Energy 101 - Geothermal Energy

Kind: captions
Language: en

you may have relaxed in a natural Hot
00:00:09.470 00:00:09.480 Springs pool or seen the Old Faithful
00:00:11.990 00:00:12.000 geyser blasting hot water into the air
00:00:14.419 00:00:14.429 in Yellowstone National Park but have
00:00:16.970 00:00:16.980 you ever thought of where all that heat
00:00:19.160 00:00:19.170 comes from well it comes from deep
00:00:22.070 00:00:22.080 beneath the surface of the earth and
00:00:23.779 00:00:23.789 it's called geothermal energy and we can
00:00:27.230 00:00:27.240 use it to generate clean renewable
00:00:29.599 00:00:29.609 electricity okay here's how geothermal
00:00:38.360 00:00:38.370 works heat from the Earth's crust warms
00:00:41.299 00:00:41.309 water that is seeped into underground
00:00:43.220 00:00:43.230 reservoirs in some places when water
00:00:46.040 00:00:46.050 becomes hot enough it can break through
00:00:48.290 00:00:48.300 the Earth's surface as steam or hot
00:00:50.180 00:00:50.190 water this usually happens where the
00:00:52.430 00:00:52.440 Earth's crust or plates meet and shift
00:00:55.369 00:00:55.379 in the past taking advantage of
00:00:58.610 00:00:58.620 geothermal energy was limited to areas
00:01:00.950 00:01:00.960 where hot water flowed near the surface
00:01:02.930 00:01:02.940 but as geothermal technologies advanced
00:01:06.050 00:01:06.060 we can leverage even more of these
00:01:08.179 00:01:08.189 natural renewable energy sources
00:01:15.039 00:01:15.049 engineers have developed a few different
00:01:17.450 00:01:17.460 ways to produce power from geothermal
00:01:19.580 00:01:19.590 wells drilled into the ground have a
00:01:21.920 00:01:21.930 look at this it's a dry steam geothermal
00:01:25.249 00:01:25.259 power plant and it's the most common
00:01:27.590 00:01:27.600 type of geothermal technology used today
00:01:30.160 00:01:30.170 underground steam flows directly to a
00:01:32.749 00:01:32.759 turbine to drive a generator that
00:01:34.520 00:01:34.530 produces electricity pretty
00:01:37.039 00:01:37.049 straightforward another geothermal
00:01:39.499 00:01:39.509 technology is called a flash steam power
00:01:42.109 00:01:42.119 plant a pump pushes hot fluid into a
00:01:45.319 00:01:45.329 tank at the surface where it cools as it
00:01:48.350 00:01:48.360 cools the fluid flashes or quickly turns
00:01:51.380 00:01:51.390 into vapor the vapor then drives a
00:01:53.960 00:01:53.970 turbine and powers a generator
00:01:56.520 00:01:56.530 a binary cycle plant works differently
00:02:00.210 00:02:00.220 it uses two types of fluid hot fluid
00:02:04.050 00:02:04.060 from underground heats a second fluid
00:02:06.270 00:02:06.280 called a heat transfer fluid in a giant
00:02:08.999 00:02:09.009 heat exchanger the second fluid has a
00:02:11.610 00:02:11.620 much lower boiling point than the first
00:02:13.380 00:02:13.390 fluid and so it flashes into vapor and a
00:02:16.050 00:02:16.060 lower temperature when the second fluid
00:02:19.650 00:02:19.660 flashes it spins a turbine that drives a
00:02:22.380 00:02:22.390 generator the environmental benefits of
00:02:29.610 00:02:29.620 this clean round-the-clock renewable
00:02:31.830 00:02:31.840 energy source are substantial low
00:02:34.350 00:02:34.360 emissions small physical footprint and
00:02:36.690 00:02:36.700 minimal environmental impact the few
00:02:39.870 00:02:39.880 byproducts that can come up are often
00:02:41.790 00:02:41.800 rejected underground geothermal energy
00:02:44.850 00:02:44.860 can also help recycle waste water in
00:02:47.280 00:02:47.290 California waste water from the city of
00:02:50.160 00:02:50.170 Santa Rosa is injected into the ground
00:02:52.410 00:02:52.420 to generate more geothermal energy some
00:02:56.850 00:02:56.860 plants do produce solid waste but that
00:02:59.430 00:02:59.440 solid waste may contain minerals that we
00:03:01.680 00:03:01.690 can remove and sell which lowers the
00:03:04.380 00:03:04.390 cost of this energy source the US
00:03:06.810 00:03:06.820 Geological Survey estimates that
00:03:08.490 00:03:08.500 untapped geothermal resources in the
00:03:10.590 00:03:10.600 United States if developed could supply
00:03:13.380 00:03:13.390 the equivalent of 10 percent of today's
00:03:15.360 00:03:15.370 energy needs and cut our dependence on
00:03:18.030 00:03:18.040 fossil fuels in fact electricity
00:03:21.030 00:03:21.040 generated by geothermal energy already
00:03:23.430 00:03:23.440 provides about 60% of the power along
00:03:25.979 00:03:25.989 the Northern California coast from the
00:03:28.289 00:03:28.299 Golden Gate Bridge to the Oregon State
00:03:30.449 00:03:30.459 Line geothermal energy helping to push
00:03:33.870 00:03:33.880 America toward energy independence and a
00:03:36.600 00:03:36.610 clean renewable way to meet our growing
00:03:39.120 00:03:39.130 energy demands
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