Heat Exchanger and LMTD

Kind: captions
Language: en

00:00:13.209 00:00:13.219 hello students today we will learn that
00:00:15.259 00:00:15.269 what is an heat exchanger and what are
00:00:19.189 00:00:19.199 the basic attributes in regards of heat
00:00:21.380 00:00:21.390 exchangers what other types of heat
00:00:22.670 00:00:22.680 exchangers and we'll also learn that
00:00:24.650 00:00:24.660 what is the concept of LMT D that is
00:00:27.200 00:00:27.210 logarithmic mean temperature difference
00:00:29.830 00:00:29.840 okay first of all remember this thing
00:00:33.290 00:00:33.300 that heat exchanger is a device in which
00:00:36.229 00:00:36.239 heat is transferred between two flowing
00:00:39.380 00:00:39.390 fluids without mixing of each other
00:00:42.049 00:00:42.059 means there are two fruits one is hot
00:00:45.020 00:00:45.030 and other is cold okay and heat is
00:00:48.080 00:00:48.090 transferred from the hot fruit to cold
00:00:50.660 00:00:50.670 flu however they are not mixed with each
00:00:53.090 00:00:53.100 other and heat exchangers are the
00:00:56.299 00:00:56.309 devices which are widely used in
00:00:58.279 00:00:58.289 industries for corresponding purpose the
00:01:01.189 00:01:01.199 purpose is the main purpose in
00:01:03.590 00:01:03.600 industries in the regards of this heat
00:01:05.719 00:01:05.729 exchanger is that when we want one cold
00:01:08.960 00:01:08.970 fluid to receive heat from some hot food
00:01:12.289 00:01:12.299 for example suppose there is a dairy
00:01:14.000 00:01:14.010 industry in which pasteurization process
00:01:15.620 00:01:15.630 is happening so what happens generally
00:01:17.749 00:01:17.759 the common practice of pasteurization of
00:01:19.670 00:01:19.680 milk in dairy industry is there is a
00:01:21.499 00:01:21.509 steam hot steam okay so by the help of
00:01:24.499 00:01:24.509 hot steam the heat is transferred to the
00:01:27.200 00:01:27.210 cold milk okay so heat of hot steam is
00:01:30.469 00:01:30.479 transferring to the cold mnek the
00:01:32.630 00:01:32.640 temperature of milk is rising and we
00:01:34.399 00:01:34.409 noticing that pasteurization process is
00:01:35.899 00:01:35.909 what that we have to increase the
00:01:38.060 00:01:38.070 temperature of milk to 80 degree
00:01:40.010 00:01:40.020 centigrade and by this way the bacterias
00:01:42.859 00:01:42.869 and the other harmful germs contained in
00:01:45.590 00:01:45.600 the milk can be killed
00:01:46.670 00:01:46.680 so the common practice I told you that
00:01:49.490 00:01:49.500 by the help of steam high temperature
00:01:51.350 00:01:51.360 steam by the help of an heat exchanger
00:01:53.899 00:01:53.909 the heat is supplied to the cold milk so
00:01:56.389 00:01:56.399 the cold milk the temperature of Coleman
00:01:58.190 00:01:58.200 Rises and by this way the pasteurization
00:02:00.469 00:02:00.479 process completes and for an example
00:02:03.889 00:02:03.899 real-life example making tea over the
00:02:07.160 00:02:07.170 stove is also a sort of heat exchanging
00:02:10.160 00:02:10.170 process over here I have surely
00:02:12.199 00:02:12.209 the small diagram this is the utensil in
00:02:15.050 00:02:15.060 which this is the liquid the T is liquid
00:02:17.839 00:02:17.849 we know this thing okay so below it
00:02:20.660 00:02:20.670 there is a stove so what is happening
00:02:22.309 00:02:22.319 the flame consists of flue gases flue
00:02:24.860 00:02:24.870 gases are fluids okay so these high
00:02:26.959 00:02:26.969 temperature gases when touches this
00:02:29.270 00:02:29.280 bottom of potential transfers its heat
00:02:32.449 00:02:32.459 to this utensil outer surface ultimately
00:02:35.899 00:02:35.909 heat conducts toward this T means T is
00:02:39.110 00:02:39.120 acting as a cold fluid and hot flue
00:02:41.780 00:02:41.790 gases as a hot food so heat exchanger is
00:02:44.509 00:02:44.519 a device in which heat is transferred
00:02:45.890 00:02:45.900 from a high temperature fuel to a load
00:02:48.440 00:02:48.450 of the food without mixing with each
00:02:50.869 00:02:50.879 other okay now let us talk that how many
00:02:54.379 00:02:54.389 types of heat engines are there see
00:02:56.899 00:02:56.909 these are some commonly used heat
00:03:00.349 00:03:00.359 exchanger in Hinda cities first is
00:03:03.259 00:03:03.269 double pipe or tube in tube heat
00:03:05.360 00:03:05.370 exchanger if this type of heat exchange
00:03:07.610 00:03:07.620 what happens there is a thin tube and it
00:03:10.849 00:03:10.859 is enveloped inside a big diameter tube
00:03:13.780 00:03:13.790 okay both are Co centric okay what
00:03:17.479 00:03:17.489 happens from this inner tube one fuel
00:03:20.360 00:03:20.370 flows freely hot food okay so from this
00:03:23.569 00:03:23.579 inner
00:03:24.050 00:03:24.060 fluid I am showing by this red colored
00:03:26.780 00:03:26.790 food it is hot food and from this outer
00:03:29.210 00:03:29.220 fuel cold fluid is flowing so what
00:03:31.819 00:03:31.829 happens when these two fruits are
00:03:33.409 00:03:33.419 flowing then the heat is transferred
00:03:35.689 00:03:35.699 from hot fluid to the cold fruit through
00:03:38.210 00:03:38.220 the walls of the tube means heat is
00:03:41.059 00:03:41.069 first of all transferred to inner
00:03:43.280 00:03:43.290 surface of the wall then it conducts
00:03:45.140 00:03:45.150 through the thickness of wall and
00:03:46.280 00:03:46.290 ultimately goes to the cold fluid it is
00:03:48.890 00:03:48.900 like this it is sealed with the either
00:03:50.960 00:03:50.970 end so that flute cannot skip out or
00:03:53.929 00:03:53.939 leak out from the system so this type of
00:03:57.020 00:03:57.030 heat exchanger is called as tube in tube
00:03:58.849 00:03:58.859 or double pipe it is now in this type of
00:04:01.670 00:04:01.680 utensil also there are two types one is
00:04:05.030 00:04:05.040 we are using tube in tube heat exchanger
00:04:07.249 00:04:07.259 in parallel flow mode other is we are
00:04:09.800 00:04:09.810 using in counter flow mode now what is
00:04:11.509 00:04:11.519 parallel flow see what happens in case
00:04:14.360 00:04:14.370 both the fluids hot and cold are
00:04:16.899 00:04:16.909 entering to this cube into petitioners
00:04:19.310 00:04:19.320 from the same side okay in that case the
00:04:21.979 00:04:21.989 direction of flow remains the same means
00:04:24.050 00:04:24.060 hot fluid is moving
00:04:25.550 00:04:25.560 for this it is in case I'm download then
00:04:27.620 00:04:27.630 hot food is moving from left to right
00:04:29.120 00:04:29.130 and cold is also moving from left to
00:04:30.890 00:04:30.900 right so this type of arrangement this
00:04:33.290 00:04:33.300 type of flow is called as parallel flow
00:04:35.600 00:04:35.610 heat a senior the make is double five or
00:04:38.300 00:04:38.310 even two but this arrangement in which
00:04:40.250 00:04:40.260 the hot and cold foods are entering from
00:04:42.890 00:04:42.900 the same side and ultimately comes out
00:04:45.800 00:04:45.810 from the other opposite side then such
00:04:47.870 00:04:47.880 type of flow is called external flow and
00:04:49.909 00:04:49.919 in case one fluid is entering from one
00:04:52.640 00:04:52.650 side suppose in digital I am swinging by
00:04:54.950 00:04:54.960 arrow that cold fluid is entering to
00:04:57.440 00:04:57.450 this outer peripheral tube from one side
00:04:59.659 00:04:59.669 while hot fluid is entering from the
00:05:01.570 00:05:01.580 opposite end to this inner central do so
00:05:04.640 00:05:04.650 in this case what is happening both the
00:05:05.930 00:05:05.940 fluids are moving opposite to each other
00:05:07.790 00:05:07.800 so such type of flow is called as
00:05:09.560 00:05:09.570 counter flow heat Arsenal means double
00:05:11.659 00:05:11.669 pipe counter flow Here I am showing the
00:05:14.420 00:05:14.430 magnified view of this to be witticism
00:05:17.150 00:05:17.160 you can see this is the center tube
00:05:19.040 00:05:19.050 through which hot fluid is flowing and
00:05:20.780 00:05:20.790 this is the outer peripheral tube
00:05:22.400 00:05:22.410 through which code through this flow and
00:05:23.840 00:05:23.850 heat from this central tube from this
00:05:26.330 00:05:26.340 fluid which is flowing through the
00:05:27.500 00:05:27.510 central tube is transferred through the
00:05:29.450 00:05:29.460 walls of this inner tube to the cold
00:05:32.120 00:05:32.130 fluid you can see this the direction of
00:05:33.409 00:05:33.419 flow of heat it is like this other type
00:05:35.719 00:05:35.729 of make is plate type it is here by the
00:05:38.390 00:05:38.400 help of arrow I am showing it plate type
00:05:39.980 00:05:39.990 it is here it is consisting of one plate
00:05:43.070 00:05:43.080 or another okay this is a magnified view
00:05:45.500 00:05:45.510 okay suppose it is consisting of five
00:05:48.409 00:05:48.419 states 1 2 3 4 5 ok so you can see
00:05:52.990 00:05:53.000 between first 2 plates cold fluid is
00:05:55.969 00:05:55.979 flowing and in the immediate next 2
00:05:58.670 00:05:58.680 plate hot fluid is flowing then again
00:06:00.620 00:06:00.630 cold food and again hot food so
00:06:02.600 00:06:02.610 arrangement is of such kind that between
00:06:04.640 00:06:04.650 two plates some cold fluid is flowing
00:06:07.430 00:06:07.440 and immediate next the two plates hot
00:06:10.040 00:06:10.050 fluid is flowing so the arrangement is
00:06:11.900 00:06:11.910 of such time that a hot fluid layer is
00:06:15.050 00:06:15.060 sandwiched between two cold food layer
00:06:17.150 00:06:17.160 and one cold food layer is sandwich
00:06:19.129 00:06:19.139 between two what fruit layers by the
00:06:21.050 00:06:21.060 help of arrangement of plates so such
00:06:23.240 00:06:23.250 type of it as singer is called as plate
00:06:25.219 00:06:25.229 type eternal it is widely used type of
00:06:27.469 00:06:27.479 attention in industries okay so this
00:06:29.719 00:06:29.729 blue colored food is cold food and this
00:06:33.320 00:06:33.330 red colored food is hot food blue
00:06:36.640 00:06:36.650 again code hard so between two hot fuel
00:06:41.140 00:06:41.150 strings there is one cold fluid stream
00:06:42.879 00:06:42.889 and between two co2 stream there is one
00:06:44.920 00:06:44.930 hot photostream
00:06:45.610 00:06:45.620 again this type of heater cell can also
00:06:47.860 00:06:47.870 be parallel so in case fuels are
00:06:49.719 00:06:49.729 entering from same end and coming out
00:06:51.909 00:06:51.919 from the same opposite end then well
00:06:53.890 00:06:53.900 also in case the fluid flow is of such
00:06:56.409 00:06:56.419 kind that a hot fluid is entering from
00:06:59.379 00:06:59.389 one end while cold food is entering from
00:07:00.790 00:07:00.800 other opposite end then it is plate type
00:07:02.950 00:07:02.960 counter flow in case one fluid is
00:07:05.409 00:07:05.419 flowing suppose I am taking this heaters
00:07:07.420 00:07:07.430 inner as shown in the diagram from left
00:07:09.279 00:07:09.289 to right other fluid is flowing inside
00:07:11.320 00:07:11.330 the screen okay in such case the two
00:07:14.020 00:07:14.030 fluids are moving making an angle 90
00:07:16.120 00:07:16.130 degree to each other first type of
00:07:17.740 00:07:17.750 arrangement is called as cross flow type
00:07:19.689 00:07:19.699 of heater snare now this is the shell
00:07:24.159 00:07:24.169 and you with a fringe inshalla tube heat
00:07:26.140 00:07:26.150 exchanger what happens that there is a
00:07:28.270 00:07:28.280 big shell okay through which one fluid
00:07:30.850 00:07:30.860 is passing for example by the help of
00:07:32.830 00:07:32.840 arrow I am showing a type that is single
00:07:36.550 00:07:36.560 shell 2 to power shell and tube type of
00:07:38.800 00:07:38.810 addiction here suppose cold fluid is
00:07:40.839 00:07:40.849 entering from this end and ultimately
00:07:42.550 00:07:42.560 coming out of the other end okay and
00:07:44.620 00:07:44.630 there is a tube pass inside the shell
00:07:47.440 00:07:47.450 you can see through this tube
00:07:49.060 00:07:49.070 hot fluid is flowing okay so actually
00:07:52.060 00:07:52.070 what is happening that cold fluid is
00:07:53.920 00:07:53.930 flowing through a big shell while hot
00:07:55.750 00:07:55.760 fluid is flowing through a tube
00:07:57.310 00:07:57.320 so this is the reason it is called a
00:07:58.600 00:07:58.610 shell and tube heat exchanger okay so it
00:08:01.060 00:08:01.070 also consists of its various types for
00:08:04.089 00:08:04.099 example this is the case of single shell
00:08:06.730 00:08:06.740 and to to pass the reason it the reason
00:08:09.129 00:08:09.139 is that this is the shell and cube is
00:08:12.339 00:08:12.349 going in and then coming out so it is to
00:08:14.890 00:08:14.900 tube pass okay once going in and then
00:08:17.170 00:08:17.180 coming out one pass to pass slowly this
00:08:20.500 00:08:20.510 type is to shell for to pass because it
00:08:23.140 00:08:23.150 consists of two shell cold food is
00:08:25.510 00:08:25.520 flowing through this shell and hot food
00:08:28.960 00:08:28.970 is passing ones going in and then coming
00:08:32.170 00:08:32.180 out and then from this other shell going
00:08:35.350 00:08:35.360 in and then coming out so it is two
00:08:37.089 00:08:37.099 shell because shells are two
00:08:38.440 00:08:38.450 however the hot fluid is passing four
00:08:41.680 00:08:41.690 times that is in out and then in out so
00:08:44.199 00:08:44.209 two shell for to pass and this third one
00:08:47.650 00:08:47.660 is single shell for to pass because it
00:08:49.690 00:08:49.700 consists of
00:08:50.440 00:08:50.450 one shell only old fluid is passing
00:08:52.810 00:08:52.820 through this shell and then what fruit
00:08:55.300 00:08:55.310 is going and then turning and then again
00:08:58.000 00:08:58.010 turning and then again Turing and then
00:08:59.290 00:08:59.300 going out so it is called as single
00:09:01.510 00:09:01.520 shell for tube pass this is also shell
00:09:04.480 00:09:04.490 and I would beautiful in which old food
00:09:07.510 00:09:07.520 is flowing through the shell suppose
00:09:09.760 00:09:09.770 from left hand side to right hand side
00:09:11.230 00:09:11.240 while the hot fluid is passing in a
00:09:14.140 00:09:14.150 cross flow arrangement to this flow of
00:09:16.660 00:09:16.670 cold food because see these are the hot
00:09:19.300 00:09:19.310 flue tubes so these tubes are running
00:09:21.760 00:09:21.770 inside the screen of this computer okay
00:09:24.700 00:09:24.710 so cold fluid is flowing from left to
00:09:27.520 00:09:27.530 right while hot fluid is flowing at an
00:09:29.650 00:09:29.660 angle 90 degree to the cold fluid such
00:09:32.200 00:09:32.210 type of eternal is called a shell and
00:09:34.180 00:09:34.190 tube cross flow type of heat exchanger
00:09:36.610 00:09:36.620 however these diagrams are just
00:09:38.140 00:09:38.150 indicating just to make you understand
00:09:40.660 00:09:40.670 the concept of these different types of
00:09:43.570 00:09:43.580 heat exchangers now next case you will
00:09:45.820 00:09:45.830 talk about the heat transfer rate you
00:09:47.380 00:09:47.390 know what is heat afraid the amount of
00:09:48.850 00:09:48.860 heat transferred per unit time is called
00:09:50.590 00:09:50.600 as heat transfer rate okay remember in
00:09:53.170 00:09:53.180 case there are two bodies which are at
00:09:55.570 00:09:55.580 temperatures t1 and t2 and t1 is greater
00:09:58.900 00:09:58.910 than t2 okay then what happens heat
00:10:01.570 00:10:01.580 transfers always from high temperature
00:10:03.610 00:10:03.620 body to low down visibility
00:10:05.020 00:10:05.030 okay this temperature this body is at
00:10:07.810 00:10:07.820 higher temperature and this body is at
00:10:09.730 00:10:09.740 lower temperature t2 t1 is higher then
00:10:11.830 00:10:11.840 t2 ok so heat will is transfer from
00:10:14.440 00:10:14.450 items it will double now the heat
00:10:16.630 00:10:16.640 transfer rate formula the general
00:10:18.310 00:10:18.320 formula for heat transfer rate in case
00:10:20.110 00:10:20.120 heat is transferred between two bodies
00:10:21.370 00:10:21.380 is given by Q Q stands for heat transfer
00:10:23.740 00:10:23.750 it is equals to you a t1 minus t2 here U
00:10:28.330 00:10:28.340 is called as overall heat transfer
00:10:30.010 00:10:30.020 coefficient which is a constant in
00:10:31.690 00:10:31.700 regards of those heat transferring
00:10:33.930 00:10:33.940 bodies a is the area through which heat
00:10:38.050 00:10:38.060 is transferring okay a is the area
00:10:41.020 00:10:41.030 through which heat is transferring and
00:10:42.550 00:10:42.560 t1 minus c2 is the temperature
00:10:44.230 00:10:44.240 difference okay so U is overall heat
00:10:47.620 00:10:47.630 transfer coefficient a is the area of
00:10:49.180 00:10:49.190 exposure through which heat is
00:10:50.110 00:10:50.120 transferring and TN minus between the
00:10:51.430 00:10:51.440 temperature difference this is what the
00:10:52.780 00:10:52.790 heat transfer force formula but let us
00:10:55.510 00:10:55.520 take an example of parallel flow heat
00:10:58.240 00:10:58.250 exchanger and cube and cube type okay
00:11:00.850 00:11:00.860 so hot flow is entering inside this
00:11:03.100 00:11:03.110 center
00:11:03.670 00:11:03.680 suppose from left hand side and cold
00:11:05.829 00:11:05.839 fluid is entering from the same left
00:11:07.750 00:11:07.760 hand side in this outer periphery tube
00:11:10.000 00:11:10.010 and both are moving parallel to each
00:11:12.040 00:11:12.050 other
00:11:12.310 00:11:12.320 now when hot fluid is entering just
00:11:15.280 00:11:15.290 entering this heat exchanger at that
00:11:17.620 00:11:17.630 time the hot foods temperature is
00:11:20.050 00:11:20.060 highest suppose it is thi the hot to
00:11:22.810 00:11:22.820 temperatures inland similarly when cold
00:11:25.090 00:11:25.100 dude is entering to this outer
00:11:26.350 00:11:26.360 peripherals to do at that time it is
00:11:28.960 00:11:28.970 having its lowest temperature because no
00:11:31.240 00:11:31.250 heat it has gained it is just entering
00:11:33.340 00:11:33.350 inside the system now when hot fluid
00:11:35.710 00:11:35.720 will move inside this tube by and bias
00:11:38.470 00:11:38.480 since it is giving its heat to cold fuel
00:11:40.780 00:11:40.790 so hot fluids temperature will by an by
00:11:44.139 00:11:44.149 degrees and ultimately the hot fluid
00:11:46.570 00:11:46.580 will come out this temperature th oh
00:11:48.660 00:11:48.670 okay similarly since this cold fluid is
00:11:51.880 00:11:51.890 gaining heat receiving heat from this
00:11:54.310 00:11:54.320 hot food so continuously by and by its
00:11:56.740 00:11:56.750 temperature will increase and it will
00:11:58.540 00:11:58.550 come out ultimately from this opposite
00:12:00.610 00:12:00.620 end with temperature TC you okay so this
00:12:03.160 00:12:03.170 is the graph the temperature gradient of
00:12:06.430 00:12:06.440 the two fluids for the case of parallel
00:12:08.829 00:12:08.839 flow heat exchanger okay now heat
00:12:11.410 00:12:11.420 transfer rate formula Q equals to u
00:12:14.110 00:12:14.120 eight t1 minus t2 where t1 - t2 is the
00:12:16.300 00:12:16.310 temperature difference okay but in this
00:12:18.730 00:12:18.740 case what we see that from beginning to
00:12:21.670 00:12:21.680 the end the temperature difference
00:12:24.250 00:12:24.260 between the two fluids is continuously
00:12:26.079 00:12:26.089 changing okay so what we can keep in
00:12:29.800 00:12:29.810 this place in place of T 1 minus C 2
00:12:31.930 00:12:31.940 what temperature difference we have to
00:12:33.940 00:12:33.950 keep this is the question initially
00:12:35.710 00:12:35.720 there is greatest temporal difference by
00:12:38.140 00:12:38.150 and by the hot fluid is cooling down and
00:12:40.840 00:12:40.850 cold food is heating up so the
00:12:42.699 00:12:42.709 temperature difference is decreasing so
00:12:44.170 00:12:44.180 in place of t1 minus t2 what we can keep
00:12:46.810 00:12:46.820 the concept is that since the
00:12:50.740 00:12:50.750 temperature difference is continuously
00:12:52.900 00:12:52.910 decreasing so we have to take the
00:12:55.990 00:12:56.000 average of all those temperature
00:12:58.540 00:12:58.550 differences called as LMT
00:13:00.760 00:13:00.770 the full form is logarithmic mean
00:13:03.160 00:13:03.170 temperature difference the significance
00:13:04.870 00:13:04.880 of logarithmic mean temperature
00:13:06.460 00:13:06.470 difference is that however the
00:13:08.860 00:13:08.870 temperature difference of the two fluids
00:13:10.480 00:13:10.490 is continuously decreasing but we can
00:13:13.930 00:13:13.940 assume that from beginning to end of
00:13:16.480 00:13:16.490 heat exchanger
00:13:17.440 00:13:17.450 the temperature difference is constant
00:13:19.720 00:13:19.730 that is the logarithmic mean temperature
00:13:22.660 00:13:22.670 difference which is the hypothetical
00:13:25.030 00:13:25.040 temporal difference means it is mean of
00:13:26.680 00:13:26.690 all those LC temper the difference is
00:13:29.020 00:13:29.030 continually decreasing but the mean of
00:13:30.760 00:13:30.770 all those separate events we can assume
00:13:33.070 00:13:33.080 that both the fluids are transferring
00:13:35.290 00:13:35.300 their heat with this constant
00:13:36.910 00:13:36.920 temperature differences hypothetical
00:13:38.530 00:13:38.540 assumption which is called as LM TD
00:13:40.900 00:13:40.910 logarithmic means of the difference and
00:13:42.700 00:13:42.710 the formula of logarithm in term of the
00:13:45.040 00:13:45.050 difference is LM TD equals to theta 2
00:13:48.100 00:13:48.110 minus theta 1 upon log theta 2 beta 1
00:13:51.430 00:13:51.440 here what is Theta 2 theta 2 is the
00:13:54.190 00:13:54.200 finite temperature difference of the two
00:13:56.470 00:13:56.480 fruits you know that fluid is hot food
00:13:59.110 00:13:59.120 is coming out with temperature th oh and
00:14:00.850 00:14:00.860 cold food is coming out with a media TCO
00:14:02.770 00:14:02.780 so this final temperature difference is
00:14:04.600 00:14:04.610 thi minus TC oh it is what theta 2 is
00:14:07.000 00:14:07.010 and theta 1 is the initial temperature
00:14:09.610 00:14:09.620 difference thi minus TCI okay so in
00:14:13.060 00:14:13.070 place of theta 2 and theta 1 we can keep
00:14:15.520 00:14:15.530 these corresponding values to get the
00:14:17.590 00:14:17.600 00:14:19.060 00:14:19.070 once again what is the significance of
00:14:20.980 00:14:20.990 logarithm interval difference however
00:14:22.810 00:14:22.820 the temperature difference of the two
00:14:24.700 00:14:24.710 fluid is continuously changing
00:14:26.920 00:14:26.930 but this is an hypothetical constant
00:14:30.520 00:14:30.530 temperature difference that we can
00:14:32.500 00:14:32.510 assume that heat is transferring some
00:14:35.230 00:14:35.240 hot fruit to cold food with this
00:14:37.510 00:14:37.520 constant temperature difference through
00:14:39.460 00:14:39.470 the entire run of this heat exchanger
00:14:41.710 00:14:41.720 now we have a fixed temperature
00:14:44.350 00:14:44.360 difference at a lambda T so here Q we go
00:14:47.410 00:14:47.420 so you ATO not see too in case of T nos
00:14:49.540 00:14:49.550 - I can keep Q equals to UA
00:14:51.580 00:14:51.590 lmpd which is the average constant
00:14:54.010 00:14:54.020 temperature difference of the two foods
00:14:55.990 00:14:56.000 which are running through the heat
00:14:57.100 00:14:57.110 exchanger okay now we will take the case
00:15:01.000 00:15:01.010 of counterfeit exchanger suppose this is
00:15:03.940 00:15:03.950 a tube in tube double pipe counterfeit
00:15:07.030 00:15:07.040 Effinger so hot fluid is entering from
00:15:10.150 00:15:10.160 left hand side to this inner central
00:15:12.760 00:15:12.770 tube it is flowing toward right hand
00:15:15.160 00:15:15.170 side and cold fluid is entering from
00:15:17.470 00:15:17.480 right hand side to this outer
00:15:20.410 00:15:20.420 peripheral tube and ultimately coming
00:15:23.080 00:15:23.090 out from this left hand side okay so
00:15:26.050 00:15:26.060 when hot fluid is entering inside this
00:15:27.940 00:15:27.950 inner center tube it is super hot
00:15:30.500 00:15:30.510 it is having with this highest
00:15:31.820 00:15:31.830 temperature okay and by and by when it
00:15:37.280 00:15:37.290 will move inside the tube it will lose
00:15:38.960 00:15:38.970 its heat so it will come out from the
00:15:40.730 00:15:40.740 opposite end with temperature Thu which
00:15:43.670 00:15:43.680 is lower than thi okay
00:15:45.350 00:15:45.360 similarly cold fluid is entering from
00:15:47.470 00:15:47.480 right-hand side so it has temperature TC
00:15:50.570 00:15:50.580 a lowest temperature since by-and-by it
00:15:52.910 00:15:52.920 is gaining heat from this high
00:15:54.770 00:15:54.780 temperature so ultimately it comes out
00:15:57.080 00:15:57.090 from the opposite end is temperature TC
00:15:58.850 00:15:58.860 OH
00:15:59.360 00:15:59.370 okay so these are the temperature
00:16:01.940 00:16:01.950 profiles with respect to the advance of
00:16:04.460 00:16:04.470 food flowing inside this double pipe
00:16:06.680 00:16:06.690 fitter fringes okay now in this case
00:16:09.410 00:16:09.420 also the heat transfer rate formula
00:16:11.300 00:16:11.310 remains the same that is equal to UA LM
00:16:13.520 00:16:13.530 TD LM TD corresponds to the mean
00:16:15.770 00:16:15.780 temperature difference logarithmic be
00:16:17.720 00:16:17.730 interpretations because over here also
00:16:19.550 00:16:19.560 the case is same that from one end to
00:16:23.690 00:16:23.700 other okay the temperature difference is
00:16:26.540 00:16:26.550 continuously changing however in this
00:16:28.040 00:16:28.050 diagram it might be appearing the
00:16:30.590 00:16:30.600 temporal difference is same but
00:16:32.210 00:16:32.220 practically at every point of this heat
00:16:35.360 00:16:35.370 exchanger the temperature difference can
00:16:38.150 00:16:38.160 be different okay so again we have to
00:16:40.580 00:16:40.590 take the concept of logarithmic mean
00:16:42.260 00:16:42.270 temperature difference which is the
00:16:43.250 00:16:43.260 hypothetical constant temperature
00:16:45.200 00:16:45.210 difference which we can assume for the
00:16:46.910 00:16:46.920 flowing fruits in the heat exchanger so
00:16:49.100 00:16:49.110 the formula of LM Katti remains the same
00:16:52.220 00:16:52.230 as like that of parallel flow
00:16:53.600 00:16:53.610 temperature that is equals to theta 2
00:16:56.660 00:16:56.670 minus theta 1 identity equal to Z 2
00:16:58.250 00:16:58.260 minus theta 1 upon log 1002 Waseda 1 but
00:17:00.500 00:17:00.510 the definition of theta 1 and theta 2
00:17:02.810 00:17:02.820 changes over here what you have to take
00:17:04.550 00:17:04.560 that theta 1 is the temperature
00:17:08.480 00:17:08.490 difference over the left hand side of
00:17:11.090 00:17:11.100 this heat exchanger means over this and
00:17:14.410 00:17:14.420 the leftmost end the temperature of hot
00:17:18.530 00:17:18.540 food is thi while the cold food is TCO
00:17:20.840 00:17:20.850 so theta 1 would be thi minus TCI OH
00:17:23.750 00:17:23.760 similarly theta 2 would be what it is
00:17:26.660 00:17:26.670 the temperature difference of the
00:17:28.930 00:17:28.940 rightmost side of this heater when this
00:17:32.540 00:17:32.550 code food is just entering and hot food
00:17:35.090 00:17:35.100 is just a fitting so that is equal to
00:17:36.770 00:17:36.780 thi minus TCI okay this theta 2 so the
00:17:40.070 00:17:40.080 only change is you will use the same
00:17:42.110 00:17:42.120 formula for heat transfer it gives us 2
00:17:44.280 00:17:44.290 LM trading birds up in formula of
00:17:46.650 00:17:46.660 elaborate e the definition of theta 2
00:17:48.360 00:17:48.370 and theta 1 is this theta 1 equals to
00:17:50.010 00:17:50.020 thi minus TC oh and theta 2 is th over
00:17:53.340 00:17:53.350 Seca so you can keep remember is this
00:17:56.130 00:17:56.140 thing by this way that we have to take
00:17:59.100 00:17:59.110 the temperature difference of the either
00:18:00.960 00:18:00.970 n for parallel flow heat exchanger theta
00:18:03.240 00:18:03.250 1 equals to thi minus 3 say for counter
00:18:05.730 00:18:05.740 flow it is equals to thi minus EC you
00:18:07.620 00:18:07.630 the definition of theta 1 and for
00:18:09.660 00:18:09.670 parallel flow theta 2 equals to 1 th o
00:18:12.000 00:18:12.010 minus T Co for counter flow it is equals
00:18:14.340 00:18:14.350 to thi minus TCI so we have to take the
00:18:16.080 00:18:16.090 difference temperate differences of the
00:18:17.970 00:18:17.980 either ends for the case of theta 1 and
00:18:19.830 00:18:19.840 theta 2 so that will be the definition
00:18:21.630 00:18:21.640 of LMT D so the value of those theta 1
00:18:24.540 00:18:24.550 theta 2 can be kept in this for another
00:18:26.340 00:18:26.350 lambda T to get variability and to where
00:18:28.050 00:18:28.060 the heat transfer rate Q goes to you al
00:18:30.210 00:18:30.220 n Creedy here you is what you is the
00:18:33.300 00:18:33.310 overall heat transfer coefficient of
00:18:34.950 00:18:34.960 this particular type of it official and
00:18:36.630 00:18:36.640 a is the area of exposure through which
00:18:39.510 00:18:39.520 it is transferring for example for this
00:18:42.060 00:18:42.070 case for this double pipe heat exchanger
00:18:43.830 00:18:43.840 case the area of exposure is the outer
00:18:46.910 00:18:46.920 peripheral area of this inner tube outer
00:18:51.180 00:18:51.190 peripheral area that would be what if L
00:18:53.430 00:18:53.440 is the length of this tube then 2 pi RL
00:18:55.860 00:18:55.870 is the area of exposure for this double
00:18:58.860 00:18:58.870 pipe it is ginger in which counter flow
00:19:00.990 00:19:01.000 in which counter flow motion is
00:19:04.170 00:19:04.180 happening with the flute same for this
00:19:06.510 00:19:06.520 case also the area of exposure is what
00:19:08.070 00:19:08.080 for parallel for additional the area of
00:19:10.110 00:19:10.120 exposure reward the outer peripheral
00:19:13.020 00:19:13.030 area of this central tube through which
00:19:16.260 00:19:16.270 ultimately heat is transferring from hot
00:19:17.970 00:19:17.980 fluid food so hope you would have
00:19:19.560 00:19:19.570 understood the concept of exchanges and
00:19:21.270 00:19:21.280 the types of attacks injure and you
00:19:23.280 00:19:23.290 would have understood the concept of the
00:19:25.140 00:19:25.150 LM TT by this lecture thank you
00:19:35.500 00:19:35.510 you
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