Inspection Intervals for a Steam Boiler - Weekly Boiler Tips

Kind: captions
Language: en

00:00:07.170 00:00:07.180 this week's boiler tip we're going to
00:00:09.090 00:00:09.100 talk about inspection intervals anytime
00:00:12.150 00:00:12.160 we're dealing with pressure vessels
00:00:13.650 00:00:13.660 boilers deaerators kettles we have an
00:00:17.160 00:00:17.170 interval that that vessel has to be
00:00:19.050 00:00:19.060 inspected at and it's going to vary
00:00:21.170 00:00:21.180 according to the pressure rating of the
00:00:24.450 00:00:24.460 boiler and whether a unit is fired or
00:00:27.660 00:00:27.670 unfired high-pressure boilers over 15
00:00:32.220 00:00:32.230 psi need to be inspected every year
00:00:35.810 00:00:35.820 low-pressure boilers like our Columbia
00:00:39.030 00:00:39.040 is under 15 psi has a two year
00:00:42.750 00:00:42.760 inspection interval and unfired vessels
00:00:45.840 00:00:45.850 like a kettle or a deaerator will vary
00:00:50.310 00:00:50.320 according to a number of things first
00:00:54.510 00:00:54.520 you know the typical inspection
00:00:56.610 00:00:56.620 intervals three to five years on a
00:00:58.440 00:00:58.450 deaerator but if it's been repaired that
00:01:02.130 00:01:02.140 interval may be shortened to one to two
00:01:05.100 00:01:05.110 years or every year even though the
00:01:07.289 00:01:07.299 recommended interval for opening a
00:01:09.149 00:01:09.159 deaerators every three to five years if
00:01:12.150 00:01:12.160 you've got your boilers down anyway I
00:01:14.130 00:01:14.140 recommend popping the manway out
00:01:16.830 00:01:16.840 cost you one gasket to take a look in
00:01:19.140 00:01:19.150 there and make sure everything's in good
00:01:21.270 00:01:21.280 shape
00:01:21.810 00:01:21.820 00:01:31.830 00:01:31.840 you
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