One Minute Process Engineering - Size an Air Cooled Heat Exchanger

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Language: en

are you tired of designing a recording
00:00:03.980 00:00:03.990 exchangers for your application
00:00:06.190 00:00:06.200 arracourt exchangers are a highly
00:00:08.930 00:00:08.940 standard product can you please simply
00:00:11.780 00:00:11.790 give me how many number of base I need
00:00:13.970 00:00:13.980 for my application in one hour instead
00:00:17.420 00:00:17.430 of spending several days with various
00:00:19.970 00:00:19.980 designs and plots if you're the guy who
00:00:24.349 00:00:24.359 asked the question above you are in the
00:00:27.710 00:00:27.720 right place you don't even need one hour
00:00:30.620 00:00:30.630 or your need is just one minute
00:00:34.569 00:00:34.579 Osman Tech exchanger design and rating
00:00:38.150 00:00:38.160 EDR programs are widely used in oil and
00:00:42.560 00:00:42.570 gas industry and if the program's are
00:00:45.080 00:00:45.090 extremely powerful
00:00:46.400 00:00:46.410 however being powerful also means being
00:00:49.900 00:00:49.910 complicated a typical process engineer
00:00:53.479 00:00:53.489 does not want to dive into the details
00:00:55.850 00:00:55.860 of air cooled condensers and they just
00:00:59.270 00:00:59.280 want to know how many number of base an
00:01:02.869 00:01:02.879 Excel program was developed by a food
00:01:05.960 00:01:05.970 chain to solve this challenge it has a
00:01:08.719 00:01:08.729 nice interface in Excel and it is very
00:01:11.750 00:01:11.760 easy to import data the only information
00:01:14.690 00:01:14.700 needed is the process information which
00:01:17.719 00:01:17.729 every process engineer should have
00:01:20.050 00:01:20.060 simply input input processing
00:01:23.060 00:01:23.070 information such as mass flow pressure
00:01:25.249 00:01:25.259 temperature and ambient conditions and
00:01:27.980 00:01:27.990 so on and then you're ready to hear the
00:01:31.160 00:01:31.170 Run button
00:01:38.200 00:01:38.210 as you might be able to see the Excel
00:01:41.539 00:01:41.549 program says the input information to
00:01:45.410 00:01:45.420 the EDR program in your program then
00:01:48.289 00:01:48.299 we'll start calculate and eventually the
00:01:51.169 00:01:51.179 result is reported back to excel in this
00:01:56.029 00:01:56.039 example 10 paise is used in this
00:01:59.359 00:01:59.369 application but as a matter of fact you
00:02:03.080 00:02:03.090 can also try 11 12 13 and 14 base and it
00:02:07.520 00:02:07.530 chooses the most optimal number of base
00:02:22.660 00:02:22.670 as you can see with 12 base the total
00:02:28.610 00:02:28.620 operational cost plus the total capita
00:02:31.309 00:02:31.319 cost is the lowest lost third base
00:02:34.309 00:02:34.319 should be chosen with this tool do you
00:02:38.990 00:02:39.000 think you can size on a record Hicks
00:02:40.789 00:02:40.799 seniors in one minute you surely can
00:02:43.809 00:02:43.819 thanks for watching this video it is
00:02:46.580 00:02:46.590 brought to you by grow food chain more
00:02:49.789 00:02:49.799 interesting topics can be found at
00:02:52.690 00:02:52.700 showcase dot grow food chain calm
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