POWER SETUP & MANAGEMENT! - Oxygen Not Included FULL RELEASE GUIDE Launch Upgrade Gameplay Ep 9

Kind: captions
Language: en

welcome back guys for another super
00:00:07.700 00:00:07.710 saucy episode urban oxygen not included
00:00:10.400 00:00:10.410 oh by the way by the way bit of a
00:00:12.830 00:00:12.840 surprise there is a link in the video
00:00:14.419 00:00:14.429 description yeah there really is all
00:00:16.430 00:00:16.440 kinds of stuff about what's coming up in
00:00:18.769 00:00:18.779 the game all info about the new release
00:00:20.450 00:00:20.460 who knew who knew I'm surprised as you
00:00:23.390 00:00:23.400 are and what are we doing this episode
00:00:25.009 00:00:25.019 by the way we're doing power management
00:00:26.689 00:00:26.699 oh yeah I'm doing a whole power set up
00:00:28.880 00:00:28.890 down here I'm going to show you
00:00:29.810 00:00:29.820 everything transformers heavy what wire
00:00:31.849 00:00:31.859 all that like everything everything I
00:00:33.979 00:00:33.989 have done two bits of research to allow
00:00:36.440 00:00:36.450 us to do that let me show you I have
00:00:38.630 00:00:38.640 done I've done what I've done improved
00:00:42.650 00:00:42.660 ventilation because I wanted the Atmos
00:00:44.119 00:00:44.129 Center that's for something else but the
00:00:46.040 00:00:46.050 thing that we in the last episode we did
00:00:49.010 00:00:49.020 smart battery we research smart
00:00:50.510 00:00:50.520 batteries and I also want it where as
00:00:53.630 00:00:53.640 it's down in automation computers here
00:00:58.010 00:00:58.020 we go
00:00:58.459 00:00:58.469 smart home this one so let's get that
00:01:00.979 00:01:00.989 let's get that done okay actually I
00:01:03.260 00:01:03.270 haven't got it done you know what
00:01:05.060 00:01:05.070 while that's well that's researching
00:01:06.830 00:01:06.840 it's really good that's going to be
00:01:08.149 00:01:08.159 really quick because it's only like 20
00:01:10.100 00:01:10.110 and obvious research let's let's speed
00:01:13.789 00:01:13.799 it up while we do that so I'll just very
00:01:15.530 00:01:15.540 quickly throw in the showers because
00:01:17.870 00:01:17.880 it's really quick so I want the showers
00:01:20.990 00:01:21.000 one two three four
00:01:24.050 00:01:24.060 I'm putting it for showers why am I
00:01:25.370 00:01:25.380 putting in for showers because I've
00:01:26.719 00:01:26.729 split the schedule four and four and the
00:01:30.289 00:01:30.299 way I've got it set up is Lucy and cook
00:01:33.050 00:01:33.060 it's Lucy only does research
00:01:36.020 00:01:36.030 occasionally go gets only cooks
00:01:37.940 00:01:37.950 occasionally so I firm I've got those
00:01:40.819 00:01:40.829 two basically doing the same job I've
00:01:44.840 00:01:44.850 changed their priorities so that instead
00:01:47.359 00:01:47.369 of firm having supply and storing and
00:01:49.969 00:01:49.979 tidying as as high priorities they've
00:01:52.310 00:01:52.320 got operating as high priority so that
00:01:55.310 00:01:55.320 we start getting some machines operated
00:01:56.959 00:01:56.969 and then I've tried to mirror it on the
00:02:01.280 00:02:01.290 schedule so that Lucy is a mirror for go
00:02:03.889 00:02:03.899 gets squeezed 'el is a mirror for null
00:02:06.590 00:02:06.600 with the farming and ranching and then
00:02:10.520 00:02:10.530 Corp sach and Sparrow priest a kind of
00:02:13.280 00:02:13.290 mirrored and I want to get I didn't I
00:02:17.330 00:02:17.340 might I might get spare a priest up on
00:02:19.370 00:02:19.380 the digging I want to get one other
00:02:20.420 00:02:20.430 person up on the digging to be a mirror
00:02:21.950 00:02:21.960 for Honka brief it might be bad priests
00:02:23.570 00:02:23.580 not much swap Alex around will say
00:02:25.880 00:02:25.890 anyway that's that's that what's that's
00:02:27.500 00:02:27.510 that's what's going on there let's do
00:02:30.650 00:02:30.660 this is really quick so let's just get
00:02:32.150 00:02:32.160 let's get this plumbed in because this
00:02:34.040 00:02:34.050 is how easy the plumbing is now so what
00:02:36.080 00:02:36.090 do we want well I want to run fresh
00:02:39.350 00:02:39.360 water into there and there and fresh
00:02:43.160 00:02:43.170 water into there and there and I'm gonna
00:02:47.630 00:02:47.640 hook him up cuz why not and then what am
00:02:50.630 00:02:50.640 I gonna do with all that dirty water
00:02:51.560 00:02:51.570 well I'm just gonna run it up to the
00:02:53.180 00:02:53.190 dirty water pipe burn burn burn and
00:02:55.460 00:02:55.470 there it was done pray and obviously
00:02:58.790 00:02:58.800 we're gonna want to throw in some nice
00:03:01.220 00:03:01.230 some nice large sculpting blogs make
00:03:03.800 00:03:03.810 make the place nice Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam
00:03:07.729 00:03:07.739 Bam and I guess we want some crown
00:03:09.710 00:03:09.720 moldings kiss because why wouldn't work
00:03:12.560 00:03:12.570 you frankly and boom just like that for
00:03:16.009 00:03:16.019 now sweet alright so that means when
00:03:19.490 00:03:19.500 when they finish their shifts I can come
00:03:21.530 00:03:21.540 get showers and I'll taught you about
00:03:22.640 00:03:22.650 our Dutch officials at the end in terms
00:03:24.770 00:03:24.780 of like what it gives you emboss and
00:03:26.330 00:03:26.340 stuff one thing I do have to do these
00:03:28.310 00:03:28.320 hatch eggs
00:03:29.350 00:03:29.360 these are sage hatch hatch eggs now
00:03:32.930 00:03:32.940 these are um these are green and spotted
00:03:35.630 00:03:35.640 right and there's a reason for that I'm
00:03:38.240 00:03:38.250 gonna go up here I need to assign these
00:03:40.370 00:03:40.380 to that to the egg crack egg cracker
00:03:42.160 00:03:42.170 because it's stopping this one in there
00:03:45.530 00:03:45.540 and there's one in there as well and
00:03:46.940 00:03:46.950 it's stopping all of our hatches from
00:03:48.500 00:03:48.510 laying eggs so let's get that crack
00:03:51.890 00:03:51.900 those eggs forever good what what is the
00:03:55.610 00:03:55.620 difference between these different these
00:03:58.759 00:03:58.769 different patches so we've got the
00:04:00.560 00:04:00.570 regular hatches and then we've got so
00:04:03.470 00:04:03.480 this is a rig yeah this is a regular up
00:04:05.479 00:04:05.489 hatch then you've got the stone hatches
00:04:07.370 00:04:07.380 well guess what yeah they eats tongue so
00:04:09.830 00:04:09.840 they like the tough stones like granite
00:04:11.900 00:04:11.910 and then you've got the sage hatchling
00:04:15.080 00:04:15.090 which is that kind of green spotted one
00:04:17.420 00:04:17.430 well why is it green and spotted a bit
00:04:20.839 00:04:20.849 like this because it eats slime that's
00:04:23.300 00:04:23.310 why
00:04:23.659 00:04:23.669 so that's that's the different ones it's
00:04:25.730 00:04:25.740 a different type of hatches and you
00:04:26.749 00:04:26.759 could farm whichever one whichever one
00:04:28.309 00:04:28.319 you want so let's get on to the power so
00:04:31.820 00:04:31.830 pause for a second just before we do
00:04:34.459 00:04:34.469 that I just want to show you so what's
00:04:36.679 00:04:36.689 up that isn't it I just want to show you
00:04:38.510 00:04:38.520 the oxygen levels I put in a couple of
00:04:41.629 00:04:41.639 extra oxygen diffusers there and I've
00:04:44.899 00:04:44.909 actually dug up a little bit of algae
00:04:46.610 00:04:46.620 and dirt that was over here
00:04:48.459 00:04:48.469 so with those the carbon dioxide level
00:04:53.089 00:04:53.099 was just up just starting to get into
00:04:56.119 00:04:56.129 these bedrooms it's already just in a
00:04:58.249 00:04:58.259 couple of minutes just been pushed down
00:04:59.749 00:04:59.759 we're almost of the printing pod now and
00:05:02.209 00:05:02.219 the other thing that we're doing
00:05:02.869 00:05:02.879 obviously is we're we're eating the
00:05:04.969 00:05:04.979 carbon dioxide down here I'm gonna do
00:05:07.070 00:05:07.080 something with that but right now power
00:05:10.189 00:05:10.199 how do you set up your power
00:05:12.290 00:05:12.300 it all looks very complicated there's
00:05:14.839 00:05:14.849 all these bloom and power transformers
00:05:16.610 00:05:16.620 and smart batteries and what like what
00:05:18.469 00:05:18.479 is what are they all do what's this
00:05:19.760 00:05:19.770 heavy walk wire and why would you use it
00:05:22.519 00:05:22.529 well let me let me show you so the first
00:05:25.700 00:05:25.710 thing I want to do rip all of this stuff
00:05:27.320 00:05:27.330 out and I did make a little bit of
00:05:29.839 00:05:29.849 copper from copper ore and don't make
00:05:33.469 00:05:33.479 too much of this with the rock
00:05:35.059 00:05:35.069 granulator because it's very wasteful of
00:05:37.040 00:05:37.050 resources get to them get refining but
00:05:39.249 00:05:39.259 that's getting ripped out those
00:05:42.019 00:05:42.029 batteries and those and that go now
00:05:47.329 00:05:47.339 because we're going to be working down
00:05:48.559 00:05:48.569 here and because there is no oxygen down
00:05:50.809 00:05:50.819 here I have put in a little vent here
00:05:54.320 00:05:54.330 and a little vent here three tiles wide
00:05:57.290 00:05:57.300 three tiles wide and I've opened this up
00:06:00.619 00:06:00.629 by an extra an extra slot so that I can
00:06:03.439 00:06:03.449 have these guys every other slot these
00:06:07.730 00:06:07.740 air purity ayyadurai sirs and what I'm
00:06:10.730 00:06:10.740 going to do is go down here and letting
00:06:12.829 00:06:12.839 some letting some oxygen so these are
00:06:15.529 00:06:15.539 nope there is no downside to Jukes
00:06:18.769 00:06:18.779 breathing polluted oxygen doesn't hurt
00:06:21.110 00:06:21.120 them at all right so but once it gets up
00:06:25.159 00:06:25.169 into the base it's all going to be
00:06:26.540 00:06:26.550 cleaned let me show you
00:06:28.840 00:06:28.850 we'll take out which three tiles am I
00:06:30.970 00:06:30.980 going to take out begin to take out
00:06:32.830 00:06:32.840 those three there yeah here he comes
00:06:37.210 00:06:37.220 that's been a dicking and that is gonna
00:06:39.340 00:06:39.350 open this up now this is pressurized
00:06:41.320 00:06:41.330 this was up at around 3,000 grams per
00:06:45.220 00:06:45.230 tile which is that's pretty high
00:06:46.780 00:06:46.790 pressured and if we look oh this is
00:06:49.210 00:06:49.220 flooding out so this all them this will
00:06:54.430 00:06:54.440 give an ad keeps like somewhere to
00:06:57.520 00:06:57.530 breathe but look what happens as it gets
00:07:00.910 00:07:00.920 up here as soon as it hits one of these
00:07:03.910 00:07:03.920 D at the Ida writers boom it gets turned
00:07:06.010 00:07:06.020 into pure oxygen oh yeah over there buh
00:07:09.580 00:07:09.590 buh buh buh buh all getting turned into
00:07:12.100 00:07:12.110 pure oxygen pure oxygen BRR BRR BRR BRR
00:07:15.250 00:07:15.260 BRR Oh
00:07:17.800 00:07:17.810 are you gonna go over there he's a bit
00:07:20.200 00:07:20.210 shy he's hanging back it's like none of
00:07:22.000 00:07:22.010 my friends are going over there so how
00:07:25.270 00:07:25.280 does it all work well you've got power
00:07:29.170 00:07:29.180 producers like generators and you've got
00:07:32.260 00:07:32.270 power users ie stuff that uses power
00:07:35.200 00:07:35.210 like these incubators okay and you can
00:07:38.590 00:07:38.600 only have if you're using the wire that
00:07:41.230 00:07:41.240 we're using right now this stuff the
00:07:43.000 00:07:43.010 regular wire you can only have a maximum
00:07:45.040 00:07:45.050 of 1000 watts of power users on a
00:07:49.540 00:07:49.550 circuit okay well that's why we've
00:07:52.810 00:07:52.820 broken out up into like three different
00:07:54.610 00:07:54.620 circuits which yeah it's a bit of a pain
00:07:58.990 00:07:59.000 but we're gonna actually I've linked
00:08:01.960 00:08:01.970 this one up to this one like my accident
00:08:05.170 00:08:05.180 don't worry I've done that anyway so we
00:08:08.410 00:08:08.420 had three circuits and each one was
00:08:10.120 00:08:10.130 limited to a thousand which is like a
00:08:12.820 00:08:12.830 bit of a pain we want we want to be able
00:08:14.740 00:08:14.750 to put a lot more than that on to it
00:08:17.770 00:08:17.780 like in terms of power generation so how
00:08:19.570 00:08:19.580 do we split it down so well this is how
00:08:22.120 00:08:22.130 we do I'm going to set up a black
00:08:24.610 00:08:24.620 basically a 4000 watt watts of circuits
00:08:28.390 00:08:28.400 so it'll be 4 1000 watt circuits but all
00:08:32.230 00:08:32.240 of the power all of the power generation
00:08:34.390 00:08:34.400 will be on a single mega circuit okay so
00:08:38.110 00:08:38.120 how's it going to work well we're going
00:08:39.640 00:08:39.650 to do it like the
00:08:40.570 00:08:40.580 I'm gonna have a let's do it let's do it
00:08:47.620 00:08:47.630 like this get rid of that one and put
00:08:54.400 00:08:54.410 you in there yeah okay so I'm gonna have
00:09:00.130 00:09:00.140 six coal generators these generate 600
00:09:03.040 00:09:03.050 watts each that's three thousand six
00:09:04.660 00:09:04.670 hundred watts which is the most coal
00:09:06.310 00:09:06.320 generators that I can have like on a
00:09:07.480 00:09:07.490 phone go for it four thousand four
00:09:11.350 00:09:11.360 thousand watts of circuits how we're
00:09:14.410 00:09:14.420 going to link them up well we're gonna
00:09:16.690 00:09:16.700 link them up using the heavy watt wire
00:09:19.390 00:09:19.400 now this stuff they're heavy watt wire
00:09:21.130 00:09:21.140 will carry up to 20,000 kilowatts so
00:09:23.680 00:09:23.690 we're only carrying four so this could
00:09:26.020 00:09:26.030 be massively expanded so I'm just gonna
00:09:28.720 00:09:28.730 link these up how am I going to link
00:09:31.150 00:09:31.160 these up I guess I'm going to link them
00:09:32.590 00:09:32.600 up let's link them up across the center
00:09:35.400 00:09:35.410 yeah right to the edges you know what I
00:09:44.020 00:09:44.030 think
00:09:44.320 00:09:44.330 oh that's why I'm not gonna do that I'm
00:09:47.110 00:09:47.120 gonna go around the outside like that
00:09:49.150 00:09:49.160 that's what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna
00:09:51.160 00:09:51.170 go around the outside like that
00:09:53.470 00:09:53.480 cool awesome well what about batteries
00:09:56.200 00:09:56.210 okay well we're gonna have some
00:09:57.400 00:09:57.410 batteries I'm gonna use some smart
00:09:58.510 00:09:58.520 Patridge batteries and I'm going to show
00:09:59.740 00:09:59.750 you how to use the automation on the
00:10:01.690 00:10:01.700 smart batteries so we'll have a smart
00:10:03.580 00:10:03.590 battery they're smart battery there and
00:10:05.500 00:10:05.510 then now how am I going to do this with
00:10:08.860 00:10:08.870 two smart batteries or one I think you
00:10:10.660 00:10:10.670 know you know what I'll put in two
00:10:13.600 00:10:13.610 because I'll show you what you could
00:10:15.910 00:10:15.920 potentially do because you can do some
00:10:18.610 00:10:18.620 quite clever things with this and then
00:10:20.200 00:10:20.210 I'm going to put in a couple of Jun bar
00:10:21.370 00:10:21.380 batteries
00:10:21.850 00:10:21.860 well why aren't I just upgrading all to
00:10:23.740 00:10:23.750 smart batteries now got smart batteries
00:10:26.430 00:10:26.440 only only store right 20 kilojoules but
00:10:32.650 00:10:32.660 at the same time they only give off 500
00:10:35.650 00:10:35.660 D to use right of heat whereas the Jumbo
00:10:40.840 00:10:40.850 battery stores twice as much but it
00:10:44.320 00:10:44.330 gives off more heat it gives off 1.25
00:10:46.810 00:10:46.820 killer DT you side 1250 so it's kind of
00:10:50.200 00:10:50.210 balanced of the D one less heat
00:10:53.670 00:10:53.680 storage you know what works for you and
00:10:57.320 00:10:57.330 also these these smart batteries are
00:11:01.680 00:11:01.690 expensive in terms of copper right these
00:11:04.680 00:11:04.690 are like were like 200 copper each yeah
00:11:09.630 00:11:09.640 two hundred two hundred kilograms of
00:11:12.180 00:11:12.190 copper each I've only got a thousand I
00:11:14.010 00:11:14.020 made up a little bit I made up like 20
00:11:16.139 00:11:16.149 more units so so yeah be sparing on
00:11:20.130 00:11:20.140 these until you get refining and so I so
00:11:23.190 00:11:23.200 I'm gonna make it up and with with a
00:11:25.320 00:11:25.330 couple of jump our batteries now if I
00:11:26.880 00:11:26.890 put Jim Bob batteries there then I could
00:11:28.740 00:11:28.750 put another floor in and have another
00:11:30.540 00:11:30.550 couple there if I really wanted to but I
00:11:32.310 00:11:32.320 think this will be fine for now
00:11:33.540 00:11:33.550 okay fine so so we've got a link hall of
00:11:36.480 00:11:36.490 data well hang on a second yeah I've
00:11:38.790 00:11:38.800 also got to do these guys down here so
00:11:40.500 00:11:40.510 I'm gonna adjust this slightly and put
00:11:45.329 00:11:45.339 them in there and then I really like
00:11:48.240 00:11:48.250 having them next to each other but I'm
00:11:49.860 00:11:49.870 gonna put them there in there okay fine
00:11:51.750 00:11:51.760 so hang on a second so you've got these
00:11:53.400 00:11:53.410 all of these like connected by this
00:11:55.320 00:11:55.330 heavy what wire well so so how do you
00:12:00.000 00:12:00.010 connect to these then like how did these
00:12:01.890 00:12:01.900 these thin thousand watt wires connect
00:12:04.980 00:12:04.990 to this mega 20,000 watt wires well you
00:12:08.220 00:12:08.230 do it through transformers so I get out
00:12:11.790 00:12:11.800 to that bed up to that and I'm also
00:12:14.610 00:12:14.620 gonna please dick I don't want to get
00:12:19.350 00:12:19.360 into that pinch of pepper so let me let
00:12:28.110 00:12:28.120 me run you down well I'm gonna run that
00:12:31.890 00:12:31.900 down there and link those up but I am
00:12:33.420 00:12:33.430 I'll show you something else I'll show
00:12:34.980 00:12:34.990 you something else
00:12:35.430 00:12:35.440 so these transformers how the hell do
00:12:37.170 00:12:37.180 these power transformers work well I'm
00:12:39.690 00:12:39.700 gonna put in
00:12:42.850 00:12:42.860 I don't leave it I'm gonna leave a space
00:12:45.100 00:12:45.110 I'm trying to leave a space just for
00:12:46.870 00:12:46.880 hate reasons just so that we can kind of
00:12:49.300 00:12:49.310 dissipate a bit of heat so we'll have
00:12:51.280 00:12:51.290 that one there and that one there okay
00:12:53.860 00:12:53.870 and then I'm gonna hook up the heavy
00:12:56.350 00:12:56.360 what wire to these but I I also want a
00:13:00.430 00:13:00.440 circuit down here for this so I'm going
00:13:01.990 00:13:02.000 to put another one of these down here
00:13:04.270 00:13:04.280 and then the heavy watt wire I'm gonna
00:13:06.490 00:13:06.500 run down into that did anything for that
00:13:09.280 00:13:09.290 cult awesomesauce alright so now I need
00:13:14.110 00:13:14.120 to hook up to these so how am I going to
00:13:16.720 00:13:16.730 do that well the problem is what I would
00:13:19.480 00:13:19.490 love to do is just go straight up like
00:13:21.940 00:13:21.950 that right but it's a problem it won't
00:13:25.150 00:13:25.160 go through tiles okay I'm gonna have to
00:13:28.240 00:13:28.250 do something about that so I want that
00:13:30.490 00:13:30.500 one to go up there I want that one to
00:13:31.810 00:13:31.820 come plug into there and I want to go
00:13:33.970 00:13:33.980 there and plug into there okay what am I
00:13:36.370 00:13:36.380 going to do about these tiles then well
00:13:37.840 00:13:37.850 I'm gonna do deconstruct I'll do this
00:13:40.690 00:13:40.700 priority nine so I want to get rid of
00:13:43.080 00:13:43.090 let's go back to there try that again
00:13:45.840 00:13:45.850 yeah no no priority deconstruct priority
00:13:49.510 00:13:49.520 not yeah come here
00:13:51.900 00:13:51.910 deconstruct priority nine thank you
00:13:55.300 00:13:55.310 that tile that tile that tile and that
00:13:58.630 00:13:58.640 tile right go okay well there's a
00:14:01.990 00:14:02.000 special piece which is the the heavy
00:14:04.630 00:14:04.640 work joint plate which is basically a
00:14:07.360 00:14:07.370 tile with a connection on each end for
00:14:09.310 00:14:09.320 they have you want work so you spin that
00:14:11.200 00:14:11.210 around pop one in there one in there one
00:14:14.800 00:14:14.810 in there one in there right that's off
00:14:16.570 00:14:16.580 that problem okay
00:14:18.360 00:14:18.370 so we've now connected our power
00:14:22.020 00:14:22.030 creation a power generation to these
00:14:25.450 00:14:25.460 transformers and what these do is these
00:14:27.400 00:14:27.410 will transform the power from this like
00:14:30.220 00:14:30.230 high high voltage high wattage power
00:14:32.560 00:14:32.570 circuit down to smaller circuits that
00:14:34.870 00:14:34.880 will operate on the small wires so we've
00:14:38.620 00:14:38.630 now got four circuits we can bring off
00:14:40.990 00:14:41.000 here one two three four from the four
00:14:43.470 00:14:43.480 generators up here and one from down
00:14:45.490 00:14:45.500 here so I'm gonna hook this one up into
00:14:47.590 00:14:47.600 there so we can have a thousand watts on
00:14:50.860 00:14:50.870 this circuit well we're only going to be
00:14:52.090 00:14:52.100 running 240 so that's going to be fine
00:14:53.590 00:14:53.600 and then up here I want the incubate
00:14:56.060 00:14:56.070 is our on a circuit so let's use well
00:15:01.010 00:15:01.020 let's use and let's use that way for now
00:15:02.450 00:15:02.460 it's fine and then I want all of this
00:15:07.880 00:15:07.890 stuff up here we're let's see we've got
00:15:10.430 00:15:10.440 well we've got four of these oxygen
00:15:13.370 00:15:13.380 diffuses at the moment so that's four
00:15:14.780 00:15:14.790 hundred and eighty and then the research
00:15:17.270 00:15:17.280 for ATS at six six sixty and the grille
00:15:21.160 00:15:21.170 720 so we've got about 720 on this and
00:15:24.200 00:15:24.210 that's great for a circuit so if I put
00:15:26.990 00:15:27.000 if I run this I've got that up to the
00:15:30.260 00:15:30.270 I've got the IP to the wrong place my
00:15:32.570 00:15:32.580 bad sorry that should hook up to the
00:15:36.890 00:15:36.900 other connection yeah we're ik power and
00:15:39.260 00:15:39.270 why I should have to this one so the big
00:15:41.750 00:15:41.760 wire goes into here and the small wire
00:15:43.460 00:15:43.470 comes out of here so we want the small
00:15:46.250 00:15:46.260 wire coming out of there into there and
00:15:47.960 00:15:47.970 I want to get rid of that bit there get
00:15:50.990 00:15:51.000 rid of that wire so this going to be one
00:15:52.520 00:15:52.530 circuit there and then this you can even
00:15:54.140 00:15:54.150 one circuit going up there and then I've
00:15:56.630 00:15:56.640 got one more circuit that I need to plug
00:15:58.490 00:15:58.500 in this is 240 and 126 360 it's eat what
00:16:02.870 00:16:02.880 it's either those two or that one so
00:16:04.940 00:16:04.950 these are the bigger - so that's 360 and
00:16:07.070 00:16:07.080 this pumped down here so 360 600 so
00:16:09.770 00:16:09.780 we've got 600 watts on that circuit I
00:16:11.920 00:16:11.930 think I'm gonna run it on this outside
00:16:16.610 00:16:16.620 one and that leaves me the inside one no
00:16:24.440 00:16:24.450 actually I might leave the outside I
00:16:27.710 00:16:27.720 don't know I don't know which one's the
00:16:29.180 00:16:29.190 better one to run I might leave the
00:16:32.450 00:16:32.460 inside one open because I could always
00:16:33.830 00:16:33.840 switch the outside want to go in link up
00:16:35.540 00:16:35.550 there and then have an inside one going
00:16:37.490 00:16:37.500 up here yeah so we'll do that
00:16:39.800 00:16:39.810 let's go power and wire we'll run that
00:16:43.640 00:16:43.650 across there and down into that now okay
00:16:47.260 00:16:47.270 if we look you know let's let it get
00:16:50.240 00:16:50.250 built because it'd be easier to see once
00:16:52.580 00:16:52.590 it's already built Oh
00:16:55.520 00:16:55.530 lots to do there guys there's one other
00:16:59.420 00:16:59.430 thing and that is some how are we gonna
00:17:01.460 00:17:01.470 hook the batteries up to control the
00:17:04.429 00:17:04.439 power generation
00:17:05.940 00:17:05.950 well we go to automation so I've got now
00:17:09.090 00:17:09.100 now got this automation wire so I did I
00:17:13.880 00:17:13.890 did
00:17:15.090 00:17:15.100 this smart homes thing to give us the
00:17:17.490 00:17:17.500 automation wire it also gives us an
00:17:19.590 00:17:19.600 automation wire bridge and a signal
00:17:21.630 00:17:21.640 switch and a duplicate motion Center
00:17:24.300 00:17:24.310 which you can do some cool things with
00:17:25.500 00:17:25.510 and it allows us access to the
00:17:27.060 00:17:27.070 automation overlay which is this puppy
00:17:30.120 00:17:30.130 oh and look these things have got inputs
00:17:33.750 00:17:33.760 oh look all this input stuff right this
00:17:37.620 00:17:37.630 is going to be done very very simple
00:17:39.440 00:17:39.450 what I can do because I've got two
00:17:41.970 00:17:41.980 batteries I could kind of stagger the
00:17:45.930 00:17:45.940 load so that under under low load only
00:17:49.080 00:17:49.090 three of the generators are running and
00:17:51.000 00:17:51.010 then if the load increases then the
00:17:52.710 00:17:52.720 other three kick in and that might be a
00:17:55.710 00:17:55.720 good idea from a temperature perspective
00:17:57.660 00:17:57.670 so I'm gonna plug this cold generator
00:18:01.740 00:18:01.750 into this battery and plug that back you
00:18:04.890 00:18:04.900 know that generator into this battery
00:18:06.360 00:18:06.370 and I'm also gonna plug that one in as
00:18:09.270 00:18:09.280 well it's all on a single set the fact
00:18:11.310 00:18:11.320 that I've hooked it up to this doesn't
00:18:12.780 00:18:12.790 matter it's all on a single circuit and
00:18:14.340 00:18:14.350 then I'm gonna do the same with this one
00:18:17.580 00:18:17.590 go to their hookup to their hooray and
00:18:21.360 00:18:21.370 there was much rejoicing here we go and
00:18:24.690 00:18:24.700 there it was okay so it's all there how
00:18:29.190 00:18:29.200 the hell does this work as it all looks
00:18:32.100 00:18:32.110 staggeringly complicated well as you can
00:18:35.910 00:18:35.920 see we've got this this main kind of
00:18:38.280 00:18:38.290 mega circuit where all of our power
00:18:40.470 00:18:40.480 generators all of our batteries are on
00:18:42.420 00:18:42.430 that main circuit so all of our
00:18:43.890 00:18:43.900 generators are feeding all of our
00:18:45.450 00:18:45.460 batteries and that's all fine and then
00:18:48.240 00:18:48.250 any time that we want to produce a
00:18:50.250 00:18:50.260 little one of one kilowatt circuit we
00:18:53.670 00:18:53.680 put in a power generator we run a wire
00:18:55.680 00:18:55.690 off it and bump there's a circuit and
00:18:57.990 00:18:58.000 the same appear we've got one two three
00:18:59.910 00:18:59.920 four circuits up here this one obviously
00:19:03.450 00:19:03.460 didn't go in anywhere at the moment but
00:19:06.030 00:19:06.040 okay I'm just worried just so you can
00:19:08.280 00:19:08.290 see directly there
00:19:09.390 00:19:09.400 all right cool well that's all that well
00:19:12.570 00:19:12.580 so what about this automation stuff well
00:19:15.150 00:19:15.160 if we go to the automation overlay you
00:19:17.370 00:19:17.380 can see we've got these three
00:19:19.100 00:19:19.110 circuit well what the hell is going on
00:19:20.990 00:19:21.000 here okay
00:19:22.640 00:19:22.650 to go have a look at the battery the
00:19:24.560 00:19:24.570 battery has a high threshold and a low
00:19:26.360 00:19:26.370 threshold and thus this tells you sends
00:19:29.000 00:19:29.010 a green signal or a red signal based on
00:19:31.669 00:19:31.679 the configurations of the logic
00:19:33.289 00:19:33.299 activation parameters okay this is a
00:19:36.350 00:19:36.360 kind of a bad description what if what
00:19:38.150 00:19:38.160 this is saying is it'll send either a
00:19:39.770 00:19:39.780 red signal or a or a green signal
00:19:42.470 00:19:42.480 depending on whether it meets the high
00:19:45.830 00:19:45.840 threshold or the low threshold okay fine
00:19:49.190 00:19:49.200 so well which is which and whatever I
00:19:51.409 00:19:51.419 don't know wait doesn't tell you here if
00:19:53.450 00:19:53.460 you go to the old automation overlay and
00:19:55.580 00:19:55.590 actually mouse over one of these it'll
00:19:57.740 00:19:57.750 tell you what they actually do
00:19:59.780 00:19:59.790 so this says it sends a green signal
00:20:03.140 00:20:03.150 when the battery is less than the low
00:20:06.289 00:20:06.299 threshold charged and it sends a red
00:20:09.380 00:20:09.390 signal when the battery is more than the
00:20:12.860 00:20:12.870 high threshold charge okay fine so well
00:20:17.990 00:20:18.000 that one of those mean then so what does
00:20:20.000 00:20:20.010 the red signal and the green signal do
00:20:21.620 00:20:21.630 when it's received by one of these
00:20:23.360 00:20:23.370 generators on its mouse over here the
00:20:25.669 00:20:25.679 green signal means enable the building
00:20:27.950 00:20:27.960 started up and the red signal means
00:20:30.080 00:20:30.090 disabled the building ah ah okay
00:20:32.990 00:20:33.000 think I think we're getting it so what
00:20:34.700 00:20:34.710 it means is when here we go so when we
00:20:41.090 00:20:41.100 get to the low threshold right it'll
00:20:43.460 00:20:43.470 turn the building on and this generator
00:20:45.560 00:20:45.570 will starch churning stop producing
00:20:48.770 00:20:48.780 power and charging the battery up and
00:20:50.750 00:20:50.760 then when we get to the high threshold
00:20:52.520 00:20:52.530 it'll send the red stick the red signal
00:20:57.049 00:20:57.059 and say stop producing power at this
00:21:00.409 00:21:00.419 point because I've got enough right and
00:21:02.930 00:21:02.940 then the battery will sit there not
00:21:04.700 00:21:04.710 doing anything until the battery gets to
00:21:06.740 00:21:06.750 the low threshold and then it will be
00:21:08.060 00:21:08.070 told it's time to turn on again okay so
00:21:10.610 00:21:10.620 this way you're not going to waste any
00:21:12.020 00:21:12.030 coal because this will just stop it
00:21:15.049 00:21:15.059 completely will stop the building from
00:21:16.370 00:21:16.380 working rather than worrying about
00:21:18.470 00:21:18.480 whether it's whether it's loaded up with
00:21:19.880 00:21:19.890 coal or not so of the way I'm going to
00:21:22.280 00:21:22.290 do this I'm going to set the low
00:21:23.690 00:21:23.700 threshold on this one to 30 and I'm
00:21:29.540 00:21:29.550 going to set the high threshold at like
00:21:31.130 00:21:31.140 like
00:21:31.940 00:21:31.950 ninety-eight and then I'm gonna set this
00:21:34.580 00:21:34.590 one you know in fact I'm gonna send it
00:21:37.070 00:21:37.080 on we want to get as much out of this as
00:21:38.629 00:21:38.639 possible I'm gonna set it to 99 and I'm
00:21:40.970 00:21:40.980 gonna set this one to 99 there we go
00:21:45.649 00:21:45.659 and but this one the low threshold I'm
00:21:48.560 00:21:48.570 going to set this one to 20 20 20 there
00:21:56.269 00:21:56.279 we go okay now these are this is that
00:22:00.500 00:22:00.510 still works the same so when the battery
00:22:02.389 00:22:02.399 get threshold gets out of 50%
00:22:05.500 00:22:05.510 you'll be triggered for them to come and
00:22:07.370 00:22:07.380 load this up so if if this gets down to
00:22:09.500 00:22:09.510 empty right then they'll try to fill it
00:22:11.779 00:22:11.789 up okay so how does this work in
00:22:17.149 00:22:17.159 practice well let's watch it and see
00:22:19.060 00:22:19.070 okay so our batteries are running down
00:22:24.430 00:22:24.440 okay
00:22:25.759 00:22:25.769 none of these are on right now because
00:22:28.519 00:22:28.529 we haven't reached the low threshold so
00:22:31.879 00:22:31.889 all of the generators are turned off we
00:22:34.190 00:22:34.200 look at the automation we've got the red
00:22:35.539 00:22:35.549 signal red signal means be turned off so
00:22:38.509 00:22:38.519 it's red signal disabled building so
00:22:40.310 00:22:40.320 these are all disabled we're not
00:22:41.450 00:22:41.460 generating any power okay so when we get
00:22:44.750 00:22:44.760 down to 30% three of these aha these
00:22:50.480 00:22:50.490 three let's serve let's understand these
00:22:52.850 00:22:52.860 three will start generating power now if
00:22:57.139 00:22:57.149 the power goes up right then it
00:23:00.470 00:23:00.480 obviously means that these three
00:23:02.000 00:23:02.010 generally three generators are enough to
00:23:04.039 00:23:04.049 power our network so no need to run the
00:23:07.279 00:23:07.289 other three we can just run on these
00:23:09.470 00:23:09.480 three and then if it kept falling and
00:23:13.310 00:23:13.320 hit 20% then these three would turn on
00:23:16.850 00:23:16.860 so it's like you can balance how much
00:23:20.000 00:23:20.010 you actually need to have running
00:23:21.669 00:23:21.679 dependent on your battery so you could
00:23:24.919 00:23:24.929 you could set up a bunch of batteries at
00:23:26.629 00:23:26.639 like 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% and then only
00:23:30.889 00:23:30.899 have as many generators running as you
00:23:32.870 00:23:32.880 actually need to satisfy your circuits
00:23:35.210 00:23:35.220 at that moment in time so there you go
00:23:38.930 00:23:38.940 that's pretty much it now there's a lot
00:23:42.830 00:23:42.840 more that you can do
00:23:44.680 00:23:44.690 in terms of automating the coal delivery
00:23:47.560 00:23:47.570 and blah-blah-blah-blah-blah
00:23:48.940 00:23:48.950 but for now that kind to do now talking
00:23:51.730 00:23:51.740 about the coal I need to put my storage
00:23:53.590 00:23:53.600 bins back in you know while I'm waiting
00:23:56.050 00:23:56.060 for that which apparently I am up the
00:24:00.460 00:24:00.470 other thing is this right this thing is
00:24:03.040 00:24:03.050 running like pretty much all the time
00:24:05.050 00:24:05.060 but if you look at the look it's
00:24:07.360 00:24:07.370 actually a vacuum down here half the
00:24:10.150 00:24:10.160 time if you look at the carbon dioxide
00:24:12.820 00:24:12.830 it's down like under a hundred grams
00:24:15.910 00:24:15.920 most of the time it's so low we don't
00:24:18.820 00:24:18.830 want this running all the time like that
00:24:21.040 00:24:21.050 it's a waste of power we only wanted to
00:24:23.530 00:24:23.540 run one we've got a decent amount of
00:24:24.970 00:24:24.980 carbon dioxide to get rid of so if I go
00:24:27.970 00:24:27.980 to automation and grab the thing that I
00:24:30.760 00:24:30.770 got which is the Atmos sensor I'm gonna
00:24:34.000 00:24:34.010 put an app motor
00:24:34.720 00:24:34.730 I think I'm gonna put it over here over
00:24:38.020 00:24:38.030 there this hatch needs to be wrangled
00:24:39.450 00:24:39.460 wrangle you priority 9 go so I'm going
00:24:43.450 00:24:43.460 to put in an app most sensor and then
00:24:45.280 00:24:45.290 again I'm gonna hook it up with the
00:24:47.650 00:24:47.660 automation wire and I'm just gonna hook
00:24:50.320 00:24:50.330 it up into here squizzles doing the
00:24:54.640 00:24:54.650 wrangling oh she's doing the wrangling
00:24:57.790 00:24:57.800 she's also doing the building good good
00:24:59.530 00:24:59.540 old squeeze all we got sir we've got any
00:25:02.020 00:25:02.030 hatches on death row oh we've got a
00:25:03.370 00:25:03.380 bunch of them well in that case let's
00:25:05.650 00:25:05.660 dude let's do a quick execution any last
00:25:08.950 00:25:08.960 words
00:25:10.860 00:25:10.870 there you go I love it here we go here
00:25:15.460 00:25:15.470 come out guys shoot them shoot em shoot
00:25:19.020 00:25:19.030 them before they eat all the meat now
00:25:21.520 00:25:21.530 alex has fallen asleep on the job
00:25:23.370 00:25:23.380 grab the meat so what I'm going to do
00:25:26.680 00:25:26.690 I'm gonna say on this Atmos sensor send
00:25:29.410 00:25:29.420 a green signal if you are above and
00:25:32.110 00:25:32.120 let's set this to like 200 grams I bring
00:25:35.680 00:25:35.690 the corner here should be about right so
00:25:38.550 00:25:38.560 what this what this means is that this
00:25:42.820 00:25:42.830 is going to send a green signal if the
00:25:44.320 00:25:44.330 gas pressure is is within the selected
00:25:47.200 00:25:47.210 range which is going to be above 200 so
00:25:49.660 00:25:49.670 when the gas pressure gets up above 200
00:25:51.520 00:25:51.530 it'll turn this on and when it's below
00:25:54.010 00:25:54.020 200 it'll turn it off so it means it
00:25:56.980 00:25:56.990 this is only going to work when we've
00:25:58.780 00:25:58.790 got decent gas pressure and you can see
00:26:00.520 00:26:00.530 it only needs to work for a second or
00:26:02.500 00:26:02.510 two and it's because this thing absorbs
00:26:05.320 00:26:05.330 so much carbon dioxide that it only
00:26:08.650 00:26:08.660 needs to run for a second or two and
00:26:10.270 00:26:10.280 that's going to save us a lot of power
00:26:11.500 00:26:11.510 doing that
00:26:12.310 00:26:12.320 awesomesauce all right cool let's go
00:26:15.520 00:26:15.530 have another quick look at our circuits
00:26:18.190 00:26:18.200 and make sure that everything's cool so
00:26:21.070 00:26:21.080 we've got one circuit on there great
00:26:22.720 00:26:22.730 we've got one circuit on there great and
00:26:25.720 00:26:25.730 we've got one circuit on there awesome
00:26:27.250 00:26:27.260 and this is a max wattage 1000 watts
00:26:30.730 00:26:30.740 circuit status we are currently running
00:26:33.670 00:26:33.680 on whatever it is of 600 watts is the
00:26:37.240 00:26:37.250 maximum and then this one's got 720 max
00:26:40.750 00:26:40.760 on it and this one has got 720 max on it
00:26:44.230 00:26:44.240 and then this one down here is 240 max
00:26:48.390 00:26:48.400 awesomesauce
00:26:49.870 00:26:49.880 and you can see that on this view you
00:26:51.400 00:26:51.410 can also see it if you just click on the
00:26:54.040 00:26:54.050 wire and go to energy it'll tell you the
00:26:58.530 00:26:58.540 potential power consumed right so this
00:27:01.990 00:27:02.000 this circuit has got a maximum of 240
00:27:04.930 00:27:04.940 what's the cypher maximum wattage of
00:27:06.730 00:27:06.740 this circuit and it'll show you what the
00:27:10.750 00:27:10.760 power consumers are so it's showing you
00:27:13.480 00:27:13.490 that there's a water sieve and a carbon
00:27:15.250 00:27:15.260 skimmer right we're going to do that on
00:27:17.380 00:27:17.390 a circuit up here like this one it'll
00:27:21.220 00:27:21.230 tell you we've got to oxygen diffusers a
00:27:24.400 00:27:24.410 research station a supercomputer an
00:27:26.380 00:27:26.390 electric grill and two more oxygen
00:27:28.270 00:27:28.280 diffusers cool and up here the maximum
00:27:32.260 00:27:32.270 power the potential power that we could
00:27:34.570 00:27:34.580 continue 720 Maximus like 20 mm so it's
00:27:37.600 00:27:37.610 fine and it tells you what it's
00:27:39.040 00:27:39.050 consuming at the moment and you can see
00:27:40.630 00:27:40.640 it kind of goes up and down doesn't get
00:27:42.880 00:27:42.890 very high to be honest 360 360 gonna get
00:27:47.470 00:27:47.480 much above that probably not so there
00:27:50.650 00:27:50.660 you go guys
00:27:51.340 00:27:51.350 that is how you set up one of these and
00:27:55.090 00:27:55.100 I gotta say I do kinda like this layout
00:27:57.280 00:27:57.290 now you can do it this way but you could
00:28:01.090 00:28:01.100 also do it horizontally so for example
00:28:03.490 00:28:03.500 yeah you could run this heavy what cable
00:28:06.280 00:28:06.290 like up the side of your building and
00:28:08.320 00:28:08.330 then
00:28:08.880 00:28:08.890 a series of transformers running
00:28:11.670 00:28:11.680 circuits like into each of you flaws if
00:28:14.100 00:28:14.110 you wanted to do it that way or if you
00:28:17.220 00:28:17.230 don't from the bottom here this is
00:28:18.360 00:28:18.370 extensible so I can just put a bro of
00:28:21.720 00:28:21.730 power transformers across here and run
00:28:23.970 00:28:23.980 as many circuits up as I want so I'm
00:28:28.490 00:28:28.500 trying to think of something else to say
00:28:30.960 00:28:30.970 but it's it's that simple it really is
00:28:33.930 00:28:33.940 that simple now there is a set of
00:28:38.340 00:28:38.350 upgraded wire so there is one more thing
00:28:41.220 00:28:41.230 that I do need to say if we can have a
00:28:42.930 00:28:42.940 look at research and we look at power
00:28:47.160 00:28:47.170 where are we power power power power
00:28:49.230 00:28:49.240 power it's a little bit further up here
00:28:50.940 00:28:50.950 here we go power there is these things
00:28:53.580 00:28:53.590 low resistance conductors now this is
00:28:56.970 00:28:56.980 another set deserve there's a large
00:28:58.500 00:28:58.510 power transformer and you've got this
00:29:01.170 00:29:01.180 conductive wire instead of firm it's
00:29:04.080 00:29:04.090 done at the regular wire which is 1,000
00:29:06.780 00:29:06.790 watts this will allow you to run 2,000
00:29:09.480 00:29:09.490 watts on a circuit and then you need the
00:29:10.890 00:29:10.900 large power can part transformer for
00:29:13.620 00:29:13.630 that and then because you've got that
00:29:15.660 00:29:15.670 you've got this heavy what conductive
00:29:19.530 00:29:19.540 wire it still this still only carries
00:29:23.070 00:29:23.080 the same as this heavy wire though it's
00:29:25.770 00:29:25.780 still 20,000 watts I don't know why that
00:29:28.830 00:29:28.840 isn't increased that really should be
00:29:30.630 00:29:30.640 increased like 40,000 watts it's it has
00:29:33.600 00:29:33.610 slightly slightly less bad dacor but
00:29:39.510 00:29:39.520 other than that to be honest I can't
00:29:40.650 00:29:40.660 understand I can't see why you would
00:29:42.390 00:29:42.400 want to use that rather than the heavy
00:29:44.100 00:29:44.110 what wire because this uses like refined
00:29:46.560 00:29:46.570 metals this uses just met law so this is
00:29:50.610 00:29:50.620 quite a lot more expensive and you don't
00:29:52.020 00:29:52.030 really get that much from it but the
00:29:54.900 00:29:54.910 conductive wires same thing you need
00:29:56.940 00:29:56.950 refined metals rather than metal or for
00:29:59.550 00:29:59.560 a room for the regular wires but that
00:30:02.400 00:30:02.410 gives you a decent benefit I mean being
00:30:04.530 00:30:04.540 able to run a 2k circuit rather than a
00:30:06.180 00:30:06.190 1k circuit if you're doing some heavy
00:30:08.130 00:30:08.140 industry
00:30:09.920 00:30:09.930 that could be really really useful and
00:30:12.480 00:30:12.490 will be say look we're only running
00:30:15.330 00:30:15.340 three of our coal generators because
00:30:16.710 00:30:16.720 that's all that we need at the moment I
00:30:18.510 00:30:18.520 can do
00:30:19.660 00:30:19.670 one of these boom and there we go it's
00:30:23.290 00:30:23.300 all done and I gotta say that's it does
00:30:26.530 00:30:26.540 look pretty tidy well I guess we should
00:30:30.370 00:30:30.380 end by looking at the oxygen overlay and
00:30:33.190 00:30:33.200 see have we made a difference oh my lord
00:30:36.760 00:30:36.770 look at the carbon dioxide the carbon
00:30:39.070 00:30:39.080 dioxide remember at the end of the last
00:30:41.680 00:30:41.690 episode it was up just getting into
00:30:43.510 00:30:43.520 these bedrooms at the beginning of this
00:30:45.280 00:30:45.290 episode it had already dropped to the
00:30:46.750 00:30:46.760 printing pod now it's down in here
00:30:50.850 00:30:50.860 loving it
00:30:52.300 00:30:52.310 and all I've had to do is open up this
00:30:56.140 00:30:56.150 chamber and let a bit of a little bit of
00:30:58.330 00:30:58.340 oxygen out throw in a couple of extra
00:31:00.100 00:31:00.110 diffusers but I want to I want to cut
00:31:03.760 00:31:03.770 back on those two if I can this is one
00:31:07.660 00:31:07.670 thing I will say guys it always seems
00:31:10.900 00:31:10.910 easy you know oh I'll just throw in a
00:31:13.180 00:31:13.190 couple of extra oxygen diffuses right
00:31:15.310 00:31:15.320 well I have doubled my algae usage okay
00:31:19.780 00:31:19.790 if I look over here I hope my algae is
00:31:21.940 00:31:21.950 already down to twenty two point seven
00:31:24.040 00:31:24.050 tonnes this is gonna run out fairly soon
00:31:26.680 00:31:26.690 now okay I do have some fairly big algae
00:31:29.560 00:31:29.570 deposits around that I could go and get
00:31:31.480 00:31:31.490 there's another one over there
00:31:32.830 00:31:32.840 a little bit down there some there but
00:31:37.320 00:31:37.330 once that's gone then what do I do
00:31:41.860 00:31:41.870 then I'm forced out into the slime
00:31:44.050 00:31:44.060 biomes and you better make sure that
00:31:46.840 00:31:46.850 you're prepared for that
00:31:48.100 00:31:48.110 who knows maybe in the next episode or
00:31:51.040 00:31:51.050 should i do slime long in the next
00:31:53.530 00:31:53.540 episode and how you deal with the slime
00:31:55.570 00:31:55.580 long and the slime biomes I'm kinda
00:31:58.120 00:31:58.130 tempted if if you want me to do that or
00:32:01.150 00:32:01.160 you want me to do something else let me
00:32:02.740 00:32:02.750 know
00:32:03.040 00:32:03.050 just before we go I want to say them
00:32:04.930 00:32:04.940 using the showers because I want to show
00:32:06.250 00:32:06.260 you how that works this is really quick
00:32:08.320 00:32:08.330 though before before the full release
00:32:11.260 00:32:11.270 they used to get a buff which was called
00:32:13.870 00:32:13.880 grimy and then they took a shower and
00:32:16.510 00:32:16.520 and they what was a debuff the grimy
00:32:19.300 00:32:19.310 debuff they would lose the grimy debuff
00:32:22.480 00:32:22.490 when they took a shower now it works
00:32:24.070 00:32:24.080 differently now they've linked it in to
00:32:25.570 00:32:25.580 the morale system so when they take a
00:32:28.120 00:32:28.130 shower
00:32:29.220 00:32:29.230 so they go to bed they have a bit so
00:32:31.560 00:32:31.570 we've got Sparrow priests and null and
00:32:33.270 00:32:33.280 this should be oh here we go huncle
00:32:35.460 00:32:35.470 briefing good eats so the four of them
00:32:38.100 00:32:38.110 on their shift are having a snooze and
00:32:39.960 00:32:39.970 then when they wake up I'm gonna slow it
00:32:44.400 00:32:44.410 down a touch when they wake up and we'll
00:32:46.770 00:32:46.780 follow null okay so you know what let's
00:32:49.530 00:32:49.540 this run it on almost weekly move so
00:32:51.150 00:32:51.160 fast so no if we look at Noel's morale
00:32:54.320 00:32:54.330 he's got it he's got a morale of 29 so
00:32:58.230 00:32:58.240 he's gonna pop into the shower
00:33:00.290 00:33:00.300 thank God he takes his hat off in the
00:33:02.460 00:33:02.470 shower it's good news oh there look all
00:33:05.820 00:33:05.830 four three of them oh and here comes
00:33:08.000 00:33:08.010 hiccups cook it's it's like whoa look at
00:33:11.250 00:33:11.260 you in the shower all right
00:33:13.140 00:33:13.150 sonal has finished his shower and now if
00:33:15.540 00:33:15.550 we look at his morale it smells gone up
00:33:17.070 00:33:17.080 to 32 and if you look at the fourth one
00:33:19.440 00:33:19.450 down showered +3 morale so we have just
00:33:23.640 00:33:23.650 added +3 morale to all of our dupes just
00:33:27.630 00:33:27.640 by adding in those showers so there you
00:33:30.270 00:33:30.280 go that is going to be the end of the
00:33:32.400 00:33:32.410 episode
00:33:33.030 00:33:33.040 everything is freaking awesome look
00:33:34.740 00:33:34.750 we're over 300-thousand food we we've
00:33:37.620 00:33:37.630 got showers we've got fancy bedrooms
00:33:40.970 00:33:40.980 like we've got we've got oxygen we've
00:33:44.520 00:33:44.530 got oxygen coming out of areas at the
00:33:46.710 00:33:46.720 moment we've got a fancy power system
00:33:48.710 00:33:48.720 which looks super sexy and temperature
00:33:53.550 00:33:53.560 temperature is freaking suede
00:33:55.680 00:33:55.690 everything's good we've got lovely cool
00:33:57.900 00:33:57.910 water circulating around the base yeah
00:34:02.400 00:34:02.410 it started to look very very good the
00:34:04.710 00:34:04.720 oxygen we got the like for a bristle bar
00:34:08.610 00:34:08.620 a bristle farm the plumbing I tell you
00:34:13.919 00:34:13.929 what that's an OCD man's dream that it
00:34:16.020 00:34:16.030 that is so nice so nice and symmetrical
00:34:19.700 00:34:19.710 no ventilation we need to just start
00:34:21.780 00:34:21.790 doing some ventilation
00:34:22.560 00:34:22.570 dacor is staggering it's so bright
00:34:27.230 00:34:27.240 that's awesome
00:34:28.940 00:34:28.950 germs zero apart from the good kind
00:34:32.399 00:34:32.409 which is the the floral scent buff that
00:34:34.680 00:34:34.690 we get from from this from there from
00:34:36.899 00:34:36.909 the bristle blossoms ah that's the
00:34:39.570 00:34:39.580 farming there's the rooms
00:34:42.140 00:34:42.150 lots of hatches posh bathrooms posh
00:34:44.900 00:34:44.910 bedrooms and now we've got our first
00:34:48.380 00:34:48.390 little bit of automation guys thank you
00:34:50.690 00:34:50.700 for watching I hope you've enjoyed this
00:34:52.730 00:34:52.740 I hope you've enjoyed watching it as
00:34:54.350 00:34:54.360 much as I have enjoyed playing it and
00:34:56.890 00:34:56.900 you know what as soon as you've checked
00:34:58.880 00:34:58.890 that link in the video description I'll
00:35:00.860 00:35:00.870 see you for the next episode yeah are
00:35:04.550 00:35:04.560 you looking yet markets for the next one
00:35:07.100 00:35:07.110 guys peace out
00:35:10.760 00:35:10.770 [Music]
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