Gas Furnace Heat Exchanger Clogged Problem- What it looks like and Burn Spots!

Kind: captions
Language: en

00:00:03.280 00:00:03.290 hey guys this is AC service tech and
00:00:05.749 00:00:05.759 today what we're looking at is heat
00:00:07.550 00:00:07.560 exchanger failure all right we're gonna
00:00:09.980 00:00:09.990 just talk about a few items here
00:00:11.749 00:00:11.759 this is an older early 90s early 1990s
00:00:17.840 00:00:17.850 ninety percent efficient furnace heat
00:00:20.179 00:00:20.189 exchanger okay
00:00:21.710 00:00:21.720 these are the early heat exchangers that
00:00:24.109 00:00:24.119 were used and because of the way that
00:00:27.529 00:00:27.539 the secondary heat exchanger was built
00:00:29.390 00:00:29.400 which would be this one right here they
00:00:32.030 00:00:32.040 tend to fail okay this is the primary
00:00:35.420 00:00:35.430 heat exchanger and this is where the
00:00:38.270 00:00:38.280 combustion gas mixed with the with the
00:00:43.100 00:00:43.110 air alright and the ignition source and
00:00:45.470 00:00:45.480 you'd have your flame and exhaust come
00:00:47.569 00:00:47.579 right over to here and you're gonna get
00:00:49.610 00:00:49.620 your exhaust being sucked through this
00:00:52.670 00:00:52.680 heat exchanger and then it comes to the
00:00:54.860 00:00:54.870 back right back here and then it comes
00:00:57.170 00:00:57.180 over and meets the secondary heat
00:00:59.209 00:00:59.219 exchanger over and here is where you're
00:01:02.630 00:01:02.640 basically absorbing your heat from water
00:01:06.140 00:01:06.150 that is created during the flame process
00:01:08.240 00:01:08.250 so water is created during the flame
00:01:10.340 00:01:10.350 process it is one of the byproducts is
00:01:12.289 00:01:12.299 the chemical byproduct of the flame
00:01:16.130 00:01:16.140 process so anyway water vapor is being
00:01:19.190 00:01:19.200 carried in the exhaust and then you're
00:01:21.620 00:01:21.630 cooling the exhaust and the water down
00:01:25.160 00:01:25.170 so much that you you end up condensating
00:01:28.130 00:01:28.140 the water in here and then it and then
00:01:29.870 00:01:29.880 it's basically trickling and trickling
00:01:32.630 00:01:32.640 out of the system so this side looks
00:01:36.289 00:01:36.299 pretty good right this is where the
00:01:38.990 00:01:39.000 inducer motor connects to and you have
00:01:41.060 00:01:41.070 some gasketing material and everything
00:01:42.499 00:01:42.509 and that all looks pretty good
00:01:44.510 00:01:44.520 this area is pretty good there's no
00:01:46.609 00:01:46.619 cracks in the heat exchanger over here
00:01:49.010 00:01:49.020 in the primary heat exchanger alright
00:01:51.139 00:01:51.149 but let me show you what happened here
00:01:52.719 00:01:52.729 this the problem with these heat
00:01:54.830 00:01:54.840 exchangers was the pressure switch would
00:01:58.969 00:01:58.979 still close got the the pressure switch
00:02:02.330 00:02:02.340 is supposed to prove that the inducer
00:02:04.280 00:02:04.290 motor is running alright and that the
00:02:06.950 00:02:06.960 condensate lines are not clogged alright
00:02:09.619 00:02:09.629 so this right here is supposed to be
00:02:12.679 00:02:12.689 protecting the furnace - no like say if
00:02:17.119 00:02:17.129 there's a clog heat exchanger the
00:02:18.289 00:02:18.299 problem with it is in a horizontal state
00:02:20.929 00:02:20.939 you might have to okay that are working
00:02:24.080 00:02:24.090 right and and the one could be cloth and
00:02:27.319 00:02:27.329 that is what's going to create a fire
00:02:29.809 00:02:29.819 alright so here is the combustion
00:02:34.910 00:02:34.920 chamber right here so here's the
00:02:37.190 00:02:37.200 combustion chamber and it connects right
00:02:39.559 00:02:39.569 here right onto the here okay you have
00:02:42.319 00:02:42.329 your one to three burner assemblies
00:02:47.360 00:02:47.370 right there and you have on this side
00:02:49.940 00:02:49.950 your flame rollout switch okay this is
00:02:52.520 00:02:52.530 your flavor off switch on this one you
00:02:55.190 00:02:55.200 can see that the problem occurred over
00:02:58.309 00:02:58.319 on this side alright so there was no
00:03:01.849 00:03:01.859 flame rollout switch over here and now
00:03:04.159 00:03:04.169 that's why you see a lot of combustion
00:03:06.589 00:03:06.599 areas have to sometimes even three flame
00:03:10.879 00:03:10.889 rollout sensors that that do not
00:03:12.710 00:03:12.720 automatically reset they have to be
00:03:14.119 00:03:14.129 manually reset because if they do ever
00:03:16.640 00:03:16.650 trip that means it is a fire in here and
00:03:18.530 00:03:18.540 and there's more a bigger problem at
00:03:21.170 00:03:21.180 hand okay they do not automatically
00:03:23.240 00:03:23.250 reset so there was a problem here and
00:03:29.289 00:03:29.299 you see that this PVC pipe actually
00:03:33.710 00:03:33.720 started burning this right here
00:03:36.890 00:03:36.900 plastic assembly started melting it
00:03:38.869 00:03:38.879 started melting its way off of here and
00:03:40.990 00:03:41.000 the fire started coming up towards the
00:03:44.059 00:03:44.069 top alright you can see this alright and
00:03:46.430 00:03:46.440 this assembly started getting very very
00:03:48.140 00:03:48.150 hot alright and the homeowner luckily
00:03:52.399 00:03:52.409 that's smelling some weird some weird
00:03:54.830 00:03:54.840 smells in the house all right I believe
00:03:56.750 00:03:56.760 this was right above his living area his
00:04:00.080 00:04:00.090 living room okay so so anyway once again
00:04:05.780 00:04:05.790 that you could have two of these working
00:04:07.819 00:04:07.829 fine say say you know it's going through
00:04:09.979 00:04:09.989 all the way over to here and it's fine
00:04:11.659 00:04:11.669 finding its way back to here so so this
00:04:13.879 00:04:13.889 pressure switch is finding negative
00:04:15.469 00:04:15.479 pressure enough to close because there's
00:04:18.439 00:04:18.449 a tube connected from here on to the
00:04:21.349 00:04:21.359 inducer motor assembly all right
00:04:24.050 00:04:24.060 but if
00:04:25.540 00:04:25.550 on say say one path is clogged you you
00:04:29.230 00:04:29.240 could then have a problem all right
00:04:30.939 00:04:30.949 meaning that if one path is clogged
00:04:34.059 00:04:34.069 then then basically the the flame is not
00:04:37.270 00:04:37.280 getting sucked in here and the exhaust
00:04:38.920 00:04:38.930 is not getting sucked in here it's not
00:04:40.779 00:04:40.789 getting sucked in here it's just you
00:04:43.240 00:04:43.250 know rising heat rises and it's just
00:04:44.890 00:04:44.900 gonna come right here and it's gonna
00:04:45.939 00:04:45.949 melt and burn everything all right so
00:04:48.820 00:04:48.830 it's not good all right so now let's go
00:04:51.670 00:04:51.680 ahead and take a look at the other side
00:04:54.279 00:04:54.289 so here really over on this side is
00:04:56.589 00:04:56.599 where the problem side is so I'm going
00:04:58.869 00:04:58.879 to shift this around so that you can see
00:05:01.149 00:05:01.159 what it looks like I'll also give you a
00:05:03.909 00:05:03.919 quick shot from from top so that you can
00:05:06.909 00:05:06.919 see what this looks like from overhead
00:05:08.709 00:05:08.719 so let's do that person to give you a
00:05:10.629 00:05:10.639 quick shot of what this looks like and
00:05:11.740 00:05:11.750 then we'll go ahead to the back all
00:05:13.959 00:05:13.969 right so this is where the flame
00:05:15.550 00:05:15.560 originates right here and then you have
00:05:18.249 00:05:18.259 the exhaust being pulled through this
00:05:20.649 00:05:20.659 way all right then you have a little rid
00:05:23.140 00:05:23.150 heat exchanger part of the primary right
00:05:25.629 00:05:25.639 here comes to the back and then joins to
00:05:28.149 00:05:28.159 the secondary and then it it comes right
00:05:30.790 00:05:30.800 through here and any water condensation
00:05:33.700 00:05:33.710 comes down towards the bottom and
00:05:35.200 00:05:35.210 trickles out now here's here's an issue
00:05:38.769 00:05:38.779 right okay
00:05:39.700 00:05:39.710 so normal heat exchangers right made out
00:05:42.730 00:05:42.740 of steel galvanized tin look here you
00:05:46.689 00:05:46.699 have water condensating here all right
00:05:49.689 00:05:49.699 and it's the same material it's it's
00:05:53.290 00:05:53.300 it's not exactly the same material is
00:05:55.240 00:05:55.250 this but it's still a material that a
00:05:58.119 00:05:58.129 metal that's going to go ahead and rust
00:06:00.279 00:06:00.289 regardless of what surface protection
00:06:02.860 00:06:02.870 you know was put on it okay so that's a
00:06:06.459 00:06:06.469 problem this is along the backside right
00:06:09.820 00:06:09.830 here that was pulled off that plate was
00:06:12.490 00:06:12.500 pulled off as well here is the other
00:06:17.110 00:06:17.120 plate all right that holds all the
00:06:19.619 00:06:19.629 exhausts you know to connect the primary
00:06:23.890 00:06:23.900 to the secondary now I'm going to go
00:06:25.600 00:06:25.610 ahead and switch this around so you can
00:06:26.769 00:06:26.779 see what the back looks like so you have
00:06:29.800 00:06:29.810 your plate right here on the inside and
00:06:33.510 00:06:33.520 under this plate okay that holds
00:06:37.220 00:06:37.230 all of the exhaust gas is in all right
00:06:40.520 00:06:40.530 with with a gasket that runs around the
00:06:42.710 00:06:42.720 perimeter now this is pretty pretty
00:06:48.230 00:06:48.240 rusted but it's still you know in good
00:06:52.370 00:06:52.380 enough shape all right to hold all the
00:06:54.890 00:06:54.900 exhaust gases this over here is your
00:06:57.320 00:06:57.330 problem area so if you look at this side
00:06:59.900 00:06:59.910 right here you can see that this is
00:07:03.380 00:07:03.390 still open enough to have the pressure
00:07:06.320 00:07:06.330 switch read a negative vacuum when the
00:07:09.020 00:07:09.030 inducer motor is pulling all right but
00:07:11.120 00:07:11.130 you look over here and this is actually
00:07:12.950 00:07:12.960 clogged solid let me get you a close-up
00:07:14.750 00:07:14.760 shot of this okay here's a close-up shot
00:07:18.290 00:07:18.300 of where the the one burner tube shoots
00:07:23.240 00:07:23.250 into the primary heat exchanger and then
00:07:25.460 00:07:25.470 into the secondary heat exchanger so
00:07:26.990 00:07:27.000 this spot right here okay is where it
00:07:30.500 00:07:30.510 was clogging to the point where the
00:07:33.110 00:07:33.120 inducer motor was no longer able to suck
00:07:35.150 00:07:35.160 the exhaust gas through which meant that
00:07:37.580 00:07:37.590 the flame too started burning up right
00:07:39.170 00:07:39.180 all right and then started burning part
00:07:42.770 00:07:42.780 of the furnace and getting very very hot
00:07:45.490 00:07:45.500 and the exhaust gasses we're not getting
00:07:48.080 00:07:48.090 out of the house so so right here this
00:07:50.990 00:07:51.000 is completely clogged solid you can see
00:07:52.820 00:07:52.830 all the flakes and stuff like that right
00:07:55.280 00:07:55.290 here this is a sandwich bag all right
00:07:59.660 00:07:59.670 full of roughs that just fell right out
00:08:01.790 00:08:01.800 of this as soon as this was opened all
00:08:04.430 00:08:04.440 right no good all right some of the
00:08:07.850 00:08:07.860 things that you want to look out for
00:08:09.170 00:08:09.180 when doing preventive maintenance for
00:08:10.900 00:08:10.910 gas furnaces especially these older
00:08:13.960 00:08:13.970 early 90s furnaces you want to look
00:08:18.290 00:08:18.300 right in this area right here
00:08:20.210 00:08:20.220 you know anywheres around in here for
00:08:22.130 00:08:22.140 any excess that buildup okay you want to
00:08:26.270 00:08:26.280 make sure that you see a flame from this
00:08:29.360 00:08:29.370 side you want to see that the flame on
00:08:32.930 00:08:32.940 each of these three are all getting
00:08:35.089 00:08:35.099 pulled up pulled in basically in the
00:08:39.680 00:08:39.690 same manner okay so you don't see like
00:08:42.770 00:08:42.780 one here and one here getting pulled in
00:08:44.930 00:08:44.940 real nice and straight and then this one
00:08:46.490 00:08:46.500 is off a little bit okay
00:08:49.190 00:08:49.200 so if you could have the correct heat
00:08:52.130 00:08:52.140 exchanger say a crack you know over in
00:08:54.260 00:08:54.270 here somewheres and what that would do
00:08:56.360 00:08:56.370 is is everything would look fine in the
00:08:58.520 00:08:58.530 burner box right here everything would
00:09:00.350 00:09:00.360 look fine as far as the flames go nice
00:09:01.850 00:09:01.860 blue flame and then when the blower
00:09:03.620 00:09:03.630 motor turns on the blower motor pushes
00:09:06.050 00:09:06.060 air across this coil like say across it
00:09:08.900 00:09:08.910 but while it does that it it goes in
00:09:12.290 00:09:12.300 through the crack and and it blows back
00:09:14.930 00:09:14.940 out this way and and that would make
00:09:17.780 00:09:17.790 this flame rollout switch pop because
00:09:19.940 00:09:19.950 you'd have a flame like popping a little
00:09:21.560 00:09:21.570 bit like this you know it would actually
00:09:23.510 00:09:23.520 pop out but in the case of a clog heat
00:09:26.750 00:09:26.760 exchanger you want to make sure that you
00:09:28.430 00:09:28.440 have a good path that the flame is going
00:09:30.940 00:09:30.950 going in okay like the same amount in
00:09:33.350 00:09:33.360 all three or all four or five okay you
00:09:35.930 00:09:35.940 know all two as well you can check your
00:09:39.200 00:09:39.210 combustion analysis you know these
00:09:41.420 00:09:41.430 furnaces basically are basically preset
00:09:45.710 00:09:45.720 the only thing that you can adjust on
00:09:47.210 00:09:47.220 these furnaces is the actual amount of
00:09:50.570 00:09:50.580 gas getting coming into these verses
00:09:55.790 00:09:55.800 right here alright so you could adjust
00:09:58.010 00:09:58.020 them with a combustion analysis reader
00:10:00.760 00:10:00.770 and also in this case you could check
00:10:03.620 00:10:03.630 that again once again just doing your
00:10:05.180 00:10:05.190 preventive maintenance and making sure
00:10:07.280 00:10:07.290 things are still you know within their
00:10:09.560 00:10:09.570 acceptable levels now you could
00:10:11.450 00:10:11.460 disconnect the tube off of your pressure
00:10:13.340 00:10:13.350 switch and connect that to your digital
00:10:15.740 00:10:15.750 manometer in order to get a water column
00:10:18.680 00:10:18.690 reading off of your inducer motor
00:10:20.690 00:10:20.700 basically verifying how much you're able
00:10:24.590 00:10:24.600 to to suck through okay the problem with
00:10:28.370 00:10:28.380 that is a lot of times manufacturers
00:10:30.110 00:10:30.120 that it doesn't have what it should be
00:10:31.940 00:10:31.950 otherwise this would be a great way to
00:10:34.810 00:10:34.820 test to see if your heat exchanger is
00:10:37.610 00:10:37.620 clogging over time now if you're on a
00:10:39.740 00:10:39.750 preventative maintenance schedule you
00:10:41.150 00:10:41.160 could catalog you know you could write
00:10:44.480 00:10:44.490 down the reading that you're getting
00:10:45.950 00:10:45.960 with your digital manometer and if you
00:10:47.870 00:10:47.880 see a decreasing over time that could be
00:10:51.350 00:10:51.360 an indication that this is clocking not
00:10:53.360 00:10:53.370 firing so just keep that in mind as
00:10:54.890 00:10:54.900 you're doing your preventative
00:10:56.240 00:10:56.250 maintenance and you can always go back
00:10:58.370 00:10:58.380 on your your
00:11:00.670 00:11:00.680 your service invoices that you filling
00:11:02.740 00:11:02.750 out during the preventative maintenance
00:11:04.139 00:11:04.149 you can always use them those are a
00:11:06.730 00:11:06.740 great tool you know just to test for to
00:11:09.790 00:11:09.800 show degradation in a furnace alright so
00:11:13.060 00:11:13.070 on some of these early 90s heat
00:11:14.980 00:11:14.990 exchangers that typical warranties were
00:11:16.960 00:11:16.970 running right around 20 year warranty on
00:11:19.810 00:11:19.820 the heat exchanger and in it tends to
00:11:23.769 00:11:23.779 take quite a while to replace a heat
00:11:25.510 00:11:25.520 exchanger could take say 3-4 hours
00:11:27.130 00:11:27.140 basically you have to take all of the
00:11:29.920 00:11:29.930 items out that are in front of the heat
00:11:31.570 00:11:31.580 exchanger in order to get to it and then
00:11:33.579 00:11:33.589 reinstall it and Gascon it all up
00:11:35.350 00:11:35.360 properly so a lot of customers tend to
00:11:38.500 00:11:38.510 end up upgrading to a higher efficiency
00:11:42.160 00:11:42.170 furnace it have a clog or a crack in the
00:11:44.079 00:11:44.089 heat exchanger but in some cases labor
00:11:47.680 00:11:47.690 is included from the manufacturer
00:11:50.139 00:11:50.149 especially if there was some type of a
00:11:51.790 00:11:51.800 suit that was wrong against the
00:11:53.620 00:11:53.630 manufacturer of the equipment due to a
00:11:56.079 00:11:56.089 failure a recognized failure you know
00:11:59.170 00:11:59.180 within the time period about 20 years a
00:12:01.260 00:12:01.270 lifespan but you have to take the model
00:12:05.290 00:12:05.300 number of your furnace and then also
00:12:07.240 00:12:07.250 find the installation date of the
00:12:09.519 00:12:09.529 furnace and if you don't have say a
00:12:11.380 00:12:11.390 initial proposal bill from the
00:12:14.019 00:12:14.029 installation then you're gonna have to
00:12:15.910 00:12:15.920 go by the serial number of the furnace
00:12:18.010 00:12:18.020 in order to determine what the ages but
00:12:21.160 00:12:21.170 you know in order to find out if you
00:12:23.110 00:12:23.120 would fit within that time period but
00:12:25.390 00:12:25.400 anyway I just wanted to give you a quick
00:12:26.650 00:12:26.660 rundown of that in reference to the
00:12:28.690 00:12:28.700 primary and secondary heat exchanger
00:12:30.370 00:12:30.380 just so you are aware of that and I hope
00:12:32.860 00:12:32.870 you enjoyed yourself we'll see you next
00:12:34.060 00:12:34.070 time at easy service section
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