Mini Split Cost to Run for Heating Season

Kind: captions
Language: en

hi everybody this video is a follow-up
00:00:04.730 00:00:04.740 video from my description of my
00:00:08.059 00:00:08.069 mini-split system that we installed when
00:00:10.220 00:00:10.230 I shot the original video it was during
00:00:12.200 00:00:12.210 the summertime and we talked a little
00:00:14.390 00:00:14.400 bit about air conditioning and that it
00:00:16.160 00:00:16.170 actually can do heating but now that we
00:00:18.980 00:00:18.990 are in the winter season in Michigan I
00:00:21.290 00:00:21.300 thought I would do another follow-up
00:00:22.730 00:00:22.740 video to answer one of the questions
00:00:24.890 00:00:24.900 that everybody keeps asking is how much
00:00:26.839 00:00:26.849 does it actually cost to run especially
00:00:29.029 00:00:29.039 to heat the house and so one of the
00:00:32.479 00:00:32.489 things that I did was I wrote a blog
00:00:34.190 00:00:34.200 post on Matt knows dot-com that
00:00:37.840 00:00:37.850 describes the comparison of fuel costs
00:00:42.440 00:00:42.450 when you're considering switching fuels
00:00:44.750 00:00:44.760 from natural gas to electricity which is
00:00:47.930 00:00:47.940 what a lot of people are going to be
00:00:49.250 00:00:49.260 doing with a heat pump or from propane
00:00:52.520 00:00:52.530 like I'm using in my boiler to
00:00:54.560 00:00:54.570 electricity in a heat pump or electric
00:00:56.959 00:00:56.969 resistance and the most common way to do
00:01:00.200 00:01:00.210 that comparison is in the cost per
00:01:02.540 00:01:02.550 million BTUs because it's an equalizing
00:01:06.170 00:01:06.180 factor that doesn't matter then how
00:01:08.570 00:01:08.580 efficient your house is or what climate
00:01:10.520 00:01:10.530 you're in the heating cost per million
00:01:13.070 00:01:13.080 BTUs is what we want to make those
00:01:15.200 00:01:15.210 comparisons based on and for my house
00:01:18.050 00:01:18.060 the comparison happened to be
00:01:19.820 00:01:19.830 electricity at about 12 and 1/2 cents a
00:01:22.370 00:01:22.380 kilowatt hour versus propane at about $2
00:01:27.170 00:01:27.180 per gallon and my boiler is 82%
00:01:29.899 00:01:29.909 efficient and right now in Michigan I've
00:01:33.230 00:01:33.240 got my thermometer here that shows us
00:01:35.330 00:01:35.340 what the outside temperature is it says
00:01:37.850 00:01:37.860 it's 35 right now the sun is shining
00:01:40.010 00:01:40.020 just a little bit on where this
00:01:41.719 00:01:41.729 thermometer is and it's so it's really
00:01:45.590 00:01:45.600 old I think only about 31 or 32 degrees
00:01:47.480 00:01:47.490 outside indoor temp this says 67 point 4
00:01:51.859 00:01:51.869 it's because I'm in my office and I have
00:01:54.020 00:01:54.030 the door closed right now but the house
00:01:55.580 00:01:55.590 is actually at about 69 degrees and so
00:02:00.440 00:02:00.450 one of the things that I did to actually
00:02:03.200 00:02:03.210 monitor the actual electric use of my
00:02:06.410 00:02:06.420 heat pump system is I hooked my whole
00:02:08.839 00:02:08.849 house energy monitor up to it
00:02:11.510 00:02:11.520 I have this device that's been sitting
00:02:13.610 00:02:13.620 on my desk for a long time now it's it's
00:02:15.770 00:02:15.780 just back in the corner and runs and I
00:02:18.710 00:02:18.720 had this hooked up so that it would
00:02:20.300 00:02:20.310 monitor the energy use of the whole
00:02:22.040 00:02:22.050 house the electricity use and I decided
00:02:25.040 00:02:25.050 that I wanted to monitor just the
00:02:26.630 00:02:26.640 electric use of the heat pump system to
00:02:28.820 00:02:28.830 see really how much electricity it was
00:02:30.980 00:02:30.990 using and right at this particular
00:02:33.590 00:02:33.600 second and it updates about every three
00:02:35.570 00:02:35.580 seconds it's using one point four five
00:02:38.540 00:02:38.550 kilowatts which equates to four dollars
00:02:41.450 00:02:41.460 and eighty five cents per day a hundred
00:02:43.970 00:02:43.980 and forty six dollars per month and
00:02:46.730 00:02:46.740 that's keeping again from 30-something
00:02:50.120 00:02:50.130 degrees outside to almost seventy
00:02:52.400 00:02:52.410 degrees inside at a hundred and forty
00:02:55.010 00:02:55.020 seven hundred and fifty dollars a month
00:02:56.390 00:02:56.400 so that's the cost to run this this
00:03:00.170 00:03:00.180 electric heat pump and these these
00:03:02.960 00:03:02.970 energy monitoring devices you know there
00:03:04.550 00:03:04.560 are only about a hundred to two hundred
00:03:06.230 00:03:06.240 dollars this one was two hundred dollars
00:03:08.510 00:03:08.520 I'll put a link down in the description
00:03:10.460 00:03:10.470 to one the FRG model there's a black &
00:03:14.270 00:03:14.280 decker model you can find them for for
00:03:16.520 00:03:16.530 about a hundred bucks they're really
00:03:17.900 00:03:17.910 simple to install you put two little
00:03:20.060 00:03:20.070 clips on the power feeds two they come
00:03:22.490 00:03:22.500 in to your electric box you don't have
00:03:24.290 00:03:24.300 to be an electrician to install them if
00:03:27.199 00:03:27.209 you're afraid of your electric box then
00:03:29.120 00:03:29.130 maybe you'll want to have somebody else
00:03:30.890 00:03:30.900 do it for you but you can also instead
00:03:33.020 00:03:33.030 of monitoring the whole house you can
00:03:34.130 00:03:34.140 monitor an individual appliance and let
00:03:36.380 00:03:36.390 it run and this is I've had this hooked
00:03:38.060 00:03:38.070 up this way for about a week and one of
00:03:40.550 00:03:40.560 the things that I discovered when I plug
00:03:43.430 00:03:43.440 this into my heat pump system is that
00:03:46.670 00:03:46.680 even when the heat pump is not running
00:03:49.270 00:03:49.280 it's using a hundred and sixty-four
00:03:51.800 00:03:51.810 watts which is a lot of electricity and
00:03:54.650 00:03:54.660 I emailed Fujitsu to ask them why this
00:03:58.730 00:03:58.740 thing has such a big ghost load or
00:04:01.100 00:04:01.110 vampire load as they sometimes call it
00:04:03.199 00:04:03.209 and they sent me back some hocus pocus
00:04:05.810 00:04:05.820 thing about power factor that really
00:04:07.699 00:04:07.709 doesn't have any effect on anything and
00:04:09.560 00:04:09.570 so basically the things when they're
00:04:12.320 00:04:12.330 sitting there waiting for us to turn
00:04:14.210 00:04:14.220 them on with the remote control
00:04:15.380 00:04:15.390 like a TV or anything else it's using
00:04:17.780 00:04:17.790 electricity but it's using a little more
00:04:19.460 00:04:19.470 than I'd like it to one hundred and
00:04:20.780 00:04:20.790 sixty-four watts equates to about
00:04:23.210 00:04:23.220 fifteen bucks a month
00:04:24.840 00:04:24.850 when it's just sitting there idle so one
00:04:26.850 00:04:26.860 of the things that I'm going to do is to
00:04:28.440 00:04:28.450 put a switch in up here near the
00:04:30.870 00:04:30.880 thermostat where we hang the thermostat
00:04:32.580 00:04:32.590 on the wall a little light switch that I
00:04:34.560 00:04:34.570 can turn it on and off that will turn
00:04:36.600 00:04:36.610 the mini-split system completely off
00:04:38.970 00:04:38.980 when we've turned it off and we're
00:04:40.770 00:04:40.780 running on the boiler or during the
00:04:42.330 00:04:42.340 summertime when we've got all the
00:04:43.590 00:04:43.600 windows open when we're not running the
00:04:45.120 00:04:45.130 system I want to be able to shut it off
00:04:46.950 00:04:46.960 in the meantime I'm going to throw it
00:04:48.330 00:04:48.340 off at the circuit breaker because I was
00:04:50.280 00:04:50.290 really surprised at how much of a ghost
00:04:52.020 00:04:52.030 load it has so if you haven't watched
00:04:54.840 00:04:54.850 the original mini-split video I'll put a
00:04:57.120 00:04:57.130 link to it so that you can go and watch
00:04:59.130 00:04:59.140 that video right now if you want to go
00:05:02.400 00:05:02.410 to my website and download a cost per
00:05:05.160 00:05:05.170 million BTUs sheet I think I've got one
00:05:08.070 00:05:08.080 right here I posted one on that knows
00:05:10.440 00:05:10.450 that that you can download a two page
00:05:12.150 00:05:12.160 PDF of it keep in mind that if your
00:05:15.390 00:05:15.400 system is rated in a different factor
00:05:19.290 00:05:19.300 than Co P which is a coefficient of
00:05:22.650 00:05:22.660 performance then you have to do a little
00:05:24.210 00:05:24.220 bit of math to to convert it because the
00:05:27.210 00:05:27.220 heating side of these things is rated in
00:05:29.550 00:05:29.560 heating season performance factor you
00:05:31.950 00:05:31.960 can see that mine is 21.5 it's kind of
00:05:34.710 00:05:34.720 neat that this scale goes all the way up
00:05:36.750 00:05:36.760 to 21 so mine is so efficient that it's
00:05:39.060 00:05:39.070 completely off the chart for both of
00:05:41.040 00:05:41.050 these so that's kind of neat if you have
00:05:43.500 00:05:43.510 any questions about about that about the
00:05:46.170 00:05:46.180 other energy use about cost per million
00:05:49.530 00:05:49.540 BTUs if you can't figure out to
00:05:51.000 00:05:51.010 calculate it go ahead and make a comment
00:05:52.800 00:05:52.810 down in the comment section if you
00:05:54.750 00:05:54.760 decide you want to get an energy
00:05:55.770 00:05:55.780 monitoring device to see what your
00:05:58.410 00:05:58.420 electric use is of the whole house or an
00:06:00.360 00:06:00.370 individual circuit please use the Amazon
00:06:02.760 00:06:02.770 link down in the in the description and
00:06:05.010 00:06:05.020 I look forward to hearing from you
00:06:06.810 00:06:06.820 thanks for watching
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