Heat Exchanger 1 ME4313

Kind: captions
Language: en

all right so we move into this chapter
00:00:03.619 00:00:03.629 on heat exchangers I think I budgeted
00:00:05.840 00:00:05.850 three lectures for heat exchangers
00:00:07.909 00:00:07.919 simply because it's so prevalent out
00:00:10.610 00:00:10.620 there if you go through a class like
00:00:13.190 00:00:13.200 heat transfer you should know something
00:00:14.810 00:00:14.820 about heat exchangers we'll talk about
00:00:17.480 00:00:17.490 types of heat exchangers won't cover
00:00:19.250 00:00:19.260 them all just to introduce you to a few
00:00:20.960 00:00:20.970 types talk about the overall heat
00:00:23.120 00:00:23.130 transfer coefficient you and maybe if we
00:00:25.670 00:00:25.680 get into the log mean temperature
00:00:26.900 00:00:26.910 difference we'll get there today so a
00:00:30.200 00:00:30.210 concentric tube is just what it sounds
00:00:32.479 00:00:32.489 like you have a tube and you have fluid
00:00:35.690 00:00:35.700 flowing inside the tube I'll color code
00:00:37.600 00:00:37.610 the hot fluid is red and we have fluid
00:00:42.350 00:00:42.360 hot coming in and hot going out of a
00:00:45.650 00:00:45.660 heat exchanger but you have another
00:00:48.350 00:00:48.360 tubes like that and it's concentric and
00:00:54.470 00:00:54.480 so what we'll have here is we'll have
00:00:57.410 00:00:57.420 some other fluid maybe I color it purple
00:00:59.990 00:01:00.000 come in this area flow in the annulus
00:01:05.020 00:01:05.030 between the two tubes it then come out
00:01:08.450 00:01:08.460 on this end so as I've shown the flow
00:01:12.649 00:01:12.659 inside of the tube is moving from left
00:01:16.190 00:01:16.200 to right and the float in the annulus is
00:01:19.760 00:01:19.770 moving right to left and you would call
00:01:23.660 00:01:23.670 that a counter flow concentric tube or
00:01:27.320 00:01:27.330 double paul double pipe heat exchanger
00:01:31.390 00:01:31.400 cross flow is a little harder to sketch
00:01:34.010 00:01:34.020 but it's a number of illustrations in
00:01:36.260 00:01:36.270 the textbook you could have round tubes
00:01:38.690 00:01:38.700 and I'll have a bundle of them and flow
00:01:44.300 00:01:44.310 inside each of those tubes
00:01:47.859 00:01:47.869 maybe we show the hot fluid in the tubes
00:01:50.929 00:01:50.939 coming out coming out coming out coming
00:01:53.240 00:01:53.250 out coming out hard to show it all but
00:01:56.569 00:01:56.579 then we have maybe cooler fluid flowing
00:01:58.789 00:01:58.799 across the tubes just like you might
00:02:00.950 00:02:00.960 think cross flow heat exchanger
00:02:04.300 00:02:04.310 sometimes well almost all the time the
00:02:09.320 00:02:09.330 two
00:02:10.080 00:02:10.090 has some surface conditioning on the
00:02:13.170 00:02:13.180 inside as well as on the outside to help
00:02:16.589 00:02:16.599 promote heat transfer in real heat
00:02:19.410 00:02:19.420 exchangers the other thing that can
00:02:22.650 00:02:22.660 happen is they could introduce a finned
00:02:25.680 00:02:25.690 material maybe you have circular fins
00:02:28.710 00:02:28.720 around each of the tubes to help promote
00:02:33.000 00:02:33.010 heat transfer or you could have a plate
00:02:35.600 00:02:35.610 that connects a lot of them together and
00:02:39.539 00:02:39.549 there's different configurations for
00:02:41.339 00:02:41.349 that all right so one surface Tanner is
00:02:45.720 00:02:45.730 often defend it's the air side that's
00:02:48.120 00:02:48.130 been not the water side or the
00:02:50.190 00:02:50.200 refrigerant side or the liquid side
00:02:53.569 00:02:53.579 another is a shell and tube heat
00:02:55.740 00:02:55.750 exchangers so what's the shell just as
00:02:58.890 00:02:58.900 it might be a big shell and then you
00:03:01.860 00:03:01.870 have a bunch of tubes a bundle of tubes
00:03:05.339 00:03:05.349 that were on that are straight I'm going
00:03:08.369 00:03:08.379 to show it them being straight it's easy
00:03:10.259 00:03:10.269 to make a bunch of tubes that are
00:03:12.270 00:03:12.280 straight and the flow then would go one
00:03:14.819 00:03:14.829 way down through maybe 50 tubes or 100
00:03:19.080 00:03:19.090 tubes going in that direction how do
00:03:22.170 00:03:22.180 they get into the tube well you have a
00:03:24.360 00:03:24.370 basically a manifold here where you have
00:03:27.690 00:03:27.700 fluid coming in and the fluid coming in
00:03:32.670 00:03:32.680 would then distribute and go inside each
00:03:36.030 00:03:36.040 of the tubes well down at the end you
00:03:39.030 00:03:39.040 have another plate and they exit out of
00:03:43.860 00:03:43.870 the tubes they mix and because of the
00:03:47.940 00:03:47.950 end cap they might flow back through
00:03:50.849 00:03:50.859 another set of tubes a bunch of tubes
00:03:57.449 00:03:57.459 that way maybe another 50 maybe 75 maybe
00:04:00.569 00:04:00.579 a hundred tubes you could have big large
00:04:02.280 00:04:02.290 heat exchangers doing this and then they
00:04:04.710 00:04:04.720 pop out and they're collect and would
00:04:09.270 00:04:09.280 discharge here that Inlet plenum and the
00:04:12.449 00:04:12.459 outlet plenum are at the same end which
00:04:15.780 00:04:15.790 is convenient for servicing or hooking
00:04:18.599 00:04:18.609 it up and sir or you could have it on
00:04:20.670 00:04:20.680 either end sometimes they'll have
00:04:24.060 00:04:24.070 the tube bundle is a tube and it comes
00:04:27.000 00:04:27.010 down and they're all u-shaped so they
00:04:30.330 00:04:30.340 have a bend in that back think well
00:04:31.920 00:04:31.930 that's a little harder to manufacture
00:04:33.540 00:04:33.550 but they do have them like that as well
00:04:36.410 00:04:36.420 what about the shell side well you would
00:04:39.660 00:04:39.670 like the fluid to come in the shell side
00:04:41.820 00:04:41.830 maybe over here and exit over here and
00:04:46.020 00:04:46.030 you'd like to promote the heat transfer
00:04:47.790 00:04:47.800 between the fluids so maybe you'd like
00:04:49.170 00:04:49.180 the fluid on the shell side to go across
00:04:51.240 00:04:51.250 the two bundles then across the tube
00:04:54.180 00:04:54.190 bundles across the tube bundles across
00:04:57.570 00:04:57.580 the two bundles and back out how would
00:05:00.060 00:05:00.070 you do that well you would introduce
00:05:01.350 00:05:01.360 baffles Baca jizz that would then force
00:05:06.450 00:05:06.460 the flow across the tubes and I just
00:05:10.080 00:05:10.090 sketch a few baffles in there so there's
00:05:13.650 00:05:13.660 a lot of shell and tube heat exchangers
00:05:16.050 00:05:16.060 different configurations lot of cross
00:05:19.800 00:05:19.810 flow heat exchangers different
00:05:21.420 00:05:21.430 configurations what we end up doing is
00:05:23.790 00:05:23.800 we end up analyzing concentric tube heat
00:05:26.910 00:05:26.920 exchangers because we can develop the
00:05:28.710 00:05:28.720 mathematical framework and then we
00:05:30.840 00:05:30.850 extrapolate that framework to the more
00:05:33.630 00:05:33.640 complex which then rely on empirical
00:05:37.530 00:05:37.540 data measurements from built heat
00:05:40.140 00:05:40.150 exchangers that are tested in the lab
00:05:43.340 00:05:43.350 one of the key parameters are going to
00:05:45.660 00:05:45.670 be an overall heat transfer coefficient
00:05:47.250 00:05:47.260 you well we're trying to move heat from
00:05:51.090 00:05:51.100 one fluid through a material let's say
00:05:56.250 00:05:56.260 that's a barrier that's a wall if you're
00:05:59.160 00:05:59.170 thinking about tubes then then it's just
00:06:01.500 00:06:01.510 through the tube wall and to another
00:06:04.980 00:06:04.990 fluid or maybe from hot to cold it
00:06:07.830 00:06:07.840 really doesn't matter I should have
00:06:09.900 00:06:09.910 maybe put hot over on the left but
00:06:12.390 00:06:12.400 anyway you have a fluid temperature T
00:06:14.640 00:06:14.650 fluid you have a wall temperature let's
00:06:18.480 00:06:18.490 say on the inside you have a wall
00:06:20.760 00:06:20.770 temperature on the outside and then a
00:06:23.580 00:06:23.590 fluid temperature on the outside so
00:06:25.920 00:06:25.930 inside fluid temperature outside fluid
00:06:27.990 00:06:28.000 temperature what do we have we have
00:06:29.670 00:06:29.680 convective resistance one over H a on
00:06:33.420 00:06:33.430 the inside we have some sort of wall
00:06:36.390 00:06:36.400 resistance
00:06:37.679 00:06:37.689 our W if it was unfinished a tube may be
00:06:42.659 00:06:42.669 the natural log of the outer over D
00:06:45.419 00:06:45.429 inner / 2 pi K L would be a good model
00:06:50.069 00:06:50.079 for that resistance and then convective
00:06:53.309 00:06:53.319 resistance on the outside 1 over H
00:06:55.979 00:06:55.989 outside area outside that would be the
00:06:58.439 00:06:58.449 most simple three resistors in series
00:07:02.089 00:07:02.099 and if you sum them up you would get the
00:07:05.639 00:07:05.649 total resistance so you could replace it
00:07:07.529 00:07:07.539 by one resistor one equivalent resistor
00:07:10.859 00:07:10.869 true and what you do is you say that
00:07:15.809 00:07:15.819 equivalent resistance R equivalent would
00:07:18.179 00:07:18.189 be the sum of those three resistors and
00:07:20.279 00:07:20.289 we often describe it by an overall heat
00:07:24.540 00:07:24.550 transfer coefficient u 1 over UA is an
00:07:29.669 00:07:29.679 overall resistance the equivalent
00:07:32.969 00:07:32.979 overall resistance from fluid to fluid
00:07:35.629 00:07:35.639 so 1 over u a what is u then the overall
00:07:39.899 00:07:39.909 heat transfer coefficient does it have
00:07:43.109 00:07:43.119 the same thermal what are the SI units
00:07:47.249 00:07:47.259 for the overall heat transfer
00:07:48.329 00:07:48.339 coefficient they're the same as the H
00:07:51.829 00:07:51.839 same as the H so it has watts per meter
00:07:54.929 00:07:54.939 squared degrees C or Kelvin a lot of
00:07:59.579 00:07:59.589 times what I'll do is how compute this
00:08:02.429 00:08:02.439 are equivalent and I know that our
00:08:05.129 00:08:05.139 equivalent is made up of an outside
00:08:07.769 00:08:07.779 through the conduction through the wall
00:08:10.319 00:08:10.329 and an inside and then I'll go back and
00:08:13.109 00:08:13.119 I'll determine what percent each of
00:08:15.509 00:08:15.519 these contributed to the resistance to
00:08:21.149 00:08:21.159 heat transfer and which one you think is
00:08:23.639 00:08:23.649 often negligible which offers a
00:08:26.639 00:08:26.649 negligible thermal resistance to the
00:08:29.100 00:08:29.110 heat transfer of the three components
00:08:33.110 00:08:33.120 it's through the wall often it's made of
00:08:35.819 00:08:35.829 aluminum or made of copper and often
00:08:42.329 00:08:42.339 they're thin walled materials so it's
00:08:45.059 00:08:45.069 it's a easy to get that what happens if
00:08:48.840 00:08:48.850 I have some thinning going on on this
00:08:51.690 00:08:51.700 side well what you can do is you can
00:08:56.610 00:08:56.620 have the same H on the inside right here
00:09:00.060 00:09:00.070 you would modify this term if it was
00:09:01.860 00:09:01.870 finned you'd have one over the
00:09:03.900 00:09:03.910 convection coefficient often thinning
00:09:06.150 00:09:06.160 doesn't change the convection
00:09:07.740 00:09:07.750 coefficient it just increases the area
00:09:10.560 00:09:10.570 doesn't and so this area wouldn't just
00:09:14.040 00:09:14.050 be the area on the inside but it'd be
00:09:15.810 00:09:15.820 the thinned area on the inside but we
00:09:19.440 00:09:19.450 know from the fins that you can have a
00:09:22.260 00:09:22.270 lower temperature at the tip then at the
00:09:24.570 00:09:24.580 base and so there's a fin parameter what
00:09:29.940 00:09:29.950 is that fin parameter so this is how you
00:09:34.380 00:09:34.390 would modify it if you had thinning on
00:09:36.570 00:09:36.580 one side what is this eight or not
00:09:40.220 00:09:40.230 overall that's right overall fin
00:09:42.840 00:09:42.850 efficiency for that surface and you just
00:09:45.900 00:09:45.910 have to go back and review that out of
00:09:47.760 00:09:47.770 chapter three when we talked about fins
00:09:50.220 00:09:50.230 and this is the total area of that
00:09:54.660 00:09:54.670 thinned surface you'd say that accounts
00:09:57.780 00:09:57.790 for the unexposed exposed base as well
00:10:00.840 00:10:00.850 as the fins sticking out that's exactly
00:10:03.870 00:10:03.880 right okay sometimes in real
00:10:10.470 00:10:10.480 applications you have fouling here's one
00:10:12.780 00:10:12.790 slide in one class for the whole topic
00:10:16.320 00:10:16.330 of fouling and fouling is a big issue in
00:10:19.470 00:10:19.480 practice that's just way it is I just
00:10:21.960 00:10:21.970 don't have a lot of time to explore this
00:10:24.090 00:10:24.100 as a topic but it's important because
00:10:26.420 00:10:26.430 when you have hot oils or gases and you
00:10:30.630 00:10:30.640 have deposits some corrosion some you
00:10:34.350 00:10:34.360 know chemical reactions happening you
00:10:36.930 00:10:36.940 can then get buildup of stuff which
00:10:39.570 00:10:39.580 would not promote heat transfer but
00:10:41.610 00:10:41.620 would add a resistance to heat transfer
00:10:43.400 00:10:43.410 so we have a fouling factor what you do
00:10:46.620 00:10:46.630 is you come in and you have one over you
00:10:49.800 00:10:49.810 is basically one over H a for the
00:10:53.160 00:10:53.170 convection but then you'd have are
00:10:55.310 00:10:55.320 fouling you're adding a resistance to
00:10:59.220 00:10:59.230 fouling plus then the resistance due to
00:11:01.710 00:11:01.720 the wall etc so how do they modify it
00:11:04.980 00:11:04.990 well
00:11:05.480 00:11:05.490 for a bunch of different fluids and
00:11:07.699 00:11:07.709 different service conditions and these
00:11:09.949 00:11:09.959 change over a number of while it's in
00:11:12.860 00:11:12.870 service sometimes they monitor the
00:11:15.050 00:11:15.060 resistance they can detect how the the
00:11:17.210 00:11:17.220 heat exchange is performing and then
00:11:18.980 00:11:18.990 they'll take it out of service and clean
00:11:21.290 00:11:21.300 it physically go in there and remove the
00:11:24.019 00:11:24.029 scale and remove the deposits to reduce
00:11:27.620 00:11:27.630 the fouling factor get it back to zero
00:11:29.930 00:11:29.940 all right well you can see this is how
00:11:33.889 00:11:33.899 the textbook reports a fouling factor
00:11:36.850 00:11:36.860 what is that is that our double Prime
00:11:40.750 00:11:40.760 yeah this is one of those be very
00:11:43.940 00:11:43.950 careful right here if I was the author
00:11:46.639 00:11:46.649 of the textbook or the editor the
00:11:48.560 00:11:48.570 textbook I would tell them change your
00:11:50.780 00:11:50.790 notation because this isn't a minority
00:11:53.510 00:11:53.520 if you take a look at a lot of
00:11:55.130 00:11:55.140 engineering literature is there a double
00:11:57.260 00:11:57.270 Prime on this fouling factor know when
00:12:00.949 00:12:00.959 you have Q and then you have Q Prime
00:12:03.530 00:12:03.540 what was the prime on the Q often
00:12:05.900 00:12:05.910 representing Q per unit length true and
00:12:10.550 00:12:10.560 if you had Q double prime what that
00:12:12.740 00:12:12.750 double prime represent Q per unit area
00:12:14.930 00:12:14.940 and sometimes Q triple prime is Q per
00:12:18.230 00:12:18.240 unit volume I know that sometimes you
00:12:21.019 00:12:21.029 use prime for derivative time derivative
00:12:22.579 00:12:22.589 you know second time derivative but
00:12:24.410 00:12:24.420 that's not that's in more in mathematics
00:12:27.290 00:12:27.300 classes but this is common notation to
00:12:30.440 00:12:30.450 put prime double prime and triple prime
00:12:32.960 00:12:32.970 per unit length per unit area per unit
00:12:34.670 00:12:34.680 volume so but if you take a look at this
00:12:36.769 00:12:36.779 this is not what it's saying it's not
00:12:38.960 00:12:38.970 per unit area this is the correct units
00:12:42.139 00:12:42.149 of the fouling factor it's the same as
00:12:44.990 00:12:45.000 what you would find in a lot of other
00:12:46.370 00:12:46.380 places its meter squared Kelvin per watt
00:12:50.079 00:12:50.089 so if I want to add this resistance one
00:12:53.420 00:12:53.430 over H a with the wall resistance with
00:12:55.790 00:12:55.800 some fouling where do I put the a do I
00:12:59.990 00:13:00.000 put the a here put the a there or do I
00:13:03.350 00:13:03.360 have the R in the right place do I need
00:13:05.120 00:13:05.130 to put it one over R we don't see what
00:13:08.090 00:13:08.100 I'm saying I have a choice here I need
00:13:10.400 00:13:10.410 that resistance a thermal resistance the
00:13:13.220 00:13:13.230 correct formula is our faul divided by a
00:13:17.000 00:13:17.010 and
00:13:18.639 00:13:18.649 if you just take a look you SI units on
00:13:21.160 00:13:21.170 that would be meters squared Kelvin per
00:13:24.609 00:13:24.619 watt divided by meter squared cancels
00:13:27.249 00:13:27.259 you get how much temperature difference
00:13:30.220 00:13:30.230 per watt of heat transfer
00:13:33.309 00:13:33.319 so that's are the good units for these
00:13:35.619 00:13:35.629 for thermal resistances isn't it
00:13:37.679 00:13:37.689 Kelvin per watt so right there just be
00:13:42.340 00:13:42.350 very careful I found this notation a
00:13:44.679 00:13:44.689 little I don't know clumsy for me
00:13:48.999 00:13:49.009 conceptually it's it's I wish they would
00:13:51.249 00:13:51.259 just have left that off and put an F
00:13:54.639 00:13:54.649 there just call it the fouling factor
00:13:56.919 00:13:56.929 and it's a thermal resistance and when
00:13:59.619 00:13:59.629 you want to use it you need divide by
00:14:01.389 00:14:01.399 the appropriate area all right if it's a
00:14:05.559 00:14:05.569 thin surface it has a lot of area
00:14:07.660 00:14:07.670 because of the thinning you have to
00:14:09.249 00:14:09.259 divide by that appropriate area for all
00:14:11.590 00:14:11.600 that thin surface okay so I already
00:14:15.699 00:14:15.709 talked about how to modify one over you
00:14:18.009 00:14:18.019 a with the adding fouling right so I
00:14:21.249 00:14:21.259 already done that now let's talk about
00:14:24.699 00:14:24.709 the temperature distribution so let's
00:14:27.040 00:14:27.050 have a soft introduction to how the heat
00:14:30.309 00:14:30.319 is transferred not jump into the math
00:14:32.199 00:14:32.209 and get lost in the math quite right
00:14:34.119 00:14:34.129 away so if we have a concentric tube
00:14:36.610 00:14:36.620 heat exchanger and it's parallel flow
00:14:39.100 00:14:39.110 what does that mean I'm gonna just kind
00:14:40.869 00:14:40.879 of sketch it like this I know that's a
00:14:42.429 00:14:42.439 very simple illustration and we'll put
00:14:44.739 00:14:44.749 the hot fluid flowing from left to right
00:14:48.579 00:14:48.589 going down there
00:14:49.660 00:14:49.670 and I know that the annulus but I'm
00:14:52.360 00:14:52.370 gonna show the fluid the cold fluid just
00:14:54.369 00:14:54.379 be below this box and it's a parallel
00:14:57.460 00:14:57.470 flow the cold fluid is flowing in the
00:15:00.280 00:15:00.290 same direction in the annulus as the
00:15:04.210 00:15:04.220 fluid that's in the inner pipe or the
00:15:06.819 00:15:06.829 inner tube so we talked about the
00:15:09.699 00:15:09.709 temperature hot coming in and the
00:15:12.069 00:15:12.079 temperature hot going out which of those
00:15:15.009 00:15:15.019 two hot temperatures is the lower value
00:15:18.600 00:15:18.610 the out is a lower temperature go back
00:15:22.569 00:15:22.579 to the basics and work conceptually
00:15:25.090 00:15:25.100 through these problems how about this
00:15:27.309 00:15:27.319 one the temperature cold in and the
00:15:30.579 00:15:30.589 temperature cold out
00:15:32.530 00:15:32.540 which of those two colds is the lower
00:15:35.830 00:15:35.840 temperature the cold in is the lower
00:15:39.580 00:15:39.590 temperature isn't it so when we plot
00:15:42.990 00:15:43.000 temperature as a function of location X
00:15:47.410 00:15:47.420 we're going to go from zero to the
00:15:50.200 00:15:50.210 length of the heat exchanger if it was
00:15:52.540 00:15:52.550 longer it would be more area promote
00:15:55.660 00:15:55.670 more heat transfer and we'll plot the th
00:15:59.020 00:15:59.030 in pot in right there and we'll start
00:16:02.650 00:16:02.660 with the temperature cold in right there
00:16:05.370 00:16:05.380 what do you think the profile looks like
00:16:08.050 00:16:08.060 there could be a number of different
00:16:10.060 00:16:10.070 configurations it'll be kind of a
00:16:13.630 00:16:13.640 exponential that shape and maybe this
00:16:16.870 00:16:16.880 shape so this would be the temperature
00:16:20.740 00:16:20.750 of the hot out and the temperature of
00:16:22.840 00:16:22.850 the cold out somebody says the hot
00:16:26.430 00:16:26.440 hasn't gotten quite to the temperature
00:16:28.960 00:16:28.970 of the cold out has it let's make this a
00:16:32.410 00:16:32.420 very very long heat exchanger there it
00:16:36.010 00:16:36.020 is now L is way out there could you ever
00:16:39.070 00:16:39.080 have the hot coming out lower than the
00:16:42.580 00:16:42.590 cold coming out temperature hot out
00:16:48.850 00:16:48.860 could be lower not in a parallel flow
00:16:54.430 00:16:54.440 heat exchanger if you went counter flow
00:16:59.880 00:16:59.890 you would counter flows more common but
00:17:04.210 00:17:04.220 that's a parallel flow that we just
00:17:05.650 00:17:05.660 start with all right
00:17:07.090 00:17:07.100 so we're gonna work with focusing on a
00:17:11.199 00:17:11.209 little DX and what happens in the little
00:17:15.400 00:17:15.410 section DX of this heat exchanger you
00:17:18.760 00:17:18.770 could have a little DQ through and the
00:17:23.860 00:17:23.870 little DQ could be represented by the
00:17:26.560 00:17:26.570 local convection coefficient there times
00:17:29.560 00:17:29.570 that small da that small area times the
00:17:33.670 00:17:33.680 how hot it is at that location and how
00:17:36.820 00:17:36.830 cold the fluid is at that location this
00:17:40.990 00:17:41.000 da is often replaced by a P
00:17:44.549 00:17:44.559 DX what does the P represent perimeter
00:17:47.940 00:17:47.950 that's exactly right
00:17:49.110 00:17:49.120 the perimeter and if I focused on the
00:17:53.310 00:17:53.320 hot fluid what would happen is look is
00:17:57.810 00:17:57.820 the direction of positive changing X
00:18:00.600 00:18:00.610 going from 0 to L it's always in the
00:18:03.690 00:18:03.700 traditional you know left to right isn't
00:18:07.200 00:18:07.210 it ok so it would be mass flow rate of
00:18:12.269 00:18:12.279 the hot fluid specific heat oops that's
00:18:15.509 00:18:15.519 a C sub P sisa P of the hot fluid times
00:18:19.350 00:18:19.360 the temperature change of the hot fluid
00:18:21.119 00:18:21.129 the change in the temperature of the hot
00:18:23.369 00:18:23.379 fluid with respect to x times DX well I
00:18:27.029 00:18:27.039 have to put a negative sign there
00:18:29.909 00:18:29.919 because what is the slope of that line
00:18:33.600 00:18:33.610 right there it's negative and I'm always
00:18:38.159 00:18:38.169 talking about moving a positive DX in
00:18:40.919 00:18:40.929 the positive x direction all right when
00:18:45.019 00:18:45.029 so this is the DQ that comes out of the
00:18:49.259 00:18:49.269 hot we also talked about a positive DQ
00:18:54.239 00:18:54.249 that goes into the cold would that be
00:18:57.269 00:18:57.279 the mass flow rate of the cold specific
00:18:59.399 00:18:59.409 heat of the cold and now the change the
00:19:02.430 00:19:02.440 question is is we're talking about the
00:19:05.070 00:19:05.080 same DQ these are all positive these are
00:19:08.609 00:19:08.619 all positive right don't write one
00:19:11.129 00:19:11.139 equation and say oh in that equation DQ
00:19:13.200 00:19:13.210 is negative and now in this equation D Q
00:19:15.239 00:19:15.249 is positive you could do it it'd be very
00:19:17.190 00:19:17.200 confusing don't do it everything on the
00:19:20.220 00:19:20.230 left-hand side of all of these three
00:19:22.019 00:19:22.029 equations they're equal signs are
00:19:24.029 00:19:24.039 positive all right so now what does what
00:19:29.669 00:19:29.679 about the change in the temperature of
00:19:31.320 00:19:31.330 the cold fluid with respect to X DX it's
00:19:35.909 00:19:35.919 already positive by itself so I just do
00:19:39.720 00:19:39.730 it that way if first time you write this
00:19:41.940 00:19:41.950 you say why did that negative sign show
00:19:45.509 00:19:45.519 up it's confusing it is confusing but go
00:19:48.539 00:19:48.549 slow and not be confused here's another
00:19:51.810 00:19:51.820 thing what we do is we often jump
00:19:53.940 00:19:53.950 between a little infinitesimally mount
00:19:56.700 00:19:56.710 of heat transfer in a small
00:19:58.350 00:19:58.360 length or the area of the heat exchanger
00:20:01.440 00:20:01.450 and then we go to the global heat
00:20:03.870 00:20:03.880 transfer so we could say Q what's cute
00:20:07.050 00:20:07.060 the total amount or the total rate of
00:20:10.350 00:20:10.360 heat transfer from the hot into the cold
00:20:14.220 00:20:14.230 fluid you could write that like the mass
00:20:17.190 00:20:17.200 flow rate of the hot fluid specific heat
00:20:19.530 00:20:19.540 of the hot fluid times the temperature
00:20:22.470 00:20:22.480 of the hot in minus temperature of the
00:20:25.590 00:20:25.600 hot out is that right or wrong do you
00:20:28.980 00:20:28.990 agree with that how did we get that
00:20:32.270 00:20:32.280 right a control volume just for the hot
00:20:36.750 00:20:36.760 fluid and think about the Q the rate of
00:20:42.420 00:20:42.430 heat transfer coming out of that control
00:20:44.370 00:20:44.380 volume which includes only the hot fluid
00:20:47.630 00:20:47.640 do this now look at a control volume
00:20:51.510 00:20:51.520 only for the cold fluid and think about
00:20:54.870 00:20:54.880 the same positive Q but not coming out
00:20:57.540 00:20:57.550 of the cold fluid but positive going
00:21:00.600 00:21:00.610 into the cold fluid and write the energy
00:21:02.820 00:21:02.830 balance first law of thermo one for that
00:21:06.650 00:21:06.660 would you get the same Q this is
00:21:09.480 00:21:09.490 positive this is positive it's the same
00:21:11.460 00:21:11.470 Q same rate of heat transfer the mass
00:21:14.310 00:21:14.320 flow rate of the cold fluid the specific
00:21:16.680 00:21:16.690 heat constant pressure of the cold fluid
00:21:22.340 00:21:22.350 temperature cold out minus temperature
00:21:25.050 00:21:25.060 cold in good and there's one more rate
00:21:29.430 00:21:29.440 equation we're gonna drive it if I have
00:21:31.140 00:21:31.150 time today which would say Q is equal to
00:21:34.380 00:21:34.390 and it's the cousin of this one can you
00:21:36.690 00:21:36.700 see that like these this is like version
00:21:39.510 00:21:39.520 a and version a differential overall
00:21:44.720 00:21:44.730 version B differential version B overall
00:21:48.990 00:21:49.000 this is version C differential version C
00:21:52.650 00:21:52.660 over all guess what that's going to be
00:21:54.180 00:21:54.190 it's gonna look like this well I should
00:21:57.030 00:21:57.040 have done this instead of an H I should
00:21:58.680 00:21:58.690 have put au there shouldn't I you has
00:22:01.680 00:22:01.690 the same units of H and sometimes I'll
00:22:03.420 00:22:03.430 slip and I'll put an H there when I mean
00:22:05.160 00:22:05.170 to put au it'll be you a times Delta TLM
00:22:12.810 00:22:12.820 and that's a rate equation each of these
00:22:17.080 00:22:17.090 three equations ABC have the same cute
00:22:19.900 00:22:19.910 they're all positive it's the rate of
00:22:22.360 00:22:22.370 heat transfer from the hot to the cold I
00:22:24.010 00:22:24.020 hope I'm not beating something you know
00:22:25.660 00:22:25.670 to death here it's like come on
00:22:27.220 00:22:27.230 professor move on right okay we got it
00:22:30.250 00:22:30.260 straight ready for a clicker question oh
00:22:35.670 00:22:35.680 lo look at that how come it doesn't
00:22:37.990 00:22:38.000 cover that up that's supposed to cover
00:22:40.480 00:22:40.490 that up why is that not covering it up
00:22:45.660 00:22:45.670 well I don't have time to figure out why
00:22:48.070 00:22:48.080 it's not covering it up but which
00:22:50.560 00:22:50.570 equation is not correct and when I asked
00:22:54.910 00:22:54.920 this question at the Leben o'clock I did
00:22:56.770 00:22:56.780 not have perfect score so you got 30
00:23:00.880 00:23:00.890 seconds which of these four equations is
00:23:04.840 00:23:04.850 incorrect now I forgot to mention
00:23:06.280 00:23:06.290 something this equation C cap see right
00:23:10.210 00:23:10.220 here is this rule that out it's not that
00:23:13.900 00:23:13.910 one cap C is a heat capacity rate which
00:23:16.720 00:23:16.730 is a mass flow-rate tons of specific
00:23:18.820 00:23:18.830 heat up to hot fluid only three choices
00:23:23.320 00:23:23.330 for you today polling has stopped well
00:23:29.920 00:23:29.930 are we 100% correct
00:23:33.810 00:23:33.820 good job good job good job good job and
00:23:38.350 00:23:38.360 what was the error the thing I'm trying
00:23:41.140 00:23:41.150 to harp on you can easily have a minus
00:23:43.270 00:23:43.280 sign error and I'm talking about a
00:23:46.060 00:23:46.070 positive Q from the hot to the cold and
00:23:49.000 00:23:49.010 when you look from the perspective of
00:23:51.160 00:23:51.170 the cold it's the cold in no no it's the
00:23:55.150 00:23:55.160 cold out - the cold in so that was the
00:24:00.760 00:24:00.770 incorrect thank you very much well as
00:24:05.200 00:24:05.210 you could tell we get tired of writing
00:24:06.670 00:24:06.680 to m dot C so P for either the cold
00:24:09.760 00:24:09.770 fluid or the hot fluid and so when you
00:24:11.560 00:24:11.570 get tired of something you just
00:24:12.870 00:24:12.880 abbreviate it and so it's caps e cap C
00:24:16.090 00:24:16.100 is called the heat capacity rate we're
00:24:18.070 00:24:18.080 gonna have the heat capacity rate for
00:24:19.570 00:24:19.580 the cold fluid as well as the heat
00:24:21.460 00:24:21.470 capacity rate for the hot fluid you
00:24:24.040 00:24:24.050 ready for a clicker question
00:24:25.940 00:24:25.950 alright let's answer this one what are
00:24:31.160 00:24:31.170 the SI units for the heat capacity rate
00:24:34.700 00:24:34.710 cap si is it kilojoules kilojoules per
00:24:38.960 00:24:38.970 Kelvin kilowatts kilowatts per Kelvin or
00:24:42.410 00:24:42.420 something else other well probably a lot
00:24:50.690 00:24:50.700 of people are trying to do this in their
00:24:52.340 00:24:52.350 head what are the what is SI units for
00:24:54.440 00:24:54.450 mass flow-rate
00:24:56.230 00:24:56.240 kilogram per second what are the SI
00:24:59.300 00:24:59.310 units for specific heat exactly
00:25:03.800 00:25:03.810 kilojoules per kilogram degree C or
00:25:07.430 00:25:07.440 Kelvin either one right and so I asked
00:25:11.120 00:25:11.130 the same question no I don't have time
00:25:13.100 00:25:13.110 you just cancel the kilograms
00:25:16.330 00:25:16.340 what's a kilojoule kilowatt exactly
00:25:22.550 00:25:22.560 kilowatt so what's the best answer isn't
00:25:27.620 00:25:27.630 that the best answer all right
00:25:35.940 00:25:35.950 now if we take a look at the same simple
00:25:39.149 00:25:39.159 concentric tube or double pipe heat
00:25:41.919 00:25:41.929 exchanger but we go with the more common
00:25:44.110 00:25:44.120 counter flow configuration let's
00:25:46.600 00:25:46.610 describe that so what we have is think
00:25:48.760 00:25:48.770 about the hot fluid on one side and it's
00:25:52.029 00:25:52.039 gonna go I'm gonna show the hot fluid
00:25:53.890 00:25:53.900 coming in temperature hot in and then
00:25:56.710 00:25:56.720 the temperature hot out but it's a
00:25:59.019 00:25:59.029 counter flow so where do we bring the
00:26:01.510 00:26:01.520 cooler fluid in the other way the
00:26:04.419 00:26:04.429 temperature cold in comes here and the
00:26:08.110 00:26:08.120 temperature cold out is on that other
00:26:10.659 00:26:10.669 end and now you can you can see what
00:26:14.289 00:26:14.299 does this give us in this case is it
00:26:17.649 00:26:17.659 possible to get the temperature of the
00:26:19.840 00:26:19.850 hot out lower than the temperature of
00:26:23.289 00:26:23.299 the cold out it is and that's why we
00:26:27.549 00:26:27.559 like it that's very common configuration
00:26:30.070 00:26:30.080 so we'll plot temperature and then we'll
00:26:33.399 00:26:33.409 plot X and we'll go from 0 to L like
00:26:38.019 00:26:38.029 that and we'll show the temperature hot
00:26:41.110 00:26:41.120 in as fixed and the temperature cold in
00:26:45.700 00:26:45.710 over here is fixed and now you could
00:26:48.820 00:26:48.830 sketch a number of different temperature
00:26:50.590 00:26:50.600 profiles it would be more linear less
00:26:54.659 00:26:54.669 you could have more of a constant delta
00:26:57.639 00:26:57.649 T through that heat exchanger
00:26:59.470 00:26:59.480 hence the profiles would be more flat
00:27:03.070 00:27:03.080 and more straight lines okay instead of
00:27:05.940 00:27:05.950 exponential shape like this would be the
00:27:08.440 00:27:08.450 direction and this okay as I've shown it
00:27:12.639 00:27:12.649 in this illustration is the hot out less
00:27:16.000 00:27:16.010 than the cold out as for this problem
00:27:19.060 00:27:19.070 yeah yeah so we see that that's very
00:27:21.909 00:27:21.919 good I encourage you we're gonna get
00:27:24.490 00:27:24.500 into some brutal math and then people oh
00:27:26.560 00:27:26.570 I just have to solve problems on exams
00:27:28.600 00:27:28.610 I'm just gonna focus on the math and I
00:27:30.519 00:27:30.529 don't care about the physics or the
00:27:31.930 00:27:31.940 intuition don't do that
00:27:33.250 00:27:33.260 because what you'll need to have is
00:27:35.649 00:27:35.659 intuition but there's plenty of
00:27:37.389 00:27:37.399 questions that you can ask and challenge
00:27:39.730 00:27:39.740 yourself and say okay for this type of
00:27:41.649 00:27:41.659 Pete exchanger for a counterflow
00:27:43.960 00:27:43.970 concentric tube heat exchanger and I can
00:27:46.720 00:27:46.730 just substitute in a
00:27:47.980 00:27:47.990 whole bunch of these and just make
00:27:49.480 00:27:49.490 questions what happens if the you what
00:27:52.960 00:27:52.970 is you again I forgot the name of you
00:27:55.770 00:27:55.780 overall heat transfer coefficient for
00:27:58.360 00:27:58.370 that heat exchanger it accounts for the
00:27:59.890 00:27:59.900 convection the wall the convection on
00:28:03.100 00:28:03.110 the inside outside and the conduction
00:28:04.930 00:28:04.940 resistance through the wall right what
00:28:07.150 00:28:07.160 happens if that goes up what happens
00:28:09.730 00:28:09.740 that if the in if the overall heat
00:28:12.549 00:28:12.559 transfer coefficient comes up but I
00:28:14.590 00:28:14.600 don't change mass flow rates I don't
00:28:16.450 00:28:16.460 change Inlet temperatures I don't change
00:28:18.490 00:28:18.500 specific heats what happens to I don't
00:28:21.730 00:28:21.740 know Q or temperature the cold out or
00:28:25.030 00:28:25.040 something like that do you want to play
00:28:27.370 00:28:27.380 this game for a few these you want to
00:28:30.520 00:28:30.530 try this one so if somehow you goes up
00:28:36.580 00:28:36.590 without changing the fluids the fluid
00:28:39.040 00:28:39.050 flow rates the inlet temperatures what
00:28:41.830 00:28:41.840 happens to Q
00:28:54.260 00:28:54.270 well the queue will increase that's the
00:28:56.720 00:28:56.730 right answer
00:28:57.380 00:28:57.390 I'm glad a lot of us had it what does
00:28:59.900 00:28:59.910 you represent a large u is like a large
00:29:05.180 00:29:05.190 convection coefficient a large value of
00:29:07.820 00:29:07.830 U means it's pretty easy to transfer the
00:29:10.400 00:29:10.410 heat between the hot and the cold fluid
00:29:12.640 00:29:12.650 so it'll be easier to you'll get more
00:29:15.740 00:29:15.750 for the same size a heat exchanger etc
00:29:18.080 00:29:18.090 somebody says I'd like to see that an
00:29:19.610 00:29:19.620 equation well you probably want to look
00:29:21.049 00:29:21.059 at an equation like our rate equation u
00:29:23.840 00:29:23.850 a and then some delta T log mean and
00:29:26.870 00:29:26.880 really what you did was you boost it up
00:29:28.730 00:29:28.740 you I know that that's gonna have an
00:29:32.210 00:29:32.220 effect on the outlet temperatures but
00:29:34.180 00:29:34.190 but then this would go up the primary
00:29:37.549 00:29:37.559 effect would be increasing Q well I
00:29:40.580 00:29:40.590 don't have a lot of time to play with
00:29:42.110 00:29:42.120 more of these but we could play with
00:29:43.669 00:29:43.679 them maybe we'll come back to them again
00:29:45.530 00:29:45.540 it's really a good way I think to get a
00:29:48.500 00:29:48.510 grasp before you get bogged down in the
00:29:50.990 00:29:51.000 mathematics a lot of times we have heat
00:29:54.380 00:29:54.390 exchangers and one fluids either boiling
00:29:57.620 00:29:57.630 or evaporating and one or one food could
00:30:00.530 00:30:00.540 be condensing that's very common in heat
00:30:03.350 00:30:03.360 exchangers think about refrigerants in
00:30:06.110 00:30:06.120 evaporators the refrigerant is
00:30:08.530 00:30:08.540 evaporating or boiling in that
00:30:10.510 00:30:10.520 evaporator in our how about on the
00:30:13.820 00:30:13.830 condenser outside the house the
00:30:15.919 00:30:15.929 refrigerant is condensing in the
00:30:17.960 00:30:17.970 condenser so it's very very common to
00:30:20.600 00:30:20.610 have that well we like to work
00:30:23.650 00:30:23.660 mathematically with this cap see this
00:30:26.419 00:30:26.429 heat capacity rate which is the mass
00:30:28.130 00:30:28.140 flow rate times a specific heat constant
00:30:30.560 00:30:30.570 pressure what would be an effective not
00:30:34.850 00:30:34.860 a true specific heat but what would be
00:30:39.320 00:30:39.330 mathematically an effective specific
00:30:41.480 00:30:41.490 heat if a fluid if the fluid is either
00:30:44.150 00:30:44.160 evaporating or condensing that happens
00:30:47.930 00:30:47.940 often in heat exchangers so what do we
00:30:49.880 00:30:49.890 do is we go back and say what is our
00:30:51.620 00:30:51.630 definition of specific heat constant
00:30:56.210 00:30:56.220 pressure
00:30:56.660 00:30:56.670 do you remember thermodynamics
00:31:01.740 00:31:01.750 the rate of change of H with respect to
00:31:05.740 00:31:05.750 T holding pressure constant H represents
00:31:11.590 00:31:11.600 the property and thal P okay a little
00:31:16.870 00:31:16.880 quick review is sisa P equal to C sub B
00:31:20.740 00:31:20.750 for liquid is C sub P equal to C sub B
00:31:28.750 00:31:28.760 for an ideal gas note is the correct
00:31:34.720 00:31:34.730 answer for the second question and yes
00:31:38.830 00:31:38.840 is the correct answer for the first
00:31:40.300 00:31:40.310 question what's the difference between a
00:31:42.400 00:31:42.410 liquid it's incompressible and an ideal
00:31:46.030 00:31:46.040 gas it's very compressible and what's
00:31:49.000 00:31:49.010 the relationship just as a review from
00:31:50.920 00:31:50.930 thermodynamics C sub P and C sub B for
00:31:53.380 00:31:53.390 an ideal gas isn't it are ya
00:31:57.400 00:31:57.410 C sub E Plus R is equal to C sub P for a
00:31:59.890 00:31:59.900 true ideal yes okay now what we'll do is
00:32:03.970 00:32:03.980 play a little conceptual game of putting
00:32:07.210 00:32:07.220 a constant pressure if you want to go
00:32:08.710 00:32:08.720 back to thermo and be something like
00:32:10.450 00:32:10.460 this here's a constant weight piston in
00:32:14.020 00:32:14.030 a gravitational field and I have my
00:32:16.330 00:32:16.340 fluid it's trapped in here and I'm going
00:32:19.240 00:32:19.250 to just play conceptually the game of
00:32:21.250 00:32:21.260 adding some heat I'm gonna add a little
00:32:24.010 00:32:24.020 heat look at it cattle Italy it's
00:32:26.200 00:32:26.210 constant pressure at all times I'm
00:32:27.700 00:32:27.710 looking add a little heat that a little
00:32:29.650 00:32:29.660 heat and I'm gonna plot it in a little
00:32:32.050 00:32:32.060 bit of a funny way but let's go ahead
00:32:33.670 00:32:33.680 and plot it like this where as we add
00:32:36.610 00:32:36.620 the heat something's going to go up
00:32:38.710 00:32:38.720 because I'm looking at derivative of
00:32:40.650 00:32:40.660 enthalpy with respect to temperature
00:32:42.760 00:32:42.770 let's put temperature on the x-axis and
00:32:45.090 00:32:45.100 enthalpy on the y-axis I know it's a
00:32:48.370 00:32:48.380 little different I'm sure I showed this
00:32:51.370 00:32:51.380 to you when I taught thermo one or
00:32:53.050 00:32:53.060 thermo two but I'll start it at 20
00:32:55.750 00:32:55.760 degrees and I'll boost it to 40 degrees
00:32:57.880 00:32:57.890 how did I get it to go from 20 degrees C
00:33:00.100 00:33:00.110 to 40 degrees C water I'm gonna do this
00:33:02.830 00:33:02.840 for water that's a fluid you're very
00:33:05.020 00:33:05.030 comfortable with at 1 atm pressure right
00:33:08.010 00:33:08.020 what happens when I do that does
00:33:10.450 00:33:10.460 enthalpy of the water change at all it
00:33:13.930 00:33:13.940 goes up a little
00:33:14.770 00:33:14.780 how about at 180 mi go from 40 to 60 60
00:33:19.360 00:33:19.370 to 80
00:33:19.930 00:33:19.940 I hit something magical at 100 degrees C
00:33:23.340 00:33:23.350 it's become saturated liquid exactly
00:33:26.860 00:33:26.870 before that it was all sub cooled liquid
00:33:29.370 00:33:29.380 but what's happening is I'm going up the
00:33:35.860 00:33:35.870 enthalpies climbing and then we hit this
00:33:38.500 00:33:38.510 in this value of enthalpy is H of F or H
00:33:42.820 00:33:42.830 of G I can't remember H of F for
00:33:46.030 00:33:46.040 saturated liquid now I continue to play
00:33:49.570 00:33:49.580 the game of pumping it a little more q
00:33:52.200 00:33:52.210 is the temperature gonna go up nah not
00:33:58.750 00:33:58.760 immediately what happens it goes from
00:34:01.060 00:34:01.070 saturated liquid a little bit turns into
00:34:03.070 00:34:03.080 saturated vapor you hold it 1 bar that's
00:34:07.030 00:34:07.040 what that little wait is that constant
00:34:09.970 00:34:09.980 wait piston on the top does what expands
00:34:13.210 00:34:13.220 dramatically as well so what happens to
00:34:17.260 00:34:17.270 the H does the H go up the temperature
00:34:19.120 00:34:19.130 is not changing but I'm keeping and
00:34:20.919 00:34:20.929 dumping in energy Q is coming in T was
00:34:23.860 00:34:23.870 coming in until I get up to H of
00:34:27.360 00:34:27.370 saturated and now if I add anymore heat
00:34:31.510 00:34:31.520 to it it's impossible no no you can add
00:34:34.180 00:34:34.190 Heat what's gonna happen to the
00:34:36.250 00:34:36.260 saturated vapor goes to superheated
00:34:39.490 00:34:39.500 vapor and then the enthalpy will go up
00:34:42.520 00:34:42.530 but the temperature go up you'll go to
00:34:44.350 00:34:44.360 120 140 160 180 you can get saturated
00:34:49.389 00:34:49.399 vapor quite hot and it'll just march
00:34:52.120 00:34:52.130 right on up like that where is the
00:34:56.169 00:34:56.179 specific heat constant pressure for the
00:34:58.990 00:34:59.000 liquid water anywhere in this diagram
00:35:04.290 00:35:04.300 isn't that it isn't it the slope of that
00:35:07.360 00:35:07.370 line the definition how does DHD T at
00:35:10.780 00:35:10.790 constant P isn't it the slope so what is
00:35:14.140 00:35:14.150 C sub P for liquid water the slope of
00:35:16.810 00:35:16.820 that line will be about 4.2 kilojoules
00:35:20.860 00:35:20.870 per kilogram Kelvin maybe you remember
00:35:24.910 00:35:24.920 that value how about the slope of this
00:35:27.100 00:35:27.110 line
00:35:28.150 00:35:28.160 see soapy water but it's in the vapor
00:35:30.789 00:35:30.799 phase it's around 2.1 kilojoules per
00:35:36.490 00:35:36.500 kilogram kelvin true good review now we
00:35:41.529 00:35:41.539 have time for a clicker question you
00:35:43.270 00:35:43.280 ready let's try it hopefully we're
00:35:47.140 00:35:47.150 getting a lot right what is the
00:35:50.230 00:35:50.240 effective specific heat for a fluid that
00:35:53.020 00:35:53.030 is evaporating where is it evaporating
00:35:56.020 00:35:56.030 anywhere in this diagram where it goes
00:36:00.069 00:36:00.079 from set this point right here what is
00:36:04.210 00:36:04.220 that point right there saturated liquid
00:36:07.299 00:36:07.309 to saturated vapor where is it
00:36:11.200 00:36:11.210 evaporating all right so let me start
00:36:13.900 00:36:13.910 the timer what is the effective specific
00:36:18.520 00:36:18.530 heat for a fluid that is evaporating all
00:36:25.089 00:36:25.099 right so we're stopped you go back and I
00:36:27.670 00:36:27.680 just was trying to emphasize the slope
00:36:30.220 00:36:30.230 of the line on an enthalpy temperature
00:36:32.980 00:36:32.990 diagram is the specific heat the cease
00:36:37.150 00:36:37.160 of P for the liquid is the slope of the
00:36:39.370 00:36:39.380 line the slope of the line what's the
00:36:41.589 00:36:41.599 slope of this line infinity is infinity
00:36:54.990 00:36:55.000 it's infinity
00:36:57.580 00:36:57.590 all right now I'm gonna ask this is a
00:37:00.940 00:37:00.950 below-the-belt question I'm just gonna
00:37:03.040 00:37:03.050 ask it and I'll explain it but I don't
00:37:05.500 00:37:05.510 think a lot of people get it right all
00:37:07.540 00:37:07.550 right all right good you want a
00:37:09.280 00:37:09.290 challenge huh all right here's a
00:37:11.830 00:37:11.840 challenge for those that think my
00:37:13.450 00:37:13.460 questions are too easy and too kind and
00:37:15.640 00:37:15.650 all that what is the effective specific
00:37:18.910 00:37:18.920 heat for a fluid that is condensing and
00:37:23.170 00:37:23.180 we start the timer all done now let me
00:37:30.700 00:37:30.710 ask this question it's it's cousin
00:37:32.440 00:37:32.450 question right
00:37:33.700 00:37:33.710 I have liquid water and I'm going to be
00:37:36.880 00:37:36.890 heating the liquid water and I'm at the
00:37:39.670 00:37:39.680 temperature of 50 degrees C where would
00:37:42.430 00:37:42.440 that be on this diagram right here and
00:37:44.470 00:37:44.480 I'm gonna heat it up to 60 degrees C
00:37:46.780 00:37:46.790 when I heat the liquid or water from 50
00:37:49.750 00:37:49.760 to 60 degrees C maybe I use a specific
00:37:52.780 00:37:52.790 heat a value of the specific heat would
00:37:55.180 00:37:55.190 be 4.2 kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin
00:37:58.390 00:37:58.400 true I now want to cool liquid water
00:38:02.640 00:38:02.650 from 60 back to 50 what is the specific
00:38:07.120 00:38:07.130 heat for the liquid water when I'm
00:38:09.760 00:38:09.770 cooling it from 60 down to 50
00:38:12.730 00:38:12.740 it was 4.2 kilojoules per kilogram
00:38:16.390 00:38:16.400 Kelvin on the heating is it negative 4.2
00:38:21.730 00:38:21.740 kilojoules per kilogram on the cooling
00:38:25.920 00:38:25.930 isn't this a tough question let's do the
00:38:30.820 00:38:30.830 same thing for the vapor I'm out here
00:38:33.250 00:38:33.260 somewhere in the vapor and I
00:38:34.780 00:38:34.790 conceptually heated up I have a positive
00:38:37.000 00:38:37.010 specific heat a positive delta T a
00:38:39.940 00:38:39.950 positive Q coming in all I have is
00:38:43.120 00:38:43.130 cooling it down I have still a positive
00:38:45.310 00:38:45.320 specific heat I have a negative delta T
00:38:48.310 00:38:48.320 and a negative Q you want to try that
00:38:52.720 00:38:52.730 question again same question what is the
00:38:56.500 00:38:56.510 effective specific heat of a fluid that
00:38:58.720 00:38:58.730 is condensing
00:39:08.980 00:39:08.990 well let's just grade it
00:39:11.210 00:39:11.220 I don't know how to explain it any
00:39:12.860 00:39:12.870 better right isn't that true it's
00:39:17.660 00:39:17.670 infinity positive infinity and let's go
00:39:24.350 00:39:24.360 back to the previous how do I do that
00:39:26.660 00:39:26.670 this one look at that the class is
00:39:29.930 00:39:29.940 learning very good well I'm out of time
00:39:36.770 00:39:36.780 but next time there's a thick derivation
00:39:39.320 00:39:39.330 that I want to get into but it's in the
00:39:41.600 00:39:41.610 book and so please read the book thank
00:39:44.030 00:39:44.040 you very much
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