22:34.370 00:22:34.380 the truck station so that should be good
00:22:36.850 00:22:36.860 let's see if we can maybe conveyor set
00:22:39.620 00:22:39.630 up the
00:22:39.930 00:22:39.940 they are already and will probably put
00:22:41.580 00:22:41.590 the power station somewhere around here
00:22:43.379 00:22:43.389 that way it's easy to connect to both
00:22:44.999 00:22:45.009 the refinery and the extractor all right
00:22:47.970 00:22:47.980 there we go so we have that set up oh I
00:22:50.730 00:22:50.740 guess maybe we should split this well we
00:22:53.399 00:22:53.409 don't need it right now because we're
00:22:54.629 00:22:54.639 not feeling this thing with oil just yet
00:22:58.470 00:22:58.480 we're gonna have to build some sort of
00:23:00.299 00:23:00.309 plant factory over here to do that so
00:23:03.060 00:23:03.070 let's actually see if we can maybe do
00:23:04.440 00:23:04.450 that right now we're going to do a
00:23:05.850 00:23:05.860 biomass burner that there power that up
00:23:08.999 00:23:09.009 and how are this so that alone what does
00:23:13.980 00:23:13.990 this take to run I didn't think about
00:23:15.629 00:23:15.639 that because we need to Abdal Frick
00:23:19.710 00:23:19.720 we're gonna need more than two actually
00:23:21.360 00:23:21.370 because this does this take any power or
00:23:24.690 00:23:24.700 do it can we use our own feel to do it
00:23:26.509 00:23:26.519 no because yeah definitely has a thing
00:23:28.799 00:23:28.809 on the power station yeah so that uses
00:23:30.749 00:23:30.759 20 megawatts and let me go to the
00:23:34.470 00:23:34.480 production tab the oil pump uses 40 so
00:23:38.279 00:23:38.289 we need three of these and maybe even
00:23:41.369 00:23:41.379 four because we might be overloading it
00:23:43.350 00:23:43.360 a little bit let me see if I can afford
00:23:45.029 00:23:45.039 another one goddamn this I got the
00:23:46.980 00:23:46.990 consid here and make sure these things
00:23:48.749 00:23:48.759 are full until we get that fuel
00:23:50.519 00:23:50.529 generator now we just need to get leaves
00:23:52.710 00:23:52.720 and whatnot and start extracting this
00:23:55.710 00:23:55.720 stuff so ah can I extract these things
00:24:01.909 00:24:01.919 well actually what was that my Celia I
00:24:05.430 00:24:05.440 actually use that used it for crafting
00:24:08.460 00:24:08.470 biomass burners and vehicles can use it
00:24:10.740 00:24:10.750 for power okay so it looks like this is
00:24:12.749 00:24:12.759 indeed power right here okay this is
00:24:14.279 00:24:14.289 convenient okay there we go we got that
00:24:16.619 00:24:16.629 we got that and for the time being let's
00:24:19.409 00:24:19.419 just throw that in there that way we can
00:24:20.970 00:24:20.980 turn on this system and not over load it
00:24:23.869 00:24:23.879 okay so what are we using right now
00:24:27.180 00:24:27.190 we're consuming 40 makes sense because
00:24:29.249 00:24:29.259 we're not doing anything with the truck
00:24:30.600 00:24:30.610 station and we are or should be would
00:24:34.259 00:24:34.269 you look at that we're extracting oil
00:24:37.460 00:24:37.470 huh at least we got that far we have
00:24:41.190 00:24:41.200 power we're extracting oil we'll start
00:24:43.379 00:24:43.389 storing it in this hopefully we can get
00:24:46.080 00:24:46.090 a full station that way we can transfer
00:24:47.820 00:24:47.830 that back well we're trying to set up
00:24:49.590 00:24:49.600 the actual field or sorry the power
00:24:52.320 00:24:52.330 system that I want
00:24:53.250 00:24:53.260 here well yeah we have to unlock that as
00:24:55.200 00:24:55.210 well so right now at least this is
00:24:57.510 00:24:57.520 somewhat working this is great actually
00:24:59.400 00:24:59.410 oh well that's not a good sound we
00:25:03.500 00:25:03.510 overloaded the system I'm assuming the
00:25:06.270 00:25:06.280 moment the oil went into the actual
00:25:09.990 00:25:10.000 truck stop it used too much power we'll
00:25:12.540 00:25:12.550 have to go check it out in a second I
00:25:13.650 00:25:13.660 was just trying to get as much of this
00:25:15.210 00:25:15.220 as I can so we can fill this up as much
00:25:16.770 00:25:16.780 as possible so we're storing as much oil
00:25:18.720 00:25:18.730 as possible as we go back and try and
00:25:21.770 00:25:21.780 unlock this fuel
00:25:24.390 00:25:24.400 oh did me maybe I used all my stuff 67
00:25:26.880 00:25:26.890 yeah we owe God we use that much already
00:25:31.050 00:25:31.060 oh this is this is gonna be fun maybe
00:25:34.530 00:25:34.540 alright you know what
00:25:35.580 00:25:35.590 but can we not use this to make bio
00:25:37.200 00:25:37.210 field we need biomass for that that's
00:25:39.240 00:25:39.250 okay so yeah we're gonna we're gonna
00:25:41.160 00:25:41.170 have to extract some of this stuff and
00:25:42.780 00:25:42.790 refine it problem is this my Celia I
00:25:45.300 00:25:45.310 mean you can use it as power but you
00:25:46.710 00:25:46.720 can't use it to make biomass at least it
00:25:49.140 00:25:49.150 says leaves is there my Celia anywhere
00:25:50.810 00:25:50.820 no I don't see it anywhere so that sucks
00:25:53.190 00:25:53.200 so yeah being that there's pretty much
00:25:54.780 00:25:54.790 no plant matter around here we're gonna
00:25:57.240 00:25:57.250 have to head back I figured I just feel
00:25:59.370 00:25:59.380 these things up with this much my Celia
00:26:01.170 00:26:01.180 as I can so we should I got 527 in the
00:26:04.140 00:26:04.150 bank we should be able to max these
00:26:06.090 00:26:06.100 things out so they'll run for you know a
00:26:07.680 00:26:07.690 couple minutes at least freak how am I
00:26:10.110 00:26:10.120 gonna get the truck I didn't think about
00:26:12.780 00:26:12.790 that I might need to disassemble that
00:26:14.940 00:26:14.950 yeah let's do that real quick because
00:26:16.260 00:26:16.270 we're not gonna be able to trucks
00:26:17.520 00:26:17.530 through this obviously I can build a
00:26:19.470 00:26:19.480 bridge over it I guess you know what oh
00:26:21.690 00:26:21.700 well too late we already did it well
00:26:23.910 00:26:23.920 yeah we're just gonna head back and make
00:26:25.110 00:26:25.120 some biomass that because doing it here
00:26:28.110 00:26:28.120 would take forever ah so there it is in
00:26:30.750 00:26:30.760 tier six the field generator now what is
00:26:33.990 00:26:34.000 it's gonna
00:26:37.140 00:26:37.150 that's 500 ordinary modular flameproof
00:26:40.150 00:26:40.160 frames alone I don't know why I can't
00:26:42.160 00:26:42.170 say that word I'm also gonna need
00:26:43.740 00:26:43.750 computers so this is something we very
00:26:46.600 00:26:46.610 much are not gonna be able to do
00:26:48.630 00:26:48.640 immediately we also need to unlock this
00:26:51.850 00:26:51.860 obviously as well what is that gonna
00:26:53.230 00:26:53.240 take ordinary modular frames so we
00:26:55.480 00:26:55.490 should be able to do that quickly to
00:26:56.680 00:26:56.690 make the computer components to do the
00:26:58.060 00:26:58.070 next part what that means we have a
00:27:01.150 00:27:01.160 little bit of a ways away before we can
00:27:03.460 00:27:03.470 get our feel down there to feel this
00:27:06.760 00:27:06.770 thing so I'm just trying to figure out
00:27:08.260 00:27:08.270 the best way to feel it up until then
00:27:10.210 00:27:10.220 what yes what I'm saying is I don't
00:27:12.310 00:27:12.320 think we're immediately gonna get oil
00:27:13.720 00:27:13.730 setup at least at the end of this
00:27:15.130 00:27:15.140 episode but at least we got the way to
00:27:18.370 00:27:18.380 get it done well not totally done I'm
00:27:20.170 00:27:20.180 gonna finish it up now so what we need
00:27:21.850 00:27:21.860 is obviously another truck Depot I mean
00:27:24.370 00:27:24.380 I guess technically well I don't want to
00:27:25.930 00:27:25.940 use another one because I'm sure I'm
00:27:27.760 00:27:27.770 storing coal and all them so yeah we're
00:27:29.260 00:27:29.270 gonna have a unique one for the oil and
00:27:31.780 00:27:31.790 this is a perfect spot actually over
00:27:33.220 00:27:33.230 here assuming we don't get hit with fart
00:27:34.870 00:27:34.880 spray well yes as long as we can
00:27:36.820 00:27:36.830 transfer oil back here I'm happy and
00:27:39.520 00:27:39.530 then we can use the conveyor belts to
00:27:42.640 00:27:42.650 transfer all the oil into our factory
00:27:44.860 00:27:44.870 where we will obviously refine it so I'm
00:27:46.930 00:27:46.940 thinking let's just actually put it way
00:27:49.630 00:27:49.640 out here I didn't realize we had so much
00:27:51.940 00:27:51.950 room with these things all right so far
00:27:54.190 00:27:54.200 so good now I'd be surprised if this
00:27:55.990 00:27:56.000 thing still powered highly doubt it
00:27:59.260 00:27:59.270 question is will it load for me if it's
00:28:01.510 00:28:01.520 not my god I forgot how big this bridge
00:28:04.240 00:28:04.250 was we really did build a lot today
00:28:05.830 00:28:05.840 trying to get over here so pretty happy
00:28:08.560 00:28:08.570 with myself just wish we could get the
00:28:11.460 00:28:11.470 oil right away but obviously it's gonna
00:28:14.170 00:28:14.180 take a little while to set this up yeah
00:28:15.490 00:28:15.500 we have stalled that is because we are
00:28:18.430 00:28:18.440 out of power so we'll just stand here
00:28:21.160 00:28:21.170 and pretend we're filling up that way we
00:28:24.100 00:28:24.110 fully record this route now the good
00:28:25.990 00:28:26.000 news is I thought we would use a lot
00:28:27.610 00:28:27.620 more coal getting to here as you can see
00:28:29.470 00:28:29.480 we only used about 30 so that means I do
00:28:33.280 00:28:33.290 not need to power up the tractors over
00:28:35.830 00:28:35.840 here we can take a full round-trip and
00:28:37.630 00:28:37.640 refill back at our base that means I can
00:28:40.270 00:28:40.280 use coal in these things and not have to
00:28:43.390 00:28:43.400 worry about powering up somehow over
00:28:45.310 00:28:45.320 here until we get that fuel refinery and
00:28:47.530 00:28:47.540 00:28:49.600 00:28:49.610 we did it we wrapped all the way back so
00:28:53.470 00:28:53.480 we'll sit here once again for a little
00:28:54.940 00:28:54.950 bit and it looks like total we used
00:28:57.489 00:28:57.499 about sixty coals so not too bad not too
00:29:00.249 00:29:00.259 bad at all he stopped doing that so yeah
00:29:02.229 00:29:02.239 if it's powered it just has the
00:29:03.340 00:29:03.350 animation going there's nothing in it
00:29:05.259 00:29:05.269 there to fill me up with we want to
00:29:06.970 00:29:06.980 extract the resources out of this
00:29:08.739 00:29:08.749 anyways which we set up in that building
00:29:10.570 00:29:10.580 later on but yeah I'm gonna have to
00:29:12.669 00:29:12.679 bring coal over to this thing so I can
00:29:14.379 00:29:14.389 firry fill these right here and that
00:29:17.320 00:29:17.330 should be good we should be totally fine
00:29:19.060 00:29:19.070 now that we have a full pathway all the
00:29:21.399 00:29:21.409 way back to our base so yeah that feels
00:29:24.249 00:29:24.259 good I really wish there was oil in this
00:29:26.169 00:29:26.179 thing but we'll have to wait for that
00:29:27.970 00:29:27.980 tell this thing to enable the autopilot
00:29:30.999 00:29:31.009 all right Oh God what do you do what are
00:29:34.779 00:29:34.789 you doing
00:29:36.299 00:29:36.309 okay all right don't get any oil then
00:29:39.669 00:29:39.679 that's fine I just hope you come why it
00:29:42.759 00:29:42.769 was on this side like if if I put it on
00:29:45.820 00:29:45.830 this side I want it to go this way
00:29:48.009 00:29:48.019 well it's going guys let's hope it goes
00:29:50.889 00:29:50.899 well in a couple minutes or so we should
00:29:53.409 00:29:53.419 be seeing that thing coming back ah look
00:29:55.869 00:29:55.879 at that top bar we got a truck it was
00:29:59.409 00:29:59.419 moving okay it's slightly moving as you
00:30:01.090 00:30:01.100 can see so it's on its way back I can oh
00:30:03.940 00:30:03.950 maybe not okay it's hard to tell but
00:30:05.710 00:30:05.720 it's definitely still moving that's the
00:30:07.269 00:30:07.279 important part it has not died just yet
00:30:09.909 00:30:09.919 I guess the one other thing we could do
00:30:12.070 00:30:12.080 is build just a crazy powerline system
00:30:15.580 00:30:15.590 that actually might be a good idea
00:30:18.149 00:30:18.159 instead of trying to deal with the power
00:30:20.529 00:30:20.539 going down here because it's gonna take
00:30:21.909 00:30:21.919 forever to set up that fuel refinery I
00:30:25.090 00:30:25.100 don't think it would be actually that
00:30:27.070 00:30:27.080 expensive to set a power line that goes
00:30:28.960 00:30:28.970 all the way from the base over to here
00:30:30.840 00:30:30.850 because we have so much copper anyways
00:30:33.310 00:30:33.320 yeah you know what this is all resources
00:30:35.919 00:30:35.929 that are extremely easy to get I think
00:30:37.090 00:30:37.100 that's what we're gonna do in the next
00:30:39.039 00:30:39.049 one obviously I mean we've been I've
00:30:40.629 00:30:40.639 been building this for hours now so I
00:30:42.430 00:30:42.440 just want to make sure we got the
00:30:44.470 00:30:44.480 extraction done that's down there check
00:30:46.869 00:30:46.879 next up we need the transportation done
00:30:49.749 00:30:49.759 which hopefully I mean he's been he's
00:30:52.090 00:30:52.100 been coming for a while now I'm just
00:30:54.580 00:30:54.590 getting impatient though but that should
00:30:56.019 00:30:56.029 be done and then we just need power and
00:30:58.239 00:30:58.249 we got the whole system done so I think
00:30:59.980 00:30:59.990 yeah I think that's what I want to do I
00:31:02.200 00:31:02.210 want to bring
00:31:02.720 00:31:02.730 power lines all the way down here the
00:31:05.240 00:31:05.250 hell happened to it it looks sideways
00:31:07.220 00:31:07.230 it's that's definitely it did it hit
00:31:09.320 00:31:09.330 something see this is why you got a test
00:31:11.150 00:31:11.160 at whoa the hell was that
00:31:12.890 00:31:12.900 um yeah did we run out of feel let me
00:31:17.750 00:31:17.760 see if I can re open the workbench how
00:31:20.930 00:31:20.940 you doing man oh man you ran out of feel
00:31:22.909 00:31:22.919 ice man I calculated that and everything
00:31:25.159 00:31:25.169 all right so that's not a big deal as
00:31:27.560 00:31:27.570 long as the pathway works again we're
00:31:29.690 00:31:29.700 gonna be refueling anyways actually that
00:31:31.789 00:31:31.799 is a big deal because we can't do a full
00:31:33.380 00:31:33.390 route regardless it works if you guys
00:31:35.810 00:31:35.820 have any suggestions let me know in the
00:31:38.060 00:31:38.070 comments below because I'm kind of
00:31:39.260 00:31:39.270 racking my brain now it was so close to
00:31:41.419 00:31:41.429 being able to do a full run that's the
00:31:44.120 00:31:44.130 frustrating part maybe maybe I didn't
00:31:47.570 00:31:47.580 fully feel it I don't know because I it
00:31:49.190 00:31:49.200 looked like I only used 30 when I was
00:31:50.990 00:31:51.000 testing it myself but maybe depending on
00:31:53.630 00:31:53.640 how gassy is it could waste more coal I
00:31:56.539 00:31:56.549 have no idea now can this thing shut a
00:31:59.150 00:31:59.160 curiosity because like could put oil in
00:32:02.000 00:32:02.010 there before can this be powered by oil
00:32:04.120 00:32:04.130 if that's the case oh my god it can
00:32:07.360 00:32:07.370 interesting so I don't need to refine
00:32:09.650 00:32:09.660 the oil to power vehicles wait wait wait
00:32:14.120 00:32:14.130 wait do I need to refine it to do this
00:32:17.600 00:32:17.610 that that won't work because this is a
00:32:19.549 00:32:19.559 biomass burner okay so obviously I'm
00:32:22.130 00:32:22.140 still a little confused next episode
00:32:24.289 00:32:24.299 we're definitely gonna bring a power
00:32:25.580 00:32:25.590 line all the way back to our base to
00:32:27.950 00:32:27.960 over here so we have enough power over
00:32:29.690 00:32:29.700 here aside from that if we can deal with
00:32:32.810 00:32:32.820 the fuel on board the tractor we should
00:32:37.070 00:32:37.080 be good we should be fully automated now
00:32:39.230 00:32:39.240 and ready to go it's just a power issue
00:32:41.000 00:32:41.010 right now so yeah I hope you guys
00:32:42.799 00:32:42.809 enjoyed this one we did a lot of bridge
00:32:44.900 00:32:44.910 building today and we finally struck oil
00:32:47.450 00:32:47.460 guys it feels pretty damn good thanks so
00:32:50.299 00:32:50.309 much for watching and liking guys and
00:32:51.950 00:32:51.960 I'll see you in the next one
00:32:54.840 00:32:54.850
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