Micro processing techniques save material and energy in the chemical industry

Kind: captions
Language: en

00:00:04.329 00:00:04.339 whether it's pharmaceuticals or
00:00:07.099 00:00:07.109 cosmetics production methods are similar
00:00:10.610 00:00:10.620 across the chemicals industry despite
00:00:17.380 00:00:17.390 complicated technology the actual
00:00:20.090 00:00:20.100 chemical reaction commonly takes place
00:00:22.370 00:00:22.380 in a so called batch reactor or boiler
00:00:28.359 00:00:28.369 that means even in large-scale
00:00:30.769 00:00:30.779 facilities chemistry works basically
00:00:33.410 00:00:33.420 like it does in the lab the reagents
00:00:39.889 00:00:39.899 flow together in a vessel but that
00:00:43.010 00:00:43.020 doesn't provide optimal mixing the
00:00:45.590 00:00:45.600 vessel contains a variety of substances
00:00:47.540 00:00:47.550 in different concentrations called
00:00:50.000 00:00:50.010 concentration hotspots as well as a
00:00:54.770 00:00:54.780 range of temperatures called
00:00:56.750 00:00:56.760 thermal hotspots
00:00:58.930 00:00:58.940 00:01:03.640 00:01:03.650 experts describe this situation as
00:01:06.550 00:01:06.560 reduced process control in order to
00:01:13.640 00:01:13.650 ensure the most efficient use of raw
00:01:15.740 00:01:15.750 materials and energy as possible in the
00:01:18.170 00:01:18.180 chemicals industry process control must
00:01:21.320 00:01:21.330 be continuously optimized chemists at
00:01:34.639 00:01:34.649 the company air Feld micro technique in
00:01:37.340 00:01:37.350 Vendela time germany have developed
00:01:39.950 00:01:39.960 their own system of carefully
00:01:41.600 00:01:41.610 controlling the reaction of combined
00:01:43.609 00:01:43.619 chemicals the modular micro reaction
00:01:48.919 00:01:48.929 system or mm RS consists of several
00:01:52.340 00:01:52.350 components through which reagents flow
00:01:54.859 00:01:54.869 inside tiny channels the small stainless
00:02:00.740 00:02:00.750 steel parts carry out a variety of
00:02:02.990 00:02:03.000 functions like that of a mixer heat
00:02:05.480 00:02:05.490 exchanger and sensor the chemists place
00:02:09.949 00:02:09.959 a special reactor in the middle of this
00:02:11.900 00:02:11.910 unit the channels are only a few
00:02:16.250 00:02:16.260 millimeters wide in all of the
00:02:18.470 00:02:18.480 components that allows for a very rapid
00:02:21.440 00:02:21.450 exchange of substances and because of
00:02:24.259 00:02:24.269 the large surface to volume ratio the
00:02:27.259 00:02:27.269 chemicals are quickly able to absorb and
00:02:29.630 00:02:29.640 give off heat
00:02:34.490 00:02:34.500 the chemists place the entire unit under
00:02:37.640 00:02:37.650 an exhaust hood chemicals flow through
00:02:40.400 00:02:40.410 hoses into the tiny channels the flow
00:02:45.350 00:02:45.360 plate micro reactor used in the unit is
00:02:48.080 00:02:48.090 also equipped for what's known as
00:02:50.480 00:02:50.490 lithium this reaction is often used for
00:02:55.610 00:02:55.620 the production of active ingredients and
00:02:57.740 00:02:57.750 pharmaceuticals the substrate bromo
00:03:05.270 00:03:05.280 anisole flows through the reactor in
00:03:07.699 00:03:07.709 channels that are only a few millimeters
00:03:09.949 00:03:09.959 wide at the same time the reagent
00:03:14.300 00:03:14.310 butyllithium flows into the reactor
00:03:19.780 00:03:19.790 right after the two chemicals are
00:03:22.280 00:03:22.290 combined they flow through a meandering
00:03:24.560 00:03:24.570 structure just a few tenths of a
00:03:26.900 00:03:26.910 millimeter wide that leads to a rapid
00:03:29.900 00:03:29.910 mixing of the two reagents
00:03:36.649 00:03:36.659 during the reaction
00:03:38.610 00:03:38.620 lithium replaces bromine that creates an
00:03:43.050 00:03:43.060 intermediate product the reaction also
00:03:51.630 00:03:51.640 releases great amounts of heat
00:03:55.950 00:03:55.960 and that leads to the destruction of
00:03:59.770 00:03:59.780 some emerging molecules
00:04:07.520 00:04:07.530 if the process is not cooled more raw
00:04:10.520 00:04:10.530 materials are needed to retain desired
00:04:12.650 00:04:12.660 amounts of the product and that makes
00:04:15.380 00:04:15.390 efficient cooling vital for the
00:04:17.479 00:04:17.489 reactions success in the flow plate
00:04:26.660 00:04:26.670 reactor the chemical reaction takes
00:04:29.330 00:04:29.340 place in a small channel on a large flow
00:04:32.480 00:04:32.490 plate that is cooled from below by a
00:04:34.790 00:04:34.800 cooling agent the large surface area
00:04:38.450 00:04:38.460 ensures an optimal heat exchange and the
00:04:41.720 00:04:41.730 chemicals can be cooled with less energy
00:04:44.000 00:04:44.010 than needed in a large vessel that not
00:04:49.430 00:04:49.440 only saves energy fewer raw materials
00:04:52.520 00:04:52.530 are also needed since the process
00:04:54.560 00:04:54.570 creates fewer unwanted byproducts
00:04:59.920 00:04:59.930 shortly afterwards
00:05:01.610 00:05:01.620 acetone flows into the channel it also
00:05:04.880 00:05:04.890 mixes with the intermediate product in a
00:05:07.340 00:05:07.350 meandering structure the acetone is
00:05:11.450 00:05:11.460 taken up by the intermediate product the
00:05:14.840 00:05:14.850 desired carbon compound is created and
00:05:17.540 00:05:17.550 that results in the end product
00:05:20.200 00:05:20.210 inorganic compound with very specific
00:05:23.409 00:05:23.419 characteristics if this experiment had
00:05:28.640 00:05:28.650 taken place as usual in a batch reactor
00:05:31.280 00:05:31.290 a conventional vessel a low temperature
00:05:34.760 00:05:34.770 of minus 80 degrees Celsius would have
00:05:37.640 00:05:37.650 been necessary to adequately cool down
00:05:39.770 00:05:39.780 the reagents because of the lawns of
00:05:43.250 00:05:43.260 reactors efficient cooling a low
00:05:45.800 00:05:45.810 temperature of only about minus 20
00:05:48.320 00:05:48.330 degrees Celsius is enough to stabilize
00:05:50.240 00:05:50.250 the lithium process at eto affiliation
00:05:56.060 00:05:56.070 is a good example of very fast
00:05:57.880 00:05:57.890 organometallic reactions where a large
00:06:00.469 00:06:00.479 amount of dislocation is necessary to
00:06:02.600 00:06:02.610 extract energy from the bench I think
00:06:05.030 00:06:05.040 that's not energy efficient the micro
00:06:07.219 00:06:07.229 reactor allows you to release heat very
00:06:09.080 00:06:09.090 quickly and work under strictly defined
00:06:11.540 00:06:11.550 conditions and that lets you manufacture
00:06:13.909 00:06:13.919 products with greater energy efficiency
00:06:15.440 00:06:15.450 and fewer byproducts
00:06:20.270 00:06:20.280 the chemists use other reactors too for
00:06:23.910 00:06:23.920 their experiments
00:06:26.030 00:06:26.040 this new provo reactor contains eight
00:06:29.250 00:06:29.260 long channels one and a half millimeters
00:06:31.650 00:06:31.660 high and 12 millimeters wide the
00:06:35.400 00:06:35.410 engineers insert three rubber-like grids
00:06:37.730 00:06:37.740 that creates a highly complex structure
00:06:40.650 00:06:40.660 in the channels interiors the reactor is
00:06:45.510 00:06:45.520 again mounted inside the modular micro
00:06:47.970 00:06:47.980 reaction system and placed under the
00:06:50.250 00:06:50.260 hood
00:06:53.220 00:06:53.230 00:06:55.779 00:06:55.789 this experiment is focused on ethics
00:06:58.700 00:06:58.710 elysion a reaction that is commonly used
00:07:01.999 00:07:02.009 in the production of materials for the
00:07:03.920 00:07:03.930 cosmetics and paint industries
00:07:06.610 00:07:06.620 manufacturers use toxic and highly
00:07:09.050 00:07:09.060 flammable ethylene oxide for this
00:07:11.360 00:07:11.370 purpose the ethylene oxide flows through
00:07:20.930 00:07:20.940 the channels together with another
00:07:22.370 00:07:22.380 reagent a type of alcohol the complex
00:07:26.810 00:07:26.820 grid structure ensures a thorough cross
00:07:29.450 00:07:29.460 mixing of the reagents and that leads to
00:07:37.879 00:07:37.889 an even distribution of reagents in the
00:07:40.400 00:07:40.410 channel system as a result there's no
00:07:44.390 00:07:44.400 formation of concentration hotspots and
00:07:46.790 00:07:46.800 the reaction is controlled the ethylene
00:07:51.110 00:07:51.120 oxide is taken up by the oxygen atom of
00:07:54.379 00:07:54.389 the alcohol group this procedure repeats
00:07:57.620 00:07:57.630 itself several times a polymer is formed
00:08:01.629 00:08:01.639 since the reagents are homogeneous ly
00:08:04.670 00:08:04.680 distributed in the reactor the same
00:08:07.460 00:08:07.470 amount of molecules always accumulate on
00:08:10.310 00:08:10.320 an alcohol group identical polymers are
00:08:13.250 00:08:13.260 formed with the desired length and with
00:08:16.460 00:08:16.470 few byproducts
00:08:18.800 00:08:18.810 00:08:21.520 00:08:21.530 because of its structure the MIT prova
00:08:24.589 00:08:24.599 offers a very large surface-to-volume
00:08:26.719 00:08:26.729 ratio of 2,000 square meters of reactor
00:08:30.499 00:08:30.509 wall surface per cubic meter of fluid
00:08:33.290 00:08:33.300 volume that means the extreme exothermic
00:08:37.610 00:08:37.620 reaction can be adequately cooled that's
00:08:41.389 00:08:41.399 vital since the starting product is
00:08:43.639 00:08:43.649 highly explosive the reactor enables an
00:08:47.990 00:08:48.000 easily controllable and safe process
00:08:51.139 00:08:51.149 flow with few by products since
00:08:56.810 00:08:56.820 reactions in the flow plate and me probe
00:08:59.090 00:08:59.100 of reactors take place in small channels
00:09:01.670 00:09:01.680 with a diameter of just a few
00:09:03.860 00:09:03.870 millimeters or micro millimeters the
00:09:06.620 00:09:06.630 process is highly defined and that makes
00:09:09.800 00:09:09.810 upscaling relatively simple the channel
00:09:13.490 00:09:13.500 cross sections and the reactors are
00:09:15.350 00:09:15.360 simply enlarged or several channels are
00:09:18.259 00:09:18.269 arranged parallel to each other these
00:09:21.500 00:09:21.510 so-called micro and milli reaction
00:09:23.900 00:09:23.910 technologies make possible to production
00:09:26.329 00:09:26.339 of several thousand tons of a given end
00:09:28.730 00:09:28.740 product each year from pharmaceuticals
00:09:32.090 00:09:32.100 and fine chemicals to petrochemicals and
00:09:35.180 00:09:35.190 food chemistry
00:09:42.750 00:09:42.760 Himiko or micro and milli reactors have
00:09:45.690 00:09:45.700 great potential as process intensifying
00:09:48.060 00:09:48.070 instruments in the chemicals industry
00:09:51.500 00:09:51.510 estimates claimed that about fifty
00:09:53.580 00:09:53.590 percent to find chemicals and
00:09:55.080 00:09:55.090 pharmaceuticals
00:09:55.890 00:09:55.900 could be produced faster cheaper and
00:09:58.110 00:09:58.120 more effectively through a continuous
00:10:00.090 00:10:00.100 process in micro and milli reactors
00:10:01.980 00:10:01.990 instigated co2 income each year the
00:10:07.710 00:10:07.720 German chemicals industry generates
00:10:09.600 00:10:09.610 revenues of some 190 billion euros
00:10:13.760 00:10:13.770 there are several providers of micro and
00:10:16.710 00:10:16.720 milli process technology in Germany
00:10:18.860 00:10:18.870 their technology can contribute to
00:10:21.630 00:10:21.640 substantial savings of energy and raw
00:10:23.760 00:10:23.770 materials in the chemicals industry and
00:10:27.650 00:10:27.660 help secure Germany's position as the
00:10:30.810 00:10:30.820 world's third largest chemical supplier
00:10:34.610 00:10:34.620 00:11:01.440 00:11:01.450 you
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