Gas furnace heat exchanger temp measure

Kind: captions
Language: en

what we're gonna do today is I've got
00:00:10.539 00:00:10.549 this old 80% furnace now this is from
00:00:14.350 00:00:14.360 the middle 80s it was kind of the old
00:00:19.269 00:00:19.279 standard furnace what they call the 80%
00:00:21.490 00:00:21.500 it was a steady-state 80 but we are
00:00:25.720 00:00:25.730 going to check the heat exchanger on the
00:00:28.870 00:00:28.880 side this has actually got three heat
00:00:30.460 00:00:30.470 exchangers and we're gonna check on the
00:00:33.850 00:00:33.860 side of it the temperature and see how
00:00:36.460 00:00:36.470 much temperature drop we have as we move
00:00:40.060 00:00:40.070 up this heat exchanger as we go up you
00:00:45.730 00:00:45.740 can see there's a top I just cut all
00:00:49.720 00:00:49.730 that away and we're gonna do some
00:00:53.080 00:00:53.090 temperature checks on this thing and see
00:00:55.840 00:00:55.850 what temperature this heat exchanger is
00:01:00.280 00:01:00.290 at different portions I remember the
00:01:02.910 00:01:02.920 burner is right down here
00:01:05.969 00:01:05.979 these are ribbon burners and salt they
00:01:09.760 00:01:09.770 call way back like this and the flame
00:01:12.430 00:01:12.440 goes up so let's see what the
00:01:15.100 00:01:15.110 temperature is down here to start with
00:01:19.260 00:01:19.270 now pretty much at the bottom you can
00:01:21.700 00:01:21.710 see it's not very warm let's go up a
00:01:25.540 00:01:25.550 couple inches now that's a lot warmer
00:01:42.990 00:01:43.000 see now we're over 700 the highest
00:01:46.650 00:01:46.660 temperature I'm reading is right there
00:01:50.030 00:01:50.040 where that first indentation comes in
00:01:54.080 00:01:54.090 about 840 you can notice this first
00:01:58.430 00:01:58.440 indentation runs about 600 let's go up
00:02:03.300 00:02:03.310 to the next one
00:02:05.980 00:02:05.990 the second indentation looks like we're
00:02:10.359 00:02:10.369 about 470 something like that 480 move
00:02:18.370 00:02:18.380 up to the next one
00:02:25.309 00:02:25.319 looks like we're about 340
00:02:33.710 00:02:33.720 and to the next one not it's quite as
00:02:38.000 00:02:38.010 much a drop kind depends on where you
00:02:39.770 00:02:39.780 put the temperature probe now when we
00:02:43.790 00:02:43.800 get to the top up here this last one
00:02:47.800 00:02:47.810 it's actually gone down quite a bit to
00:02:51.530 00:02:51.540 50 which is actually pretty low it's
00:02:54.610 00:02:54.620 surprisingly low
00:03:00.120 00:03:00.130 so those are the different temperatures
00:03:02.370 00:03:02.380 as you go through this heat exchanger
00:03:04.440 00:03:04.450 okay down here below that's actually
00:03:07.740 00:03:07.750 blow the burners down there so it wasn't
00:03:09.990 00:03:10.000 very hot and the gas was still burning
00:03:14.520 00:03:14.530 there and still producing Heat now
00:03:17.310 00:03:17.320 remember we're at 800 on the bottom and
00:03:19.680 00:03:19.690 we're at about 300 on the top so as we
00:03:23.670 00:03:23.680 went up there was a considerable drop
00:03:27.620 00:03:27.630 you've got three of those indentations
00:03:31.640 00:03:31.650 and more or less a hundred degrees per
00:03:34.800 00:03:34.810 drop Plus that last one up here that
00:03:37.800 00:03:37.810 dropped it quite a bit so that pretty
00:03:41.520 00:03:41.530 much tells you what happens how fast the
00:03:44.730 00:03:44.740 heat moves through these things now this
00:03:47.850 00:03:47.860 is by far not the most efficient heat
00:03:49.830 00:03:49.840 exchanger out there this was built
00:03:51.480 00:03:51.490 before they have the requirements for
00:03:54.830 00:03:54.840 efficiency it was called the 80% furnace
00:03:57.840 00:03:57.850 it wasn't really a highly efficient
00:04:00.570 00:04:00.580 furnace anyway that just kind of gives
00:04:02.640 00:04:02.650 you an idea where the how the heat goes
00:04:04.770 00:04:04.780 through these can't remember we're
00:04:07.110 00:04:07.120 checking the outside of the heat
00:04:08.610 00:04:08.620 exchanger on these things so we're
00:04:10.800 00:04:10.810 really not checking what the gas
00:04:12.870 00:04:12.880 temperatures are inside I'm gonna do
00:04:15.540 00:04:15.550 another one on these a little later or
00:04:18.150 00:04:18.160 with a higher efficiency furnace and
00:04:20.490 00:04:20.500 we'll see what happens there
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