Evaporator 101

Kind: captions
Language: en

00:00:04.480 00:00:04.490 hey thanks for watching this quick video
00:00:06.740 00:00:06.750 is on the evaporator and the evaporator
00:00:09.770 00:00:09.780 is probably I don't want to say it's the
00:00:12.080 00:00:12.090 most important component because every
00:00:13.700 00:00:13.710 component is critical to the operation
00:00:15.650 00:00:15.660 of the basic refrigerant circuit but it
00:00:17.480 00:00:17.490 is the component that does the thing
00:00:19.580 00:00:19.590 that we most relate to with air
00:00:21.920 00:00:21.930 conditioning and refrigeration which is
00:00:23.359 00:00:23.369 it is the part that absorbs heat we
00:00:25.759 00:00:25.769 would often think that the evaporator is
00:00:27.140 00:00:27.150 the part that makes cold but as often is
00:00:29.929 00:00:29.939 a you know beat to death in the HVAC
00:00:32.209 00:00:32.219 industry you can't make cold cold is the
00:00:35.389 00:00:35.399 absence of heat or a differential
00:00:37.880 00:00:37.890 between something that is hotter and
00:00:39.830 00:00:39.840 something that is colder it's an it's an
00:00:41.750 00:00:41.760 explanatory word that we use we call
00:00:43.610 00:00:43.620 something cold
00:00:44.420 00:00:44.430 we're just saying it's cold in
00:00:46.040 00:00:46.050 relationship to the temperature of our
00:00:47.959 00:00:47.969 skin or the temperature that we would
00:00:50.150 00:00:50.160 like it to be outdoors or whatever the
00:00:51.680 00:00:51.690 case may be but the evaporator for all
00:00:53.660 00:00:53.670 intents and purposes as far as we're
00:00:55.250 00:00:55.260 concerned is cold if you touch most of
00:00:57.170 00:00:57.180 Aperta calls they feel cold on air
00:00:59.720 00:00:59.730 conditioners the evaporator coils under
00:01:01.279 00:01:01.289 normal sort of rated conditions are
00:01:03.410 00:01:03.420 about 40 degrees Fahrenheit and of
00:01:05.149 00:01:05.159 course that does vary depending on load
00:01:07.429 00:01:07.439 conditions and in freezers you can get
00:01:09.679 00:01:09.689 evaporator coils all the way down to
00:01:10.969 00:01:10.979 minus you know 30 minus 40 degrees
00:01:12.800 00:01:12.810 depending on the situation so we have
00:01:15.050 00:01:15.060 evaporator coils that are a wide range
00:01:16.910 00:01:16.920 of temperatures but they are all almost
00:01:20.450 00:01:20.460 all as far as we're concerned cold but
00:01:23.630 00:01:23.640 when something is cold that means it's a
00:01:25.249 00:01:25.259 lower temperature than something else so
00:01:28.280 00:01:28.290 that way heat moves into it which is why
00:01:30.590 00:01:30.600 in my basic refrigeration description I
00:01:33.050 00:01:33.060 talked about the evaporator as being the
00:01:34.730 00:01:34.740 heat absorber it pulls in heat and
00:01:37.550 00:01:37.560 that's really what we're trying to do
00:01:38.780 00:01:38.790 when we're attempting to cool something
00:01:40.399 00:01:40.409 because we make the evaporator coil of a
00:01:42.319 00:01:42.329 lower temperature than either the room
00:01:44.090 00:01:44.100 of the box the air going over it so that
00:01:46.399 00:01:46.409 way heat goes out of that room or that
00:01:48.499 00:01:48.509 refrigerator box or that freezer and the
00:01:50.719 00:01:50.729 heat is attracted into that of Africa
00:01:52.520 00:01:52.530 coil and often for most of the typical
00:01:54.170 00:01:54.180 basic systems we're working on we're
00:01:55.670 00:01:55.680 just flowing air over the evaporator
00:01:57.649 00:01:57.659 coil over those fins on that evaporator
00:01:59.810 00:01:59.820 coil and then as it passes across that
00:02:02.300 00:02:02.310 metal and the refrigerant moves through
00:02:03.920 00:02:03.930 it's absorbing heat through the metal
00:02:05.929 00:02:05.939 into the refrigerant the fins on those
00:02:07.999 00:02:08.009 coils that you'll often see act as
00:02:10.240 00:02:10.250 additional surface area to help
00:02:12.770 00:02:12.780 give it a little bit more contact time
00:02:14.180 00:02:14.190 so that as that airs passing over it has
00:02:16.550 00:02:16.560 more contact time on the metal so that
00:02:18.410 00:02:18.420 way that refrigerant inside that
00:02:20.090 00:02:20.100 evaporator coil can absorb heat and we
00:02:22.190 00:02:22.200 like we talked about before the reason
00:02:23.390 00:02:23.400 why the evaporator coil is cooler than
00:02:26.180 00:02:26.190 lower temperature than the other
00:02:28.190 00:02:28.200 components is because there's a pressure
00:02:29.870 00:02:29.880 drop right before it we're going to talk
00:02:31.309 00:02:31.319 about the metering device separately but
00:02:32.930 00:02:32.940 the metering device provides a pressure
00:02:34.250 00:02:34.260 drop going into the evaporator coil and
00:02:36.440 00:02:36.450 so that evaporator coil can be a lower
00:02:38.360 00:02:38.370 temperature the reason why we call it an
00:02:39.949 00:02:39.959 evaporator coil is because the
00:02:41.870 00:02:41.880 refrigerant inside boils or evaporates
00:02:44.449 00:02:44.459 and those two words don't mean exactly
00:02:45.620 00:02:45.630 the same thing I would rather that it
00:02:47.870 00:02:47.880 was called the boil Raider instead of
00:02:49.460 00:02:49.470 the evaporator but if you remember it as
00:02:51.650 00:02:51.660 a boiler ater that might help you
00:02:53.270 00:02:53.280 remember what it does because what's
00:02:54.830 00:02:54.840 going on inside there is the rapid
00:02:56.479 00:02:56.489 change from liquid to vapor State so
00:02:59.120 00:02:59.130 it's a it's this change from liquid to
00:03:00.740 00:03:00.750 vapor right when it comes out of that
00:03:02.360 00:03:02.370 metering device it already has flashed
00:03:04.220 00:03:04.230 off some of that refrigerant from liquid
00:03:06.170 00:03:06.180 to vapor a lot of time a lot of books
00:03:08.150 00:03:08.160 will say you know approximately 70 to 30
00:03:09.830 00:03:09.840 percent so 70 percent would be liquid 30
00:03:11.840 00:03:11.850 percent would be vapor when it enters
00:03:13.280 00:03:13.290 that evaporator coil but that varies
00:03:14.780 00:03:14.790 quite a bit and there's a lot of
00:03:15.830 00:03:15.840 conditions that impact that but right as
00:03:17.479 00:03:17.489 Ann enters the evaporator coil its are
00:03:19.100 00:03:19.110 automatically changing state and it's
00:03:20.720 00:03:20.730 boiling if you imagine what water looks
00:03:22.550 00:03:22.560 like when it boils in a pot that's very
00:03:24.470 00:03:24.480 similar to what its gonna look like as
00:03:25.850 00:03:25.860 its flowing through the lines it's gonna
00:03:27.590 00:03:27.600 be that changing state there's gonna be
00:03:29.240 00:03:29.250 you know bubbles forming in it as it's
00:03:31.039 00:03:31.049 boiling going through that evaporator
00:03:32.509 00:03:32.519 coil now that's sort of blows our minds
00:03:34.190 00:03:34.200 because we imagine that's things that
00:03:35.690 00:03:35.700 are boiling are hot and the only reason
00:03:37.310 00:03:37.320 we imagine that is because the only
00:03:38.569 00:03:38.579 thing we observe boiling in our
00:03:40.039 00:03:40.049 day-to-day lives is water and water does
00:03:42.020 00:03:42.030 boil at a high temperature compared to
00:03:44.690 00:03:44.700 our skin at atmospheric pressure 212
00:03:47.810 00:03:47.820 degrees Fahrenheit or a hundred degrees
00:03:49.180 00:03:49.190 Celsius is what water boils out at
00:03:51.770 00:03:51.780 atmospheric pressure whereas most the
00:03:53.240 00:03:53.250 refrigerants we work with they boil at
00:03:54.710 00:03:54.720 very low temperatures at atmospheric
00:03:56.390 00:03:56.400 pressure in fact we have to kind of
00:03:58.130 00:03:58.140 pressurize them above atmospheric
00:03:59.479 00:03:59.489 pressure in order to manipulate them to
00:04:01.610 00:04:01.620 boil at the temperatures that we want so
00:04:03.800 00:04:03.810 am i manipulating the pressure we can
00:04:05.060 00:04:05.070 manipulate the temperature of that
00:04:06.710 00:04:06.720 evaporator coil you imagine this boiling
00:04:08.660 00:04:08.670 refrigerant moving through it we can
00:04:09.800 00:04:09.810 manipulate the temperature at which it's
00:04:12.050 00:04:12.060 changing State by manipulating the
00:04:13.759 00:04:13.769 pressure like we talked about before
00:04:14.870 00:04:14.880 higher pressure equals higher
00:04:16.729 00:04:16.739 temperature lower pressure equals lower
00:04:18.860 00:04:18.870 temperature and that's also true when
00:04:20.779 00:04:20.789 you're dealing with what we would call a
00:04:21.920 00:04:21.930 saturated refrigerant that means that
00:04:24.140 00:04:24.150 it's part liquid in part vapor together
00:04:26.000 00:04:26.010 at this
00:04:26.420 00:04:26.430 place at the same time otherwise known
00:04:28.370 00:04:28.380 as boiling or condensing inside the
00:04:30.290 00:04:30.300 evaporator coil it's boiling it's
00:04:31.760 00:04:31.770 changing state from liquid to vapor
00:04:33.499 00:04:33.509 like I said fairly rapidly as it
00:04:35.120 00:04:35.130 circulates through the system now just
00:04:36.770 00:04:36.780 like sort of the opposite of the
00:04:38.330 00:04:38.340 condenser where we talked about how the
00:04:39.950 00:04:39.960 refrigerant goes in the top and then as
00:04:41.480 00:04:41.490 it becomes a liquid and kind of settles
00:04:43.040 00:04:43.050 down it goes down to the bottom on an
00:04:45.020 00:04:45.030 evaporator coil we're generally gonna
00:04:46.310 00:04:46.320 feed it into the bottom and then as it
00:04:47.990 00:04:48.000 boils off to a vapor it's gonna come out
00:04:50.029 00:04:50.039 the top so generally you'll notice that
00:04:52.040 00:04:52.050 if Africa cools are fed with that
00:04:53.960 00:04:53.970 boiling liquid refrigerant in the bottom
00:04:55.730 00:04:55.740 and then the refrigerant comes out the
00:04:57.290 00:04:57.300 top and then feeds down the suction line
00:04:59.570 00:04:59.580 it's very important in air conditioning
00:05:01.159 00:05:01.169 that we control that temperature of the
00:05:02.960 00:05:02.970 evaporator coil and keep it above the
00:05:04.939 00:05:04.949 freezing temperature because most air
00:05:06.560 00:05:06.570 conditioners don't have any way of
00:05:07.999 00:05:08.009 defrosting so we've got to keep that
00:05:09.770 00:05:09.780 coil surface temperature above 32
00:05:11.870 00:05:11.880 degrees to ensure that we don't start to
00:05:14.510 00:05:14.520 build up frost and ice now in
00:05:16.219 00:05:16.229 practicality you can actually get it a
00:05:17.870 00:05:17.880 little below 32 and not have Frost
00:05:19.700 00:05:19.710 because there's a slight difference
00:05:20.719 00:05:20.729 between the temperature of the
00:05:22.400 00:05:22.410 refrigerant inside the coil and the
00:05:24.200 00:05:24.210 actual surface temperature of the metal
00:05:26.150 00:05:26.160 on the coil there's just like variance
00:05:27.890 00:05:27.900 there and then also if you have to have
00:05:30.080 00:05:30.090 sufficient moisture and sufficient dwell
00:05:31.850 00:05:31.860 time and order for it to start to freeze
00:05:33.350 00:05:33.360 so that's why in a lot of arid
00:05:35.089 00:05:35.099 environments people won't get the same
00:05:37.520 00:05:37.530 types of frost patterns that we get down
00:05:39.500 00:05:39.510 in Florida where we have very high
00:05:40.790 00:05:40.800 relative humidity and so there's
00:05:42.710 00:05:42.720 different air flows that are needed in
00:05:44.180 00:05:44.190 different circumstances but regardless
00:05:45.890 00:05:45.900 we generally want to keep that
00:05:47.270 00:05:47.280 evaporator coil above 32 degrees
00:05:49.879 00:05:49.889 Fahrenheit so that we do not build up
00:05:52.100 00:05:52.110 frost on that coil juxtapose that to say
00:05:54.320 00:05:54.330 a freezer where we obviously have to get
00:05:56.089 00:05:56.099 that evaporator coil below 32 degrees
00:05:57.920 00:05:57.930 temperature otherwise we would not get
00:06:00.110 00:06:00.120 the product below 32 it wouldn't be a
00:06:01.850 00:06:01.860 freezer unless it was below 32 in fact a
00:06:04.339 00:06:04.349 lot of freezers are minus 10 minus 20
00:06:06.350 00:06:06.360 degrees Fahrenheit and so you have to
00:06:07.939 00:06:07.949 have an evaporator coil that is lower
00:06:09.890 00:06:09.900 than the temperature of that desired
00:06:12.439 00:06:12.449 temperature of the box or of the product
00:06:14.149 00:06:14.159 inside the box so if you open up the
00:06:16.040 00:06:16.050 freezer at home and let's say that it's
00:06:17.810 00:06:17.820 minus 10 degrees inside that freezer you
00:06:20.029 00:06:20.039 have to have an evaporator coil that is
00:06:21.620 00:06:21.630 at least -9 degrees otherwise heat isn't
00:06:24.740 00:06:24.750 gonna move out of that box into that of
00:06:27.140 00:06:27.150 Aperta quele
00:06:27.860 00:06:27.870 like we said the evaporator coil is the
00:06:29.180 00:06:29.190 heat absorber and it must be lower
00:06:30.710 00:06:30.720 temperature than the air that's passing
00:06:32.330 00:06:32.340 over it or than the space that it's in
00:06:34.159 00:06:34.169 in the case of in the case of a freezer
00:06:35.899 00:06:35.909 or a refrigerator in practice you're
00:06:37.879 00:06:37.889 actually gonna see more like a 10
00:06:39.670 00:06:39.680 to 20 degree lower temperature of a
00:06:42.480 00:06:42.490 participation x' again very much depends
00:06:45.400 00:06:45.410 on the particular equipment in order to
00:06:47.080 00:06:47.090 absorb heat out of that space
00:06:48.850 00:06:48.860 effectively so what we're doing with an
00:06:51.129 00:06:51.139 evaporator coil what we really care
00:06:52.510 00:06:52.520 about is we care about making sure that
00:06:54.279 00:06:54.289 we control the temperature to the
00:06:56.020 00:06:56.030 temperature that we want that of a
00:06:57.279 00:06:57.289 protocol to be and we also have to
00:06:59.260 00:06:59.270 ensure that we flow refrigerant let
00:07:01.330 00:07:01.340 boiling liquid refrigerant through most
00:07:03.189 00:07:03.199 of the coil now the last part of the
00:07:05.379 00:07:05.389 coil is what we call the super heating
00:07:06.999 00:07:07.009 phase if you remember what we talked
00:07:08.140 00:07:08.150 about the condenser you have D super
00:07:09.999 00:07:10.009 heating then you have condensing the
00:07:11.860 00:07:11.870 change of state from vapor to liquid and
00:07:14.200 00:07:14.210 then you have sub cooling and an
00:07:15.700 00:07:15.710 evaporator coil you have the boiling
00:07:18.070 00:07:18.080 phase or the flash gas or whatever you
00:07:20.080 00:07:20.090 want to call it the the point at which
00:07:21.310 00:07:21.320 it's changing state its saturated state
00:07:23.830 00:07:23.840 it's boiling and then at the end you
00:07:25.629 00:07:25.639 have the super heating phase super
00:07:27.400 00:07:27.410 heating can only happen when it is fully
00:07:29.080 00:07:29.090 vapor and as that refrigerant finally
00:07:30.879 00:07:30.889 makes its way all the way through that
00:07:32.110 00:07:32.120 coil at the end it's going to be fully
00:07:34.330 00:07:34.340 vapor and that's when we when you get
00:07:36.040 00:07:36.050 further on and you learn what superheat
00:07:37.629 00:07:37.639 is that's all superheat is it's just
00:07:39.310 00:07:39.320 using temperature and pressure in order
00:07:41.350 00:07:41.360 to tell us how far through that
00:07:43.330 00:07:43.340 evaporator coil that liquid refrigerant
00:07:45.339 00:07:45.349 is boiling so how long through that
00:07:47.620 00:07:47.630 evaporator coil is that there's still
00:07:48.670 00:07:48.680 some liquid it's gonna start off at say
00:07:50.290 00:07:50.300 70 percent liquid refrigerant and then
00:07:52.689 00:07:52.699 it's gonna go to a 60 50 40 30 10 and
00:07:55.210 00:07:55.220 then finally we'll go to zero percent
00:07:57.070 00:07:57.080 liquid refrigerant and that's when we
00:07:58.629 00:07:58.639 can start to superheat that's when that
00:08:00.129 00:08:00.139 temperature can start to rise so we're
00:08:01.839 00:08:01.849 gonna control the temperature of that
00:08:04.149 00:08:04.159 boiling through that evaporator coil
00:08:05.620 00:08:05.630 through pressure and then we're also
00:08:07.629 00:08:07.639 going to control how far through the
00:08:09.310 00:08:09.320 coil we're feeding the refrigerant now
00:08:11.260 00:08:11.270 everything in the air conditioning
00:08:13.029 00:08:13.039 refrigeration system affects everything
00:08:14.620 00:08:14.630 else so the amount of refrigerant how
00:08:17.080 00:08:17.090 well the compressor is moving that
00:08:18.760 00:08:18.770 refrigerant how well it's circulating it
00:08:20.379 00:08:20.389 if it's compressing properly whether or
00:08:22.089 00:08:22.099 not your condenser coil is dirty or has
00:08:23.950 00:08:23.960 problems or whether or not the airflow
00:08:25.420 00:08:25.430 moving over that of a protocol is too
00:08:27.010 00:08:27.020 low there's all kinds of factors that
00:08:29.770 00:08:29.780 impact count of a protocol absorbs heat
00:08:32.140 00:08:32.150 but remember that when we're attempting
00:08:33.430 00:08:33.440 to cool something that really is the
00:08:34.810 00:08:34.820 point so it's very important that we get
00:08:36.310 00:08:36.320 all the situations correct so that way
00:08:38.769 00:08:38.779 we have a proper evaporator temperature
00:08:40.510 00:08:40.520 and so that way we're feeding that
00:08:42.430 00:08:42.440 boiling liquid refrigerant through the
00:08:44.170 00:08:44.180 bulk of that coil till we hit what we
00:08:46.390 00:08:46.400 call our target superheat the point at
00:08:48.010 00:08:48.020 which it's it's designed to become a
00:08:50.530 00:08:50.540 vapor before it goes back to that
00:08:52.150 00:08:52.160 compressor again
00:08:52.870 00:08:52.880 because that compressor is a vapor pump
00:08:55.180 00:08:55.190 what's the point here the point is is
00:08:56.890 00:08:56.900 that we have to control that temperature
00:08:58.960 00:08:58.970 how far it feeds through one thing about
00:09:01.420 00:09:01.430 the evaporator coil itself is that we
00:09:03.070 00:09:03.080 are moving the right medium across it
00:09:05.980 00:09:05.990 medium can be air or water or whatever
00:09:07.510 00:09:07.520 it is that were cooling and that we're
00:09:08.920 00:09:08.930 moving it across in the correct rates so
00:09:10.690 00:09:10.700 for example the really common example of
00:09:12.970 00:09:12.980 this would be having a dirty air filter
00:09:14.380 00:09:14.390 if you have a dirty air filter then
00:09:16.480 00:09:16.490 there's not enough air moving over that
00:09:18.250 00:09:18.260 of a protocol that evaporator coils job
00:09:20.170 00:09:20.180 is to remove heat from the air and if
00:09:22.810 00:09:22.820 there's not enough air then there's not
00:09:24.340 00:09:24.350 enough heat and the pressure in that
00:09:26.170 00:09:26.180 evaporator coil will begin to drop and
00:09:27.850 00:09:27.860 that's why you will find often that air
00:09:30.280 00:09:30.290 conditioners that freeze up or even
00:09:32.200 00:09:32.210 coolers or freezers that are freezing up
00:09:34.150 00:09:34.160 too much many times that's due to low
00:09:36.520 00:09:36.530 air flow so we have to control that
00:09:38.650 00:09:38.660 airflow moving over that coil if it was
00:09:40.570 00:09:40.580 a chiller where it was cooling water
00:09:42.340 00:09:42.350 then you'd have to control the amount of
00:09:43.750 00:09:43.760 water that was moving across it because
00:09:45.610 00:09:45.620 remember the evaporators job is to
00:09:47.830 00:09:47.840 absorb heat so we have to give it the
00:09:49.810 00:09:49.820 right amount of heat for it to absorb
00:09:51.640 00:09:51.650 for it to function properly so that is
00:09:53.980 00:09:53.990 just a very quick introduction I could
00:09:55.660 00:09:55.670 sit here and talk for hours about
00:09:56.680 00:09:56.690 evaporator coils but hopefully that gave
00:09:58.570 00:09:58.580 you a sense of the evaporator coil the
00:10:00.580 00:10:00.590 heat absorbing component of the basic
00:10:03.370 00:10:03.380 refrigerant circuit will get you on the
00:10:05.080 00:10:05.090 next video
00:10:05.590 00:10:05.600 00:10:18.120 00:10:18.130 you
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