MOOC Introduction to crude oil refining Part 1 English

Kind: captions
Language: en

hello everyone and welcome to the second
00:00:18.279 00:00:18.289 MOOC provided by refining his exciting
00:00:20.740 00:00:20.750 dot-com for those who did that for the
00:00:24.429 00:00:24.439 first MOOC of refining is exciting
00:00:26.290 00:00:26.300 let me introduce myself my name is Jamie
00:00:30.880 00:00:30.890 Minho and I got about 15 years of
00:00:33.430 00:00:33.440 experience in oil refining I began my
00:00:37.750 00:00:37.760 professional life in refining units
00:00:39.910 00:00:39.920 design and I worked in 2006 in the fifth
00:00:43.119 00:00:43.129 world oil company total any like sharing
00:00:47.800 00:00:47.810 my knowledge and this is the reason why
00:00:49.600 00:00:49.610 I'm also a speaker in several
00:00:51.550 00:00:51.560 universities where I give some
00:00:53.950 00:00:53.960 conferences in my field of expertise the
00:00:59.200 00:00:59.210 second book is dedicated to really
00:01:01.240 00:01:01.250 refine today each man and woman consumes
00:01:06.670 00:01:06.680 about two liters of oil today that
00:01:11.289 00:01:11.299 represents approximately a third of
00:01:12.910 00:01:12.920 their needs in energy but what do people
00:01:17.889 00:01:17.899 do with these two liters of oil people
00:01:22.029 00:01:22.039 use it mainly to travel by plane by car
00:01:27.510 00:01:27.520 to eat the room with the use of domestic
00:01:31.209 00:01:31.219 fuel but also to produce raw materials
00:01:35.109 00:01:35.119 to manufacture the plastics for domestic
00:01:37.660 00:01:37.670 use
00:01:38.249 00:01:38.259 packaging etc but how to produce fumes
00:01:43.300 00:01:43.310 from oil and by the way what is oil I
00:01:47.039 00:01:47.049 hope this will be clear to you at the
00:01:49.809 00:01:49.819 end of the smoke let's discover together
00:01:53.919 00:01:53.929 this fascinating world and no doubt that
00:01:56.529 00:01:56.539 you will take pleasure to see these four
00:01:58.419 00:01:58.429 videos but I tried to make as exciting
00:02:00.760 00:02:00.770 as the industry after refining yes we
00:02:05.769 00:02:05.779 will begin with a short introduction
00:02:07.620 00:02:07.630 then we will go into the wreck finding
00:02:10.120 00:02:10.130 industry first we will define together
00:02:13.210 00:02:13.220 some terms and we will see what's going
00:02:15.610 00:02:15.620 and what is made damn who will speak
00:02:19.089 00:02:19.099 about primary separation that we call
00:02:21.430 00:02:21.440 the topic then logically we will make a
00:02:25.150 00:02:25.160 zoom on the production of gasoline
00:02:27.870 00:02:27.880 Carolyn deal thank you
00:02:33.180 00:02:33.190 finally we will discover together the
00:02:35.650 00:02:35.660 toons to make more products from oil it
00:02:39.580 00:02:39.590 is what we call the conversion finally
00:02:42.970 00:02:42.980 we will finish by making a zoom on the
00:02:44.710 00:02:44.720 hydrogen in the refinery before and
00:02:46.630 00:02:46.640 reading at the end of each video you can
00:02:50.260 00:02:50.270 test your knowledge on the website
00:02:51.730 00:02:51.740 refining is exciting calm with a quiz of
00:02:54.550 00:02:54.560 four questions which you can feel online
00:02:58.650 00:02:58.660 are you ready so let's go let's begin
00:03:03.490 00:03:03.500 with a short introduction petroleum
00:03:07.240 00:03:07.250 comes from the medieval latin which
00:03:08.920 00:03:08.930 itself comes from both words pizza and
00:03:11.530 00:03:11.540 audio beta comes from Latin and means
00:03:15.940 00:03:15.950 rock I am sure that you knew Petra's
00:03:19.450 00:03:19.460 village in Jordan which is made in the
00:03:21.610 00:03:21.620 stone itself and volume which needs oil
00:03:27.120 00:03:27.130 so petroleum means oil from work in
00:03:33.160 00:03:33.170 Wikipedia the modern way to get
00:03:34.540 00:03:34.550 information
00:03:35.110 00:03:35.120 the oil is defined as a naturally
00:03:37.330 00:03:37.340 occurring yellow to back liquid found in
00:03:39.940 00:03:39.950 geological formations beneath the
00:03:42.760 00:03:42.770 earth's surface which is commonly
00:03:44.770 00:03:44.780 refined into various types of hues but
00:03:48.730 00:03:48.740 at which unit is measured oil in Paris
00:03:51.970 00:03:51.980 it represents approximately 150 9 liters
00:03:55.120 00:03:55.130 which means precisely 42 u.s. gallons we
00:04:00.670 00:04:00.680 always use this unit of measure even if
00:04:02.710 00:04:02.720 today nobody anymore
00:04:03.880 00:04:03.890 puts the oil in bears we prefer
00:04:07.480 00:04:07.490 transporting oil in tankers which can go
00:04:10.390 00:04:10.400 up to 300,000 tonnes as in the ship
00:04:13.570 00:04:13.580 shown here the world production of oil
00:04:18.250 00:04:18.260 in 2014 was 89 millions of barrels per
00:04:22.990 00:04:23.000 day that is approximately 2 liters by
00:04:26.620 00:04:26.630 person and today even if French people
00:04:29.800 00:04:29.810 consume about 4 litres and us American
00:04:32.680 00:04:32.690 people about 8 oil production increased
00:04:36.700 00:04:36.710 from 30 million barrels per day in 1965
00:04:40.270 00:04:40.280 to
00:04:41.350 00:04:41.360 sixty million in 1973 date of the first
00:04:44.619 00:04:44.629 or crisis then after 1985 the production
00:04:48.700 00:04:48.710 restarted to reach 90 million in 2014
00:04:52.800 00:04:52.810 the three main current producers are
00:04:55.839 00:04:55.849 Russia United States and Saudi Arabia
00:04:59.790 00:04:59.800 these three countries supplied the third
00:05:03.010 00:05:03.020 of the total world oil production but
00:05:07.300 00:05:07.310 what do we do with all this oil we
00:05:10.110 00:05:10.120 refine it but by the way what means
00:05:14.619 00:05:14.629 refining this is what you can find
00:05:19.059 00:05:19.069 in Wikipedia the term is usually used
00:05:22.269 00:05:22.279 for a natural resource that is almost in
00:05:25.089 00:05:25.099 a useable form but which is more useful
00:05:27.760 00:05:27.770 in its pure form for instance most type
00:05:32.559 00:05:32.569 of natural petroleum will burn straight
00:05:34.990 00:05:35.000 from the ground but it will do poorly
00:05:37.420 00:05:37.430 and quickly clog an engine with residues
00:05:40.390 00:05:40.400 and byproducts so refining means
00:05:45.219 00:05:45.229 basically transforming but by the way
00:05:49.390 00:05:49.400 what is all made of before I'm going
00:05:54.219 00:05:54.229 more in detail in the composition of oil
00:05:56.499 00:05:56.509 here is a quick reminder for beginners
00:05:58.899 00:05:58.909 in chemistry I mean the simple chemistry
00:06:01.930 00:06:01.940 the one of carbon and hydrogen a carbon
00:06:06.820 00:06:06.830 atom is represented by black ball or the
00:06:10.179 00:06:10.189 letter C a carbon atom has four
00:06:13.240 00:06:13.250 connection above a hydrogen atom is
00:06:20.079 00:06:20.089 represented by a white pole or by the
00:06:23.469 00:06:23.479 letter H a hydrogen atom has one single
00:06:27.670 00:06:27.680 connection oh bomb it is always
00:06:30.159 00:06:30.169 connected to one single atom let's take
00:06:36.159 00:06:36.169 the example of this molecule made of
00:06:39.339 00:06:39.349 four carbons and 10 hydrogen's every
00:06:44.439 00:06:44.449 single atom of carbon is bound to four
00:06:46.959 00:06:46.969 other atoms hyper carbon or hydrogen the
00:06:52.029 00:06:52.039 same molecule is also represented
00:06:54.280 00:06:54.290 by scientists with this representation
00:07:00.540 00:07:00.550 indeed every line corresponds to a
00:07:03.250 00:07:03.260 connection between carbon and another it
00:07:08.650 00:07:08.660 is a much simpler representation which
00:07:10.750 00:07:10.760 avoids representing all the atoms of
00:07:13.180 00:07:13.190 hydrogen not that this molecule
00:07:18.040 00:07:18.050 it's the butane that you can find in the
00:07:21.370 00:07:21.380 domestic gas bulbs now that you're
00:07:25.750 00:07:25.760 familiar with representation of
00:07:27.370 00:07:27.380 molecules let's get more in detail in
00:07:29.830 00:07:29.840 the way how carbon and hydrogen are
00:07:32.050 00:07:32.060 combined together in crude oil oil is
00:07:37.210 00:07:37.220 made of two men elements carbon and
00:07:41.310 00:07:41.320 hydrogen carbon represents approximately
00:07:46.230 00:07:46.240 85% in weight against approximately 13%
00:07:51.730 00:07:51.740 for the hydrogen wood oil be made 100%
00:07:56.320 00:07:56.330 of these two elements the refiner would
00:07:58.630 00:07:58.640 be the happiest person on earth but
00:08:02.010 00:08:02.020 unfortunately for him oil condensed
00:08:05.230 00:08:05.240 number of other elements which are going
00:08:08.080 00:08:08.090 to make things much more complicated
00:08:11.340 00:08:11.350 these elements are the sulfur ranging
00:08:14.890 00:08:14.900 from zero point zero four to six percent
00:08:18.090 00:08:18.100 the nitrogen from point 1 to 1.5 percent
00:08:22.480 00:08:22.490 and metals metals in oil can be
00:08:27.610 00:08:27.620 classified in two families on one end so
00:08:30.910 00:08:30.920 newman magnesium often associated to the
00:08:33.159 00:08:33.169 seawater and on the other end
00:08:35.050 00:08:35.060 Kevin vanadium and to a lesser extent
00:08:38.550 00:08:38.560 some Chiron silicon lead etc the metal
00:08:45.370 00:08:45.380 content in all ranges from 5 to 500
00:08:48.670 00:08:48.680 milligram per kilogram also called ppm
00:08:55.140 00:08:55.150 in which form can we find a carbon and
00:08:58.180 00:08:58.190 hydrogen in iron there are in reality
00:09:01.750 00:09:01.760 three main families
00:09:04.080 00:09:04.090 the first main family of molecules is
00:09:06.700 00:09:06.710 called paraffin
00:09:07.800 00:09:07.810 it's also called alkanes in this family
00:09:12.330 00:09:12.340 of molecules we find to serve families
00:09:15.410 00:09:15.420 linear paraffins and perfect in this
00:09:20.460 00:09:20.470 case the molecule is said connected
00:09:23.090 00:09:23.100 indeed very snatcher of carbon in this
00:09:25.740 00:09:25.750 molecule which is connected to three
00:09:28.440 00:09:28.450 other atoms of carbon the second main
00:09:32.880 00:09:32.890 family of molecules is called napkins
00:09:35.579 00:09:35.589 in this configuration the atoms of
00:09:37.920 00:09:37.930 carbon form a at least one cycle this
00:09:41.820 00:09:41.830 molecule is called cyclo hexane C Club
00:09:45.690 00:09:45.700 because of the cycle and exam because
00:09:48.240 00:09:48.250 there are six atoms of carbon the last
00:09:53.040 00:09:53.050 main family of molecules is called
00:09:54.800 00:09:54.810 aromatics these molecules are similar to
00:09:59.010 00:09:59.020 map genes except that in this
00:10:01.560 00:10:01.570 configuration each atom of carbon is
00:10:04.200 00:10:04.210 bound to another atom of carbon but one
00:10:07.470 00:10:07.480 of these two bones is a double bond
00:10:11.360 00:10:11.370 the simplest aromatic compound has six
00:10:14.670 00:10:14.680 atoms of carbon and we call it benzene
00:10:19.250 00:10:19.260 then we find that sulfur compounds which
00:10:22.950 00:10:22.960 we shall detail later in this MOOC same
00:10:25.950 00:10:25.960 for nitrogen compound it is to be
00:10:30.570 00:10:30.580 pointed out that we do not observe all
00:10:32.610 00:10:32.620 things in crude oil because non aromatic
00:10:36.410 00:10:36.420 carbon-carbon double bonds are not
00:10:39.120 00:10:39.130 stable oil is thus a mixture of
00:10:45.320 00:10:45.330 paraffins
00:10:46.530 00:10:46.540 nuts teens and aromatics and for each of
00:10:50.880 00:10:50.890 these families the number of atoms of
00:10:52.949 00:10:52.959 carbon can go up to several hundreds in
00:10:57.660 00:10:57.670 this picture we voluntarily limited the
00:11:00.480 00:11:00.490 number of carbon atoms for easier
00:11:02.790 00:11:02.800 representation reasons but certain
00:11:05.790 00:11:05.800 molecules can have a very high number of
00:11:08.660 00:11:08.670 carbon atoms yes
00:11:13.290 00:11:13.300 oil is always a mixture of paraffins
00:11:17.280 00:11:17.290 Knapp teens and Alex
00:11:20.760 00:11:20.770 repetition between these molecules
00:11:22.320 00:11:22.330 depend on the origin of the crouton to
00:11:27.600 00:11:27.610 characterize crude oil we use too many
00:11:30.240 00:11:30.250 properties first one is the density
00:11:34.310 00:11:34.320 what's the density it's the mass of a
00:11:38.040 00:11:38.050 liter of oil if 1 liter of oil weight
00:11:42.810 00:11:42.820 ranges between point eighty and point NT
00:11:45.480 00:11:45.490 freaky degrom we consider this oil to be
00:11:48.060 00:11:48.070 alight between point eighty-three and
00:11:52.920 00:11:52.930 point eighty nine we qualify this oil as
00:11:55.590 00:11:55.600 average and beyond point eighty nine oil
00:12:01.470 00:12:01.480 will be part of the recruit the density
00:12:07.889 00:12:07.899 of several oils is displayed on this
00:12:10.019 00:12:10.029 graph we can see that european oils in
00:12:14.220 00:12:14.230 blue are rather light African oils
00:12:18.240 00:12:18.250 represented in the graph in black our
00:12:20.340 00:12:20.350 average Russian roots in red and crews
00:12:24.570 00:12:24.580 from the Middle East in green are
00:12:26.360 00:12:26.370 average to have it
00:12:28.940 00:12:28.950 the ones from Latin America in orange
00:12:32.190 00:12:32.200 are clearly heavy the second main
00:12:38.490 00:12:38.500 property is the content in sulfur we
00:12:41.730 00:12:41.740 classified Kreutz in two different
00:12:43.710 00:12:43.720 categories L s crude which stands for
00:12:47.460 00:12:47.470 low sulfur content when the sulfur
00:12:50.130 00:12:50.140 content is below 0.6 weight percent
00:12:53.329 00:12:53.339 otherwise we speak about H s which
00:12:56.579 00:12:56.589 stands for I suffer as soon as to suffer
00:12:59.730 00:12:59.740 content is above 1.5% it needs to be
00:13:04.769 00:13:04.779 pointed out but there are little crews
00:13:06.690 00:13:06.700 whose sulfur content is between point 6
00:13:09.060 00:13:09.070 and 1 point 5 weight percent that's why
00:13:12.300 00:13:12.310 a crude is either LS or HS african and
00:13:18.720 00:13:18.730 european oils are LS whereas crews
00:13:21.810 00:13:21.820 foreman Latin America Middle East and
00:13:23.910 00:13:23.920 Russia are HS
00:13:27.530 00:13:27.540 finally the nitrogen content just like
00:13:30.360 00:13:30.370 this content in metals as also its
00:13:32.940 00:13:32.950 importance in the classification of the
00:13:34.770 00:13:34.780 crude oil in this table we make a zoom
00:13:37.710 00:13:37.720 at six various screws the WTI for West
00:13:41.400 00:13:41.410 Texas Intermediate which is the
00:13:43.650 00:13:43.660 reference crude New York the brand the
00:13:46.410 00:13:46.420 reference crude in London coming from
00:13:48.390 00:13:48.400 the North Sea Cornie from Cameroon
00:13:51.540 00:13:51.550 Africa euros which is the frontier
00:13:54.660 00:13:54.670 between Europe and Asia Arabic oil and
00:13:58.010 00:13:58.020 finally accrued from Venezuela we see
00:14:02.550 00:14:02.560 that the African and European crews are
00:14:04.500 00:14:04.510 light and clearly LS where has crews
00:14:08.490 00:14:08.500 from the Middle East Russia and Latin
00:14:10.470 00:14:10.480 America are Italy ages now that we know
00:14:15.810 00:14:15.820 what's oil made of let's have a look on
00:14:18.450 00:14:18.460 the several treatments to obtain
00:14:20.370 00:14:20.380 finished and usable products we
00:14:24.240 00:14:24.250 previously saw that oil is a mixture of
00:14:26.700 00:14:26.710 several molecules paraffins Neptunes and
00:14:30.450 00:14:30.460 aromatics these molecules are presented
00:14:33.600 00:14:33.610 crude oil but in a viable quantity
00:14:37.910 00:14:37.920 remember this molecules can have a
00:14:41.010 00:14:41.020 number of carbon atoms ranging from one
00:14:43.380 00:14:43.390 to several hundreds which makes
00:14:46.910 00:14:46.920 characterization of a crude oil molecule
00:14:49.380 00:14:49.390 by molecule impossible to characterize
00:14:53.850 00:14:53.860 crude oil let's make an experiment
00:15:02.019 00:15:02.029 let's take a crude oil and see what
00:15:05.900 00:15:05.910 happens when we hit up under the effect
00:15:10.430 00:15:10.440 of heat the lightest molecule that
00:15:12.199 00:15:12.209 writes the first molecules which
00:15:14.749 00:15:14.759 evaporates from handian temperature up
00:15:16.790 00:15:16.800 to 150 degrees half between 5 and 10
00:15:19.879 00:15:19.889 carbon atoms we group them under the
00:15:23.090 00:15:23.100 name Napster then more and more heavy
00:15:28.249 00:15:28.259 molecules surprise the ones which
00:15:30.679 00:15:30.689 evaporate between 150 and 250 degrees
00:15:33.740 00:15:33.750 half between 10 and 15 atoms of carbon
00:15:37.460 00:15:37.470 and we call them Kara see those between
00:15:43.309 00:15:43.319 250 and 350 degrees are between 15 and
00:15:46.759 00:15:46.769 20 atoms of carbon and they're called
00:15:49.670 00:15:49.680 T's of you when you reach 380 degrees
00:15:54.559 00:15:54.569 molecules become so excited under the
00:15:57.619 00:15:57.629 influence of heat that the mixture which
00:15:59.660 00:15:59.670 remains begins to producing gas indeed
00:16:03.230 00:16:03.240 under the influence of the temperature
00:16:04.999 00:16:05.009 molecules begin to crack into smaller
00:16:07.910 00:16:07.920 molecules and we need to stop the
00:16:11.990 00:16:12.000 experiment what remains is called ATR we
00:16:17.870 00:16:17.880 shall see why later end it if we take a
00:16:23.269 00:16:23.279 sample of 100 milliliters of crude oil
00:16:26.870 00:16:26.880 from the North Sea here the cool facts
00:16:29.269 00:16:29.279 and we make the same experiment this is
00:16:31.879 00:16:31.889 what we got the first molecule which
00:16:35.389 00:16:35.399 evaporate our gathers at ambient
00:16:37.759 00:16:37.769 temperature then we recover the naphtha
00:16:41.840 00:16:41.850 approximately 14 millimetres the
00:16:45.679 00:16:45.689 kerosene represents 16 milliliters to
00:16:50.720 00:16:50.730 diesel fuel 30 milliliters and finally
00:16:54.920 00:16:54.930 the molecules which evaporates beyond
00:16:56.960 00:16:56.970 380 degrees represent 34 milliliters
00:17:01.299 00:17:01.309 if we mix these five bottles together we
00:17:05.929 00:17:05.939 obtain 100 milliliters of crude oil
00:17:10.350 00:17:10.360 that these quantities are valid only for
00:17:14.680 00:17:14.690 a specific Road in fact if we take a
00:17:18.010 00:17:18.020 different crude oil we shall obtain
00:17:19.360 00:17:19.370 different quantities as you can see on
00:17:21.760 00:17:21.770 the graph if the crude oil is light
00:17:24.880 00:17:24.890 remember if its density is lower by the
00:17:27.700 00:17:27.710 point every kilogram for later we shall
00:17:30.640 00:17:30.650 have a high proportion in light
00:17:33.130 00:17:33.140 molecules naphtha kerosene and diesel
00:17:36.430 00:17:36.440 fuel rigorously if the crude oil is
00:17:39.760 00:17:39.770 heavy has a vegetarian crude for example
00:17:42.340 00:17:42.350 we shall have fewer light molecules and
00:17:45.610 00:17:45.620 more ATR we can produce more fuels
00:17:50.290 00:17:50.300 if the crude oil is light that's why a
00:17:54.250 00:17:54.260 light crude will be more expensive than
00:17:57.250 00:17:57.260 a heavy one but we see that the quantity
00:18:01.540 00:18:01.550 of diesel fuel which can be produced
00:18:03.160 00:18:03.170 from an oil is constant whatever the
00:18:06.370 00:18:06.380 origin of the crude oil and represents
00:18:09.130 00:18:09.140 approximately 25 percent now that we
00:18:14.410 00:18:14.420 have identified the molecules in crude
00:18:16.510 00:18:16.520 oil we are going to sort them out to
00:18:19.330 00:18:19.340 make finished products and we are going
00:18:22.720 00:18:22.730 to make this operation in a plant which
00:18:25.360 00:18:25.370 we call refinery
00:18:27.640 00:18:27.650 I hope that this video allowed you to
00:18:32.020 00:18:32.030 discover some aspects of crude oil but
00:18:34.150 00:18:34.160 you ignored I invite you to see the
00:18:36.640 00:18:36.650 second video of this MOOC to see how the
00:18:38.350 00:18:38.360 refiner handler operation of refining do
00:18:42.070 00:18:42.080 not forget to make the queries to test
00:18:44.170 00:18:44.180 your knowledge on refining is exciting
00:18:46.510 00:18:46.520 Tosca thank you for your attention and
00:18:49.810 00:18:49.820 see you very soon in the second part
00:18:59.650 00:18:59.660 you
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