/ News & Press / Video / How Rockefeller Built His Trillion Dollar Oil Empire
How Rockefeller Built His Trillion Dollar Oil Empire
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00:00:00.460 --> 00:00:04.900 When you look at the richest men of the living world today, the top of the list is the owners of technology companies 00:00:04.900 --> 00:00:07.380 Such as Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates 00:00:07.380 --> 00:00:13.030 But the truth is, enriching a businessman, history passed away a century ago 00:00:13.030 --> 00:00:18.069 In this video we will look at a very huge businessman's empire to the point even after 00:00:18.069 --> 00:00:24.449 A hundred years of technological development no one has been able to be richer than him 00:00:24.449 --> 00:00:28.479 This is the history of Standard Oil (Standard Oil). 00:00:28.479 --> 00:00:31.300 This video was brought to you by Dollar Shave Club. 00:00:31.300 --> 00:00:37.219 Please visit the link in the description to learn more about the great deal you have to offer. 00:00:37.219 --> 00:00:41.480 The beginnings of the greatest oil monopoly were modest 00:00:41.480 --> 00:00:47.840 It started in 1839 CE at the birth of John Rockefeller in Upstate New York City 00:00:47.840 --> 00:00:53.559 He was the oldest son of a mobile trader who identified himself as a botanist 00:00:53.559 --> 00:00:58.739 But the truth was selling medicine for the stomach from the nineteenth century 00:00:58.739 --> 00:01:02.870 He spent weeks outside the house and had children from another wife 00:01:02.870 --> 00:01:07.490 He decided to bring her home with his first wife, to live together 00:01:07.490 --> 00:01:12.270 In this house, John lived and grew up in it, and he also learned how to negotiate with others to happen 00:01:12.270 --> 00:01:17.399 The best possible deal and how he can benefit from every penny he owns 00:01:17.399 --> 00:01:21.380 His family rarely settled in one place and John lived this way of life 00:01:21.380 --> 00:01:24.420 Since he was three years old 00:01:24.420 --> 00:01:29.250 To help his mother, John used to get any money from raising chickens or doing anything 00:01:29.250 --> 00:01:30.729 For the people of the neighborhood in which they live 00:01:30.729 --> 00:01:36.420 He put his wit to do a good thing when his family moved to Cleveland in Ohio in 1854 00:01:36.420 --> 00:01:39.280 When he had the opportunity to enter a respectable school 00:01:39.280 --> 00:01:43.869 In less than a year, John went out of school to work in a local library 00:01:43.869 --> 00:01:45.539 At a local product broker 00:01:45.539 --> 00:01:50.219 He was earning fifty cents a day, which was little at that time and so he had to 00:01:50.219 --> 00:01:52.439 To work for other companies as well 00:01:52.439 --> 00:01:57.310 But after two years of work there, his manager refused to give him a bonus 00:01:57.310 --> 00:02:02.109 Therefore, he decided to compete with them by starting his own business similar to them 00:02:02.109 --> 00:02:08.610 Thanks to his good reputation, John took out a loan of $ 4,000 and at that time was a large sum 00:02:08.610 --> 00:02:14.110 John started trading many products and meat, and in his first year he achieved estimated sales 00:02:14.110 --> 00:02:19.530 Half a million dollars, however, he got a small portion of it as a bonus, however 00:02:19.530 --> 00:02:21.650 It was a great success 00:02:21.650 --> 00:02:27.320 Every bank in Cleveland would have asked John to take out a loan even though he or she was over 18 years old 00:02:27.320 --> 00:02:32.890 But in 1859 something happened and it will change his life forever 00:02:32.890 --> 00:02:38.490 Just hundreds of miles east of Cleveland, the first US oil was discovered 00:02:38.490 --> 00:02:44.220 This was the first sign of the beginning of the oil era in Pennsylvania and within the first year of 4,500 barrels of 00:02:44.220 --> 00:02:45.970 The oil was taken out 00:02:45.970 --> 00:02:51.760 But at that time, oil was not worth anything like today, and car gas has yet to be extracted 00:02:51.760 --> 00:02:57.430 But the oil could have been treated to extract the kerosene that was used in ancient lighting 00:02:57.430 --> 00:03:02.381 John realized then that the biggest profit was not from drilling oil wells 00:03:02.381 --> 00:03:04.060 From his filter 00:03:04.060 --> 00:03:08.290 He saw a lot of people go bankrupt before they extracted oil and realized then that it was 00:03:08.290 --> 00:03:10.030 High risk for him 00:03:10.030 --> 00:03:14.430 Instead, he let others do the tiring work of extracting oil, and he's just doing it 00:03:14.430 --> 00:03:16.110 Buy it from them 00:03:16.110 --> 00:03:21.450 John had to wait until 1863 for the government to adopt the train line between Pennsylvania 00:03:21.450 --> 00:03:23.190 And oil lands in Cleveland 00:03:23.190 --> 00:03:28.360 But when the line was built, John was ready with a long line of partners and banks 00:03:28.360 --> 00:03:30.300 Ready to support him at any time 00:03:30.300 --> 00:03:35.010 He also equipped a team of chemists and engineers, who not only did 00:03:35.010 --> 00:03:40.990 In liquidation, they discovered new uses of treated oil 00:03:40.990 --> 00:03:46.510 As you can see, the primitive refineries in Cleveland were operating at an efficiency of 60%. 00:03:46.510 --> 00:03:51.291 But John increased the effectiveness of his devices and also sold his products such as 00:03:51.291 --> 00:03:54.440 Paraffin wax, tar and raw gasoline 00:03:54.440 --> 00:03:59.720 Within two years, the Rockefeller refinery was estimated at seventy thousand dollars 00:03:59.720 --> 00:04:01.400 It was the largest in Cleveland 00:04:01.400 --> 00:04:08.660 But it did not end, in 1865 there were 26 oil refineries, but within five years 00:04:08.660 --> 00:04:11.830 John bought it all but 4 of them 00:04:11.830 --> 00:04:16.739 At this point in his life his works were very large in treating him as a partnership and therefore in 1870 00:04:16.739 --> 00:04:20.239 He listed Standard Oil of Ohio 00:04:20.239 --> 00:04:24.509 To persuade the rest of the Cleveland competitors, John invited them 00:04:24.509 --> 00:04:29.250 He showed them his books, and revealed that he could work at a much longer loss than 00:04:29.250 --> 00:04:31.090 Than they can imagine 00:04:31.090 --> 00:04:35.510 In return, he offered them to buy their business at a reasonable price and offer them high positions in his company 00:04:35.510 --> 00:04:40.460 Large in his company and thus put the brightest minds in this industry under his control 00:04:40.460 --> 00:04:46.270 Of course, not everyone will surrender right away, and over time John lowers the price of oil 00:04:46.270 --> 00:04:51.719 And kerosene, sometimes by up to 80%, in order to stifle competitors. 00:04:51.719 --> 00:04:58.150 Unsurprisingly, his strategy succeeded: by 1880 he had attained ranks throughout the northeastern United States. 00:04:58.150 --> 00:05:03.360 He was working to refine more than 90% of the entire country’s oil production. 00:05:03.360 --> 00:05:08.710 At this point John was so strong that he was inviting the owners of large railroad companies 00:05:08.710 --> 00:05:12.150 He personally negotiated rebates to use their trains. 00:05:12.150 --> 00:05:17.530 But this practice of negotiating backroom deals has really made the business world enthusiastic 00:05:18.530 --> 00:05:23.650 At that time (and somewhat still today) most industrial goods are transported by rail, 00:05:23.650 --> 00:05:28.770 Many industrialists are concerned that John's misuse of transportation discounts could 00:05:28.770 --> 00:05:32.680 It leads to a similar monopoly in their industries. 00:05:32.680 --> 00:05:37.819 For the next decade, businessmen, politicians and the media have been attacking Standard Oil with 00:05:37.819 --> 00:05:39.690 Increased ferocity 00:05:39.690 --> 00:05:45.550 Ohio lawmakers began drafting antitrust laws to topple Rockefeller, however 00:05:45.550 --> 00:05:47.430 He was taking them one step further 00:05:47.430 --> 00:05:53.650 In 1882 his company was re-established in New Jersey, this time with the creation of the Standard Oil Trust, which 00:05:53.650 --> 00:05:57.100 In turn, it holds stakes in more than 40 local companies. 00:05:57.100 --> 00:06:02.410 Then, to showcase his successes, John built an impressive headquarters for his company on Broadway 00:06:03.680 --> 00:06:10.409 This moment was the highest point in the Standard Oil of Rockefeller: it owned 20,000 oil wells, 4,000 00:06:10.409 --> 00:06:14.090 Miles of pipeline, employing more than 100,000 people. 00:06:14.090 --> 00:06:19.840 But his grip on the oil industry was waning, both internally and externally. 00:06:19.840 --> 00:06:24.560 Huge oil deposits have been discovered in Russia and in Asia, and are being developed 00:06:24.560 --> 00:06:29.249 From the Rothschilds, who have spared no effort to deliver this oil to America. 00:06:29.249 --> 00:06:35.639 Worse yet, in 1890, the federal government passed the Sherman Antitrust Act, which finally 00:06:35.639 --> 00:06:40.479 It gave politicians teeth to fall into the Standard Oil Trust itself. 00:06:40.479 --> 00:06:45.919 Of course, it was extremely difficult to investigate the complex legal structure behind all companies, 00:06:45.919 --> 00:06:50.680 This is why the government could not actually dismantle Standard Oil until 1911. 00:06:50.680 --> 00:06:55.419 But at that point, John Rockefeller had already received the money and was no longer active 00:06:55.419 --> 00:06:57.090 In managing the company. 00:06:57.090 --> 00:07:02.039 In the last twenty years of his company’s existence, he paid more than half a billion dollars 00:07:02.039 --> 00:07:03.509 Of profits. 00:07:03.509 --> 00:07:09.349 According to some estimates, the standard value of Standard Oil reached a peak of $ 1 trillion, and thus its separation. 00:07:09.349 --> 00:07:12.210 It didn't come as a surprise to most people 00:07:12.210 --> 00:07:18.069 In 1911, the Supreme Court found Standard Oil guilty and anti-competitive practices 00:07:18.069 --> 00:07:21.720 The company into 34 separate companies 00:07:21.720 --> 00:07:25.949 Of course, John Rockefeller kept his stake in those companies until his death 00:07:25.949 --> 00:07:30.389 The truth shows that separation was the most profitable event in his life. 00:07:30.389 --> 00:07:35.189 You see, over time many of those companies have merged with each other. 00:07:35.189 --> 00:07:41.490 As you can see, with the passage of time many of these companies merged with each other. 00:07:41.490 --> 00:07:45.030 Since then they have become incredibly large companies in their own right. 00:07:45.030 --> 00:07:49.789 John Rockefeller ownership of these subsequent companies made him the richest businessman 00:07:49.789 --> 00:07:55.349 He has ever lived, with a net worth of $ 400 billion. 00:07:55.349 --> 00:08:00.659 Even today, no one has defeated Rockefeller from the leaderboard. Even Jeff Bezos himself 00:08:00.659 --> 00:08:02.809 It does not seem likely to achieve this. 00:08:02.809 --> 00:08:07.310 But there is one thing that Jeff Bezos says John Rockefeller never did despite this 00:08:07.310 --> 00:08:11.129 All his money and this is access to a dollar barber club. 00:08:11.129 --> 00:08:15.860 I mean look at him, this guy obviously cares a lot about look and feel. 00:08:15.860 --> 00:08:17.719 At his best 00:08:17.719 --> 00:08:18.729 But guess what? 00:08:18.729 --> 00:08:24.090 You can also try out the amazing Daily Essential Starter collection from Dollar Shave Club, 00:08:24.090 --> 00:08:28.220 By the way, new members can get just $ 5. 00:08:28.220 --> 00:08:32.970 This set includes butter shave, body lotion and one wipe that really charles Charlize
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