/ News & Press / Video / Getting Started with CHP - Screening and Permitting
Getting Started with CHP - Screening and Permitting
WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en
00:00:00.520 --> 00:00:06.910 >> Lissa: Hello and welcome to the getting started with CHP webinar. I'm Lissa McCracken with 00:00:06.910 --> 00:00:12.650 KPPC and will be serving as the facilitator. KPPC is a non-profit technical assistance 00:00:12.650 --> 00:00:18.330 resource center based at the University of Louisville J. B. Speed School of Engineering. 00:00:18.330 --> 00:00:22.750 Today's webinar is designed to help answer questions about getting started with CHP and 00:00:22.750 --> 00:00:28.390 focuses on two specific areas, the screening process used to determine if your facility 00:00:28.390 --> 00:00:35.390 is a good candidate for CHP and steps to determine any air permitting requirements. 00:00:38.550 --> 00:00:43.140 Today's webinar is being sponsored by the Kentucky CHP partnership, which in addition 00:00:43.140 --> 00:00:49.960 to KPPC is comprised of the Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence, the 00:00:49.960 --> 00:00:56.309 Kentucky Association of Manufacturers and the U.S. Department of Energy Southeast CHP 00:00:56.309 --> 00:01:01.140 Technical Assistance Partnership. This Kentucky partnership is designed to promote CHP technologies 00:01:01.140 --> 00:01:02.610 throughout the Commonwealth. 00:01:02.610 --> 00:01:09.119 Now let's get started with the first presentation for Cheryl Eakle. Cheryl is a sustainability 00:01:09.119 --> 00:01:13.360 engineer at KPPC and will be discussing the CHP screening process. 00:01:13.360 --> 00:01:20.360 >> Cheryl: Thank you Lissa. As Lissa said, I am an engineer here at KPPC and this webinar 00:01:20.689 --> 00:01:24.789 is actually a follow up to a couple of workshops that we had in November when we talked about 00:01:24.789 --> 00:01:31.789 CHP and possibilities and how to get started. We really briefly talked about screening at 00:01:34.529 --> 00:01:40.630 that workshop, but some people wanted to see a little more detail, so we're going to go 00:01:40.630 --> 00:01:43.509 into a little more detail into the screening here in just a few minutes. 00:01:43.509 --> 00:01:47.709 One of the things we probably need to do is, for people who weren't at the workshop, 00:01:47.709 --> 00:01:53.869 just give you a real brief overview of what CHP is. One of the key things is that 00:01:53.869 --> 00:02:00.869 CHP is energy that's created and used near the user. It's made 00:02:02.719 --> 00:02:08.640 where it's going to be used. It generates electrical and mechanical power, usually electrical 00:02:08.640 --> 00:02:15.540 power. It recovers waste heat for heating. It can be used for cooling for an absorption 00:02:15.540 --> 00:02:21.290 cooler or for dehumidification. It can use a variety of technologies and fuels. For instance, 00:02:21.290 --> 00:02:26.780 CHP can use reciprocating internal combustion engines, steam turbines or combustion turbines 00:02:26.780 --> 00:02:32.060 as some of the technologies, and the fuels could be anything from natural gas, landfill 00:02:32.060 --> 00:02:37.250 or other biogas, or even if it's a boiler, it could be anything ... It could even be 00:02:37.250 --> 00:02:41.530 solid fuels like wood or coal. 00:02:41.530 --> 00:02:46.400 This is a typical conventional CHP. This is what's called a topping cycle where you have 00:02:46.400 --> 00:02:51.180 your fuel come in to your engine or your turbine that's turning the generator and the 00:02:51.180 --> 00:02:56.140 heat is going to a building or facility. In this case, the heat is more 00:02:56.140 --> 00:03:03.140 of a byproduct. You recover that and use it elsewhere in the facility. 00:03:03.820 --> 00:03:09.680 The next is what they call a bottoming cycle where you're producing heat, that is, you're 00:03:09.680 --> 00:03:16.460 main purpose is producing heat. Now this shows the heat going through a steam boiler, however, 00:03:16.460 --> 00:03:20.790 sometimes you can have the steam boiler is direct fired. 00:03:20.790 --> 00:03:25.350 You're using the steam in your process, but then at the same time you're also turning 00:03:25.350 --> 00:03:32.350 the turbine for electricity. You get a little bit of both there. 00:03:32.710 --> 00:03:38.800 This is how we see the CHP projects developing. We start out with a very high level screening 00:03:38.800 --> 00:03:42.510 process, and that's what we are going to be going through here in just a few minutes. 00:03:42.510 --> 00:03:47.370 After that, we'll go into a feasibility analysis which is a screening process but there is 00:03:47.370 --> 00:03:53.430 a lot more depth to that. We would probably do a site visit and probably get a little 00:03:53.430 --> 00:03:56.130 more detail into the costing. 00:03:56.130 --> 00:04:00.680 The next thing will be an investment grade analysis, and at this point, you might want 00:04:00.680 --> 00:04:07.120 to call a consultant. If you have engineering resources and execute projects on your own, 00:04:07.120 --> 00:04:11.350 you might just want to have an individual come in and be part of your team. If you don't 00:04:11.350 --> 00:04:15.760 have a lot of engineering resources, there are companies that will do a turnkey installation. 00:04:15.760 --> 00:04:22.629 DEDI is developing a vendor list and that should be on their site shortly posted. If 00:04:22.629 --> 00:04:26.370 you would like to see a list ahead of time, you can contact one of us and we'll give you 00:04:26.370 --> 00:04:33.370 a draft. The last step obviously would be procurement and starting and commissioning. 00:04:34.759 --> 00:04:39.210 This is the screening tool. Those of you that have been at the workshop have seen this screen 00:04:39.210 --> 00:04:43.499 before. We're going to go into that a little bit deeper. There are some things that we're 00:04:43.499 --> 00:04:48.800 going to start out with as far as information to get started with the screening. 00:04:48.800 --> 00:04:52.509 Just to do this first high level screening, we just have to have some basic information. 00:04:52.509 --> 00:04:59.330 One of the things we need to know is the base load in kilowatts if known. If not known, 00:04:59.330 --> 00:05:03.539 we are going to take the annual electric use of kilowatt hours and divide it by the annual 00:05:03.539 --> 00:05:08.569 hours of operation. That's going to get us into the ballpark. The other thing we're going 00:05:08.569 --> 00:05:12.990 to use is the effective cost of electricity. We're going to take your annual electric cost, 00:05:12.990 --> 00:05:19.990 divide it be your annual kilowatt hours. That way it accounts for not only your kilowatt 00:05:20.120 --> 00:05:24.490 hour usage but also your demand use and all the other miscellaneous charges like your 00:05:24.490 --> 00:05:31.490 fuel cost adjustment and maybe taxes and customer charges that get put into the utility bill. 00:05:33.120 --> 00:05:38.620 Another thing that might be of interest to people that might not want to do their whole 00:05:38.620 --> 00:05:42.770 facility. They might want to do just a part of their facility. For instance, if you had 00:05:42.770 --> 00:05:47.809 a chemical plant and you are running a distillation column or a spray dryer constantly, those 00:05:47.809 --> 00:05:54.809 are very good candidates for CHP power. Batch reactors? 00:05:55.449 --> 00:05:56.930 Not so much so. 00:05:56.930 --> 00:06:01.909 If you've got a large facility and maybe just part of the facility is running batch type 00:06:01.909 --> 00:06:05.610 processes and another type is running continuous, you might want to split that up and say, okay, 00:06:05.610 --> 00:06:10.169 this is the part that we're going to consider for CHP, and we can look at that possibility 00:06:10.169 --> 00:06:14.020 too. 00:06:14.020 --> 00:06:18.819 The next consideration will be thermal and you need year round thermal demand to make 00:06:18.819 --> 00:06:24.659 CHP a good fit. If you're a large commercial building and you're using heat in the winter 00:06:24.659 --> 00:06:29.110 time and you can use an absorption chiller to provide your air conditioning, that's a 00:06:29.110 --> 00:06:34.449 good application. In an industrial setting, if your main heat load is just building heat, 00:06:34.449 --> 00:06:38.499 that's probably not a good fit. You need to route that year round thermal demand. Just 00:06:38.499 --> 00:06:42.779 like on the electric, we're going to use the base load if known. If not, we're going to 00:06:42.779 --> 00:06:47.050 do the same thing. We're going to take the annual thermal load in million BTUs, divide 00:06:47.050 --> 00:06:52.339 it by the annual hours of operation. 00:06:52.339 --> 00:06:59.339 Let's get started looking at our example here. Okay. This company that contacted us, they 00:07:00.949 --> 00:07:07.949 are making automotive components, small parts for automotive components, and they called 00:07:11.740 --> 00:07:18.150 to see if they would be a good fit for CHP. They are making small automotive parts and 00:07:18.150 --> 00:07:24.839 they are operating 24X7. They used 8400 annual hours of operation as their baseline. They 00:07:24.839 --> 00:07:31.839 knew that their average demand was 6 megawatts or their base demand. What we could have done 00:07:32.150 --> 00:07:35.580 if they hadn't had that, we could have done the same thing where we talked about before. 00:07:35.580 --> 00:07:42.580 We would take their kilowatt hours and divide by the operating hours and then divide by 00:07:46.919 --> 00:07:53.919 1000 to get for the kilowatts to megawatts. You can see we get like ...You have to divide 00:07:59.149 --> 00:08:06.149 by 1000. You get about 6.7 megawatts. That's a good approximation, that's a good 00:08:06.589 --> 00:08:11.439 approximation, even if you don't have your base demand. They didn't know their average 00:08:11.439 --> 00:08:18.439 steam demand and that's their annual demand. The current fuel costs were $5.79 per MMBTU. 00:08:20.610 --> 00:08:26.689 They have two or three gas-fired boilers and they were using natural gas for that, so their 00:08:26.689 --> 00:08:33.689 CHP would be the same cost. Their effective electric cost is 7.7 cents per kilowatt hour, 00:08:33.850 --> 00:08:38.780 and that is, like I said, the total cost for their electric divided by their annual kilowatt 00:08:38.780 --> 00:08:40.460 hour use. 00:08:40.460 --> 00:08:47.460 Consider electric price avoided, this is typically not 100%, and that's not your total electric 00:08:47.540 --> 00:08:53.250 price. That takes into account things that are going to be on your bill whether you reduce 00:08:53.250 --> 00:08:58.340 your use or not. You usually have a customer charge or basic service charge. You might 00:08:58.340 --> 00:09:05.340 have a facilities use fee. Anything that is not tied to how much or how fast you use electricity 00:09:05.910 --> 00:09:09.340 is not going to change because you reduce your use. 00:09:09.340 --> 00:09:12.990 For that reason, you want to see how much that is of your electric bill 00:09:12.990 --> 00:09:17.590 and then take that factor into account when you're talking about how much you're 00:09:17.590 --> 00:09:20.310 going to be saving. 00:09:20.310 --> 00:09:24.450 These people had existing boilers, so we're going to be looking at this for a steam turbine 00:09:24.450 --> 00:09:31.090 only. I'm going to say that it's very reliable, 98%. Typically these turbines are very reliable, 00:09:31.090 --> 00:09:37.310 and their boiler efficiency is 80%. Now this tool, which was given to use by the DOE has 00:09:37.310 --> 00:09:43.460 a lookup table in it, and what it will do is actually looking at the demand and the 00:09:43.460 --> 00:09:50.010 electric demand and the steam demand. It will match up for the thermal demand and give them 00:09:50.010 --> 00:09:56.680 power to heat ratio, and then it will calculate what the CHP size should be. In this case, because 00:09:56.680 --> 00:10:01.090 they have a small steam load, they are only going to be using about 200 kilowatts. This 00:10:01.090 --> 00:10:05.010 is going to be a small unit. 00:10:05.010 --> 00:10:11.080 The next couple of cells are that actually they are more appropriate to a topping cycle, 00:10:11.080 --> 00:10:18.080 but the tool will also look at the lookup table and give you the steam turbine 00:10:18.530 --> 00:10:23.940 cost. It's about a penny per kilowatt hour, and that's typical for a lot of CHPs that 00:10:23.940 --> 00:10:28.880 operating and maintenance costs. In other words, your fuel and maintenance costs. 00:10:28.880 --> 00:10:35.880 If you look down here, we can look at our generated electricity, which is about 3% of 00:10:36.920 --> 00:10:42.300 their total, okay. You can see that the boiler steam, the demand is about the same. It might 00:10:42.300 --> 00:10:49.300 be using just a little bit more fuel. The next section is for standby charges, and this 00:10:49.820 --> 00:10:56.500 is empty at this time because the utility that for this facility is do not have standard 00:10:56.500 --> 00:11:00.740 standby charges. This is something that would have to be ... They'll have to contact the 00:11:00.740 --> 00:11:01.660 utility would have to be worked out with them. 00:11:01.660 --> 00:11:08.660 If you look here, you can see that they are going to use just a little bit more fuel, 00:11:09.200 --> 00:11:13.700 natural gas. If you look at the savings from the electric even with the additional natural 00:11:13.700 --> 00:11:20.700 gas and O&M charges, you're still saving about $60,000 a year generating part of the electricity. 00:11:24.240 --> 00:11:30.550 You have the annual operating savings. Total installed cost per kilowatt hour, this is 00:11:30.550 --> 00:11:37.550 a national average. This takes into account equipment and installation charges across 00:11:38.550 --> 00:11:39.590 the country. 00:11:39.590 --> 00:11:44.630 Now things in Kentucky might be ... Are probably going to be different. Certainly the labor 00:11:44.630 --> 00:11:48.950 charges are going to be different in Kentucky than what they would be in Chicago. We're 00:11:48.950 --> 00:11:55.950 looking at a 5.3 year payback. If we can get those charges down to say $1000 per kilowatt 00:11:58.780 --> 00:12:04.330 hour, now it's a 3.6 or 3.5 year payback, so it's much better. 00:12:04.330 --> 00:12:09.240 Again, this screening is a very, very high level. If you want to be able to looking into 00:12:09.240 --> 00:12:15.070 the possibilities of getting some better numbers or some more definite numbers, a lot of times 00:12:15.070 --> 00:12:22.070 we can work this down and get it in for ... It looks like it's a more favorable project. 00:12:22.880 --> 00:12:28.820 After those 3.6 years, they would be generating ... They would be paying 3.5 cents per kilowatt 00:12:28.820 --> 00:12:35.820 hour for every kilowatt hour that they generated, and that's versus 7.7 for what they are buying. 00:12:36.920 --> 00:12:43.170 That would be probably a bigger difference even then because electricity rates do tend 00:12:43.170 --> 00:12:44.770 to rise. 00:12:44.770 --> 00:12:50.550 That again is the cost to generate. One of the things that we talked about ... Let me 00:12:50.550 --> 00:12:54.950 go back here just a minute. This box here with standby rates, we mentioned standby rates, 00:12:54.950 --> 00:13:01.380 but we didn't really talk about them. The standby rate is a rate or it's a charge that 00:13:01.380 --> 00:13:06.930 a utility usually charges just to have standby power. In this case, if they wanted to say 00:13:06.930 --> 00:13:12.700 ... They wanted a contract for 200 kilowatts of standby power, the utility might charge 00:13:12.700 --> 00:13:19.700 them a fee per kilowatt. Actually it is done a number of ways. Some utilities will 00:13:19.750 --> 00:13:26.750 charge a monthly fee per kilowatt. Some utilities will just allow the increase to 00:13:27.250 --> 00:13:31.500 affect the ratchet. Others will have just an administrative charge or it might be a 00:13:31.500 --> 00:13:33.240 combination of these. 00:13:33.240 --> 00:13:40.240 There is a utility in Kentucky which has a CHP facility in their territory. They do not 00:13:40.410 --> 00:13:46.750 charge them a monthly fee, but they do ... The charge does affect the ratchet. If the CHP 00:13:46.750 --> 00:13:50.580 goes down, then that facility starts pulling a lot of power from the grid and they just 00:13:50.580 --> 00:13:56.150 set their demand for the next 11 months. 00:13:56.150 --> 00:14:01.260 If your utility does not have a standard charge posted in the tariff, then you probably need 00:14:01.260 --> 00:14:06.920 to talk with them and see what kind of arrangements you can work out. Obviously depending on how 00:14:06.920 --> 00:14:10.720 much you're going to be generating, it's going ... They are probably to handle a little bit 00:14:10.720 --> 00:14:15.720 differently. A small generator is probably going to be different than someone who is 00:14:15.720 --> 00:14:21.080 doing 18 megawatts. There are things you can do to minimize your standby charges. You can 00:14:21.080 --> 00:14:26.530 only contract for essential operations, so instead of the full amount, if you're going 00:14:26.530 --> 00:14:32.190 to be generating 2 megawatts electricity, maybe you only want a contract one or you 00:14:32.190 --> 00:14:37.940 want to contract for a certain part. You can design your system to shed loads for CHP outage. 00:14:37.940 --> 00:14:44.940 There is a company that we work with that the first part of their operation is continuous 00:14:45.350 --> 00:14:50.930 and so they power their boiler house and their continuous operations off of CHP. 00:14:50.930 --> 00:14:56.090 Then they also have an assembly pack and ship operation. When they are having trouble with 00:14:56.090 --> 00:15:03.090 the CHP, they close down the assembly part. Then they switch to grid power for their CHP 00:15:03.780 --> 00:15:07.820 until they get the problem resolved. Then they go back on and put the some of the people 00:15:07.820 --> 00:15:11.400 back on the grid. 00:15:11.400 --> 00:15:15.120 Another thing you can do is you can use production shutdowns for maintenance when you have to 00:15:15.120 --> 00:15:19.810 maintain your CHP. Like any other piece of equipment, it's just got to have ... It has 00:15:19.810 --> 00:15:22.090 some maintenance from time to time. 00:15:22.090 --> 00:15:28.690 This slide shows different scenarios that happen as far as shutdown of the CHP. The 00:15:28.690 --> 00:15:35.690 white line is the total line of the total use, the electric for this facility. Yellow 00:15:36.180 --> 00:15:41.900 is the CHP generated electricity. As you can see for the most part, these people are making 00:15:41.900 --> 00:15:48.410 more electricity than they are buying. This would be a forced outage or an unplanned outage 00:15:48.410 --> 00:15:53.680 and this would be a planned outage. This forced outage ... Unplanned outage, this is something 00:15:53.680 --> 00:15:59.310 no one wants to see. You don't want to see it. Utility people don't want to see that. 00:15:59.310 --> 00:16:03.630 If you can do your maintenance here where the plant is shut down or plant is operating 00:16:03.630 --> 00:16:10.630 at a lesser rate, then you can get around those standby fees. Really right there, they 00:16:12.760 --> 00:16:19.410 are not buying nearly as much electric as they would use when they are running. This 00:16:19.410 --> 00:16:23.900 is a planned outage and some utilities will work with you on that if you've got a planned 00:16:23.900 --> 00:16:30.900 outage coming. TVA for example has a low monthly rate. Then they have a small rate that they 00:16:31.529 --> 00:16:38.190 charge for people like for user backup charges. Here if it's the planned outage, they would 00:16:38.190 --> 00:16:45.130 charge $1.09 I think it is for each kilowatt use per week. If it's an unplanned outage, 00:16:45.130 --> 00:16:50.480 they'll charge $2.78. Again, you'd have to work with the utility, see what kind of arrangements 00:16:50.480 --> 00:16:51.380 can be made. 00:16:51.380 --> 00:16:58.380 I'll just kind of wrap up. CHP is very efficient. You can get probably 30-40% better efficiency 00:17:00.260 --> 00:17:07.260 using CHP versus using separate generations. KPPC can do a high level screening for you. 00:17:07.670 --> 00:17:11.839 We'd need your base loads, your effective cost and then maybe look at the standby cost 00:17:11.839 --> 00:17:16.740 that's going to depend on your electric provider. We can also do a more in-depth feasibility 00:17:16.740 --> 00:17:22.480 analysis. If this overall high level screening looks good, we'd be glad to come in and look 00:17:22.480 --> 00:17:28.870 at your facility and look at a feasibility analysis would be. There is also like no cost. 00:17:28.870 --> 00:17:32.520 Does anybody have any questions? 00:17:32.520 --> 00:17:39.400 >> Lissa: Okay, thank you Cheryl. As a reminder, please submit any questions you have at any 00:17:39.400 --> 00:17:45.860 time during the webinar. We do have a couple of questions already. First one is will the 00:17:45.860 --> 00:17:47.940 Spreadsheet be available on the web? 00:17:47.940 --> 00:17:54.010 >> Cheryl: No, DOE has asked us not to share this or to publish it, but do keep in mind 00:17:54.010 --> 00:17:59.640 that if you do call us and give us that basic information there will be no charge. We'll 00:17:59.640 --> 00:18:01.210 be glad to run the numbers for you. 00:18:01.210 --> 00:18:05.540 >> Lissa: It's also I think important to include the fact that it's confidential. 00:18:05.540 --> 00:18:07.050 >> Cheryl: Yes, it is. 00:18:07.050 --> 00:18:11.340 >> Lissa: Would you be able to meet with my energy team to discuss what is needed for 00:18:11.340 --> 00:18:15.310 a CHP screening and how it might help my facility? 00:18:15.310 --> 00:18:19.650 >> Cheryl: Yeah, we'd be glad to meet with you or conduct a teleconference. If you give 00:18:19.650 --> 00:18:24.690 us a call, we can talk about that. Actually, there are some more questions ... Another 00:18:24.690 --> 00:18:30.040 questionnaire that goes along with this. We like to do that interactively instead of just 00:18:30.040 --> 00:18:33.870 having people put ... Give us a call. We'll be glad to meet with you or do a teleconference, 00:18:33.870 --> 00:18:38.260 or whatever it would need to be to make sure we get that understanding going. 00:18:38.260 --> 00:18:44.509 >> Lissa: Another question. Does LG&E have a penalty fee for gas if you go to CHP? 00:18:44.509 --> 00:18:51.400 >> Cheryl: A penalty fee? Not that I'm aware of. I'm not real sure what they mean by a 00:18:51.400 --> 00:18:56.790 penalty fee. You might use a little more gas if you're doing CHP, but I don't think there 00:18:56.790 --> 00:19:03.790 is a fee for that. Now they do have standby charges on the electric side, but there again, 00:19:05.610 --> 00:19:09.400 it's down to what your facility is going to be and if you really need standby charges 00:19:09.400 --> 00:19:12.700 and how much standby power you need. 00:19:12.700 --> 00:19:19.700 >> Lissa: Okay. At this point, we're going to move on to the next presentation and we'll 00:19:20.559 --> 00:19:26.610 hear from Sree Kesaraju. Sree is an engineering consultant for the Kentucky Division for Air 00:19:26.610 --> 00:19:33.610 Quality. He'll be presenting on air quality permitting requirements for CHP's process. 00:19:34.010 --> 00:19:41.010 >> >> Sreenivas: All right. Now it's time to figure out how to get an air permit. Air 00:19:44.730 --> 00:19:51.610 quality permit is a document which will have the regulatory requirements application to 00:19:51.610 --> 00:19:58.610 all the emission units at the plant or the facility. The permit in Kentucky is a document which actually gives you permission 00:20:08.340 --> 00:20:15.100 to construct and operate. The permit will identify which emission units you have and 00:20:15.100 --> 00:20:20.559 it will establish the emission limit and the operating limit you have to meet. It will 00:20:20.559 --> 00:20:27.559 outline the procedures including testing, record keeping, monitoring and reporting requirements. 00:20:28.690 --> 00:20:35.690 We have seen in the earlier presentation how a CHP setup looks like and how this typical 00:20:36.010 --> 00:20:41.130 setup, we will be later talking about a case study. 00:20:41.130 --> 00:20:48.130 We'll quickly go through some abbreviations which will be used in this presentation. First 00:20:49.150 --> 00:20:54.550 is potential to emit. Potential to emit is the maximum amount of a pollutant that source 00:20:54.550 --> 00:21:00.510 is physically capable of emitting or legally allowed in the permit, whichever is less. 00:21:00.510 --> 00:21:07.510 A HAP is hazardous air pollutant. A RAP is a regulated air pollutant. A AR is a applicable 00:21:07.800 --> 00:21:14.420 requirement. MOC is a method of compliance, which will include monitoring, record keeping 00:21:14.420 --> 00:21:21.420 and reporting requirements. NSPS is new source performance standards. NESHAP is a national 00:21:22.350 --> 00:21:29.350 emission standard for hazardous air pollutants, also known as MACT standards. 00:21:35.450 --> 00:21:42.450 When do you need a permit? A permit is needed when you construct and operate the new source. 00:21:43.030 --> 00:21:49.809 When you're planning to build a source, you need a permit before you start construction. 00:21:49.809 --> 00:21:56.809 In Kentucky and almost everywhere, typically you have permitting for major sources and 00:21:57.600 --> 00:22:04.600 minor sources. Major sources are permitted under Title V operating ... Permitting program 00:22:04.770 --> 00:22:11.309 and in Kentucky, you have only one permitting program for construction and operating. A 00:22:11.309 --> 00:22:18.309 lot of states have separate programs for construction and operating. We have major source permitting 00:22:18.370 --> 00:22:25.370 and we have what's called as synthetic minor or conditional major, which is permits which 00:22:25.450 --> 00:22:32.050 the sources take to avoid the major source permitting. Other types of permits required 00:22:32.050 --> 00:22:37.429 when you need a permit is when you modify an existing source or you renew your permit 00:22:37.429 --> 00:22:42.200 after a certain period of time five years for a major source. 00:22:42.200 --> 00:22:49.200 At what levels of emission thresholds do you need a permit in Kentucky? If you have less 00:22:50.360 --> 00:22:57.360 than 2 tons per year of a hazardous air pollutant, then you do not need a permit in Kentucky. 00:22:58.920 --> 00:23:04.640 If you have less than 5 tons per year of combined hazardous air pollutants, you do not need 00:23:04.640 --> 00:23:11.640 a permit, and less than 10 tons of regulated air pollutant. However, if you have a NSPS 00:23:11.720 --> 00:23:18.340 or NESHAP applicable, irrespective of what your emissions are and if they are below these 00:23:18.340 --> 00:23:22.470 thresholds, you still at least need to be registered in Kentucky. 00:23:22.470 --> 00:23:29.470 When do you need a registration in Kentucky? If you have more than 2 tons per year, but 00:23:30.000 --> 00:23:34.990 less than 10 tons per year of a hazardous air pollutant and if you have more than 5 00:23:34.990 --> 00:23:40.920 tons, but less than 25 tons of hazardous air pollutants, more than 10 tons but less than 00:23:40.920 --> 00:23:47.920 25 tons per year of a regulated air pollutant that is subject to an applicable regulation 00:23:49.030 --> 00:23:54.570 and does not have method of compliance. Of if you have a NSPS or NESHAP applicable as 00:23:54.570 --> 00:23:59.770 we just talked about. 00:23:59.770 --> 00:24:06.510 A state origin permit is required once you are above 25 tons of a regulated air pollutant, 00:24:06.510 --> 00:24:13.510 but less than 100 tons of regulated air pollutant, and less than 10 and 25 of a single and 25 00:24:13.700 --> 00:24:20.700 of combined hazardous air pollutants is when you are required to have a state origin permit. 00:24:21.760 --> 00:24:27.270 A Title V permit is required if you have more than 10 tons per year of HAP and 25 tons per 00:24:27.270 --> 00:24:34.270 year of combined HAPs or more than 100 tons per year of regulated air pollutant. Regulated 00:24:34.660 --> 00:24:41.260 air pollutant does not include hazardous air pollutants. Even though hazardous air pollutants 00:24:41.260 --> 00:24:48.010 are regulated air pollutants, for quantification for the purpose of permitting, we do not include 00:24:48.010 --> 00:24:54.710 hazardous air pollutants in the regulated air pollutant quantification. The source potential 00:24:54.710 --> 00:25:01.710 to emit is not limited below these thresholds by permit or prohibitory rule. If it is limited, 00:25:03.580 --> 00:25:10.580 then you basically can get a different classification of a permit. 00:25:12.190 --> 00:25:17.600 Now we understand a little bit about Kentucky air permitting. This is going to be a case 00:25:17.600 --> 00:25:24.600 study where we are going to quickly go through the project description, a case study. 00:25:25.780 --> 00:25:32.780 We have a campus, XYZ campus, which is a new campus being planned and we are going to generate 00:25:33.130 --> 00:25:40.030 10 megawatts of energy and that's a need, that's a base load which Cheryl just talked 00:25:40.030 --> 00:25:47.030 about requirement and they need 110,000 pounds of steam. They found a natural gas turbine 00:25:47.830 --> 00:25:54.830 which can generate 8 megawatts of power and it can generate 35,000 pounds of steam. The 00:25:56.490 --> 00:26:03.360 manufacturer has rated 80 million BTUs per hour as the fuel input needed for the turbine. 00:26:03.360 --> 00:26:10.360 They decided to use this system, but they have a 2 megawatt deficiency which they are 00:26:10.380 --> 00:26:17.380 going to get it from a grid. They decided to use a duct burner, 40 million BTUs per 00:26:18.480 --> 00:26:24.140 hour natural gas backfiring before the HRSG, which is called heat recovery steam generator 00:26:24.140 --> 00:26:31.140 which generates steam, and that will give them additional 75,000 pounds of steam to 00:26:32.730 --> 00:26:38.900 cover their 110,000 pounds of steam. 00:26:38.900 --> 00:26:45.120 Air quality permit, so basically what are those different things you need for getting 00:26:45.120 --> 00:26:49.940 an air quality permit in Kentucky Division for Air Quality. The source needs the following 00:26:49.940 --> 00:26:56.940 data to submit an application to KDAQ. An engineering design of affected units with 00:27:00.620 --> 00:27:07.620 information such as maximum design rate that is used to calculate the air emissions and 00:27:08.000 --> 00:27:14.210 emission estimate for all regulated air pollutants from each of the affected units within the 00:27:14.210 --> 00:27:20.200 source. Using the emission estimates, figure out what kind of permit is needed and then 00:27:20.200 --> 00:27:24.710 what application forms and other documents need to be submitted. 00:27:24.710 --> 00:27:31.710 First, maximum design rate. How do you calculate the maximum design rate? In the presentation 00:27:36.660 --> 00:27:43.660 we just heard, we just talked about design rate. You calculate the design rate with what 00:27:45.330 --> 00:27:50.630 is the base load requirements. and ... 00:27:50.630 --> 00:27:57.070 In this case study, we have a turbine and a duct burner, which are the main pollutant 00:27:57.070 --> 00:28:04.070 generating units. In our case study, you need 80 million BTUs per hour of fuel for the turbine 00:28:05.919 --> 00:28:12.919 and the duct burner is going to be 40 million BTUs per hour. This is a typical turbine setup, 00:28:14.870 --> 00:28:21.290 and you can see that there is an air intake and then there is a turbine and the electric 00:28:21.290 --> 00:28:28.290 generator. How do you calculate the emissions? Emissions have to be calculated for all the 00:28:30.960 --> 00:28:37.960 regulated air pollutants at an affected unit within the source. An affected unit is a unit 00:28:39.549 --> 00:28:46.549 which generates pollution and the source is a group of affected units. Emission estimate 00:28:47.549 --> 00:28:53.900 should be potential emissions for all these emission units. Potential to emit means the 00:28:53.900 --> 00:28:59.220 maximum capacity of a stationary source to emit air pollution under its physical and 00:28:59.220 --> 00:29:06.220 operational design. Potential to emit is calculated when you multiply maximum hourly design rate 00:29:08.200 --> 00:29:15.200 times the emission factor times 8760 hours per year which is 100% of the time available. 00:29:16.690 --> 00:29:23.690 For our case study, we have manufacturers' data which provided the emission factors. 00:29:25.919 --> 00:29:32.919 We typically get emission factors which are compiled by EPA on their website at epa.gov/ttn/chief/ap42 00:29:35.960 --> 00:29:42.960 and the division accepts those emission factors as well. We are going to actually in a lot 00:29:52.710 --> 00:29:57.990 of cases, we get voluntarily limits taken by the company to avoid major source requirement 00:29:57.990 --> 00:30:04.990 and to be a minor source, and that will fit some people's permitting needs. For our case 00:30:05.880 --> 00:30:12.880 study, we will estimate emissions for two different turbine configurations and based 00:30:13.340 --> 00:30:20.340 on two different emission guarantees. We are going to estimate emissions for NOx, CO and 00:30:22.200 --> 00:30:27.929 VOC. There is also other emissions including hazardous air pollutant emissions, VOC which 00:30:27.929 --> 00:30:33.370 is volatile organic compounds and greenhouse gases. In our case example, we took these 00:30:33.370 --> 00:30:40.370 three pollutants and calculated emission potentials and figured out permitting needs. 00:30:41.059 --> 00:30:48.059 Estimating emissions. For turbine 1, the emission guarantees or the emission data given by the 00:30:50.030 --> 00:30:57.030 company which manufactures these turbines is 0.06 pounds per million BTU for the turbine 00:30:58.830 --> 00:31:05.830 for NOx emissions, turbine 1 and 0.061 for CO and .035 for VOC. For the turbine 2, you 00:31:10.669 --> 00:31:17.669 can see that the emissions potential or the emission factors given is 0.1 pounds per million 00:31:17.669 --> 00:31:24.669 BTU, which is pretty close to double the amount of NOx emissions, more close to 1.7 times 00:31:26.870 --> 00:31:33.870 the emissions. We figured that it will be a little more cost effective if we use more 00:31:34.350 --> 00:31:41.350 pollutant but it's again case by case and depends on what your situation is and what 00:31:42.120 --> 00:31:47.940 your permit you require and everything. The area you're going to build these unit or the 00:31:47.940 --> 00:31:53.630 area you're going to do this. If area already has bad air quality, you may be forced to 00:31:53.630 --> 00:31:58.850 get a cleaner engine. 00:31:58.850 --> 00:32:05.850 In our case we have duct burners and the emission factors are here given .065 pounds per million 00:32:06.809 --> 00:32:13.809 BTU for NOx and .04 pounds per million BTU for CO and .05 pounds per million BTU for 00:32:16.789 --> 00:32:23.160 VOC. After using all these emission factors given, we figured what are the emissions using 00:32:23.160 --> 00:32:30.160 the equation we just saw above in the above couple of slides above. The emission potentials 00:32:30.850 --> 00:32:37.850 for NOx from turbine 1 is 21 tons and the emission potential from turbine 2 for NOx 00:32:39.400 --> 00:32:46.400 is 35 tons. The duct burner is the same in both cases. The total potential for NOx is 00:32:47.429 --> 00:32:54.429 46 tons in the turbine 2 and 32 tons in the turbine 1. If you look at the numbers, the 00:32:57.150 --> 00:33:04.150 biggest difference in the emissions are CO and NOx for the turbine 1 and turbine 2. The 00:33:05.020 --> 00:33:09.080 emissions then calculated are going to be compared to the thresholds we looked in the 00:33:09.080 --> 00:33:16.080 tables above. Based on that information, we have seen that if you have above 25 tons of 00:33:17.620 --> 00:33:24.240 a regulated air pollutant, but if you have less than 100 tons per year, then you require 00:33:24.240 --> 00:33:27.039 state origin permit. 00:33:27.039 --> 00:33:30.840 Now what is the difference between require state origin permit and a Title V permit? 00:33:30.840 --> 00:33:37.840 It's basically the emission fee and monitoring and record keeping requirements and things 00:33:38.590 --> 00:33:44.270 like that. You may still need to pay emission fee for a state origin permit if you have 00:33:44.270 --> 00:33:50.929 NSPS or NESHAP applicable. 00:33:50.929 --> 00:33:56.549 What kind of application forms do you need and what are the other documents you need? 00:33:56.549 --> 00:34:02.299 Any construction activity emitting air pollution needs a prior authorization in the state of 00:34:02.299 --> 00:34:09.299 Kentucky. What kind of permit is needed is what we have seen and the application forms 00:34:12.190 --> 00:34:18.750 you need to submit will depend on what kind of permit you're going to require. In this 00:34:18.750 --> 00:34:25.480 case, you are requiring state origin permit. It will pretty much require all the forms 00:34:25.480 --> 00:34:28.869 which are on our website at www.air.ky.gov. 00:34:28.869 --> 00:34:35.869 The permitting forms listed are in a series from DEP7007A form to DEP7007Y form. All these 00:34:47.040 --> 00:34:54.040 are permit-related forms and DEP7007A Form is an administrative form. DEP7039A form is 00:34:57.540 --> 00:35:04.540 a registration application form. DEP7007 AI form is an administrative form and the A form 00:35:09.500 --> 00:35:16.349 actually is I think I could have said administrative, but it is not. It is a form for including 00:35:16.349 --> 00:35:21.650 information for indirect heat exchangers and internal combustion engines. The AI form is 00:35:21.650 --> 00:35:27.840 an administrative information form where you put various sources located and what kind 00:35:27.840 --> 00:35:34.840 of permit you require. It also will include the signature of a responsible official. 00:35:36.570 --> 00:35:43.570 For this project, DEP7007A form is one of the key forms to fill. All the forms are listed 00:35:47.599 --> 00:35:54.599 on our website, and if you go to www.air.ky.gov, you have all the forms on our website under 00:35:57.099 --> 00:36:04.099 the Permitting tab. They are in the Word format and they have instructions when required and 00:36:05.070 --> 00:36:10.500 they are mostly fillable documents. 00:36:10.500 --> 00:36:17.500 DEP7007A form lists what type of unit you have, combustion unit you have and what's 00:36:22.430 --> 00:36:29.430 the date install or estimated ... The install date and also what kind of unit you have. 00:36:29.430 --> 00:36:36.240 If you have a turbine or do you have a reciprocating engine or do you have an indirect heat exchanger, 00:36:36.240 --> 00:36:43.240 and it will list the fuel input requirements and the power output requirements. In our 00:36:43.340 --> 00:36:50.340 example, we have a combustion turbine and we have actually duct burner particulates, 00:36:52.570 --> 00:36:59.140 only the combustion turbines input here. Natural gas we have 80 million BTUs per hour, high 00:36:59.140 --> 00:37:06.140 heating value at 59 degrees Fahrenheit. That's basically the manufacturer's design or manufacturer's 00:37:06.960 --> 00:37:13.960 data provided. It is based on these conditions, the 59 degrees. 00:37:16.170 --> 00:37:21.670 The other important application forms, part of Kentucky Division for Air Quality are DEP7007B 00:37:21.670 --> 00:37:28.670 form which will list all the applicable requirements. What regulation is applicable and what standard 00:37:32.760 --> 00:37:39.760 applies and what is the method of determining compliance. Also it will list all the monitoring 00:37:40.030 --> 00:37:46.260 requirements, record keeping requirements, reporting and testing requirements. 00:37:46.260 --> 00:37:53.260 This example here is not related to our case study, but an example sheet where we list 00:37:55.760 --> 00:38:00.910 standards and compliance requirements for a turbine. 00:38:00.910 --> 00:38:07.910 DEP7007N form is used to submit emissions and stack related information. The pollutants 00:38:12.300 --> 00:38:18.109 are listed and the respective emission factors and the basis for the emission factors, which 00:38:18.109 --> 00:38:24.650 could be vendor or manufacturer data and it could be also an engineering estimate or an 00:38:24.650 --> 00:38:31.650 AP-42 data. We calculate what is the maximum hourly emissions which are emitted and what 00:38:32.599 --> 00:38:38.760 is the annual emissions which are emitted from all the affected facilities and also 00:38:38.760 --> 00:38:45.760 the total for the source. All this data is used to calculate your permit needs and then 00:38:48.700 --> 00:38:54.730 submitted to State of Kentucky for their approval. Any questions? 00:38:54.730 --> 00:39:01.640 >> Lissa: Okay, thanks Sree. Yes, we do have a few questions here and please go ahead and 00:39:01.640 --> 00:39:07.880 submit any questions that might have at this time as we start to wrap down the webinar. 00:39:07.880 --> 00:39:14.880 Our first question for Sree, does Kentucky follow NSPS guidelines or are Kentucky standards 00:39:15.650 --> 00:39:16.740 more stringent? 00:39:16.740 --> 00:39:23.740 >> Sreenivas: Kentucky does follow NSPS standards. We incorporate the NSPS requirements in our 00:39:24.280 --> 00:39:31.280 program and we implement NSPS requirements. We also have state implementation plan and 00:39:33.690 --> 00:39:40.400 we have our own state regulations which could be applicable. NSPS requirements do apply, 00:39:40.400 --> 00:39:47.349 and if they apply, we cannot be more stringent or less stringent than the federal regulations. 00:39:47.349 --> 00:39:54.349 It will be incorporated by reference and they will be implemented as they are in the federal 00:39:56.090 --> 00:39:57.090 regulations. 00:39:57.090 --> 00:40:03.710 >> Lissa: How long will the permit process be for a simple 400 kilowatt CHP? 00:40:03.710 --> 00:40:10.710 >> Sreenivas: Assuming it's the right engine for 400 kilowatts or it could be a micro turbine, 00:40:14.210 --> 00:40:20.510 as we have seen in our example which is a 8 megawatt unit and it's a state origin permit 00:40:20.510 --> 00:40:27.510 and it will be 120 days for that, for a 400 kilowatt, I am thinking that it will be a 00:40:27.770 --> 00:40:34.680 registered source permit and at the most 60 days is my assumption. You can get more information 00:40:34.680 --> 00:40:36.660 on www.air.ky.gov. 00:40:36.660 --> 00:40:43.660 >> Lissa: Is there someone at Air Quality to call to answer questions about the permit 00:40:44.810 --> 00:40:45.280 process? 00:40:45.280 --> 00:40:52.280 Sreenivas: Yes. You can call at 502-564-3999 and ask for permitting, and there are several 00:40:56.190 --> 00:41:03.190 groups in the permit review branch which are there to help the industry. In this case, 00:41:05.349 --> 00:41:12.349 the group which will help is combustion source section, and they have expertise and specialty 00:41:14.430 --> 00:41:19.540 and they can help you through any questions you may have. 00:41:19.540 --> 00:41:25.329 >> Lissa: What are the fees to register and to obtain a permit? 00:41:25.329 --> 00:41:31.480 >> Sreenivas: In Kentucky, there is no application fee for a permit. 00:41:31.480 --> 00:41:38.480 >> Lissa: What type of CHP emission limits are typically regulated? NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, 00:41:39.630 --> 00:41:40.250 others? 00:41:40.250 --> 00:41:45.660 >> Sreenivas: Greenhouse gases and hazardous air pollutants are also regulated. 00:41:45.660 --> 00:41:50.730 >> Lissa: What testing and record keeping requirements are there? 00:41:50.730 --> 00:41:54.440 >> Sreenivas: Generally the testing requirements will depend on what kind of standards you 00:41:54.440 --> 00:42:01.290 have, and in the case of turbines, it depends on how big they are and what the applicability 00:42:01.290 --> 00:42:08.290 is, but turbines generally the standards which apply are NOx requirements and CO requirements 00:42:09.510 --> 00:42:16.510 and VOC requirements. Generally, for them you have testing requirements which apply 00:42:16.740 --> 00:42:23.339 and the record keeping requirement and you will have to keep records of fuel used, and 00:42:23.339 --> 00:42:30.339 then you have to use the emissions data generated by testing to calculate the emissions for 00:42:31.530 --> 00:42:37.369 an hour or for a different period of time to show compliance with the standard. General 00:42:37.369 --> 00:42:43.349 record keeping includes fuel, monitoring and calculating emissions. 00:42:43.349 --> 00:42:50.349 >> Lissa: Can a system be pre-approved so that using an identical system would not require 00:42:50.380 --> 00:42:55.320 the 60 day waiting period for a permit? 00:42:55.320 --> 00:43:02.320 >> Sreenivas: We do not have a pre-approval system, but in case a source has already permitted 00:43:03.930 --> 00:43:10.930 unit and come up with an identical unit, makes the permitting process easy because we have 00:43:11.160 --> 00:43:16.920 already gone through the similar permitting, so we would have all the data. Our approval 00:43:16.920 --> 00:43:21.550 process, the technical review process is going to be cut down and even the permitting time 00:43:21.550 --> 00:43:25.680 is going to be cut down as have already have documentation and the review process already 00:43:25.680 --> 00:43:30.150 done. That will cut down the time and we can accomplish it much faster. 00:43:30.150 --> 00:43:37.150 >> Lissa: We have a couple of comments here. One is adding that the CEMS operations and 00:43:37.550 --> 00:43:41.160 maintenance law is required. I guess that falls back to the record keeping? 00:43:41.160 --> 00:43:47.740 >> Sreenivas: Right. It is required in case NSPS or NESHAP are applicable and CO and NOx 00:43:47.740 --> 00:43:49.829 may require CEMS. 00:43:49.829 --> 00:43:56.829 >> Lissa: Another comment that the EPA BACT/LAER is a great source for emission data for even 00:43:57.730 --> 00:44:02.050 small turbines of less than 10 megawatts and IC engines. 00:44:02.050 --> 00:44:08.030 >> Sreenivas: There could be some information on less than 10 megawatts in case if that 00:44:08.030 --> 00:44:15.030 is part of a major source because LAER and BACT is only applicable to major source permitting, 00:44:15.849 --> 00:44:20.660 construction permitting. Smaller engines, if they are by themselves, would not trigger 00:44:20.660 --> 00:44:27.210 those requirements. If that is part of a major source, then definitely, you may be able to 00:44:27.210 --> 00:44:34.010 find some information. You can definitely give us a call at Division for Air Quality 00:44:34.010 --> 00:44:36.710 if you have any questions. 00:44:36.710 --> 00:44:43.710 >> Lissa: Cheryl, we have another question for you. The screening process and the feasibility 00:44:45.359 --> 00:44:52.359 analysis are no costs, are there any other costs associated with KPPC's help for this 00:44:53.089 --> 00:44:54.290 CHP project? 00:44:54.290 --> 00:45:00.670 >> Cheryl: No. KPPC's services are confidential and free. There would be no cost. Now when 00:45:00.670 --> 00:45:07.650 you get into doing the investment quality estimate and that's probably when you probably 00:45:07.650 --> 00:45:11.880 need to talk with a consultant or someone like that. Of course they would probably charge 00:45:11.880 --> 00:45:13.470 you. 00:45:13.470 --> 00:45:20.470 >> Lissa: Let's see. Another comment here. Texas TCEQ, Commission for Environmental Quality, 00:45:24.030 --> 00:45:31.030 also has a very good database for a small turbine and IC engines. 00:45:32.460 --> 00:45:34.089 >> Sreenivas: That is correct. 00:45:34.089 --> 00:45:35.809 >> Lissa: The Texas TCEQ. 00:45:35.809 --> 00:45:38.339 00:45:38.339 --> 00:45:43.380 >> Lissa: We have another question about will the presentation be available? Yes, along 00:45:43.380 --> 00:45:50.380 with the recorded webinar, a PDF of the presentation slides will also be made available on KPPC's 00:45:51.609 --> 00:45:58.609 website. Also the slide in front of you here has a list of some of the resources and the 00:45:59.359 --> 00:46:05.680 website contact for those resources. Many of these you have heard mentioned today. One 00:46:05.680 --> 00:46:12.520 good resource for everything CHP happening in Kentucky in DEDI's website. They have information 00:46:12.520 --> 00:46:19.520 related to a CHP workgroup that has been pulled together and there is meeting notes and information 00:46:21.119 --> 00:46:27.470 about different subcommittee meetings that have been developed. Also, there is case study 00:46:27.470 --> 00:46:31.700 information and other resource information available on that website. You will be able 00:46:31.700 --> 00:46:38.700 to get a link to the CHP webinar and the presentation slides from that website as well. 00:46:39.570 --> 00:46:46.570 Okay, we have no further questions. Let's move ahead to the next slide, and these are 00:46:46.880 --> 00:46:52.150 just a couple of other additional websites that are referenced for energy efficiency 00:46:52.150 --> 00:46:52.750 information. 00:46:52.750 --> 00:46:59.750 Lastly, to wrap up, without any other questions, we do want to thank you for attending today's 00:47:02.980 --> 00:47:08.589 webinar. We hope that this information has helped, a little more specific information 00:47:08.589 --> 00:47:15.080 regarding the permitting and the screening process. Once again, if you still have questions, 00:47:15.080 --> 00:47:21.890 please do not hesitate to contact KPPC or the Division for Air Quality. As mentioned 00:47:21.890 --> 00:47:28.440 earlier, we will have the webinar recording on KPPC's website. Also want to make a point 00:47:28.440 --> 00:47:34.300 to note that the CHP partnership is hosting a site visit and demonstration at a Kentucky 00:47:34.300 --> 00:47:39.619 CHP facility in March. More details on that will be coming soon. Lastly, please take the 00:47:39.619 --> 00:47:45.329 time to complete the webinar survey, which will appear at the conclusion of the webinar. 00:47:45.329 --> 00:47:50.210 We'd appreciate your feedback on additional CHP training topics that you'd find helpful. 00:47:50.210 --> 00:47:53.630 Thank you once again and have a good day.
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