00:00:05.089 --> 00:00:08.540 How much does a furnace blower motor cost? 00:00:08.540 --> 00:00:13.539 Furnace blower motors force the hot air from the furnace into the rest of the house. 00:00:13.539 --> 00:00:16.260 Motor cost varies with horsepower. 00:00:16.260 --> 00:00:22.350 And furnaces vary in price based on how many BTU they can put out and the fuel they use. 00:00:22.350 --> 00:00:26.390 Give me some ballpark prices for furnace blower motors. 00:00:26.390 --> 00:00:30.730 Variable speed motors and two stage motors that are essentially two motors in a pair 00:00:30.730 --> 00:00:33.410 cost more than a standard on-off motor. 00:00:33.410 --> 00:00:38.120 I’m not asking for the variables, but the specific prices. 00:00:38.120 --> 00:00:43.670 A one third horsepower AO Smith blower motor from Home Depot is eighty dollars, plus sales 00:00:43.670 --> 00:00:46.420 tax and any shipping charges. 00:00:46.420 --> 00:00:50.770 A one fourth horsepower motor of the same brand is $75 dollars. 00:00:50.770 --> 00:00:54.579 That isn’t much difference in price. 00:00:54.579 --> 00:00:58.290 It also isn’t much different in power, about 8%. 00:00:58.290 --> 00:01:03.350 A half horse power blower motor by AO Smith is $110 per motor. 00:01:03.350 --> 00:01:05.590 I’ve never even heard of the brand. 00:01:05.590 --> 00:01:08.220 Will it work with my furnace? 00:01:08.220 --> 00:01:12.469 If you get a brand name furnace blower motor, it costs more. 00:01:12.469 --> 00:01:17.539 The direct replacement for a half horsepower Rheem weatherking furnace motor is $125. 00:01:17.539 --> 00:01:24.829 So I get the same motor as the cheaper AO Smith one but pay $15 more for the motor. 00:01:24.829 --> 00:01:27.960 You generally save money if you go off brand. 00:01:27.960 --> 00:01:34.079 If you got a one third HP furnace motor by Mars, you’d only pay $60 or so, less than 00:01:34.079 --> 00:01:35.799 even AO Smith. 00:01:35.799 --> 00:01:38.979 I don’t want to get one so cheap that it falls apart. 00:01:38.979 --> 00:01:43.979 Especially if I’m already having to pay for a prior motor that fell apart. 00:01:43.979 --> 00:01:48.770 When you get the OEM motor, one made by the factory that made the furnace, you’ll pay 00:01:48.770 --> 00:01:52.919 comparable rates for what they charge the repairman for parts. 00:01:52.919 --> 00:01:55.409 I don’t know if that is good or bad. 00:01:55.409 --> 00:02:01.209 Coleman furnaces are cheap, and Coleman furnace blowers are cheap, compared to a Trane. 00:02:01.209 --> 00:02:07.609 A Trane furnace raft inducer blower motor is around $115, while a Bryant version is 00:02:07.609 --> 00:02:09.910 $75 or so. 00:02:09.910 --> 00:02:13.770 So you pay more for premium brands, even in pieces. 00:02:13.770 --> 00:02:19.159 You do pay more when the furnace blower motor is combined with other elements. 00:02:19.159 --> 00:02:24.980 For example, a Coleman draft inducer and exhaust vent motor is $152. 00:02:24.980 --> 00:02:28.980 Or they are just charging more because it is the thing most likely to break on a Coleman. 00:02:28.980 --> 00:02:34.120 That’s a rare feat, given how much breaks on a Coleman furnace. 00:02:34.120 --> 00:02:37.630 I suppose there are used parts I could save money on. 00:02:37.630 --> 00:02:42.390 I am sure there are appliance repair depots that charge less for reconditioned parts like 00:02:42.390 --> 00:02:49.450 blower motors, but given they are usually $50 to $150 new, just buy them new. 00:02:49.450 --> 00:02:53.890 I meant if you get the furnace replaced due to a bad heating element or heat exchanger, 00:02:53.890 --> 00:02:58.180 the good parts are sometimes salvaged and available elsewhere. 00:02:58.180 --> 00:03:02.580 That again is through a parts depot and price varies too much to compare. 00:03:02.580 --> 00:03:08.940 But, yes, you’ll usually pay less for recycled or otherwise salvaged parts. 00:03:08.940 --> 00:03:12.280 And then there’s labor and installation costs. 00:03:12.280 --> 00:03:16.900 You always face those costs, kind of like the singer you hate and cockroaches being 00:03:16.900 --> 00:03:18.139 left after the apocalypse.
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