Heat Exchanger Training Course with TEMA types

Kind: captions
Language: en

presenting a tour of the trading course
00:00:03.139 00:00:03.149 on heat exchangers the content is
00:00:07.760 00:00:07.770 broadly classified into description on
00:00:10.549 00:00:10.559 various heat exchangers detailed
00:00:13.129 00:00:13.139 description of popular exchangers and
00:00:15.849 00:00:15.859 understanding on team a classification
00:00:18.439 00:00:18.449 and glossary of texts with graphical
00:00:21.050 00:00:21.060 depictions various types of heat
00:00:23.840 00:00:23.850 exchangers the different types of
00:00:28.040 00:00:28.050 exchangers are explained in this course
00:00:30.140 00:00:30.150 with graphical explanations and
00:00:32.330 00:00:32.340 interactivity let us take the spiral
00:00:35.870 00:00:35.880 tube exchanger as an example the texts
00:00:41.990 00:00:42.000 and the functional package is narrated
00:00:44.619 00:00:44.629 navigation modes of the functional
00:00:46.790 00:00:46.800 package gives a lot of interactivity
00:00:48.950 00:00:48.960 like accessing index sheets at any
00:00:51.830 00:00:51.840 instant replaying animations etc the
00:00:55.880 00:00:55.890 tour consists of several randomly
00:00:58.160 00:00:58.170 selected screenshots of the functional
00:01:00.319 00:01:00.329 package like the one show note the
00:01:03.770 00:01:03.780 picture resolution and the tour is low
00:01:05.810 00:01:05.820 due to video conversion the functional
00:01:09.380 00:01:09.390 version has high resolution picture
00:01:11.359 00:01:11.369 quality detailed graphical depiction of
00:01:14.240 00:01:14.250 the exchanger is dismantling flow paths
00:01:17.210 00:01:17.220 and relevant details
00:01:22.330 00:01:22.340 user can go back to the index page at
00:01:25.149 00:01:25.159 any time the various exchangers are
00:01:29.410 00:01:29.420 described with intricate graphics and
00:01:31.630 00:01:31.640 animation back to the main content page
00:01:36.660 00:01:36.670 the chapter popular heat exchangers an
00:01:41.980 00:01:41.990 in-depth description on three popular
00:01:44.290 00:01:44.300 heat exchangers let us see the details
00:01:47.530 00:01:47.540 of the shell and tube exchangers
00:01:52.320 00:01:52.330 detailed discussions on various topics
00:01:56.130 00:01:56.140 operation and maintenance operation and
00:02:01.719 00:02:01.729 maintenance details looking into details
00:02:05.230 00:02:05.240 of type IES detailed nomenclature with
00:02:11.080 00:02:11.090 highlight numbers
00:02:12.940 00:02:12.950 [Music]
00:02:17.420 00:02:17.430 explanations focusing on graphics and
00:02:20.010 00:02:20.020 animation were practically oriented
00:02:22.490 00:02:22.500 understanding 3d model components on
00:02:26.490 00:02:26.500 mouse-over of nomenclature let's try it
00:02:29.280 00:02:29.290 out
00:02:29.660 00:02:29.670 00:02:39.590 00:02:39.600 - 3d graphics and models water rounds
00:02:44.070 00:02:44.080 animated split up views dismantling
00:02:46.920 00:02:46.930 assembly individual 3d model components
00:02:50.610 00:02:50.620 etc flow patterns
00:02:55.820 00:02:55.830 00:02:58.860 00:02:58.870 thermal expansion details back to the
00:03:01.949 00:03:01.959 main page details like equipment
00:03:05.940 00:03:05.950 dismantling Hydra testing and assembly
00:03:09.119 00:03:09.129 are extensively covered hyperlinks show
00:03:12.390 00:03:12.400 the basic team a classification of the
00:03:14.940 00:03:14.950 exchanger going back to the index a
00:03:19.550 00:03:19.560 specific chattri reach luck high
00:03:22.320 00:03:22.330 pressure exchangers
00:03:23.990 00:03:24.000 00:03:26.520 00:03:26.530 to 3d graphics and models walk-arounds
00:03:30.660 00:03:30.670 00:03:33.480 00:03:33.490 00:03:37.199 00:03:37.209 etc
00:03:43.670 00:03:43.680 00:03:49.140 00:03:49.150 00:03:56.350 00:03:56.360 topics like to beside construction shell
00:03:59.500 00:03:59.510 side construction and baffles to bundles
00:04:02.380 00:04:02.390 are also covered in detail back to the
00:04:05.740 00:04:05.750 popular exchangers page similar to the
00:04:10.750 00:04:10.760 shell and tube exchangers the popular
00:04:13.390 00:04:13.400 air-cooled and plate and frame
00:04:15.070 00:04:15.080 exchangers are also described in detail
00:04:18.030 00:04:18.040 going back to the main content page the
00:04:23.470 00:04:23.480 Pens on tema chapter develops a better
00:04:26.320 00:04:26.330 understanding on the team a
00:04:27.940 00:04:27.950 classification of shell and through the
00:04:30.310 00:04:30.320 exchanges the game on tema selection is
00:04:35.710 00:04:35.720 an innovative and interesting exercise
00:04:37.930 00:04:37.940 in making the user understand the
00:04:40.480 00:04:40.490 classification of exchangers their basic
00:04:43.630 00:04:43.640 construction and the various combination
00:04:46.060 00:04:46.070 of types the user is asked to choose a
00:04:51.550 00:04:51.560 combination of the front-end shell type
00:04:54.430 00:04:54.440 and rear end to proceed for the zoom
00:04:58.090 00:04:58.100 option gives a clearer view of the
00:05:00.010 00:05:00.020 various types
00:05:01.210 00:05:01.220 let's try selecting the types and
00:05:03.640 00:05:03.650 availing the zoom option
00:05:11.910 00:05:11.920 00:05:14.290 00:05:14.300 let us choose a popular type of
00:05:16.300 00:05:16.310 combination a yes clicking on the icons
00:05:21.310 00:05:21.320 on the right brings in images of the
00:05:23.590 00:05:23.600 types including all the options which
00:05:26.470 00:05:26.480 are provided there in example single or
00:05:29.380 00:05:29.390 double nozzle etc the user can make a
00:05:33.160 00:05:33.170 meaningful combination of the same
00:05:38.350 00:05:38.360 00:05:51.070 00:05:51.080 the feature is available over the entire
00:05:53.830 00:05:53.840 range plus imparting knowledge as to the
00:05:56.770 00:05:56.780 various types of possible combinations
00:05:59.439 00:05:59.449 and in total a much better understanding
00:06:01.360 00:06:01.370 on Team a classification is achieved
00:06:05.219 00:06:05.229 going back another interesting topic
00:06:09.909 00:06:09.919 built in is an interactive questionnaire
00:06:12.640 00:06:12.650 package to evaluate and improve the
00:06:15.279 00:06:15.289 understanding on the various demo types
00:06:19.010 00:06:19.020 00:06:20.490 00:06:20.500 the representative rerun head type on
00:06:23.830 00:06:23.840 which the test is to be taken is to be
00:06:26.230 00:06:26.240 selected depending on the image selected
00:06:34.089 00:06:34.099 the user has to decide on the type of
00:06:36.700 00:06:36.710 exchange which was chosen
00:06:38.930 00:06:38.940 00:06:41.530 00:06:41.540 interesting affirmations evaluation
00:06:45.320 00:06:45.330 questionnaires selection evaluation
00:06:48.820 00:06:48.830 score and performance ratings corrected
00:06:52.850 00:06:52.860 answer sheets going back back to the
00:06:58.400 00:06:58.410 main content page conventional and
00:07:02.510 00:07:02.520 interactive skill tests certificate
00:07:05.180 00:07:05.190 printouts and to summarize it all a
00:07:07.850 00:07:07.860 graphically supported glossary of text
00:07:12.370 00:07:12.380 the term to be listened to can be
00:07:15.170 00:07:15.180 searched from an alphabetical listing of
00:07:18.020 00:07:18.030 content selecting the terms leads to
00:07:21.290 00:07:21.300 explanations with supporting graphics
00:07:23.950 00:07:23.960 plus with exhaustive content and wide
00:07:27.170 00:07:27.180 range of features the course will
00:07:29.210 00:07:29.220 definitely serve as a comprehensive
00:07:31.220 00:07:31.230 reference program on heat exchanges
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