Lecture 18 - Oil and Gas

Kind: captions
Language: en

okay so we will we were talking about
00:00:25.240 00:00:25.250 last time about about fossil fuels and
00:00:29.130 00:00:29.140 we talked about coal and we started
00:00:32.650 00:00:32.660 talking about oil but there's some more
00:00:35.500 00:00:35.510 stuff about oil I want to show you and
00:00:37.329 00:00:37.339 then I want to tell you a little bit
00:00:38.710 00:00:38.720 about natural gas and then we'll sort of
00:00:42.700 00:00:42.710 try you know across the boundary in this
00:00:45.100 00:00:45.110 lecture into chapter 10 I think it is
00:00:47.590 00:00:47.600 when we start talking about the climate
00:00:50.979 00:00:50.989 impact of methane because natural gas is
00:00:52.660 00:00:52.670 methane so it's kind of a natural segue
00:00:55.119 00:00:55.129 there so oil a big question that always
00:01:08.410 00:01:08.420 comes up about oil if you read about it
00:01:10.810 00:01:10.820 in the newspapers or whatever is how
00:01:12.609 00:01:12.619 long is it going to last and there's one
00:01:24.820 00:01:24.830 way to sort of calculate how much how
00:01:26.889 00:01:26.899 long it will last that sort of takes
00:01:29.230 00:01:29.240 advantage of our newfound prowess at
00:01:33.760 00:01:33.770 thinking about units at putting together
00:01:36.370 00:01:36.380 a formula to calculate what we want just
00:01:39.100 00:01:39.110 by letting the unit's sort of guide us
00:01:41.290 00:01:41.300 and it looks like this the lifetime of
00:01:47.229 00:01:47.239 the oil era is equal to reserves so how
00:01:55.839 00:01:55.849 much oil there is in the ground and the
00:01:57.940 00:01:57.950 units of that would be a Giga tons we
00:02:02.020 00:02:02.030 could call it or you know kilograms or
00:02:05.919 00:02:05.929 barrels or however you know whatever
00:02:07.690 00:02:07.700 sort of unit you want and so the
00:02:11.650 00:02:11.660 lifetime is we want something in years
00:02:14.490 00:02:14.500 so reserves and then to convert Giga
00:02:21.670 00:02:21.680 tons per year
00:02:22.720 00:02:22.730 we'll use the production rate how fast
00:02:27.369 00:02:27.379 we're consuming it and the production
00:02:30.220 00:02:30.230 rate is in say Giga tons per
00:02:33.090 00:02:33.100 year so in order to cancel out this
00:02:34.920 00:02:34.930 gigatonnes on the top we need gigatonnes
00:02:36.840 00:02:36.850 on the bottom so we will assemble our
00:02:45.180 00:02:45.190 our formula this way one over production
00:02:48.120 00:02:48.130 so now the units of this will be years
00:02:53.420 00:02:53.430 on top and gigatonnes on the bottom
00:02:56.340 00:02:56.350 instead of Giga tons per year one over
00:02:58.320 00:02:58.330 it is years per Giga ton and so Giga
00:03:00.450 00:03:00.460 tons cancel out and we got years on on
00:03:02.430 00:03:02.440 both sides this is what they call a in
00:03:07.280 00:03:07.290 the sort of petroleum industry the heart
00:03:12.300 00:03:12.310 2p ratio there's a figure in the
00:03:20.910 00:03:20.920 textbook which I would have liked to
00:03:23.250 00:03:23.260 have shown you today except I just
00:03:24.950 00:03:24.960 stymied by this work of this cable have
00:03:27.600 00:03:27.610 possibly gone it doesn't make sense but
00:03:31.680 00:03:31.690 it should just vanish but it's I can't
00:03:33.420 00:03:33.430 find it there's a plot of this R to P
00:03:40.890 00:03:40.900 ratio as calculated by British Petroleum
00:03:46.070 00:03:46.080 BP publishes these reports online every
00:03:49.200 00:03:49.210 year this is these energy fact books
00:03:53.220 00:03:53.230 that have lots of tables of numbers like
00:03:55.950 00:03:55.960 how much oil there is in the ground and
00:03:57.450 00:03:57.460 stuff and they've been calculating this
00:03:59.220 00:03:59.230 r2p ratio over time so sort of from 50
00:04:05.730 00:04:05.740 years ago what they find is that the r2p
00:04:12.570 00:04:12.580 ratio has been sort of steady throughout
00:04:17.789 00:04:17.799 the years at about 40 years so it's
00:04:22.080 00:04:22.090 saying that in 6 1960 or 1980 or
00:04:24.630 00:04:24.640 something like that there was 40 years
00:04:26.370 00:04:26.380 left and it's saying there's 40 years
00:04:28.920 00:04:28.930 left today so that must mean that
00:04:31.050 00:04:31.060 they're finding more you know to kind of
00:04:33.420 00:04:33.430 keep up with how much they're taking out
00:04:35.160 00:04:35.170 of the ground so that makes it sound
00:04:37.260 00:04:37.270 like you know 40 years that's a long
00:04:38.970 00:04:38.980 time kind of right I mean on a sort of
00:04:41.969 00:04:41.979 political timescale that's a long that's
00:04:44.040 00:04:44.050 a long time it's not something that's
00:04:45.510 00:04:45.520 going to affect
00:04:46.320 00:04:46.330 right away but there's another way to
00:04:49.320 00:04:49.330 look at this which is called peak oil
00:05:06.710 00:05:06.720 which is a also called Hubbert's peak
00:05:17.309 00:05:17.319 after a geological survey petroleum
00:05:21.420 00:05:21.430 geologist named Hubbard who originally
00:05:23.520 00:05:23.530 came up with this idea he found that if
00:05:27.629 00:05:27.639 you look at the production rate as a
00:05:35.790 00:05:35.800 function of time for some oil field so
00:05:41.969 00:05:41.979 he first did this for some Texas to some
00:05:44.610 00:05:44.620 field in Texas and then and then applied
00:05:47.520 00:05:47.530 it to the continental US as a whole and
00:05:51.899 00:05:51.909 it worked both times that the production
00:05:56.519 00:05:56.529 rate how much oil you get out of the
00:05:59.040 00:05:59.050 ground per time goes as kind of a bell
00:06:01.680 00:06:01.690 curve so there's an initial part where
00:06:05.519 00:06:05.529 it kind of looks like exponential growth
00:06:14.839 00:06:14.849 but it doesn't keep growing
00:06:17.399 00:06:17.409 exponentially so the exponential growth
00:06:19.170 00:06:19.180 part maybe is about you know building
00:06:23.459 00:06:23.469 the infrastructure you know learning how
00:06:25.350 00:06:25.360 to do it learning where the oil is it
00:06:27.300 00:06:27.310 sort of tends to take off like that but
00:06:29.519 00:06:29.529 then it sort of label levels out and
00:06:32.249 00:06:32.259 plateaus at the top of a bell curve and
00:06:34.800 00:06:34.810 then follows the curve back down again
00:06:38.399 00:06:38.409 so where the where this really got
00:06:40.920 00:06:40.930 famous was there were data from
00:06:46.359 00:06:46.369 the continental US that sort of looked
00:06:51.469 00:06:51.479 like it was still kind of in the
00:06:52.969 00:06:52.979 exponential growth phase and it looked
00:06:55.279 00:06:55.289 like you know the sky's the limit where
00:06:56.839 00:06:56.849 we're golden forever at the time but he
00:06:59.499 00:06:59.509 estimated how much oil is going to be in
00:07:03.139 00:07:03.149 the earth in the continental US overall
00:07:07.850 00:07:07.860 and then he fit a curve this bell curve
00:07:11.299 00:07:11.309 so that it fit the data that already had
00:07:14.089 00:07:14.099 you know happened the past and the total
00:07:17.779 00:07:17.789 area under the curve is the total amount
00:07:25.339 00:07:25.349 of oil so this is this is like barrels
00:07:32.389 00:07:32.399 per year is the production rate sort of
00:07:35.209 00:07:35.219 unit or you know could be Giga tons per
00:07:37.549 00:07:37.559 year or whatever and then you know so
00:07:40.909 00:07:40.919 this many barrels per year times this
00:07:43.579 00:07:43.589 many years gives you just barrels and so
00:07:45.829 00:07:45.839 the total inventory sort of constrains
00:07:49.100 00:07:49.110 the total size of the curve the total
00:07:51.259 00:07:51.269 inventory was was was twice as big you
00:07:53.839 00:07:53.849 might have a curve that sort of looks
00:07:55.399 00:07:55.409 like that or if it was half as big you
00:07:56.989 00:07:56.999 might have to fit a smaller curve to the
00:08:01.040 00:08:01.050 data but so in at about this part of the
00:08:06.049 00:08:06.059 curve in I forget what year it was but
00:08:08.959 00:08:08.969 but had a fairly sort of early part of
00:08:12.110 00:08:12.120 the curve he said that the u.s. is going
00:08:14.839 00:08:14.849 to reach the peak just a few years later
00:08:20.420 00:08:20.430 and it seemed like a ridiculous
00:08:23.019 00:08:23.029 prediction you know it's like those
00:08:24.859 00:08:24.869 people that predict that you know the
00:08:26.570 00:08:26.580 universe is going to the economy is
00:08:28.759 00:08:28.769 going to collapse when you know such and
00:08:30.589 00:08:30.599 such happens he's kind of like one of
00:08:32.449 00:08:32.459 these sort of Looney theories but it
00:08:34.579 00:08:34.589 turned out that he was exactly right and
00:08:37.100 00:08:37.110 the real the real peak for the
00:08:40.939 00:08:40.949 continental US came right when he
00:08:42.499 00:08:42.509 predicted it would so you're going to be
00:08:46.910 00:08:46.920 playing with a model one of the three
00:08:49.999 00:08:50.009 for next week that's that's new to you
00:08:51.939 00:08:51.949 that lets you kind of do this kind of
00:08:54.559 00:08:54.569 curve fitting and and and see what the
00:08:57.470 00:08:57.480 implication is for when
00:08:59.420 00:08:59.430 peak oil will happen for the whole world
00:09:03.440 00:09:03.450 so you'll put in you'll have data and
00:09:06.470 00:09:06.480 and you'll get to fit a curve to the
00:09:08.690 00:09:08.700 data and you have some estimate of the
00:09:10.850 00:09:10.860 total amount of petroleum in the world
00:09:12.590 00:09:12.600 and and then from that it'll give you
00:09:14.990 00:09:15.000 when when the peak should come and then
00:09:17.720 00:09:17.730 you can try to figure out how much kind
00:09:19.190 00:09:19.200 of wiggle room there is in that now one
00:09:22.750 00:09:22.760 fairly fundamental objection to
00:09:26.660 00:09:26.670 Hubbert's peak is that it's not a
00:09:29.380 00:09:29.390 theoretical sort of a thing it's not
00:09:32.030 00:09:32.040 like blackbody radiation from quantum
00:09:35.090 00:09:35.100 mechanics you can you can calculate
00:09:36.769 00:09:36.779 exactly that curve and it's you know it
00:09:40.160 00:09:40.170 you can trace it back to the fundamental
00:09:42.140 00:09:42.150 you know physics of a blackbody and
00:09:45.950 00:09:45.960 quantum mechanics and all that so that's
00:09:47.450 00:09:47.460 real solid that's that's like you know
00:09:49.820 00:09:49.830 the the gold standard in science is to
00:09:52.910 00:09:52.920 go all the way back to the fundamental
00:09:54.560 00:09:54.570 mechanisms but here the rate of oil
00:09:57.440 00:09:57.450 extraction depends on all kinds of
00:10:01.100 00:10:01.110 things like you know a extraction in
00:10:04.430 00:10:04.440 iraq sort of plummeted when the war
00:10:06.350 00:10:06.360 started extraction in venezuela depends
00:10:10.460 00:10:10.470 on you know how chavez is feeling
00:10:12.730 00:10:12.740 there's all kinds of sort of social and
00:10:15.470 00:10:15.480 political things that go into it and so
00:10:17.840 00:10:17.850 this curve is not a theoretically you
00:10:20.750 00:10:20.760 know solid thing it's what they call
00:10:22.670 00:10:22.680 empirical or sort of observed or just
00:10:28.310 00:10:28.320 kind of the way things you know tend to
00:10:30.890 00:10:30.900 be so it's perfectly possible that the
00:10:34.400 00:10:34.410 the rate of extraction for the whole
00:10:36.560 00:10:36.570 world oil may not follow this curve
00:10:39.140 00:10:39.150 exactly Hubbert's peak can be wrong it's
00:10:41.570 00:10:41.580 just kind of a way to guess or a way to
00:10:44.960 00:10:44.970 bet if you had to make a bet on walk on
00:10:48.380 00:10:48.390 it what it says is that well there's two
00:10:52.490 00:10:52.500 sort of salient conclusions one is that
00:10:57.940 00:10:57.950 the peak comes
00:11:02.900 00:11:02.910 when when when the oil is half gone so
00:11:12.030 00:11:12.040 this this r2p ratio that's essentially
00:11:16.170 00:11:16.180 trying to estimate when the last drop of
00:11:21.240 00:11:21.250 oil comes out of the ground and says
00:11:23.610 00:11:23.620 forty years from now barring finding any
00:11:25.950 00:11:25.960 more oil or changing the rate of
00:11:27.480 00:11:27.490 extraction or whatever just keeping
00:11:28.920 00:11:28.930 everything sort of as it is this is kind
00:11:32.550 00:11:32.560 of a different thing the the peak
00:11:34.500 00:11:34.510 extraction and shortage comes when the
00:11:37.620 00:11:37.630 growth in demand demand is continuing to
00:11:45.090 00:11:45.100 grow sort of exponentially and the if
00:11:49.380 00:11:49.390 the bell curve sort of flattens out and
00:11:51.030 00:11:51.040 lays ecla and lays over like that then
00:11:53.670 00:11:53.680 the shortage is actually kind of around
00:11:57.870 00:11:57.880 the time of the peak the time when the
00:12:01.650 00:12:01.660 rates of extraction can't get any higher
00:12:03.840 00:12:03.850 when they were sort of pumping it out as
00:12:05.550 00:12:05.560 high as much as you can so if you talk
00:12:07.650 00:12:07.660 to all company executives or somebody
00:12:09.570 00:12:09.580 like that analysts Daniel Yergin the guy
00:12:11.820 00:12:11.830 who wrote the prize is not a believer in
00:12:14.160 00:12:14.170 peak oil theory he will say well the
00:12:16.380 00:12:16.390 rate of extraction of oil today is
00:12:18.270 00:12:18.280 entirely because you know they didn't
00:12:19.860 00:12:19.870 invest in infrastructure the refineries
00:12:22.080 00:12:22.090 and we could easily you know bring out
00:12:23.580 00:12:23.590 more oil if we wanted to so he
00:12:25.530 00:12:25.540 personally doesn't buy the empirical
00:12:27.780 00:12:27.790 Hubbert's peak model but still it's a
00:12:29.940 00:12:29.950 very interesting thing to watch what you
00:12:31.860 00:12:31.870 find when you start to get to the peak
00:12:34.890 00:12:34.900 and start to get shortages is that
00:12:36.630 00:12:36.640 prices tend to get they go up for one
00:12:38.940 00:12:38.950 thing because of supply and demand but
00:12:40.710 00:12:40.720 they also get spiked year so you know
00:12:44.640 00:12:44.650 the spikes in oil prices last year may
00:12:47.790 00:12:47.800 have been kind of a harbinger of peak
00:12:50.880 00:12:50.890 oil and if I could get my computer
00:12:53.820 00:12:53.830 plugged in I would show you that uh the
00:12:58.010 00:12:58.020 there was a there's a nifty figure of
00:13:01.410 00:13:01.420 peak oil for a whale oil that I found on
00:13:04.920 00:13:04.930 the internet and put in the textbook so
00:13:06.750 00:13:06.760 the rate of extracting oil from whales
00:13:11.070 00:13:11.080 which they used for lighting before they
00:13:14.220 00:13:14.230 started using like me loyal
00:13:16.410 00:13:16.420 as this amazing cupboard speak sort of a
00:13:18.900 00:13:18.910 shape to it also so that's kind of the
00:13:29.610 00:13:29.620 story of oil as far as as far as it goes
00:13:38.960 00:13:38.970 and then the third kind of fossil fuel
00:13:43.170 00:13:43.180 is natural gas which is mostly methane
00:14:00.439 00:14:00.449 so the amount of natural gas in
00:14:08.579 00:14:08.589 traditional sort of deposits we already
00:14:10.500 00:14:10.510 talked about it's sort of a few hundred
00:14:15.769 00:14:15.779 billion metric metric tons or Giga tons
00:14:18.509 00:14:18.519 so it's comparable to oil and and less
00:14:21.300 00:14:21.310 than coal by something like a factor of
00:14:22.980 00:14:22.990 50 so coal is the heavy hitter oil and
00:14:27.389 00:14:27.399 natural gas by themselves wouldn't be
00:14:30.240 00:14:30.250 enough carbon to just totally cook the
00:14:32.009 00:14:32.019 planet really the big question you know
00:14:33.900 00:14:33.910 I can't stress enough is is coal natural
00:14:38.730 00:14:38.740 gas is kind of funny in a you know the
00:14:42.870 00:14:42.880 the energy infrastructure in that it's
00:14:45.720 00:14:45.730 difficult to transport because it's a
00:14:56.519 00:14:56.529 gas so you can either have compressed
00:15:01.860 00:15:01.870 natural gas
00:15:08.140 00:15:08.150 in a like in a cylinder like a scuba
00:15:11.140 00:15:11.150 tank and you know it's very high
00:15:13.870 00:15:13.880 pressure in their 3000 psi or something
00:15:16.390 00:15:16.400 like that pounds per square inch if you
00:15:18.100 00:15:18.110 were to you know break it it would
00:15:19.840 00:15:19.850 explode it's it takes a very heavy you
00:15:22.540 00:15:22.550 know walls to hold in that much pressure
00:15:24.780 00:15:24.790 or there's also liquid natural gas where
00:15:32.560 00:15:32.570 they cool it down enough to make it into
00:15:34.840 00:15:34.850 a liquid and you and then you you still
00:15:37.000 00:15:37.010 have to sort of hold it under pressure
00:15:38.320 00:15:38.330 and you don't want heat to getting there
00:15:40.240 00:15:40.250 because you know at room temperature it
00:15:42.340 00:15:42.350 doesn't want to be a liquid it wants to
00:15:43.720 00:15:43.730 be a gas and so there's these are sort
00:15:46.060 00:15:46.070 of the two ways of transporting natural
00:15:49.240 00:15:49.250 gas around and they're both expensive so
00:15:52.030 00:15:52.040 the price of natural gas depends very
00:15:56.950 00:15:56.960 strongly on on where you are on earth
00:16:02.829 00:16:02.839 and there are some places where natural
00:16:07.690 00:16:07.700 gas is worth noting because the markets
00:16:11.260 00:16:11.270 are so far away where you can sell it
00:16:13.240 00:16:13.250 but to transport it from where it comes
00:16:15.550 00:16:15.560 out of the earth like Siberia is a good
00:16:17.590 00:16:17.600 example of this and so a lot of times if
00:16:20.079 00:16:20.089 there's you know natural gas that is
00:16:22.600 00:16:22.610 associated with with oil and it's not
00:16:26.920 00:16:26.930 economical to capture and transport and
00:16:29.470 00:16:29.480 then sell the natural gas they just burn
00:16:31.660 00:16:31.670 it in place it's called flaring so price
00:16:39.930 00:16:39.940 depends on location price I guess value
00:16:45.960 00:16:45.970 and some places not really worth
00:16:58.210 00:16:58.220 anything
00:16:58.750 00:16:58.760 and so it's flared which is a burned to
00:17:06.970 00:17:06.980 co2 and then just release to the
00:17:08.620 00:17:08.630 atmosphere as co2 so there's one last
00:17:18.750 00:17:18.760 sort of point of comparison among the
00:17:21.939 00:17:21.949 three different kinds of fossil fuel
00:17:23.470 00:17:23.480 that I want to make and then we're going
00:17:25.660 00:17:25.670 to talk about methane in the atmosphere
00:17:28.690 00:17:28.700 as a greenhouse gas and that has to do
00:17:36.370 00:17:36.380 with this sort of spectrum of oxidation
00:17:41.080 00:17:41.090 states of carbon so co2 is oxidized the
00:17:50.710 00:17:50.720 most oxidized form of carbon and in an
00:17:53.050 00:17:53.060 oxygenated atmosphere like ours it's the
00:17:55.630 00:17:55.640 stable form of carbon ch4 methane is the
00:18:03.790 00:18:03.800 most reduced form of carbon so if you
00:18:11.440 00:18:11.450 bond that carbon with all hydrogen's
00:18:13.180 00:18:13.190 that's as you know that's that's giving
00:18:15.940 00:18:15.950 it as many electrons as it can possibly
00:18:18.180 00:18:18.190 take it's got four in its outer shell
00:18:21.270 00:18:21.280 hydrogen's give it you know one more
00:18:24.190 00:18:24.200 each four of them total so then it's got
00:18:26.680 00:18:26.690 eight in its outer shell it doesn't want
00:18:28.180 00:18:28.190 any more than that so you can't possibly
00:18:29.590 00:18:29.600 make it any more reduce than that so
00:18:31.510 00:18:31.520 this is sort of the spectrum and then in
00:18:34.090 00:18:34.100 the middle of the spectrum we had
00:18:36.060 00:18:36.070 biomass what gets produced by
00:18:43.560 00:18:43.570 photosynthesis
00:18:44.909 00:18:44.919 which is kind of at an intermediate
00:18:48.190 00:18:48.200 oxidation state so let's see a minus two
00:18:52.000 00:18:52.010 for each oxygen the carbon here has to
00:18:53.950 00:18:53.960 be plus four here the carbon
00:18:58.549 00:18:58.559 - for here the carbon is equal to zero
00:19:02.220 00:19:02.230 the oxidation state of the carbon
00:19:05.240 00:19:05.250 because you know it's losing two
00:19:08.760 00:19:08.770 electrons to the oxygen but it's getting
00:19:11.070 00:19:11.080 getting one each from the two two
00:19:12.750 00:19:12.760 hydrogen's now
00:19:14.519 00:19:14.529 coal is is mostly just elemental carbon
00:19:18.299 00:19:18.309 so we just sort of write that as see a
00:19:21.120 00:19:21.130 whole bunch of C together you know in
00:19:24.120 00:19:24.130 some sort of a blob kind of a you know
00:19:26.100 00:19:26.110 amorphous random messy sort of structure
00:19:29.029 00:19:29.039 diamond is also pure carbon or graphite
00:19:31.470 00:19:31.480 but those are crystals and ordered and
00:19:33.630 00:19:33.640 and a little different but they're all
00:19:35.100 00:19:35.110 sort of carbon so coal kind of has an
00:19:43.019 00:19:43.029 oxidation state of about zero and then
00:19:45.990 00:19:46.000 oil is long chains of carbon and the
00:19:52.919 00:19:52.929 ones in the middle which is most of them
00:19:56.450 00:19:56.460 are catch-22 carbons and also each one
00:20:00.149 00:20:00.159 to two hydrogen's so oil is probably so
00:20:04.500 00:20:04.510 the average carbon and oil is something
00:20:06.720 00:20:06.730 like let's see where I put it right here
00:20:11.130 00:20:11.140 oil the average carbon in a chain of oil
00:20:14.039 00:20:14.049 is sort of ch2 so the oxidation state of
00:20:20.720 00:20:20.730 this carbon right here for example is a
00:20:27.230 00:20:27.240 it is it is a minus two because it's
00:20:31.200 00:20:31.210 getting one hydrogen one electron from
00:20:33.990 00:20:34.000 each of the two hydrogen's but it's not
00:20:35.820 00:20:35.830 really doing anything with with the
00:20:37.649 00:20:37.659 carbons that it's bonded to so that's
00:20:39.419 00:20:39.429 there's no base sort of share equally
00:20:42.180 00:20:42.190 the two carbons the electrons there's no
00:20:44.010 00:20:44.020 contribution to the oxidation state
00:20:45.899 00:20:45.909 there so we have this sort of spectrum
00:20:48.419 00:20:48.429 of oxidation states of the fossil fuels
00:20:53.060 00:20:53.070 where coal is here and then oil is here
00:20:59.190 00:20:59.200 and then natural gas is there and the
00:21:03.750 00:21:03.760 more reduced it is the more energy you
00:21:06.210 00:21:06.220 get by by oxidizing it back to co2 so
00:21:12.710 00:21:12.720 less energy burning the coal and more
00:21:18.120 00:21:18.130 energy burning the natural gas so one
00:21:27.000 00:21:27.010 way to think of it is the number of
00:21:28.260 00:21:28.270 electrons that go to the carbon another
00:21:31.500 00:21:31.510 way to think of it which is equivalent
00:21:32.820 00:21:32.830 is that if you burn just coal you get
00:21:45.450 00:21:45.460 energy because you're making co2 whereas
00:21:52.470 00:21:52.480 if you burn natural gas you make co2
00:21:57.150 00:21:57.160 plus the hydrogen's there get get a get
00:22:02.370 00:22:02.380 get made into water and you get energy
00:22:04.680 00:22:04.690 from that too so I don't know if you
00:22:06.690 00:22:06.700 ever made hydrogen and like you know
00:22:08.850 00:22:08.860 science class by electrolysis and then
00:22:10.830 00:22:10.840 you then you stick a a stick in there
00:22:14.310 00:22:14.320 that's got a flaming em but I've got a
00:22:15.900 00:22:15.910 hot ember on it and it makes the
00:22:17.370 00:22:17.380 hydrogen explode it was a real formative
00:22:19.530 00:22:19.540 experience for me in like middle school
00:22:21.030 00:22:21.040 because you make explosions in science
00:22:22.650 00:22:22.660 class so making hydrogen making water
00:22:25.530 00:22:25.540 out of hydrogen gives you energy
00:22:26.790 00:22:26.800 so making water as well as co2 is more
00:22:32.190 00:22:32.200 energy it turns out that you get about
00:22:36.630 00:22:36.640 twice as much energy per carbon molecule
00:22:39.270 00:22:39.280 carbon atom by burning gas than by
00:22:42.270 00:22:42.280 burning coal so there's sort of they
00:22:44.610 00:22:44.620 talk about methane gas natural gas as
00:22:47.250 00:22:47.260 being a cleaner fossil fuel than coal
00:22:50.850 00:22:50.860 and it is in several ways one coal when
00:22:54.150 00:22:54.160 you burn it releases all these sulfate
00:22:56.520 00:22:56.530 aerosols that affect the climate and
00:22:58.710 00:22:58.720 then become acid rain as always mercury
00:23:01.470 00:23:01.480 coal mining is intrinsically an ugly
00:23:04.169 00:23:04.179 process you know especially when they do
00:23:05.640 00:23:05.650 these like mountaintop removal things
00:23:07.430 00:23:07.440 natural gas you get more less carbon for
00:23:12.690 00:23:12.700 the amount of energy that you produce
00:23:13.950 00:23:13.960 and it's also you know it doesn't have
00:23:15.840 00:23:15.850 as much sort of other baggage like the
00:23:18.419 00:23:18.429 sulfur and the mercury and stuff with it
00:23:20.340 00:23:20.350 yes a mercury
00:23:25.130 00:23:25.140 likes to form a sulfide there's there's
00:23:31.440 00:23:31.450 a whole suite of elements that if
00:23:33.870 00:23:33.880 there's no oxygen and the sulfur is
00:23:37.830 00:23:37.840 turning into sulfide sulfide hydrogen
00:23:41.460 00:23:41.470 sulfide is is some of the stinkiest
00:23:43.500 00:23:43.510 stuff in the world you can smell better
00:23:45.180 00:23:45.190 hydrogen sulfide than any detector can
00:23:47.190 00:23:47.200 tell because it's very poisonous and it
00:23:48.659 00:23:48.669 sort of comes up in our in our
00:23:49.740 00:23:49.750 environment you know that we evolved in
00:23:51.810 00:23:51.820 so in a place where you're preserving
00:23:55.140 00:23:55.150 coal there's no oxygen air that's why
00:23:57.930 00:23:57.940 the organic carbon from the the
00:23:59.580 00:23:59.590 photosynthesis gets preserved and that
00:24:01.500 00:24:01.510 also tends to make sulfide and that
00:24:03.780 00:24:03.790 tends to trap elements like mercury and
00:24:07.680 00:24:07.690 cadmium and lead and others like that so
00:24:10.350 00:24:10.360 it's n tends to travel it tends to
00:24:12.240 00:24:12.250 concentrate in those sort of dark smelly
00:24:15.810 00:24:15.820 anaerobic places where the where we get
00:24:18.570 00:24:18.580 the fuels from
00:24:25.550 00:24:25.560 okay so natural gas is cleaner than coal
00:24:30.920 00:24:30.930 for energy but natural gas is still a
00:24:35.000 00:24:35.010 source of carbon and in fact the methane
00:24:37.640 00:24:37.650 itself is a greenhouse gas so just to
00:24:47.840 00:24:47.850 kind of review what we learned when
00:24:50.750 00:24:50.760 you're talking about greenhouse gases it
00:24:53.840 00:24:53.850 is something like 30 times more powerful
00:25:03.190 00:25:03.200 than co2 sort of comparing one molecule
00:25:07.400 00:25:07.410 of methane to one molecule of co2 and
00:25:09.950 00:25:09.960 that's because there's much more co2 in
00:25:12.890 00:25:12.900 the air so co2 is more band saturated
00:25:16.220 00:25:16.230 than methane is so the methane the way
00:25:24.410 00:25:24.420 it behaves when it's released to the
00:25:26.840 00:25:26.850 atmosphere is it is a transient gas it
00:25:37.610 00:25:37.620 gets released to the air and then it has
00:25:40.730 00:25:40.740 a lifetime of about a decade in the
00:25:44.270 00:25:44.280 atmosphere before it before it reacts to
00:25:51.110 00:25:51.120 make co2 after about a decade the ch4
00:26:03.940 00:26:03.950 reacts to make co2 and when it does that
00:26:06.650 00:26:06.660 it loses most of its the carbon atom
00:26:08.720 00:26:08.730 loses most of its greenhouse power
00:26:10.370 00:26:10.380 because it's now a co2 molecule instead
00:26:13.550 00:26:13.560 of a methane molecule so
00:26:32.039 00:26:32.049 so the source of methane to the
00:26:40.779 00:26:40.789 atmosphere is is it's sort of like a
00:26:45.490 00:26:45.500 driver and the the seat where the
00:26:53.350 00:26:53.360 methane goes depends on the methane
00:27:01.720 00:27:01.730 concentration so this should look sort
00:27:10.240 00:27:10.250 of familiar to you actually this is this
00:27:12.700 00:27:12.710 is yet another example of where we can
00:27:16.120 00:27:16.130 apply our wonderful sink analogy so
00:27:18.810 00:27:18.820 there's the faucet
00:27:21.060 00:27:21.070 there's the sink you have sources of
00:27:26.470 00:27:26.480 methane that are putting methane into
00:27:28.570 00:27:28.580 the atmosphere and then the sink depends
00:27:31.990 00:27:32.000 on how much methane is in the atmosphere
00:27:34.299 00:27:34.309 because if you're the high concentration
00:27:36.010 00:27:36.020 of methane that means you're reacting
00:27:38.200 00:27:38.210 more molecules per second or whatever
00:27:41.020 00:27:41.030 then if there's you know no methane in
00:27:43.360 00:27:43.370 the atmosphere so the the the the water
00:27:51.130 00:27:51.140 level in the sink represents here the
00:27:56.830 00:27:56.840 methane concentration in the air and
00:27:58.810 00:27:58.820 then the going down the drain that's a
00:28:04.289 00:28:04.299 reaction in the atmosphere making co2
00:28:20.110 00:28:20.120 so let's say that we had the the methane
00:28:26.570 00:28:26.580 concentration in the air as a function
00:28:29.360 00:28:29.370 of time and let's say that we started
00:28:41.870 00:28:41.880 out with sort of a steady concentration
00:28:44.720 00:28:44.730 of methane in the atmosphere so it's not
00:28:47.000 00:28:47.010 changing as a function of time and now
00:28:49.430 00:28:49.440 we're going to at this time we're going
00:28:52.910 00:28:52.920 to add some new sources of methane what
00:29:04.760 00:29:04.770 happens is so say the source goes up
00:29:08.390 00:29:08.400 like this and then the concentration
00:29:16.610 00:29:16.620 will will sort of rise until it is
00:29:23.000 00:29:23.010 enough to to make the the sink for
00:29:26.810 00:29:26.820 methane let's see so we'll call this a
00:29:29.350 00:29:29.360 methane rate and we'll put the methane
00:29:38.390 00:29:38.400 concentration get another plot kind of
00:29:41.360 00:29:41.370 up here
00:29:55.330 00:29:55.340 so we suddenly increase the source and
00:29:58.090 00:29:58.100 then you know at that point after you've
00:30:00.070 00:30:00.080 increased the source the there's more
00:30:02.200 00:30:02.210 going into the air than going out and so
00:30:04.629 00:30:04.639 your your concentration is going to rise
00:30:06.909 00:30:06.919 and as the concentration Rises the
00:30:09.730 00:30:09.740 reaction rate of converting it to
00:30:12.100 00:30:12.110 burning it essentially to co2 Rises
00:30:14.320 00:30:14.330 until it sort of balances the source
00:30:17.080 00:30:17.090 rate and the time scale for this is
00:30:19.919 00:30:19.929 about the 10-year life time of methane
00:30:26.200 00:30:26.210 in the atmosphere so just like in the
00:30:33.310 00:30:33.320 sink analogy two ways of changing the
00:30:35.769 00:30:35.779 the water level in the sink one is with
00:30:37.869 00:30:37.879 the faucet the sources that's what we
00:30:39.850 00:30:39.860 just heared here the other is with with
00:30:42.340 00:30:42.350 the sink if you change the chemistry of
00:30:44.049 00:30:44.059 the atmosphere in some way and it turns
00:30:47.560 00:30:47.570 out that most of the discussion about
00:30:53.129 00:30:53.139 the methane concentration in the air and
00:30:59.700 00:30:59.710 how it has changed involved new sources
00:31:16.770 00:31:16.780 sources of methane there are natural
00:31:22.299 00:31:22.309 ones there are human caused ones and
00:31:33.430 00:31:33.440 there's also the possibility of sort of
00:31:37.210 00:31:37.220 climate feedback sources so the biggest
00:31:48.400 00:31:48.410 natural source of methane is swamps
00:31:54.180 00:31:54.190 methane is called swamp gas so if you
00:31:57.159 00:31:57.169 step in some really muddy yucky gross
00:31:59.370 00:31:59.380 swamp or you know shallow water lake mud
00:32:03.580 00:32:03.590 sediment or something a lot of times
00:32:05.380 00:32:05.390 you'll see all these bubbles coming out
00:32:06.700 00:32:06.710 and that's methane methane Catching Fire
00:32:12.610 00:32:12.620 in swamps is you know that's the
00:32:16.680 00:32:16.690 explanation you always hear for UFO
00:32:18.700 00:32:18.710 sightings
00:32:19.360 00:32:19.370 it's just swamp gas and so it burns
00:32:21.340 00:32:21.350 because it's methane there are other
00:32:23.620 00:32:23.630 sort of natural sources that are much
00:32:25.360 00:32:25.370 smaller termites and and ruminant
00:32:32.350 00:32:32.360 animals like natural ones deer moose or
00:32:37.419 00:32:37.429 something like that as part of their
00:32:40.060 00:32:40.070 digestive strategy they they they Harbor
00:32:45.460 00:32:45.470 a consortium of bacteria that can digest
00:32:48.190 00:32:48.200 cellulose which is something that we
00:32:51.460 00:32:51.470 can't I mean we can't eat wood and and
00:32:53.169 00:32:53.179 and and the digestive even though
00:32:54.909 00:32:54.919 there's energy in that wood that you
00:32:57.190 00:32:57.200 know you've burned wood in a campfire
00:32:58.539 00:32:58.549 and get energy from it but you can't eat
00:33:00.940 00:33:00.950 it because we don't have the enzymes to
00:33:02.560 00:33:02.570 digest that so or grass for examples the
00:33:05.680 00:33:05.690 way that cows eat grass is they have
00:33:10.049 00:33:10.059 bacteria that they that they host that
00:33:12.970 00:33:12.980 have the enzymes and they sort of do
00:33:15.220 00:33:15.230 some of the digestion for them as part
00:33:17.140 00:33:17.150 of that process it releases methane so
00:33:20.490 00:33:20.500 under human
00:33:22.419 00:33:22.429 one of the one of the sources are our
00:33:26.049 00:33:26.059 livestock so it's not strictly speaking
00:33:33.580 00:33:33.590 cow farts I told people for a long time
00:33:37.990 00:33:38.000 the cow farts were this source and this
00:33:40.180 00:33:40.190 was a question that nobody ever ever
00:33:41.889 00:33:41.899 ever missed on the exam it was just the
00:33:44.889 00:33:44.899 astonishing thing
00:33:45.820 00:33:45.830 so once you've heard that it's in your
00:33:46.990 00:33:47.000 mind forever there's nothing you can do
00:33:48.460 00:33:48.470 about it but it's actually not true
00:33:50.230 00:33:50.240 because where the methane comes out in a
00:33:52.539 00:33:52.549 cow is is an exhale you know from the
00:33:55.149 00:33:55.159 front end rather than the back end as it
00:33:57.370 00:33:57.380 turns out so you know the one fact that
00:33:59.049 00:33:59.059 I was very successful at conveying was
00:34:01.899 00:34:01.909 wrong I just have to live with that
00:34:03.730 00:34:03.740 truth there's an that human sort of
00:34:08.260 00:34:08.270 analog to swamps which is a rice farming
00:34:14.700 00:34:14.710 it turns out that rice doesn't you know
00:34:17.430 00:34:17.440 require living in a swamp but if it
00:34:21.460 00:34:21.470 tolerates standing water better than a
00:34:25.000 00:34:25.010 lot of the weeds that that can confound
00:34:27.639 00:34:27.649 rice agriculture so a lot of times rice
00:34:30.760 00:34:30.770 is grown in sort of standing water and
00:34:32.649 00:34:32.659 this makes a big source of methane to
00:34:34.599 00:34:34.609 the to the atmosphere
00:34:36.940 00:34:36.950 there's also methane released from
00:34:39.609 00:34:39.619 fossil fuel industry like we talked
00:34:43.480 00:34:43.490 about a flaring natural gas well maybe
00:34:46.690 00:34:46.700 they don't always you know get around to
00:34:48.250 00:34:48.260 burning it maybe something's just
00:34:49.720 00:34:49.730 released you walk down 57th street
00:34:55.210 00:34:55.220 there's this apartment building called
00:34:56.649 00:34:56.659 the muse and they've got these very
00:34:58.089 00:34:58.099 fancy gas lights out on the by the
00:35:01.359 00:35:01.369 sidewalk these little Mantle's and they
00:35:03.460 00:35:03.470 glow and sometimes a little mantle which
00:35:06.880 00:35:06.890 is a little bag of string breaks in that
00:35:10.480 00:35:10.490 case the fire goes out and you can smell
00:35:12.520 00:35:12.530 as you walk down the street this natural
00:35:14.170 00:35:14.180 gas coming out and it just really
00:35:15.670 00:35:15.680 irritates me that they would that they
00:35:17.380 00:35:17.390 would just cavalierly put methane in the
00:35:19.359 00:35:19.369 atmosphere but we would call that I
00:35:20.770 00:35:20.780 guess fossil fuel fossil fuel source and
00:35:24.430 00:35:24.440 then there's a potential for climate to
00:35:28.079 00:35:28.089 change things in ways that may add
00:35:31.930 00:35:31.940 methane to the atmosphere
00:35:33.430 00:35:33.440 and the most prominent source is a
00:35:41.520 00:35:41.530 permafrost melts that has a with peat
00:35:51.570 00:35:51.580 so there are peat deposits that are
00:35:54.730 00:35:54.740 accumulating in the high latitudes today
00:35:57.130 00:35:57.140 in Canada and Siberia and places like
00:35:59.830 00:35:59.840 that and they're preserved by being
00:36:01.600 00:36:01.610 frozen so you can put some you know
00:36:04.360 00:36:04.370 leftover food or something in your
00:36:05.710 00:36:05.720 freezer and it will preserve it they'll
00:36:07.390 00:36:07.400 keep things keep bacteria from eating it
00:36:09.250 00:36:09.260 so I've even heard about somebody
00:36:11.740 00:36:11.750 finding an intact woolly mammoth that's
00:36:15.190 00:36:15.200 been frozen for 20,000 years up in the
00:36:17.440 00:36:17.450 high you know somewhere and it was
00:36:20.500 00:36:20.510 thawing out and they they they they
00:36:23.380 00:36:23.390 actually ate a stake of this and it was
00:36:25.990 00:36:26.000 kind of gross but you know it was still
00:36:27.940 00:36:27.950 perfectly edible it was still preserved
00:36:29.680 00:36:29.690 freezing sort of preserves organic
00:36:31.720 00:36:31.730 carbon
00:36:32.260 00:36:32.270 so these permafrost soils have been
00:36:34.450 00:36:34.460 preserving organic carbon for thousands
00:36:36.430 00:36:36.440 of years and now if they start melting
00:36:38.380 00:36:38.390 it may decompose and start releasing
00:36:41.020 00:36:41.030 methane to the atmosphere and then
00:36:44.710 00:36:44.720 there's also on very long time frames
00:36:46.900 00:36:46.910 these hydrates that we mentioned last
00:36:50.400 00:36:50.410 time so these are these ice deposits and
00:36:54.640 00:36:54.650 ocean sediments and to to melt these and
00:36:58.060 00:36:58.070 release carbon or methane it would take
00:37:00.700 00:37:00.710 sort of thousands of years
00:37:09.480 00:37:09.490 so those are the sources of methane the
00:37:18.640 00:37:18.650 sink is this chemical reaction it's very
00:37:21.730 00:37:21.740 interesting chemistry because it's it's
00:37:23.980 00:37:23.990 a it all has to do with these radical
00:37:28.660 00:37:28.670 compounds so ch4 gets attacked by this
00:37:40.359 00:37:40.369 radical which is called HS if it's Oh H
00:37:46.830 00:37:46.840 so oxygen really wants to be h2o it
00:37:51.820 00:37:51.830 doesn't it's not happy being Oh H that's
00:37:54.010 00:37:54.020 a very unstable it's a radical compound
00:37:56.109 00:37:56.119 it's only found where there's sunlight
00:37:58.060 00:37:58.070 that sort of blows molecules apart and
00:38:00.460 00:38:00.470 it has a lifetime of you know
00:38:05.550 00:38:05.560 microseconds or something like that
00:38:07.150 00:38:07.160 before it finds some way to steal
00:38:09.310 00:38:09.320 another hydrogen and go back to being
00:38:10.960 00:38:10.970 water and one of the things it can steal
00:38:13.839 00:38:13.849 hydrogen from is is methane so so now
00:38:22.810 00:38:22.820 the oxygen there and that hydrogen are
00:38:25.030 00:38:25.040 happy because they've made water you
00:38:26.950 00:38:26.960 know a nice sort of little family there
00:38:29.050 00:38:29.060 a nice stable molecule and now this one
00:38:33.420 00:38:33.430 the ch3 is a radical so someone asked
00:38:36.579 00:38:36.589 the other day if you can have three
00:38:37.720 00:38:37.730 bonds to carbon instead of four you can
00:38:40.210 00:38:40.220 but it's a very unstable compound it's a
00:38:42.579 00:38:42.589 radical and so once this ch3 is formed
00:38:46.900 00:38:46.910 it then attacks somebody else and it
00:38:49.510 00:38:49.520 very very very quickly through a series
00:38:52.960 00:38:52.970 of reactions gets oxidized to two co2
00:38:58.440 00:38:58.450 but this is sort of the first step and
00:39:01.120 00:39:01.130 then after it happens you know the rest
00:39:03.130 00:39:03.140 of it is all just is all just very
00:39:05.470 00:39:05.480 quickly now the thing about this
00:39:10.900 00:39:10.910 chemical reaction is that this Oh H
00:39:13.599 00:39:13.609 radical
00:39:17.809 00:39:17.819 has the potential to be affected by all
00:39:21.900 00:39:21.910 kinds of other changes that have
00:39:23.700 00:39:23.710 happened in the atmosphere so OAH is
00:39:36.559 00:39:36.569 produced from ozone which you know
00:39:44.550 00:39:44.560 there's more ozone in the sort of lower
00:39:47.700 00:39:47.710 atmosphere especially in sort of smoggy
00:39:51.500 00:39:51.510 urban environments there are these ozone
00:39:53.940 00:39:53.950 alert days in the summer they tell us
00:39:55.680 00:39:55.690 not to go outside running because it's
00:39:57.720 00:39:57.730 worse for you than sitting there
00:39:59.160 00:39:59.170 watching television I guess because
00:40:00.599 00:40:00.609 there's this ozone in the atmosphere and
00:40:02.760 00:40:02.770 it messes up your lungs so ozone is
00:40:05.490 00:40:05.500 changing it's also produced by these
00:40:10.710 00:40:10.720 nitrogen compounds called NO X so this
00:40:15.480 00:40:15.490 is a family of N oh and no.2 which come
00:40:21.690 00:40:21.700 from car exhausts and it's one of the
00:40:29.640 00:40:29.650 components of urban smog so you get this
00:40:34.700 00:40:34.710 nitrogen compounds coming out of
00:40:36.750 00:40:36.760 tailpipes and then you shine Sun on it
00:40:39.990 00:40:40.000 and it makes this sort of brew of nasty
00:40:43.470 00:40:43.480 chemicals in the atmosphere and make
00:40:44.910 00:40:44.920 ozone and another thing that affects OAH
00:40:47.339 00:40:47.349 is carbon monoxide which comes from
00:40:56.220 00:40:56.230 things like fires so there are you know
00:41:01.829 00:41:01.839 more fires in the world than there would
00:41:03.660 00:41:03.670 be naturally because people cut down
00:41:05.819 00:41:05.829 trees and burn them in order to to do
00:41:10.170 00:41:10.180 agriculture so all of these things seem
00:41:15.089 00:41:15.099 like they ought to be changing
00:41:20.830 00:41:20.840 the concentration of Oh H which should
00:41:24.020 00:41:24.030 be changing the lifespan the lifetime of
00:41:26.540 00:41:26.550 methane in the atmosphere and so that
00:41:29.630 00:41:29.640 would be like messing around with the
00:41:31.340 00:41:31.350 the drain of the sink analogy but it
00:41:35.780 00:41:35.790 doesn't seem like like there have been
00:41:37.910 00:41:37.920 any big changes in the lifetime of
00:41:39.770 00:41:39.780 methane in the air and I you know it
00:41:42.620 00:41:42.630 just it seems like there's there's all
00:41:44.840 00:41:44.850 these sort of factor of two changes in
00:41:48.140 00:41:48.150 these drivers for methane that seem to
00:41:50.420 00:41:50.430 sort of cancel each other out by by sort
00:41:53.330 00:41:53.340 of coincidence so what the methane has
00:41:56.030 00:41:56.040 actually done in the air is a it has
00:42:01.450 00:42:01.460 sort of doubled from the pre-industrial
00:42:11.000 00:42:11.010 value of from-from the year 1750 but it
00:42:19.760 00:42:19.770 it it sort of stopped rising actually in
00:42:23.150 00:42:23.160 about the year 1993 so it was going up
00:42:26.870 00:42:26.880 and it looked like it was going to keep
00:42:28.100 00:42:28.110 going up and then it sort of defied all
00:42:31.100 00:42:31.110 expectations and kind of leveled off and
00:42:33.470 00:42:33.480 it's not clear why it did that one
00:42:36.110 00:42:36.120 theory is that this was around the time
00:42:38.630 00:42:38.640 of cleaning up the the the former
00:42:43.220 00:42:43.230 Eastern Bloc leaky oil or gas pipelines
00:42:46.880 00:42:46.890 and inefficient industry and things like
00:42:48.770 00:42:48.780 that
00:42:49.120 00:42:49.130 decreasing the source another theory is
00:42:52.040 00:42:52.050 that the planet has been sort of drier
00:42:54.260 00:42:54.270 since then so maybe there's less of a
00:42:57.200 00:42:57.210 source from from swamps but at any rate
00:42:59.870 00:42:59.880 it's kind of a mystery and it's not
00:43:01.850 00:43:01.860 clear it looks like it's actually
00:43:04.280 00:43:04.290 started going back up again just in the
00:43:06.350 00:43:06.360 last since about 2007 but it's not clear
00:43:10.010 00:43:10.020 what you know it is this sort of a loose
00:43:14.270 00:43:14.280 cannon in the whole climate system it's
00:43:17.480 00:43:17.490 not clear why it stopped going up or why
00:43:21.200 00:43:21.210 it started again so we'll leave it at
00:43:24.290 00:43:24.300 00:43:25.670 00:43:25.680 you
00:43:35.030 00:43:35.040
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