How To Make Free Energy Generator 220V From Washing Machine Motor. DIY Free Energy Generator.

Kind: captions
Language: en

00:00:10.270 00:00:10.280 what's up YouTube and my dear subscriber
00:00:12.919 00:00:12.929 here is the new video free energy
00:00:15.530 00:00:15.540 generator from all washing machines
00:00:18.080 00:00:18.090 motor this is the motor from all washing
00:00:20.810 00:00:20.820 machines I have altered this I have
00:00:24.050 00:00:24.060 altered this into free energy generator
00:00:28.540 00:00:28.550 today I will show you and demonstrate
00:00:30.560 00:00:30.570 you with with these energy savers this
00:00:39.290 00:00:39.300 video is just for demonstrating and
00:00:40.880 00:00:40.890 showing to you guys that it's really
00:00:43.069 00:00:43.079 really works or not I will upload a new
00:00:46.250 00:00:46.260 video soon that is a part through video
00:00:49.880 00:00:49.890 in which I will show you how to how I
00:00:52.610 00:00:52.620 alter this and I will open this motor
00:00:55.430 00:00:55.440 and show you guys the rotor and every
00:00:58.520 00:00:58.530 what what what what did I alter in this
00:01:01.220 00:01:01.230 and I will show you step by step in the
00:01:03.560 00:01:03.570 next part to you guys subscribe my
00:01:06.289 00:01:06.299 channel and like this video and comments
00:01:09.800 00:01:09.810 on it guys I do not know how to speak
00:01:12.530 00:01:12.540 English but I will try my best so this
00:01:15.830 00:01:15.840 motor gives alternate current AC current
00:01:18.620 00:01:18.630 when we when wanted convert this AC
00:01:22.249 00:01:22.259 current to DC means direct current we
00:01:24.200 00:01:24.210 use this page we use this bridge
00:01:27.109 00:01:27.119 rectifier to convert AC current to DC
00:01:30.469 00:01:30.479 current in one spin this motor in one
00:01:34.910 00:01:34.920 spin it gives 20 to 25 volt AC current
00:01:39.340 00:01:39.350 so we can convert this as you can to DC
00:01:43.249 00:01:43.259 current as we want and I will show you
00:01:45.710 00:01:45.720 in multimeter how it works
00:01:48.929 00:01:48.939 now it's time to check the voltage in
00:01:52.050 00:01:52.060 one spinning with multimeter
00:02:04.069 00:02:04.079 do not let them touch two together keep
00:02:07.340 00:02:07.350 this away from each other look at the
00:02:14.570 00:02:14.580 multimeter
00:02:18.699 00:02:18.709 guys you see 36 world 26:25 in one
00:02:27.550 00:02:27.560 spinet use 25 volt AC current so when we
00:02:31.390 00:02:31.400 keep moving this and this rotor when
00:02:34.839 00:02:34.849 these rotors will keep spinning and
00:02:36.780 00:02:36.790 moving so it will give continued voltage
00:02:40.390 00:02:40.400 and it will keep giving us the desired
00:02:44.800 00:02:44.810 voltage more speed more voltage so now
00:02:53.220 00:02:53.230 we are going to check the DC current
00:02:58.979 00:02:58.989 with the help of bridge rectifier so now
00:03:04.390 00:03:04.400 I am connecting these wires to the AC
00:03:08.409 00:03:08.419 side or bridge
00:03:13.809 00:03:13.819 and this one is a negative and it is the
00:03:17.500 00:03:17.510 positive one
00:03:25.520 00:03:25.530 move the selector to DC volt now this is
00:03:31.050 00:03:31.060 DC you can see in one spinning gives 12
00:03:37.590 00:03:37.600 volt sometimes well 20 22 22 this is the
00:03:46.230 00:03:46.240 DC current 22 in one speed you can
00:03:52.620 00:03:52.630 increase the speed of this rotor and
00:03:55.850 00:03:55.860 voltage will also increase so now we
00:04:01.020 00:04:01.030 will check this LED plates with this is
00:04:06.210 00:04:06.220 the DC 12-volt this both are both are
00:04:09.600 00:04:09.610 the 12 volt and it appeared on 12 volts
00:04:14.190 00:04:14.200 DC current so we will check with this
00:04:19.370 00:04:19.380 first we will check one
00:04:22.950 00:04:22.960 00:04:27.120 00:04:27.130 you guys
00:04:30.890 00:04:30.900 you guys can see this is glowing here is
00:04:38.390 00:04:38.400 the daylight so it's not looking I hope
00:04:43.730 00:04:43.740 you will see that it's glowing and
00:04:46.960 00:04:46.970 blinking life
00:04:57.909 00:04:57.919 so now guys you can see is LED LEDs are
00:05:02.170 00:05:02.180 glowing and now we will check them
00:05:06.550 00:05:06.560 together both of them now I have
00:05:14.709 00:05:14.719 connected both of them and not checked
00:05:17.170 00:05:17.180 it you can see it's working and the LEDs
00:05:21.279 00:05:21.289 are glowing now what we you guys can see
00:05:28.240 00:05:28.250 that the lights turn off quickly yes I
00:05:34.149 00:05:34.159 knew as I rotate the rotor it turns off
00:05:38.589 00:05:38.599 the quickly light so I will use a
00:05:41.709 00:05:41.719 capacitor I have made this these are 20
00:05:46.980 00:05:46.990 210 2200 microfarad and 6 volt capacitor
00:05:51.029 00:05:51.039 is our 6:16 wall kappa sois 1600
00:05:55.269 00:05:55.279 capacitors and i have connected solder
00:05:59.080 00:05:59.090 it with parallelism so now i am going to
00:06:04.600 00:06:04.610 connect this and when i will spin this
00:06:08.110 00:06:08.120 slowly the LED will remain below the LED
00:06:12.610 00:06:12.620 will remain below and slowly it will
00:06:15.040 00:06:15.050 turn off you can see this without
00:06:19.719 00:06:19.729 disease without capacitor observe this
00:06:24.480 00:06:24.490 and now i am connecting this
00:06:29.179 00:06:29.189 the positive one will go to positive
00:06:31.639 00:06:31.649 side and the negative to negative
00:06:37.820 00:06:37.830 00:06:44.650 00:06:44.660 now left
00:06:46.210 00:06:46.220 now what let's see what we observe on
00:06:52.520 00:06:52.530 the led what was before and after of
00:06:56.080 00:06:56.090 capacitors what changes are made you
00:07:02.030 00:07:02.040 guys can see the IDS are clean keep your
00:07:07.909 00:07:07.919 blowing and turn off slowly
00:07:20.890 00:07:20.900 so this was before and after capacitor
00:07:24.470 00:07:24.480 distance also on DC and AC current this
00:07:31.070 00:07:31.080 is the free energy generator so now we
00:07:34.130 00:07:34.140 will check that 220 now we will check
00:07:38.600 00:07:38.610 220 se volt with this energy generator
00:07:43.820 00:07:43.830 step by step I will check one by one and
00:07:46.250 00:07:46.260 at last we will check for these sports
00:07:49.850 00:07:49.860 energy savers at a time and see what's
00:07:54.530 00:07:54.540 going happen
00:07:55.550 00:07:55.560 let's go as you can see this this one is
00:08:02.710 00:08:02.720 25 volt and 220 volt now we will check
00:08:08.900 00:08:08.910 this one several energy saver with or
00:08:12.260 00:08:12.270 free energy generator now I am
00:08:17.060 00:08:17.070 connecting this is the AC can it it runs
00:08:21.080 00:08:21.090 on a Z so I am directly connecting this
00:08:23.120 00:08:23.130 one no no need of bridge anything I have
00:08:27.590 00:08:27.600 connected both of this was as you know
00:08:30.530 00:08:30.540 if not no glory
00:08:34.870 00:08:34.880 you can see is not going on once way it
00:08:37.150 00:08:37.160 needs a high current not a high current
00:08:41.050 00:08:41.060 it needs a voltage
00:08:43.919 00:08:43.929 00:08:48.580 00:08:48.590 just observe on the light it will blow
00:08:52.570 00:08:52.580 quickly and turn off quickly so observe
00:08:55.660 00:08:55.670 on the light please you guys can see it
00:08:59.200 00:08:59.210 glows once again I will check it I will
00:09:05.380 00:09:05.390 try it now I will connect one more
00:09:16.600 00:09:16.610 energy saver with this now I have
00:09:20.320 00:09:20.330 connected to two energy savers both of
00:09:25.300 00:09:25.310 them are 25 watts and the sum of these
00:09:32.680 00:09:32.690 two hundred he shall have used 50 watt
00:09:35.140 00:09:35.150 so now observe on that and you say what
00:09:39.570 00:09:39.580 you guys can show that the both of them
00:09:43.600 00:09:43.610 are bro
00:09:45.310 00:09:45.320 I don't know how to speak English but I
00:09:48.640 00:09:48.650 am trying with my best
00:09:58.109 00:09:58.119 now I am connecting for for energy
00:10:01.629 00:10:01.639 sellers at a time and let go how it done
00:10:05.619 00:10:05.629 how it works
00:10:06.669 00:10:06.679 I just look on this for energy savers
00:10:11.470 00:10:11.480 and these are these wives are more
00:10:16.030 00:10:16.040 dangerous very dangerous keep your hand
00:10:18.850 00:10:18.860 away from this excuse a 220 volt means
00:10:21.819 00:10:21.829 you can do all it is very dangerous for
00:10:24.369 00:10:24.379 human death can kill you and you may be
00:10:30.249 00:10:30.259 entered with this so be very careful on
00:10:34.539 00:10:34.549 these wires don't touch both of them
00:10:37.059 00:10:37.069 while it's just like your public voltage
00:10:39.819 00:10:39.829 in s/he was targeted don't touch this
00:10:43.979 00:10:43.989 now observe this for savers maybe it
00:10:50.739 00:10:50.749 works but I'm going to try your observer
00:10:57.019 00:10:57.029 you guys saw that this one I think was
00:10:59.660 00:10:59.670 not grow every year is a problem the
00:11:02.900 00:11:02.910 older I'm try again we're going to try
00:11:09.530 00:11:09.540 again
00:11:10.030 00:11:10.040 00:11:23.960 00:11:23.970 yes four of them are wrong
00:11:28.320 00:11:28.330 so this is the free energy generator
00:11:31.470 00:11:31.480 means when you you can use this as a
00:11:34.590 00:11:34.600 turbine the blade will move by the wind
00:11:37.889 00:11:37.899 and it will give keep will continue your
00:11:40.560 00:11:40.570 voltage and gives you voltage and you
00:11:43.949 00:11:43.959 can use it a wind turbine and you can
00:11:47.370 00:11:47.380 also connect this to the engine with
00:11:51.090 00:11:51.100 coupling I don't know more but this is
00:11:55.920 00:11:55.930 good and you guys subscribe my channel
00:11:59.940 00:11:59.950 and like this video if you like hope you
00:12:02.550 00:12:02.560 will you would enjoy this video and like
00:12:05.040 00:12:05.050 my video and share this comments down
00:12:07.949 00:12:07.959 below that what what improvement do I
00:12:12.420 00:12:12.430 need for this and and I will upload a
00:12:16.710 00:12:16.720 new video part 2 in that video I will
00:12:20.340 00:12:20.350 show you how to a howdy how I made this
00:12:22.889 00:12:22.899 and what change what changes I made to
00:12:25.680 00:12:25.690 this I will show you step by step I will
00:12:29.160 00:12:29.170 open this all motor means motor I will
00:12:33.930 00:12:33.940 not call this at a time water is like a
00:12:36.180 00:12:36.190 dynamo
00:12:36.810 00:12:36.820 it's a dynamo so I will open this and
00:12:40.920 00:12:40.930 step by step I will show you what things
00:12:42.870 00:12:42.880 I met and I how I altered this how what
00:12:45.600 00:12:45.610 changes do I met in this motor and
00:12:49.699 00:12:49.709 converted it to free energy generator so
00:12:53.519 00:12:53.529 thumbs up for this dynamo and like my
00:12:58.410 00:12:58.420 videos I will upload a new video for you
00:13:01.829 00:13:01.839 guys that will be part 2 coming soon
00:13:05.389 00:13:05.399 thanks
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