Gas vs. Liquid Quenching - A Direct Comparison

Kind: captions
Language: en

most of my talks if you've heard me talk
00:00:18.560 00:00:18.570 before I've always talked about these
00:00:20.809 00:00:20.819 huge large vacuum furnaces that's in our
00:00:24.349 00:00:24.359 facility in western PA today my talk is
00:00:28.189 00:00:28.199 about a relatively small vacuum furnace
00:00:30.589 00:00:30.599 small for us an HL 50 size furnace 36 x
00:00:35.030 00:00:35.040 36 x 48 deep but with some very unique
00:00:39.560 00:00:39.570 and extreme cooling rates the objective
00:00:43.310 00:00:43.320 of this paper is to put a little science
00:00:47.030 00:00:47.040 behind this technology a high pressure
00:00:49.070 00:00:49.080 gas quenching and to study harden
00:00:51.740 00:00:51.750 ability and to study harden ability
00:00:56.050 00:00:56.060 everybody goes turns to the dominant SS
00:00:59.780 00:00:59.790 quench test my goal here is to look at
00:01:05.959 00:01:05.969 typically oil and water quenched alloys
00:01:08.660 00:01:08.670 and to high pressure gas quench these in
00:01:12.649 00:01:12.659 a domination of course the ultimate goal
00:01:17.149 00:01:17.159 is all of our customers want is he
00:01:20.480 00:01:20.490 treating near net shape parts so vacuum
00:01:25.639 00:01:25.649 gas quenching historically has always
00:01:28.940 00:01:28.950 been the preferred process when heating
00:01:31.609 00:01:31.619 tool steels hot and cold working tool
00:01:34.459 00:01:34.469 steels and stainless steels high
00:01:39.649 00:01:39.659 pressure gas quenching however has
00:01:42.499 00:01:42.509 increasingly being used for alloy steels
00:01:45.739 00:01:45.749 and case hardening steals today so why
00:01:51.769 00:01:51.779 is gas quenching preferred you might go
00:01:56.389 00:01:56.399 through all the reasons that you see
00:01:58.539 00:01:58.549 everywhere in the literature but the
00:02:01.219 00:02:01.229 main goal main reason you want a
00:02:03.050 00:02:03.060 high-pressure gas quench is to reduce
00:02:05.269 00:02:05.279 distortion and we do that basically
00:02:08.389 00:02:08.399 because we're cooling simply by
00:02:10.910 00:02:10.920 conduction whereas liquid quenching you
00:02:13.370 00:02:13.380 have the vapor phase
00:02:14.450 00:02:14.460 the vapor transport phase and then the
00:02:17.150 00:02:17.160 conductive phase and the cooling curve
00:02:19.610 00:02:19.620 is very erratic where with gas quenching
00:02:23.270 00:02:23.280 it's all one phase conduction I can
00:02:26.870 00:02:26.880 honestly say in the first two thirds of
00:02:28.790 00:02:28.800 my life I cracked a lot of parts in this
00:02:32.900 00:02:32.910 last portion of my life with working
00:02:35.150 00:02:35.160 with vacuum furnaces and seeing some of
00:02:37.490 00:02:37.500 the quench rates we can attain I have
00:02:39.800 00:02:39.810 never cracked the part so therefore you
00:02:43.220 00:02:43.230 reduce your distortion of course the
00:02:46.100 00:02:46.110 risk of cracking the other advantages
00:02:51.230 00:02:51.240 are it's an environmentally friendly
00:02:54.260 00:02:54.270 process this test is basically using
00:02:58.790 00:02:58.800 nitrogen very you know it's in the air
00:03:02.480 00:03:02.490 we breathe eighty percent of the hair
00:03:05.030 00:03:05.040 were breathing in this room right now so
00:03:06.800 00:03:06.810 it's very environmentally friendly we
00:03:09.860 00:03:09.870 have loved in the past the use of helium
00:03:12.020 00:03:12.030 but if you read one of my most recent
00:03:14.300 00:03:14.310 papers about the shortage of helium in
00:03:16.790 00:03:16.800 the world or if you google helium you'll
00:03:19.520 00:03:19.530 know that a helium is not going to be a
00:03:22.160 00:03:22.170 player in the future I believe it's
00:03:26.000 00:03:26.010 becoming increasingly expensive
00:03:28.450 00:03:28.460 increasingly rare and it's it's really a
00:03:32.990 00:03:33.000 problem to attain we are able to attain
00:03:35.780 00:03:35.790 it through contracts but we are
00:03:39.410 00:03:39.420 curtailed on our usage so we're looking
00:03:42.230 00:03:42.240 at looking at higher gas velocities and
00:03:45.200 00:03:45.210 higher pressures using the very
00:03:48.200 00:03:48.210 inexpensive gasps of nitrogen part
00:03:53.120 00:03:53.130 surfaces are free from oxides and quench
00:03:55.490 00:03:55.500 media which eliminates many downstream
00:03:58.610 00:03:58.620 processes and you know you might say
00:04:01.790 00:04:01.800 well people might not want to pay the
00:04:04.940 00:04:04.950 extra for high-pressure gas quenching
00:04:07.310 00:04:07.320 versus oil quenching well when you look
00:04:09.800 00:04:09.810 at some of the downstream processes when
00:04:12.440 00:04:12.450 you get break clean parts out if the
00:04:15.260 00:04:15.270 part needs to be plated downstream
00:04:18.080 00:04:18.090 there's a lot of operations that can be
00:04:20.630 00:04:20.640 cut out and less machining to quench
00:04:25.190 00:04:25.200 rates are adjustable by varying gas
00:04:27.290 00:04:27.300 pressure
00:04:27.990 00:04:28.000 and or gas velocity and most importantly
00:04:33.120 00:04:33.130 we can direct thermocouple these parts
00:04:35.310 00:04:35.320 during the quenching for repeated and
00:04:37.650 00:04:37.660 consistent results in production one of
00:04:41.130 00:04:41.140 the companies that first acknowledges
00:04:43.320 00:04:43.330 acknowledged high pressure gas quenching
00:04:45.720 00:04:45.730 has been Boeing aircraft boeing has a
00:04:48.840 00:04:48.850 specification written where you have to
00:04:53.190 00:04:53.200 maintain a certain cooling rate at a
00:04:55.530 00:04:55.540 certain bar minimal bar pressure and
00:04:57.900 00:04:57.910 they give you tolerances that you must
00:05:01.200 00:05:01.210 cool the part too and that's the first
00:05:04.200 00:05:04.210 time we actually put some science to
00:05:06.000 00:05:06.010 quenching with actual cooling rates not
00:05:09.420 00:05:09.430 just simply saying water or oil as we
00:05:12.600 00:05:12.610 all know there's different speeds of
00:05:14.130 00:05:14.140 water there's different speeds of water
00:05:16.170 00:05:16.180 of oil so we actually have a direct
00:05:19.920 00:05:19.930 correlation to temperature and pressures
00:05:23.630 00:05:23.640 so boeing has taken the lead in that I
00:05:26.640 00:05:26.650 believe in BAC 5617 spec points on alloy
00:05:31.110 00:05:31.120 oil Harding alloys alloys such as 4340
00:05:36.030 00:05:36.040 and and other alloys so that's some of
00:05:42.630 00:05:42.640 the advantage my objective in this
00:05:45.060 00:05:45.070 experiment in these experiments is to
00:05:46.950 00:05:46.960 critically evaluate the harden ability
00:05:48.600 00:05:48.610 of certain alloys using the standardized
00:05:52.140 00:05:52.150 jon-nee water and quench test what we
00:05:55.050 00:05:55.060 all know in this room the standard test
00:05:57.200 00:05:57.210 versus a non-traditional geometry air
00:06:00.540 00:06:00.550 and quench test my first phase of the
00:06:04.440 00:06:04.450 test the tests were performed in control
00:06:07.230 00:06:07.240 laboratory setting in our plant in
00:06:10.620 00:06:10.630 western PA we set up a bench for
00:06:14.520 00:06:14.530 different types of job the two different
00:06:17.490 00:06:17.500 types of johnny test phase two the tests
00:06:22.230 00:06:22.240 were performed in a specifically
00:06:24.270 00:06:24.280 designed vacuum chamber and our final
00:06:27.420 00:06:27.430 stage phase three we simulated large
00:06:31.740 00:06:31.750 production cooling tests in our newly
00:06:33.900 00:06:33.910 design solar super quench vacuum furnace
00:06:39.050 00:06:39.060 so looking at our first day
00:06:41.920 00:06:41.930 we chose I chose decided to choose three
00:06:45.100 00:06:45.110 alloys that we see every day to a witch
00:06:49.719 00:06:49.729 that we're doing every day at 10 bar
00:06:52.060 00:06:52.070 pressure the 41 40 per ASTM a 108 and 43
00:06:57.520 00:06:57.530 40 per ASTM a 322 but one alloy I
00:07:01.450 00:07:01.460 haven't been very successful with is
00:07:03.100 00:07:03.110 4130 which is you all know it's a water
00:07:05.830 00:07:05.840 hardening alloy steel all chomedey bars
00:07:10.529 00:07:10.539 were pre normalized at 1,700 degrees and
00:07:14.499 00:07:14.509 the Austin tising temperatures of those
00:07:17.200 00:07:17.210 respective alloys were as follows in the
00:07:23.969 00:07:23.979 laboratory setting in hermitage in
00:07:26.860 00:07:26.870 western PA we transfer to Johnny bars
00:07:30.040 00:07:30.050 quickly from the air furnace to a
00:07:34.779 00:07:34.789 separate fixture for for it for the air
00:07:38.620 00:07:38.630 and of course the water quench I had
00:07:40.600 00:07:40.610 that being I had that done at an
00:07:42.730 00:07:42.740 independent laboratory laboratory
00:07:44.499 00:07:44.509 testing and hatfield PA they did all the
00:07:47.830 00:07:47.840 johnny test on the exact same heats that
00:07:50.830 00:07:50.840 i did my air quenching test so the
00:07:53.589 00:07:53.599 chemistry's matched exactly for each
00:07:55.990 00:07:56.000 different alloy Johnny fixtures were
00:07:59.290 00:07:59.300 identical including the half-inch
00:08:00.939 00:08:00.949 distance from the end of the bar of the
00:08:04.540 00:08:04.550 Johnny bar and of course the half-inch
00:08:06.640 00:08:06.650 ID orifice for the cooling media both
00:08:10.420 00:08:10.430 water and gas media remain at a constant
00:08:12.629 00:08:12.639 70 degrees fahrenheit per ASTM a 255
00:08:18.029 00:08:18.039 this is just a picture of the two stands
00:08:21.960 00:08:21.970 left picture showing the water johnny
00:08:24.670 00:08:24.680 test performed at LTI and the right
00:08:29.560 00:08:29.570 picture picture there is the air g omni
00:08:31.779 00:08:31.789 fixture that we built in Hermitage
00:08:34.449 00:08:34.459 Pennsylvania you can see the gas line
00:08:38.620 00:08:38.630 coming up hooked to our nitrogen line at
00:08:42.730 00:08:42.740 the bottom so i needed a rationale on
00:08:47.079 00:08:47.089 what type of gas velocities would we be
00:08:50.050 00:08:50.060 looking at you know over the years we
00:08:53.319 00:08:53.329 had a vacuum we have an old vacuum for
00:08:55.510 00:08:55.520 it could barely blow a candle out so and
00:08:58.210 00:08:58.220 then we have these new super quenching
00:09:00.340 00:09:00.350 furnaces so I basically took it down to
00:09:02.860 00:09:02.870 three vacuum furnaces over the last
00:09:06.850 00:09:06.860 basically over the last three decades
00:09:08.740 00:09:08.750 and a roll identical size furnaces the
00:09:13.030 00:09:13.040 work zone sizes were were 36 x 36 x 48 a
00:09:17.380 00:09:17.390 typical HL 50 size vacuum furnace with a
00:09:21.010 00:09:21.020 3,500 pound load capacity for athlete
00:09:24.490 00:09:24.500 hot zone construction and a maximum
00:09:26.890 00:09:26.900 operating temperature 2650 f this is an
00:09:35.470 00:09:35.480 anemometer we bought to check the
00:09:39.130 00:09:39.140 velocities of these three furnaces we
00:09:41.860 00:09:41.870 varied anemometer around the furnace
00:09:44.620 00:09:44.630 getting averages of of gas speeds we did
00:09:49.720 00:09:49.730 it we did our test first with the door
00:09:51.580 00:09:51.590 open then we close the door and Bob San
00:09:55.900 00:09:55.910 Doran who's in attendance here figured a
00:09:59.020 00:09:59.030 way through the through the lines for
00:10:01.210 00:10:01.220 the through the ports of getting this
00:10:03.580 00:10:03.590 this anemometer set up with the door
00:10:05.950 00:10:05.960 closed and up the pressure this this
00:10:08.500 00:10:08.510 furnace by the way was that 10 barb is a
00:10:10.930 00:10:10.940 10 bar furnace so we basically look at
00:10:13.990 00:10:14.000 measure the velocities of a furnace
00:10:16.570 00:10:16.580 built circa nineteen ninety this was
00:10:19.600 00:10:19.610 this furnace was located back in saturn
00:10:22.330 00:10:22.340 in pennsylvania and we measured that
00:10:24.670 00:10:24.680 speed at about 50 miles per hour and it
00:10:27.790 00:10:27.800 had a hundred horsepower blower motor on
00:10:30.160 00:10:30.170 it the next furnace we looked at was our
00:10:33.910 00:10:33.920 10 bar furnace in hermitage PA and that
00:10:37.480 00:10:37.490 was built around two year 2000 and that
00:10:41.320 00:10:41.330 furnace has a 200 who has a hundred we
00:10:45.310 00:10:45.320 measured a hundred miles per hour with a
00:10:47.050 00:10:47.060 200 horsepower blower motor and then
00:10:50.650 00:10:50.660 finally here this picture is our new
00:10:52.600 00:10:52.610 brand new solar super quench furnace it
00:10:56.140 00:10:56.150 was built in 2012 we just installed the
00:11:00.670 00:11:00.680 furnace so you're seeing new data that's
00:11:03.040 00:11:03.050 that's within the month months old and
00:11:06.750 00:11:06.760 we're getting some tremendous
00:11:09.250 00:11:09.260 tremendous gas velocities out of this
00:11:12.040 00:11:12.050 furnace 200 mile an hour with a 300
00:11:16.530 00:11:16.540 horsepower blower motor now the real key
00:11:24.100 00:11:24.110 to this furnace is it's a revolutionary
00:11:27.910 00:11:27.920 design in the recirc recirculation of
00:11:31.060 00:11:31.070 the gas it has less pressure drops
00:11:33.910 00:11:33.920 throughout the cooling system with
00:11:36.850 00:11:36.860 increased pressure drops directed right
00:11:40.870 00:11:40.880 on the nozzles which equates to increase
00:11:44.020 00:11:44.030 gas velocity so all the work of that
00:11:46.660 00:11:46.670 motor is being directed towards those
00:11:49.180 00:11:49.190 nozzles there will be a later talk I
00:11:52.570 00:11:52.580 believe tomorrow by Nick for disco
00:11:55.060 00:11:55.070 describing this furnace and more detail
00:12:05.250 00:12:05.260 so just some grass to show some of our
00:12:09.390 00:12:09.400 results you know the rationale for my
00:12:11.340 00:12:11.350 for the gas velocities which we we
00:12:14.940 00:12:14.950 tested and here you can see the typical
00:12:18.000 00:12:18.010 water domine and quench test you can see
00:12:21.180 00:12:21.190 this in any ASM book you ever want to
00:12:23.760 00:12:23.770 look at but I just wanted to make sure
00:12:25.710 00:12:25.720 we're duplicating the the same data with
00:12:28.770 00:12:28.780 the same chemistry and material so I
00:12:31.020 00:12:31.030 develop my own curve for the water and
00:12:33.810 00:12:33.820 quench test and you can see my 200 mile
00:12:36.780 00:12:36.790 an hour test here with the solid blue
00:12:39.900 00:12:39.910 line the purple line was 100 mile an
00:12:43.380 00:12:43.390 hour and the 50 mile-an-hour gas and
00:12:46.650 00:12:46.660 that's for 4130 at atmospheric pressure
00:12:49.800 00:12:49.810 in my testing for forty one forty you
00:12:56.820 00:12:56.830 can see a very nice correlation with a
00:12:59.100 00:12:59.110 200 mile an hour gas with the water
00:13:02.150 00:13:02.160 jon-nee and quench whereas the 2 100
00:13:05.970 00:13:05.980 mile an hour and the 50 mile-an-hour gas
00:13:08.760 00:13:08.770 did not fare so well 4340 much more
00:13:14.610 00:13:14.620 hardened to bilal oi steel not
00:13:16.890 00:13:16.900 surprisingly it's very grouped together
00:13:18.750 00:13:18.760 as curve doesn't show you much but
00:13:20.930 00:13:20.940 expanding that that scale here you know
00:13:24.090 00:13:24.100 going from fifty rockwell to 60 rock
00:13:26.520 00:13:26.530 well now you know you can see al at the
00:13:29.820 00:13:29.830 end we were matching the hardness of
00:13:33.300 00:13:33.310 water of the water johnny test and we
00:13:36.780 00:13:36.790 had some little crazy results here i
00:13:39.000 00:13:39.010 gotta believe from the conduction of the
00:13:41.310 00:13:41.320 gas they kind of shut up here versus the
00:13:44.700 00:13:44.710 water quench but you can see the 100
00:13:47.280 00:13:47.290 mile an hour in the 50 mile an hour you
00:13:50.010 00:13:50.020 get much letter less as quench hardness
00:13:52.890 00:13:52.900 on the end of that book Johnny bar phase
00:14:00.510 00:14:00.520 two of our experiment actually this
00:14:04.770 00:14:04.780 furnace was built by solar manufacturing
00:14:07.230 00:14:07.240 and solar atmospheres together this is a
00:14:10.530 00:14:10.540 little testing furnace is probably about
00:14:13.620 00:14:13.630 8 inch diameter 12 inches high and we
00:14:18.330 00:14:18.340 build
00:14:18.700 00:14:18.710 specifically to hold a Johnny stand a
00:14:22.270 00:14:22.280 cha me fixture with in there we made
00:14:25.150 00:14:25.160 some adaptions to this furnace um one
00:14:27.700 00:14:27.710 thing we have added that I did not do a
00:14:30.010 00:14:30.020 my my my experiment on the plant floor
00:14:33.270 00:14:33.280 we drilled this Johnny bar we now have a
00:14:36.070 00:14:36.080 thermocouple drilled down to within
00:14:38.410 00:14:38.420 one-half inch from the end and one inch
00:14:41.500 00:14:41.510 from the end so now we're able to see
00:14:43.540 00:14:43.550 cool actual cooling rates of that Johnny
00:14:45.820 00:14:45.830 bar as we're adding gas velocity and
00:14:48.490 00:14:48.500 adding pressure this is a picture of the
00:14:52.690 00:14:52.700 actual furnace we actually had a college
00:14:55.330 00:14:55.340 in turn the summer we with our help and
00:14:58.900 00:14:58.910 he designed it and basically build it
00:15:01.360 00:15:01.370 and he went back to college and now
00:15:03.430 00:15:03.440 we're finishing it off but we found we
00:15:06.760 00:15:06.770 have done a few experiments so far in it
00:15:10.600 00:15:10.610 and what is hoping to have better
00:15:12.280 00:15:12.290 information for you today but we found
00:15:15.610 00:15:15.620 out we had a restriction here you see
00:15:20.650 00:15:20.660 the nozzle coming up through the metal
00:15:24.460 00:15:24.470 hot zone of the furnace and we had that
00:15:29.040 00:15:29.050 we had that spring-loaded device on the
00:15:32.140 00:15:32.150 top and we really felt like we had too
00:15:34.720 00:15:34.730 much gas restriction there we have
00:15:36.550 00:15:36.560 changed that design to a valve off
00:15:38.500 00:15:38.510 design and we're adjusting pressure with
00:15:41.320 00:15:41.330 that valve coming through let the gas
00:15:43.360 00:15:43.370 come out and through that chamber so
00:15:46.270 00:15:46.280 just as of Saturday we've got our first
00:15:48.970 00:15:48.980 actual good result we took it up to four
00:15:51.880 00:15:51.890 bar pressure and we're matching our my
00:15:55.480 00:15:55.490 atmospheric results on that furnace so
00:15:58.840 00:15:58.850 but that was just for 4340 my real key
00:16:01.900 00:16:01.910 interest is how this will perform at 10
00:16:05.410 00:16:05.420 bar we only built this to 10 bar
00:16:07.150 00:16:07.160 pressure using 4130 that's my that's
00:16:11.050 00:16:11.060 what i want to see increasing the
00:16:13.090 00:16:13.100 pressure still with the 200 mile-an-hour
00:16:15.880 00:16:15.890 gas velocity that's a top view of the
00:16:21.310 00:16:21.320 hot zone just underneath you can see
00:16:25.210 00:16:25.220 it's on a basic workbench the
00:16:28.600 00:16:28.610 transformer little vacuum pump here
00:16:31.850 00:16:31.860 so it's it's it's a permanent testing
00:16:35.000 00:16:35.010 that we're going to be looking at a lot
00:16:37.280 00:16:37.290 of different alloys in this in the
00:16:38.720 00:16:38.730 future so the phase three of my test was
00:16:45.560 00:16:45.570 actually taking this to a stepping it up
00:16:48.650 00:16:48.660 to a production stage so we took 20
00:16:51.650 00:16:51.660 steel bars three inch diameter x 24
00:16:55.310 00:16:55.320 inches long for baskets one grid a total
00:16:59.990 00:17:00.000 weight of 1,300 pounds and the real key
00:17:03.079 00:17:03.089 we have 70 sees deeply embedded 4 inches
00:17:06.710 00:17:06.720 down into that into those bars
00:17:09.110 00:17:09.120 throughout the load the thermocouples
00:17:11.990 00:17:12.000 were identical for all tests and here's
00:17:19.520 00:17:19.530 some of the results that we received
00:17:22.220 00:17:22.230 from the solar super quench furnace you
00:17:30.080 00:17:30.090 can see a two bar pressure the cooling
00:17:34.940 00:17:34.950 rates all the way up to 20 bar I took
00:17:38.600 00:17:38.610 that same load and ran it in our furnace
00:17:41.810 00:17:41.820 number two if you remember that 10 bar
00:17:44.000 00:17:44.010 furnace and these were the cooling rates
00:17:46.430 00:17:46.440 2 4 6 and 10 bar with the dotted lines
00:17:50.270 00:17:50.280 of course I'm not including the furnace
00:17:52.880 00:17:52.890 temperature the furnace TCS came down on
00:17:55.610 00:17:55.620 a straight line that will just confuse
00:17:57.500 00:17:57.510 the issue but when you overlay them you
00:18:00.409 00:18:00.419 can see some very interesting results
00:18:02.980 00:18:02.990 again the dotted lines are the is the
00:18:06.200 00:18:06.210 older technology circuit year 2000 and
00:18:10.630 00:18:10.640 the solid lines is the new solar super
00:18:13.700 00:18:13.710 quench furnace most impressive here that
00:18:17.030 00:18:17.040 I think you can see right here if you
00:18:19.370 00:18:19.380 look at this aqualine here that is a
00:18:22.730 00:18:22.740 four bar quench on a new furnace and
00:18:25.909 00:18:25.919 equates to our 10 bar quench on the
00:18:29.090 00:18:29.100 older firms big improvement in cooling
00:18:32.620 00:18:32.630 now I want to increase that load size I
00:18:35.780 00:18:35.790 want to do more tests on this but as I
00:18:38.480 00:18:38.490 said this furnace is just underway in
00:18:40.700 00:18:40.710 testing and hopefully next week it'll be
00:18:43.370 00:18:43.380 in production
00:18:45.680 00:18:45.690 so my conclusions on an atmospheric
00:18:49.380 00:18:49.390 pressure gas velocities up to 200 miles
00:18:52.620 00:18:52.630 per hour must be attained to duplicate
00:18:55.860 00:18:55.870 traditional Johnny and quench tests
00:18:58.080 00:18:58.090 quench results for 4140 and 4340 steals
00:19:03.350 00:19:03.360 at atmospheric pressures gas velocities
00:19:07.259 00:19:07.269 of up to 200 miles per hour are not
00:19:10.500 00:19:10.510 sufficient to duplicate John Niang
00:19:13.289 00:19:13.299 quench test for 4130 material but
00:19:16.919 00:19:16.929 increased pressure results are pending
00:19:20.149 00:19:20.159 Johnny and quench test harden ability
00:19:22.440 00:19:22.450 data for gas pressures up to 10 bar for
00:19:26.220 00:19:26.230 the same alloy is pending the solar
00:19:31.440 00:19:31.450 super quench vacuum furnace has the
00:19:33.629 00:19:33.639 capability to fully hardened 4140 and
00:19:37.019 00:19:37.029 4340 material solar super quench vacuum
00:19:42.269 00:19:42.279 furnace will demonstrate a forty-eight
00:19:44.159 00:19:44.169 percent improved cooling rate time when
00:19:47.220 00:19:47.230 compared to older designs some of my
00:19:51.750 00:19:51.760 future work I you know over the years
00:19:54.960 00:19:54.970 I've had many people have a lot of
00:19:57.240 00:19:57.250 distortion problems many people ask if I
00:20:01.230 00:20:01.240 could ever do 1090 or 1075 spring steel
00:20:04.529 00:20:04.539 they wanted to keep Springs keep the
00:20:06.990 00:20:07.000 shape of the spring so I would love to
00:20:09.269 00:20:09.279 play around a little bit with 1095 1075
00:20:12.240 00:20:12.250 material carbon steel 50 to 100 we all
00:20:16.529 00:20:16.539 know in the world there's a crying need
00:20:18.299 00:20:18.309 to keep distortion to a minimum on
00:20:21.600 00:20:21.610 bearings I would love to look at 50 to
00:20:25.500 00:20:25.510 100 in fact I have material ordered and
00:20:27.810 00:20:27.820 will be going through the same protocol
00:20:29.879 00:20:29.889 here with 50 to 100 and as you know many
00:20:33.899 00:20:33.909 people get in the low pressure gas
00:20:35.899 00:20:35.909 carburizing and 8620 to get good core
00:20:41.129 00:20:41.139 hardnesses on larger size loads are
00:20:43.409 00:20:43.419 sometimes difficult to attain so I want
00:20:46.529 00:20:46.539 to employ the same technique with 8620
00:20:49.680 00:20:49.690 of course we know 9310 the higher alloys
00:20:53.430 00:20:53.440 of carburizing grades are no problem
00:20:56.159 00:20:56.169 with high pressure gas quenching but the
00:20:57.840 00:20:57.850 work or
00:20:58.440 00:20:58.450 is 8620 finally I'd like to try a little
00:21:03.660 00:21:03.670 bit something with my business in
00:21:06.000 00:21:06.010 western PA we're about sixty percent
00:21:07.590 00:21:07.600 aerospace and I know the advantage we
00:21:10.650 00:21:10.660 can get by high pressure gas quenching
00:21:13.730 00:21:13.740 titanium 6al 4v we have done some
00:21:18.090 00:21:18.100 medical parts with using 10 bar pressure
00:21:22.320 00:21:22.330 using helium of course you can't use
00:21:24.990 00:21:25.000 nitrogen with titanium because it would
00:21:28.740 00:21:28.750 form a very detrimental layer but we we
00:21:33.360 00:21:33.370 have been able to meet the speeds of
00:21:35.910 00:21:35.920 water using helium with thin cross
00:21:38.460 00:21:38.470 sections I want to look at this now it's
00:21:41.070 00:21:41.080 going to be a lot different it won't be
00:21:42.480 00:21:42.490 an N quench harden ability study will be
00:21:45.270 00:21:45.280 looking more at structure or strength as
00:21:47.880 00:21:47.890 we go back on the bar but I want to try
00:21:50.730 00:21:50.740 to equate something to some titanium
00:21:53.090 00:21:53.100 especially again the workhorse in the
00:21:55.980 00:21:55.990 titanium world 6al 4v there are many
00:22:00.270 00:22:00.280 other alloys we can look at if you have
00:22:02.190 00:22:02.200 any ideas you have any ideas please see
00:22:05.370 00:22:05.380 me here's my email address I gave
00:22:07.860 00:22:07.870 everybody a copy of the paper today you
00:22:12.750 00:22:12.760 can contact me by email I'm also citing
00:22:16.440 00:22:16.450 a paper that after i did this like i was
00:22:20.490 00:22:20.500 aware that this was done back in 2009 by
00:22:23.850 00:22:23.860 professor and croatia dr. landok who
00:22:28.200 00:22:28.210 performs similar type of work he built a
00:22:30.750 00:22:30.760 small chamber small vacuum chamber with
00:22:33.240 00:22:33.250 some inductor coils but he performed his
00:22:35.880 00:22:35.890 work only with o2 tool steel now we've
00:22:38.640 00:22:38.650 been doing o'toole 402 for quite a while
00:22:40.920 00:22:40.930 now so this is taking it another step
00:22:44.220 00:22:44.230 with pressures and gas velocity but i
00:22:48.240 00:22:48.250 just wanted to cite this paper and some
00:22:51.480 00:22:51.490 of this work has been done previously
00:22:52.980 00:22:52.990 and that's the end of my talk thank you
00:22:56.070 00:22:56.080 very much
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