00:00:02.370 situation 00:00:05.35000:00:05.360 I'm having 00:00:08.08000:00:08.090 stored here 00:00:20.90000:00:20.910 I'm supposed to be insulted or 00:00:26.78000:00:26.790 be a little 00:00:32.17000:00:32.180 squeezed in a little and when the 00:00:34.37000:00:34.380 install happened looks like that was 00:00:36.29000:00:36.300 pushed to fix this to make it easier for 00:00:44.06000:00:44.070 the homeowner get in here on occasion 00:00:52.24000:00:52.250 that being square shy pushes everything 00:00:54.59000:00:54.600 over 00:01:12.96000:01:12.970 budging 00:02:45.78000:02:45.790 [Music] 00:02:53.55900:02:53.569 perfect do this a little tight in the 00:03:00.05000:03:00.060 corner 00:03:10.49000:03:10.50000:03:32.68000:03:32.690 perfect 00:04:22.99000:04:23.000 you got fixed the filter door next time
Office location
Engineering company LOTUS®
Russia, Ekaterinburg, Lunacharskogo street, 240/12