Energy efficient steam boilers

Kind: captions
Language: en

so now I have with me Josh gardener who
00:00:02.419 00:00:02.429 works for wind Elson and Josh and I
00:00:04.370 00:00:04.380 actually did it walk through here
00:00:06.079 00:00:06.089 several months ago to evaluate the
00:00:07.940 00:00:07.950 existing system so Josh why don't you
00:00:09.919 00:00:09.929 come on in for a sec Taylor now Josh got
00:00:13.940 00:00:13.950 a couple questions here while we're here
00:00:15.350 00:00:15.360 yeah
00:00:15.919 00:00:15.929 obviously you can see like just showed
00:00:18.680 00:00:18.690 around some of the people the heating
00:00:20.570 00:00:20.580 and hot water systems that are here
00:00:23.300 00:00:23.310 right now and in our discussions the
00:00:27.560 00:00:27.570 customer wanted to save cost because of
00:00:31.160 00:00:31.170 right now as we saw before the existing
00:00:34.190 00:00:34.200 hot water system and the existing
00:00:37.430 00:00:37.440 furnace which is a steam boiler are just
00:00:40.700 00:00:40.710 ineffective and costing a lot of money
00:00:42.680 00:00:42.690 in these diseconomies so just go through
00:00:47.360 00:00:47.370 if you don't mind just the benefits of
00:00:51.020 00:00:51.030 what we're trying to supply these
00:00:52.310 00:00:52.320 customers today well the system we have
00:00:55.189 00:00:55.199 right here is a steam hot steam for
00:00:59.060 00:00:59.070 steam system that is shimmy drafted it's
00:01:02.689 00:01:02.699 running probably the mid 70s for
00:01:04.969 00:01:04.979 efficiency right now right and the
00:01:06.560 00:01:06.570 domestic hot water is coming off the
00:01:08.539 00:01:08.549 lower section of the steam boiler so the
00:01:10.100 00:01:10.110 hot water that produces the steam that
00:01:12.620 00:01:12.630 hot water is going into the indirect
00:01:14.600 00:01:14.610 water heater giving the domestic hot
00:01:15.890 00:01:15.900 water now I have a question that's
00:01:18.950 00:01:18.960 that's pretty common in most residential
00:01:21.109 00:01:21.119 applications and actually most setups
00:01:22.820 00:01:22.830 where the steam as well the boiler will
00:01:26.179 00:01:26.189 run both yeah whether it's a hydraulic
00:01:28.130 00:01:28.140 system or a steam system right they're
00:01:31.039 00:01:31.049 very common to have the indirect hot
00:01:33.170 00:01:33.180 water heater coming out that system in
00:01:34.969 00:01:34.979 some applications it works and it makes
00:01:37.100 00:01:37.110 sense right other applications it
00:01:38.929 00:01:38.939 doesn't and this send in this
00:01:40.399 00:01:40.409 application it really does not make
00:01:42.319 00:01:42.329 sense and it's a big money waster
00:01:44.090 00:01:44.100 especially in the shoulder seasons of
00:01:45.499 00:01:45.509 the summer so what we're planning to do
00:01:48.170 00:01:48.180 here is remove the whole domestic hot
00:01:50.719 00:01:50.729 water system off the steam heating
00:01:54.800 00:01:54.810 system right and separate it to a
00:01:58.179 00:01:58.189 high-efficiency condensing 98% efficient
00:02:02.539 00:02:02.549 system right so come in the you know
00:02:05.569 00:02:05.579 shoulder the fall spring and summer
00:02:07.249 00:02:07.259 seasons right we can turn the steam
00:02:09.859 00:02:09.869 boiler off right until that fuel source
00:02:12.110 00:02:12.120 and
00:02:12.809 00:02:12.819 you have another system that's
00:02:13.679 00:02:13.689 completely separate that's running
00:02:15.300 00:02:15.310 domestic hot water and 98 percent
00:02:17.550 00:02:17.560 efficiency okay so a couple things we
00:02:21.119 00:02:21.129 decided to is we so that's domestic hot
00:02:23.940 00:02:23.950 water is this water tank right here now
00:02:26.099 00:02:26.109 some systems the boiler will actually
00:02:29.369 00:02:29.379 heat the home and also heat the water in
00:02:32.550 00:02:32.560 one unit but because of the size of this
00:02:35.099 00:02:35.109 facility doesn't make sense
00:02:40.790 00:02:40.800 so Josh can you just tell us about the
00:02:43.380 00:02:43.390 new steam boiler that's right in front
00:02:45.510 00:02:45.520 of us right here yeah this one here is a
00:02:48.150 00:02:48.160 Barnum mega steam it is a five section
00:02:52.230 00:02:52.240 boiler steam boiler right
00:02:54.450 00:02:54.460 it's for oil and link doesn't come gas
00:02:57.540 00:02:57.550 and it's going to replacing or
00:02:59.370 00:02:59.380 inefficient steam boiler here our old
00:03:01.890 00:03:01.900 one is running it probably the mid-70s
00:03:03.900 00:03:03.910 for efficiency right um this one runs at
00:03:06.780 00:03:06.790 about 86 percent efficient now for steam
00:03:09.750 00:03:09.760 boilers yeah that's the highest you can
00:03:12.420 00:03:12.430 possibly get what little steam boilers
00:03:15.330 00:03:15.340 come across at 82 to 83 now if this was
00:03:19.620 00:03:19.630 a most people well though there are a
00:03:22.290 00:03:22.300 lot of homes that have steam steam
00:03:23.790 00:03:23.800 radiators right now at their home so
00:03:25.710 00:03:25.720 this might be although this is a larger
00:03:28.230 00:03:28.240 unit for this large building but in
00:03:30.330 00:03:30.340 their homes also if somebody had just a
00:03:32.850 00:03:32.860 forced hot water system well what's the
00:03:35.070 00:03:35.080 energy efficiency for one of those just
00:03:37.740 00:03:37.750 look comparison with the steam with a
00:03:39.240 00:03:39.250 forced hot water system I mean if you
00:03:41.100 00:03:41.110 were stayed with a cast iron type boiler
00:03:42.930 00:03:42.940 right you get something around 87 80
00:03:47.310 00:03:47.320 percent efficient okay if you were to
00:03:49.320 00:03:49.330 make the next step up and go with one of
00:03:51.420 00:03:51.430 the modulating condensing one of the
00:03:53.580 00:03:53.590 wall-hung boys you get it up to about 95
00:03:56.730 00:03:56.740 to 97 percent okay so one question that
00:03:59.850 00:03:59.860 people really would do ask is what does
00:04:01.650 00:04:01.660 that mean what am i what is the
00:04:03.180 00:04:03.190 percentage that we are getting is that
00:04:04.650 00:04:04.660 the percentage of the oil or fuel that's
00:04:06.810 00:04:06.820 used that's being actually actualized
00:04:10.260 00:04:10.270 into heat
00:04:11.100 00:04:11.110 how does that work well basically the
00:04:13.440 00:04:13.450 efficiency set on what you're actually
00:04:15.990 00:04:16.000 using right so you know one gallon of
00:04:19.110 00:04:19.120 oil it's a one gallon of oil I mean
00:04:23.120 00:04:23.130 probably about 15 percent of that let me
00:04:26.909 00:04:26.919 go up the chimney right for
00:04:28.560 00:04:28.570 high-efficiency mm-hmm
00:04:30.570 00:04:30.580 so you know the 80 and we say eighty
00:04:33.330 00:04:33.340 seven percent right that means 80
00:04:35.280 00:04:35.290 percent of 87 percent of that gallon
00:04:37.500 00:04:37.510 right we're actually using in this
00:04:39.570 00:04:39.580 boiler okay the remainder is going up
00:04:41.970 00:04:41.980 this chimney okay outside so now in this
00:04:45.210 00:04:45.220 current boiler obviously with mid-70s
00:04:47.970 00:04:47.980 so um people basically there's when you
00:04:51.180 00:04:51.190 get your chimney excuse me when you get
00:04:52.860 00:04:52.870 your boilers
00:04:54.530 00:04:54.540 cleaned each year the boiler service
00:04:59.070 00:04:59.080 will have a card they'll fill it out and
00:05:00.930 00:05:00.940 they'll actually do a test on the
00:05:02.190 00:05:02.200 efficiency of the unit yeah what it is
00:05:04.050 00:05:04.060 is there's a combustion analysis machine
00:05:05.910 00:05:05.920 that they put into the flue right and
00:05:08.700 00:05:08.710 what happens is they run the boiler
00:05:10.290 00:05:10.300 normally after they after they've done
00:05:12.030 00:05:12.040 the cleaning now after they brush the
00:05:13.740 00:05:13.750 boiler out and that combustion analyzer
00:05:16.440 00:05:16.450 will tell them many different things
00:05:18.330 00:05:18.340 what's going off the heating systems
00:05:19.650 00:05:19.660 right and troubleshoot it and whatnot
00:05:20.820 00:05:20.830 but it's also going to tell them the
00:05:22.440 00:05:22.450 efficiency right and it's going to tell
00:05:24.150 00:05:24.160 them the stack temperature they're
00:05:25.440 00:05:25.450 losing
00:05:30.240 00:05:30.250 don't film the stack temperature of what
00:05:32.440 00:05:32.450 they're losing and and be able to help
00:05:37.270 00:05:37.280 the the contractor adjust the efficiency
00:05:39.850 00:05:39.860 to bring it up or down so if the
00:05:41.620 00:05:41.630 customer in their house has a boiler
00:05:43.570 00:05:43.580 that's working in the mid 70s they can
00:05:45.550 00:05:45.560 they know that prop 30 percent
00:05:48.520 00:05:48.530 potentially of the fuel usage is being
00:05:50.920 00:05:50.930 actually burned up into the going up the
00:05:53.350 00:05:53.360 chimney right and not being used into
00:05:54.970 00:05:54.980 their heating of their home exactly it's
00:05:56.890 00:05:56.900 just going through the boiler into the
00:05:58.570 00:05:58.580 chimney right up and outside and they're
00:06:01.270 00:06:01.280 losing that in so that's an easy way to
00:06:03.610 00:06:03.620 somebody to calculate whether it's worth
00:06:05.470 00:06:05.480 changing their boiler or not here's
00:06:07.000 00:06:07.010 exactly you can look at your bills and
00:06:08.770 00:06:08.780 kind of compute you know why you're
00:06:10.510 00:06:10.520 actually spending how much is what your
00:06:12.400 00:06:12.410 efficiency your heating system is
00:06:13.600 00:06:13.610 correct and then you can actually look
00:06:14.980 00:06:14.990 at a physical number of what you're
00:06:16.630 00:06:16.640 actually losing up that chimney right
00:06:18.280 00:06:18.290 and then you can look at that number you
00:06:20.380 00:06:20.390 know and get quotes for various
00:06:21.940 00:06:21.950 contractors and how much it cost to
00:06:23.680 00:06:23.690 replace the heating system whether I
00:06:24.940 00:06:24.950 open more high efficiency and you know
00:06:27.610 00:06:27.620 whether or not that would make sense for
00:06:28.900 00:06:28.910 you now in this application we've we're
00:06:31.690 00:06:31.700 going to go with a unit a new unit
00:06:33.670 00:06:33.680 that's 10 to 15% more efficient so right
00:06:37.480 00:06:37.490 away there's a potential savings because
00:06:39.370 00:06:39.380 we're utilizing more the fuel in heating
00:06:41.800 00:06:41.810 the home or heating this home and then
00:06:43.810 00:06:43.820 we've separated that the hot water
00:06:46.240 00:06:46.250 system which runs off the oil onto a new
00:06:49.570 00:06:49.580 propane or gas heating system correct
00:06:52.690 00:06:52.700 that's correct and that unit we'll take
00:06:54.670 00:06:54.680 a look at it runs at approximately 90
00:06:57.130 00:06:57.140 was that 90% efficient right so you
00:06:59.740 00:06:59.750 can't get antes I mean it's high as you
00:07:01.840 00:07:01.850 go that's high as it goes yeah so why
00:07:03.370 00:07:03.380 don't we maybe take a look over there
00:07:04.870 00:07:04.880 see the guys from gal plumbing
00:07:06.340 00:07:06.350 installing that system let's go
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