HVAC Building an Air Filter Base for Downlflow Mobile Home Evaporator Coil Air Conditioner.

Kind: captions
Language: en

we just finished wiping this down pretty
00:00:03.919 00:00:03.929 good so this is basically what we had
00:00:06.019 00:00:06.029 after we pull the coil out except it was
00:00:07.940 00:00:07.950 really nasty and dirty right now Sam's
00:00:12.350 00:00:12.360 in there working on building the
00:00:15.440 00:00:15.450 enclosure for the coil and measuring
00:00:19.370 00:00:19.380 stuff out but we're coming up with a way
00:00:23.120 00:00:23.130 to seal it as well we can and slide it
00:00:29.150 00:00:29.160 in in one shot which should be kind of
00:00:31.849 00:00:31.859 entertaining
00:00:32.450 00:00:32.460 anyway I thought I'd give you a quick
00:00:34.069 00:00:34.079 shot of the enclosed area here I've
00:00:39.700 00:00:39.710 filled in sorry I don't have the light
00:00:41.690 00:00:41.700 on I filled in the corners where we had
00:00:45.500 00:00:45.510 Phung gaps or they just laid down a
00:00:48.830 00:00:48.840 couple pieces and it was sucking air
00:00:50.560 00:00:50.570 underneath the coil down into the unit
00:00:54.170 00:00:54.180 so this time when we go back we'll have
00:00:57.560 00:00:57.570 all of the base sealed up and we're
00:01:03.500 00:01:03.510 doing that test setup here and we're
00:01:07.850 00:01:07.860 gonna fit as tight as we can and then
00:01:10.130 00:01:10.140 seal it to the bottom here in a minute
00:01:12.140 00:01:12.150 and try it without the front on and try
00:01:14.600 00:01:14.610 and lift the whole thing in and one shot
00:01:16.940 00:01:16.950 and have it sealed up box started it did
00:01:22.160 00:01:22.170 not start like we had planned there was
00:01:24.980 00:01:24.990 no way to easily get in there without
00:01:26.749 00:01:26.759 just assembly in the front face and so
00:01:28.969 00:01:28.979 we're just kind of doing it on the fly
00:01:30.289 00:01:30.299 but anyway we've got the the base sealed
00:01:32.630 00:01:32.640 up the rubber mat feeling it filled in
00:01:34.910 00:01:34.920 all the way across where they had not
00:01:36.890 00:01:36.900 done so before it was getting air sucked
00:01:39.260 00:01:39.270 in the coils clean we've made new cap
00:01:42.140 00:01:42.150 plates for the ends down here and we're
00:01:45.289 00:01:45.299 fixing to place it I'm gonna seal the
00:01:47.719 00:01:47.729 bottom of the the board against the unit
00:01:52.399 00:01:52.409 in there and put a tight seal on that
00:01:54.859 00:01:54.869 and then we'll place the coil and
00:01:56.450 00:01:56.460 hopefully it will fit squarely without
00:01:59.450 00:01:59.460 having to fight it and we'll place
00:02:00.859 00:02:00.869 around the pipes for the side I'm going
00:02:04.100 00:02:04.110 to go outside and get some more of our
00:02:06.789 00:02:06.799 office project scraps I have a bunch of
00:02:09.380 00:02:09.390 cement board so I'm going to lay some
00:02:10.580 00:02:10.590 cement board along the side over here
00:02:12.589 00:02:12.599 and
00:02:13.559 00:02:13.569 when we start welding that stuff up they
00:02:17.009 00:02:17.019 won't melt the board or catch any of the
00:02:20.940 00:02:20.950 other lovely dust bits in there on fire
00:02:23.940 00:02:23.950 that I haven't vacuumed out so anyway
00:02:27.209 00:02:27.219 that's what we're at I'm gonna knock
00:02:28.860 00:02:28.870 that out here in a second okay he is now
00:02:33.599 00:02:33.609 installing the seals around the box he's
00:02:48.659 00:02:48.669 doing the meaningless work so I don't
00:02:50.759 00:02:50.769 have to do it put it in there as much
00:03:01.429 00:03:01.439 now I know some of you guys are shaking
00:03:04.649 00:03:04.659 your head you your pants about the
00:03:07.140 00:03:07.150 way I'm doing this but as I have told
00:03:09.479 00:03:09.489 you before I am NOT an installer I have
00:03:12.869 00:03:12.879 never claimed to be an installer
00:03:14.339 00:03:14.349 I suck at installing because I don't
00:03:16.349 00:03:16.359 install I just fix so I don't even
00:03:21.749 00:03:21.759 go and hang out with guys they install
00:03:24.030 00:03:24.040 so this is just me winging it in my own
00:03:27.119 00:03:27.129 place so so cut me some slack I know you
00:03:33.449 00:03:33.459 won't but you can pick your life you
00:03:35.879 00:03:35.889 want to and when I get done you're not
00:03:41.339 00:03:41.349 gonna see any mastic either because you
00:03:46.439 00:03:46.449 know I live out in the sticks and I
00:03:47.640 00:03:47.650 really don't care about nasty that's all
00:03:53.129 00:03:53.139 right I'm assuming a couple years we'll
00:03:58.050 00:03:58.060 be replacing this unit anyway this will
00:04:02.580 00:04:02.590 do just fine
00:04:33.670 00:04:33.680 pretty good and this is called taping
00:04:53.480 00:04:53.490 with Mikey yeah that's why I did most of
00:05:13.610 00:05:13.620 the frame
00:05:43.400 00:05:43.410 all right I have the front door a
00:05:45.990 00:05:46.000 section started in just finished putting
00:05:49.980 00:05:49.990 tape down the one side and laying some
00:05:53.520 00:05:53.530 in right here and I'm going to seal the
00:05:55.980 00:05:55.990 bottom section there the side here I
00:05:58.230 00:05:58.240 should say and then the bottom section
00:05:59.430 00:05:59.440 down here and then we'll start building
00:06:01.650 00:06:01.660 the filter sub base ledge after I finish
00:06:07.620 00:06:07.630 that pull the filters out have the
00:06:09.690 00:06:09.700 complete front taped in and sealed up
00:06:12.210 00:06:12.220 and ready to do the ledge to put the
00:06:16.890 00:06:16.900 filter on the sub base wherever you want
00:06:19.080 00:06:19.090 to call it and I have all of those
00:06:21.390 00:06:21.400 pieces already cut and measured out and
00:06:24.290 00:06:24.300 I've taped off the the open side so I
00:06:28.080 00:06:28.090 don't have any hanging out and I'm going
00:06:30.690 00:06:30.700 to get a few small pieces possibly we'll
00:06:33.540 00:06:33.550 see how it sits small pieces maybe he's
00:06:37.500 00:06:37.510 small snips that to give me some
00:06:40.170 00:06:40.180 vertical support underneath but may not
00:06:42.060 00:06:42.070 be necessary I get the middle tape on it
00:06:43.560 00:06:43.570 and it might be plenty strong enough and
00:06:46.320 00:06:46.330 I'm guessing it probably will be to hold
00:06:48.450 00:06:48.460 the filter up which will not weigh a
00:06:49.830 00:06:49.840 whole bunch I've got the first piece
00:06:52.050 00:06:52.060 laid in the back as you can see and just
00:06:54.690 00:06:54.700 a couple pieces of tape rolling in but I
00:06:56.460 00:06:56.470 may use a small piece of foam which
00:06:58.950 00:06:58.960 happens the exact same size as the width
00:07:00.900 00:07:00.910 of the filter and I'm using it to give
00:07:04.230 00:07:04.240 me a level measure of the top boards so
00:07:08.010 00:07:08.020 I can properly space it down we're going
00:07:11.610 00:07:11.620 to do that all the way around the front
00:07:12.719 00:07:12.729 and the sides and then seal everything
00:07:15.510 00:07:15.520 in of the problem laid in here in the
00:07:19.080 00:07:19.090 back ones in and I'm just nailing
00:07:24.730 00:07:24.740 pretty much leveled up all the way for
00:07:27.650 00:07:27.660 all I'm gonna steal that one in and then
00:07:30.560 00:07:30.570 we'll do the other side laying in the
00:07:34.220 00:07:34.230 tape now I'm using a I guess you called
00:07:37.340 00:07:37.350 spatula but they use this for tape and
00:07:40.790 00:07:40.800 it's also used for mastic but you use it
00:07:45.610 00:07:45.620 well here like a squeegee and it was a
00:07:48.500 00:07:48.510 really good seal down on the tape now if
00:07:51.140 00:07:51.150 you just put the tape on by hand and you
00:07:52.880 00:07:52.890 don't squish it down and really good it
00:07:56.080 00:07:56.090 heal up on you and you get heat or cold
00:07:59.710 00:07:59.720 blowing on it so always good to squeegee
00:08:04.160 00:08:04.170 it down really nice and tight we get all
00:08:06.410 00:08:06.420 the air leaks that could possibly get
00:08:09.020 00:08:09.030 behind a seal right here and we'll do
00:08:10.430 00:08:10.440 the rest it's all laid in and taped in
00:08:13.550 00:08:13.560 the front is finished up the top is
00:08:16.520 00:08:16.530 taped in and sealed all the way around I
00:08:19.040 00:08:19.050 have a few little you touch up spots
00:08:21.290 00:08:21.300 here if you little cracks most part it's
00:08:23.090 00:08:23.100 all sealed in nice and well and we have
00:08:25.850 00:08:25.860 a nice lip to put the new filter on top
00:08:28.850 00:08:28.860 so all we have to do now is come up with
00:08:33.020 00:08:33.030 some new return here because now that
00:08:35.000 00:08:35.010 I've blocked off this whole section it
00:08:36.740 00:08:36.750 was sucking in before it's gonna be a
00:08:37.850 00:08:37.860 little difficult it stills gaps whatnot
00:08:40.130 00:08:40.140 so I'm going to put a return
00:08:44.330 00:08:44.340 grill up here in the top SEC I have a
00:08:46.370 00:08:46.380 new grill purchased and taken out and
00:08:49.150 00:08:49.160 its largest one they had and turns out
00:08:53.030 00:08:53.040 is absolutely perfect absolutely perfect
00:08:55.660 00:08:55.670 for the width now I just need to measure
00:08:59.480 00:08:59.490 off the sections where I'm going to cut
00:09:01.610 00:09:01.620 it at and take out the first section of
00:09:06.320 00:09:06.330 sheetrock up here
00:09:08.520 00:09:08.530 [Music]
00:09:32.970 00:09:32.980 I was two by four okay perfect perfect
00:09:38.070 00:09:38.080 don't lean I couldn't ask for better
00:09:39.470 00:09:39.480 right the 2x4 line all the way down here
00:09:42.270 00:09:42.280 from two sides and the top so all I
00:09:45.660 00:09:45.670 really have to do is mark the top that's
00:09:47.970 00:09:47.980 the only cut line I have to follow in
00:09:49.410 00:09:49.420 the rest I just follow the border it's
00:09:51.510 00:09:51.520 going to be great
00:10:02.040 00:10:02.050 00:10:09.530 00:10:09.540 sweating this 73 in the house let's have
00:10:14.070 00:10:14.080 a closer look at it then I have a lot of
00:10:16.770 00:10:16.780 vacuuming to do obviously but not bad
00:10:20.280 00:10:20.290 maybe some touch up but for the most
00:10:21.720 00:10:21.730 part it's it's pretty clean top and
00:10:24.300 00:10:24.310 bottom and katli use a thermostat wire
00:10:27.990 00:10:28.000 going up through the ceiling and out so
00:10:32.480 00:10:32.490 beautiful a little bit that looks really
00:10:37.230 00:10:37.240 nice and let's grab the cover here and
00:10:42.290 00:10:42.300 do a little test fit beautiful okay I'm
00:10:55.590 00:10:55.600 a dress up that in the air I may not
00:10:58.370 00:10:58.380 feel like dressing with some sheetrock
00:11:00.360 00:11:00.370 in the paint in the edges I might but
00:11:02.040 00:11:02.050 odds are I won't because it's not that
00:11:05.970 00:11:05.980 big a deal
00:11:06.360 00:11:06.370 beautiful so this is going to greatly
00:11:09.720 00:11:09.730 increase the airflow this grill is a lot
00:11:14.190 00:11:14.200 more open than the old one - the old one
00:11:15.780 00:11:15.790 wasn't as far more alright we clean it
00:11:21.600 00:11:21.610 now before I put the cover on I want to
00:11:24.570 00:11:24.580 emphasize that is not the obviously the
00:11:27.390 00:11:27.400 best way to cut sheetrock especially if
00:11:30.480 00:11:30.490 you're trying to keep a low dust count
00:11:31.860 00:11:31.870 down that was a little high but I also
00:11:34.770 00:11:34.780 wanted to show you how much dust
00:11:38.690 00:11:38.700 that rock puts out I mean look at the
00:11:41.780 00:11:41.790 filter it is packed up with crap off of
00:11:45.410 00:11:45.420 that so another good reason to wear the
00:11:47.150 00:11:47.160 mask but I see that a lot no new home
00:11:52.520 00:11:52.530 construction you get a call out for air
00:11:54.020 00:11:54.030 conditioner they've been the worst is
00:11:56.540 00:11:56.550 granite tops there's sanding granite
00:11:58.460 00:11:58.470 tops you go out and there we go we went
00:12:02.510 00:12:02.520 to the to fix the air conditioner and
00:12:06.560 00:12:06.570 you look at it and the filter literally
00:12:08.570 00:12:08.580 weighs five pounds from all the granite
00:12:10.490 00:12:10.500 in there you'll see that was sheetrock
00:12:11.900 00:12:11.910 construction and other stuff something
00:12:13.250 00:12:13.260 to watch for anyway I thought you might
00:12:15.410 00:12:15.420 enjoy that all right we'll put the top
00:12:17.570 00:12:17.580 on it and then I will do some some
00:12:20.240 00:12:20.250 serious mass editing to trim this down
00:12:22.400 00:12:22.410 and speeding a lot of the cutting up to
00:12:25.600 00:12:25.610 fun speeds and we'll do a quick shot
00:12:29.300 00:12:29.310 when it's down here
00:12:43.560 00:12:43.570 00:12:47.170 00:12:47.180 okay so drill them out first potholes
00:12:53.990 00:12:54.000 boys and girls that sucks ass okay I had
00:12:57.920 00:12:57.930 the whole little back window on the
00:12:59.389 00:12:59.399 whole time anyway we're done
00:13:03.129 00:13:03.139 beautiful beautiful beautiful let me cut
00:13:06.889 00:13:06.899 the lights okay so it looks good
00:13:09.230 00:13:09.240 normally with all the lights off and
00:13:11.600 00:13:11.610 with a normal light on it's a nice dark
00:13:16.040 00:13:16.050 you really can't see anything other than
00:13:19.160 00:13:19.170 the sides there and I could get in there
00:13:23.120 00:13:23.130 and and paint those white and it'd be
00:13:26.329 00:13:26.339 beautiful other than that kind of see
00:13:28.610 00:13:28.620 the cord up in there might be able to
00:13:30.949 00:13:30.959 pull that down and the thermostat wires
00:13:32.900 00:13:32.910 and put it in position okay so beautiful
00:13:37.610 00:13:37.620 yay it is done it's pretty well centered
00:13:40.939 00:13:40.949 up between the top and the bottom you
00:13:43.069 00:13:43.079 see at the top hands out there and there
00:13:45.379 00:13:45.389 on the little strip boards and they're
00:13:47.689 00:13:47.699 tighter at the bottom so it's uh ice
00:13:51.499 00:13:51.509 ended up fairly well I guess and
00:13:54.499 00:13:54.509 nobody'll notice little office at me you
00:13:57.319 00:13:57.329 notice they the frame for the for the
00:14:01.100 00:14:01.110 units a little off but very good alright
00:14:04.309 00:14:04.319 so mixed project boys and girls is I
00:14:07.730 00:14:07.740 will now work on getting the sizable
00:14:11.870 00:14:11.880 filter put together and we'll get that
00:14:14.689 00:14:14.699 video out as soon as we can
00:14:16.519 00:14:16.529 I'll go outside in the breeze and try
00:14:18.800 00:14:18.810 and cool off this this 70 something
00:14:23.509 00:14:23.519 degrees here I'm sweating like this
00:14:24.769 00:14:24.779 crazy
00:14:25.400 00:14:25.410 thanks for watching and appreciate and
00:14:28.370 00:14:28.380 hope you enjoyed it
00:14:33.890 00:14:33.900 00:14:42.570 00:14:42.580 come on it's always something isn't it
00:14:47.590 00:14:47.600 I should have tapped him to begin with
00:14:49.769 00:14:49.779 so screwing around no I'll be like that
00:14:53.320 00:14:53.330 come on go in there you oh I give
00:15:06.340 00:15:06.350 up
00:15:08.130 00:15:08.140 really I drill did not mean I didn't
00:15:43.330 00:15:43.340 you
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