Real Tech S2E36 - PneumaticCraft Plastic and Oil Refining

Kind: captions
Language: en

thanks for joining me this is Danny and
00:00:01.309 00:00:01.319 welcome back to my real tech series
00:00:02.690 00:00:02.700 episode 36 and part 2 of the pneumatic
00:00:06.170 00:00:06.180 craft mini series today we are going to
00:00:08.839 00:00:08.849 be getting into tier 2 pressure that is
00:00:11.780 00:00:11.790 to say advanced pressure in pneumatic
00:00:13.940 00:00:13.950 craft which is going to allow us to
00:00:15.799 00:00:15.809 pressure up our tools and weapons that
00:00:18.650 00:00:18.660 we've already made to make them even
00:00:20.300 00:00:20.310 more crazy and powerful and also it'll
00:00:23.599 00:00:23.609 allow us to get into some of the more
00:00:24.769 00:00:24.779 advanced things in pneumatic craft
00:00:27.500 00:00:27.510 however the road to get there is
00:00:29.390 00:00:29.400 somewhat long but trust me it's gonna be
00:00:32.150 00:00:32.160 fun it's a fun road the mechanics in
00:00:34.639 00:00:34.649 this matter are actually quite fun to
00:00:36.110 00:00:36.120 play with so what we're aiming at today
00:00:38.750 00:00:38.760 is creating a tier 2 compressor which
00:00:42.380 00:00:42.390 would be the advanced compressors and
00:00:44.209 00:00:44.219 also to make some advanced pressure
00:00:46.340 00:00:46.350 tubes so that we can generate more
00:00:48.380 00:00:48.390 pressure and hold more pressure in our
00:00:50.930 00:00:50.940 network so first of all let's just take
00:00:52.790 00:00:52.800 a quick peek at what this path is going
00:00:55.400 00:00:55.410 to look like before we jump into it so
00:00:57.080 00:00:57.090 if we look at the compressors so far we
00:00:59.990 00:01:00.000 have made just the regular old air
00:01:01.819 00:01:01.829 pressure this has the limitation that it
00:01:04.520 00:01:04.530 can only go up to 5 bar of pressure now
00:01:07.370 00:01:07.380 we want to be able to go up higher than
00:01:08.870 00:01:08.880 that so we're gonna have to get into
00:01:10.100 00:01:10.110 advanced air pressure there are a few
00:01:11.570 00:01:11.580 different options that are open to us um
00:01:14.450 00:01:14.460 one is to make this advanced air
00:01:16.010 00:01:16.020 compressor which is similar to the air
00:01:17.810 00:01:17.820 compressor and that it takes coal or
00:01:20.060 00:01:20.070 other furnace fuels in order to happen
00:01:24.950 00:01:24.960 in order to generate air pressure but it
00:01:27.590 00:01:27.600 requires this advanced pressure tube on
00:01:29.510 00:01:29.520 which we're also going to need in order
00:01:31.130 00:01:31.140 to hold that pressure in our network
00:01:32.690 00:01:32.700 because the tubes that we had can only
00:01:34.460 00:01:34.470 hold five by our pressure so now in
00:01:38.600 00:01:38.610 order to do that we're gonna kind of
00:01:40.280 00:01:40.290 fall into a little bit of a rabbit hole
00:01:41.719 00:01:41.729 here but trust me it's gonna be a fun
00:01:43.039 00:01:43.049 one so I'm actually gonna skip the
00:01:46.460 00:01:46.470 advanced air compressor and go right to
00:01:48.590 00:01:48.600 the flux compressor it allows us to use
00:01:50.899 00:01:50.909 RF to generate air pressure and we have
00:01:53.840 00:01:53.850 some RF available in a network but it's
00:01:55.999 00:01:56.009 gonna be a little bit more expensive but
00:01:57.770 00:01:57.780 for the most part the path to get there
00:01:59.179 00:01:59.189 is pretty much the same so here's the
00:02:01.069 00:02:01.079 rabbit-hole right um anything that we do
00:02:03.260 00:02:03.270 is going to require two things in order
00:02:06.109 00:02:06.119 to get to this next year um first of all
00:02:08.089 00:02:08.099 we're gonna have to make advanced
00:02:08.930 00:02:08.940 pressure tubes second of all we're gonna
00:02:10.669 00:02:10.679 have to make printed circuit boards so
00:02:12.650 00:02:12.660 if we look at the advanced pressure to
00:02:13.940 00:02:13.950 we can see that in order to make the
00:02:15.770 00:02:15.780 advance pressure tubes we need an
00:02:17.300 00:02:17.310 assembly controller it's a bunch of
00:02:19.100 00:02:19.110 little machines that kind of work
00:02:20.390 00:02:20.400 together in kind of an assembly line
00:02:23.360 00:02:23.370 sort of thing in order to craft certain
00:02:25.550 00:02:25.560 things it's actually a really fun
00:02:26.930 00:02:26.940 machine to to watch and to craft with
00:02:29.720 00:02:29.730 we'll get into the details of this as we
00:02:31.430 00:02:31.440 put this together but just to show you
00:02:33.140 00:02:33.150 the rabbit hole we're gonna look at one
00:02:34.850 00:02:34.860 of these things every one of these
00:02:36.080 00:02:36.090 requires a printed circuit board which
00:02:38.120 00:02:38.130 also we noticed the Fleck compressor
00:02:40.040 00:02:40.050 also required these printed circuit
00:02:41.360 00:02:41.370 boards the printed circuit boards can be
00:02:44.089 00:02:44.099 made in an assembly controller obviously
00:02:47.540 00:02:47.550 we're not gonna be able to do that
00:02:48.800 00:02:48.810 because we need the printed circuit
00:02:50.870 00:02:50.880 boards in order to make the assembly
00:02:53.240 00:02:53.250 controller machines so there's an
00:02:55.970 00:02:55.980 alternative way to do this and that is
00:02:57.559 00:02:57.569 with fetching acid so first of all we're
00:03:00.050 00:03:00.060 gonna have to craft this empty PCB oh
00:03:02.030 00:03:02.040 also by the way the etching acid hurts
00:03:05.960 00:03:05.970 when when you fall in it and we're gonna
00:03:08.750 00:03:08.760 have to jump into it a couple times so
00:03:10.340 00:03:10.350 so this'll be a fun experience so the
00:03:14.960 00:03:14.970 empty PCB is just made in the pressure
00:03:16.670 00:03:16.680 chamber like so it's just green plastic
00:03:19.220 00:03:19.230 and compressed iron so we need to make
00:03:22.610 00:03:22.620 plastic right we haven't gotten into
00:03:24.410 00:03:24.420 plastic yet so in order to make plastic
00:03:26.150 00:03:26.160 we're gonna need this plastic mixer
00:03:27.890 00:03:27.900 liquid plastic is something that we need
00:03:30.410 00:03:30.420 to make in a thermo pneumatic processing
00:03:33.410 00:03:33.420 plant with LPG and some coal right so
00:03:38.300 00:03:38.310 this isn't too hard to make I'm the LPG
00:03:40.220 00:03:40.230 now in order to make the LPG we're going
00:03:43.130 00:03:43.140 to need a refinery that's kind of the
00:03:45.650 00:03:45.660 short version of what we're gonna be
00:03:47.960 00:03:47.970 doing today obviously I'm going to cover
00:03:49.789 00:03:49.799 more details as we do the stuff so that
00:03:51.590 00:03:51.600 you understand it a little bit better
00:03:52.840 00:03:52.850 but to get started so just to get to the
00:03:56.840 00:03:56.850 point where we're making plastic these
00:03:59.150 00:03:59.160 are the things that we're gonna need
00:04:00.170 00:04:00.180 we're going to need refineries in order
00:04:02.360 00:04:02.370 to refine oil and we're going to need a
00:04:03.890 00:04:03.900 vortex tube now a vortex tube is
00:04:05.509 00:04:05.519 something that generates heat and cold I
00:04:07.430 00:04:07.440 will see how that works we're going to
00:04:09.259 00:04:09.269 need a regulator tube module we're going
00:04:11.390 00:04:11.400 to need some redstone stuff and some
00:04:13.309 00:04:13.319 blocks to insulate the refinery to keep
00:04:16.039 00:04:16.049 it nice and toasty and warm and then to
00:04:18.229 00:04:18.239 make the plastic we're going to need
00:04:19.400 00:04:19.410 this thermo pneumatic processing plant
00:04:21.199 00:04:21.209 another vortex tube another reg
00:04:24.790 00:04:24.800 regulator to module and a dispenser up
00:04:28.119 00:04:28.129 a plastic mixer and a lever and then
00:04:32.080 00:04:32.090 we're also gonna need some more pressure
00:04:33.159 00:04:33.169 tubes now these aren't too terribly
00:04:35.499 00:04:35.509 expensive but they're a little bit
00:04:37.420 00:04:37.430 expensive really the expense comes in
00:04:39.760 00:04:39.770 just the complexity of it and putting it
00:04:42.279 00:04:42.289 all together in a way that will work so
00:04:44.110 00:04:44.120 that is what we're grading going to do
00:04:46.300 00:04:46.310 right now so while you are away I did
00:04:48.490 00:04:48.500 upgrade my network a little bit I've got
00:04:50.499 00:04:50.509 four air compressors now and I may
00:04:52.570 00:04:52.580 actually add a couple speed upgrades to
00:04:54.219 00:04:54.229 some of these which will cause them to
00:04:55.749 00:04:55.759 produce more pressure faster however at
00:04:59.439 00:04:59.449 a slightly less efficient rate I've also
00:05:01.779 00:05:01.789 added a bunch of pressure tubes here
00:05:03.189 00:05:03.199 which I'm going to camouflage shortly
00:05:05.230 00:05:05.240 just so that we are able to basically
00:05:08.589 00:05:08.599 tap into our network whenever we want to
00:05:10.749 00:05:10.759 we're later going to be adding a second
00:05:13.860 00:05:13.870 row of these for our high pressure
00:05:15.939 00:05:15.949 network because we're gonna be
00:05:16.869 00:05:16.879 maintaining a low pressure network and a
00:05:18.430 00:05:18.440 high pressure network at the same time
00:05:20.159 00:05:20.169 so what I'm gonna do this is we're gonna
00:05:23.230 00:05:23.240 need a pressure tube there what I'm
00:05:25.629 00:05:25.639 gonna do is I'm going to take my
00:05:28.320 00:05:28.330 pneumatic wrench and I'm going to right
00:05:31.689 00:05:31.699 click on the end of that and that will
00:05:32.769 00:05:32.779 actually block it off so you can do that
00:05:34.930 00:05:34.940 anywhere you can open up or close sides
00:05:39.249 00:05:39.259 of the tubes so that you can have it
00:05:41.800 00:05:41.810 just terminate it like this we're also
00:05:45.100 00:05:45.110 gonna need another one
00:05:46.570 00:05:46.580 prop somewhere around here just stick
00:05:50.230 00:05:50.240 another just I just want to do this now
00:05:52.870 00:05:52.880 before I make the final connection oh
00:05:55.860 00:05:55.870 that's a camouflage applicator
00:05:57.999 00:05:58.009 everything and then we can make the
00:06:01.540 00:06:01.550 final connection here and hopefully we
00:06:06.610 00:06:06.620 don't have any leaks anywhere sounds
00:06:10.899 00:06:10.909 like we have a leak somewhere
00:06:15.020 00:06:15.030 oh I forgot to connect these guys oops
00:06:20.080 00:06:20.090 okay okay there we go I need to put the
00:06:28.970 00:06:28.980 safety two module back here
00:06:31.450 00:06:31.460 okay so then I'm gonna take the
00:06:33.230 00:06:33.240 camouflage applicator I've got all the
00:06:35.390 00:06:35.400 blocks I need in my inventory it's just
00:06:37.100 00:06:37.110 spruce wood and olive wood planks I just
00:06:40.600 00:06:40.610 picked them up when I broke these blocks
00:06:45.170 00:06:45.180 so then these well I'll be camouflage so
00:06:48.710 00:06:48.720 like at any point we can just place a
00:06:50.930 00:06:50.940 tube here at any place along this line
00:06:54.170 00:06:54.180 and it'll just connect in there so it's
00:06:55.820 00:06:55.830 kind of like will have little outlets
00:06:56.960 00:06:56.970 wherever we need them so I've got
00:06:59.000 00:06:59.010 everything cleaned up if I want to add
00:07:01.190 00:07:01.200 another outlet and not lose very much
00:07:04.190 00:07:04.200 air what I can do is I can just place
00:07:06.200 00:07:06.210 two of them quickly I'll lose a little
00:07:07.970 00:07:07.980 bit of air pressure but that'll cause a
00:07:10.880 00:07:10.890 loop and then I can take my pneumatic
00:07:12.470 00:07:12.480 wrench and just cap off one of those and
00:07:15.020 00:07:15.030 then I can break the other one so that's
00:07:18.530 00:07:18.540 how we add our little outlets or thou
00:07:20.930 00:07:20.940 losing too much pressure okay so the
00:07:23.420 00:07:23.430 first thing we're gonna do is we're
00:07:24.530 00:07:24.540 going to start refining some oil with
00:07:27.140 00:07:27.150 our oil refinery so if we place a
00:07:31.040 00:07:31.050 refinery down in the world and take a
00:07:32.930 00:07:32.940 look at it we'll see that we've got some
00:07:34.190 00:07:34.200 problems it's not gonna work all by
00:07:35.930 00:07:35.940 itself there's and there's not enough
00:07:38.420 00:07:38.430 heat and there's no input fluid we have
00:07:40.070 00:07:40.080 no oil in here and there's not enough
00:07:41.420 00:07:41.430 refineries we need up to two to four
00:07:43.960 00:07:43.970 refineries so what happens when you
00:07:46.670 00:07:46.680 place these refineries is the more you
00:07:48.680 00:07:48.690 have the more outputs you can have so if
00:07:51.260 00:07:51.270 we the maximum is four so if we place
00:07:53.360 00:07:53.370 all four refineries we have four
00:07:54.770 00:07:54.780 different outputs and if we look in our
00:07:57.740 00:07:57.750 book we can see what those four outputs
00:07:59.510 00:07:59.520 are going to be for ten mill about cuts
00:08:04.580 00:08:04.590 of oil with to refineries we get to
00:08:06.320 00:08:06.330 Milla buckets of LPG and four of diesel
00:08:08.480 00:08:08.490 now we need the LPG so we could
00:08:10.340 00:08:10.350 theoretically do that however we only
00:08:12.050 00:08:12.060 get a yield of six mil above it so we
00:08:14.210 00:08:14.220 lose stuff the more refineries we have
00:08:15.800 00:08:15.810 the more we get with four we get all ten
00:08:18.200 00:08:18.210 mil of buckets of something and these
00:08:20.690 00:08:20.700 are listed in order of lightness LPG is
00:08:22.790 00:08:22.800 the lightest gasoline as next kerosene
00:08:24.800 00:08:24.810 is next and diesel is the heaviest one
00:08:26.720 00:08:26.730 we'll find a way to reprocess all of the
00:08:28.850 00:08:28.860 into lpg if we decide that lpg is the
00:08:31.820 00:08:31.830 only thing that we really want to use we
00:08:34.069 00:08:34.079 can also use these fluids from other
00:08:38.209 00:08:38.219 mods as well so if there's another mod
00:08:40.100 00:08:40.110 that produces lpg for us or whatever we
00:08:43.490 00:08:43.500 can use that too now no matter craft
00:08:46.130 00:08:46.140 spawns oil in the world though there are
00:08:49.240 00:08:49.250 puddles of oil or like lakes of oil
00:08:52.430 00:08:52.440 underground they're usually deep
00:08:53.990 00:08:54.000 underground sometimes they're not as
00:08:55.970 00:08:55.980 deep we can find that oil using a
00:08:57.949 00:08:57.959 seismic sensor so if we look under base
00:08:59.600 00:08:59.610 concepts and we look at oil we'll see
00:09:02.060 00:09:02.070 that it's telling us that our oil lakes
00:09:05.300 00:09:05.310 spawn I'm usually deep underground and
00:09:07.519 00:09:07.529 we can use a seismic sensor to help us
00:09:09.380 00:09:09.390 find it and then we can use the gas lift
00:09:13.790 00:09:13.800 in order to pump it out but it is also
00:09:16.610 00:09:16.620 compatible with oil from other mods so
00:09:18.350 00:09:18.360 we have an oil pump over there from
00:09:19.670 00:09:19.680 immersive petroleum and we'll be able to
00:09:21.920 00:09:21.930 use that oil so we need to pipe oil into
00:09:23.750 00:09:23.760 this thing or we can use a bucket or a
00:09:25.819 00:09:25.829 jerrican and that the juror can actually
00:09:28.759 00:09:28.769 holds ten oil and that will put the oil
00:09:30.319 00:09:30.329 in here now the refinery does not
00:09:32.360 00:09:32.370 require pressure but it does require
00:09:34.490 00:09:34.500 heat in order to produce heat and we're
00:09:37.220 00:09:37.230 going to need pressure and a vortex tube
00:09:39.350 00:09:39.360 I am also going to have an automatic
00:09:42.019 00:09:42.029 kind of shutoff system set up here to
00:09:43.910 00:09:43.920 don't lose any pressure I'm going to do
00:09:46.610 00:09:46.620 that and then I'm going to open up the
00:09:48.439 00:09:48.449 end of this tube and then I'm gonna
00:09:52.910 00:09:52.920 place this regulator tube module at the
00:09:55.040 00:09:55.050 end the regulator tube module allows us
00:09:57.079 00:09:57.089 to restrict the amount of pressure
00:09:59.720 00:09:59.730 that's allowed beyond that point so how
00:10:02.509 00:10:02.519 much air it's gonna let through and at
00:10:04.790 00:10:04.800 what point pressure point it's going to
00:10:06.530 00:10:06.540 stop letting air through this is very
00:10:08.840 00:10:08.850 useful when you're moving from like a
00:10:10.009 00:10:10.019 high pressure network or an advanced
00:10:11.870 00:10:11.880 network to a low pressure network but
00:10:15.019 00:10:15.029 it's also useful in order to just turn
00:10:16.910 00:10:16.920 things on and off so it's similar to the
00:10:22.509 00:10:22.519 safety tube module that we set up last
00:10:25.310 00:10:25.320 time that is that takes a redstone
00:10:28.040 00:10:28.050 signal and based on that redstone signal
00:10:30.290 00:10:30.300 it will allow a certain amount of
00:10:32.090 00:10:32.100 pressure through so if you remember the
00:10:33.769 00:10:33.779 formula it started out at 7.5 and every
00:10:37.309 00:10:37.319 bit of redstone or every power of
00:10:39.439 00:10:39.449 redstone that we gave it we'd bring it
00:10:41.090 00:10:41.100 down
00:10:42.340 00:10:42.350 so it ended up that oh that five Reds
00:10:47.170 00:10:47.180 whoops that five redstone brings it to a
00:10:51.250 00:10:51.260 threshold of five so that these so
00:10:53.800 00:10:53.810 that'll let air out at five so over here
00:10:56.170 00:10:56.180 um what we're gonna be doing with this
00:10:57.970 00:10:57.980 is we're gonna be giving this a full
00:11:00.310 00:11:00.320 redstone signal when we want to just not
00:11:03.400 00:11:03.410 allow any air through so I can break
00:11:07.870 00:11:07.880 this now and because we have that module
00:11:10.060 00:11:10.070 at the end it won't let any air out so
00:11:14.769 00:11:14.779 then what we're going to do is we're
00:11:15.610 00:11:15.620 going to place this vortex tube here and
00:11:17.910 00:11:17.920 you will see that one side is red one
00:11:21.160 00:11:21.170 side is cold and what it's doing is it's
00:11:22.930 00:11:22.940 taking air pressure and it's basically
00:11:26.050 00:11:26.060 splitting the air between cold and hot
00:11:29.380 00:11:29.390 so one end it ends up cold and the other
00:11:31.720 00:11:31.730 ends up hot and this side needs to needs
00:11:35.500 00:11:35.510 to be open to air so that it can let out
00:11:40.210 00:11:40.220 cold air the hot side is going to heat
00:11:43.120 00:11:43.130 up our refinery and as you can see we're
00:11:44.860 00:11:44.870 already starting to get some stuff here
00:11:47.350 00:11:47.360 so it's taking oil and for every bit of
00:11:52.000 00:11:52.010 oil that it takes it's going to create a
00:11:53.889 00:11:53.899 little bit of diesel a little bit
00:11:54.940 00:11:54.950 kerosene a little bit gasoline and a
00:11:56.560 00:11:56.570 little bit of LPG
00:11:57.720 00:11:57.730 but what we want to do is so this vortex
00:12:01.540 00:12:01.550 tube takes a lot of air pressure and
00:12:04.000 00:12:04.010 that's the reason why I upgraded my
00:12:06.040 00:12:06.050 network here and we now have four of
00:12:07.930 00:12:07.940 these air compressors because we need a
00:12:10.930 00:12:10.940 lot of pressure for this thing so what
00:12:13.960 00:12:13.970 we want to do is when this guy is done
00:12:17.139 00:12:17.149 refining oil we want it to stop giving
00:12:21.400 00:12:21.410 this thing air so that is what we have
00:12:24.630 00:12:24.640 the comparator and the redstone for so
00:12:30.490 00:12:30.500 we place a comparator let's place it
00:12:34.210 00:12:34.220 there and you will see that this thing
00:12:37.630 00:12:37.640 is outputting a full power of 15 because
00:12:40.569 00:12:40.579 this thing is running right now so what
00:12:43.060 00:12:43.070 we're gonna have to do is not gate it
00:12:47.079 00:12:47.089 that's why we have this redstone torch
00:12:50.290 00:12:50.300 so we're gonna put a redstone redstone
00:12:53.470 00:12:53.480 torch here which is essentially going to
00:12:55.660 00:12:55.670 shut this thing off so now that this guy
00:12:57.490 00:12:57.500 is getting redstone you can see that the
00:12:58.900 00:12:58.910 pressure is dropping so if we look at
00:13:01.180 00:13:01.190 applied redstone it says 15 threshold is
00:13:03.490 00:13:03.500 zero point zero bar this guy the
00:13:05.200 00:13:05.210 pressure is dropping and the temperature
00:13:06.850 00:13:06.860 is also dropping when this guy drops
00:13:09.730 00:13:09.740 below 100 degrees it stops refining oil
00:13:12.970 00:13:12.980 so it has to be at least 100 degrees the
00:13:15.460 00:13:15.470 higher the temperature the faster it
00:13:16.870 00:13:16.880 will refine now you can regulate this
00:13:19.690 00:13:19.700 with a redstone signal similar to what
00:13:22.720 00:13:22.730 we did over here with a potentiometer if
00:13:25.660 00:13:25.670 we only want to give this a little bit
00:13:27.850 00:13:27.860 of pressure in order to like bring it
00:13:30.130 00:13:30.140 right at a hundred degrees if we want to
00:13:32.680 00:13:32.690 kind of preserve our air and our network
00:13:35.140 00:13:35.150 it'll be a little slower but it'll work
00:13:37.180 00:13:37.190 and then we won't waste as much when
00:13:39.220 00:13:39.230 it's done refining because as it's
00:13:41.080 00:13:41.090 cooling down it could be refining oil so
00:13:44.530 00:13:44.540 what I'm gonna do oh you know I'm gonna
00:13:46.180 00:13:46.190 have to set this up differently let's do
00:13:50.560 00:13:50.570 this let's put the comparator there and
00:13:55.240 00:13:55.250 then let's run the redstone like that so
00:13:58.930 00:13:58.940 that should shut it off shut our
00:14:01.240 00:14:01.250 redstone torch off and now we are
00:14:03.550 00:14:03.560 letting all the air pressure through
00:14:05.740 00:14:05.750 that we want now we can put a
00:14:07.090 00:14:07.100 potentiometer right here if we want to
00:14:09.220 00:14:09.230 only let a certain amount of air
00:14:10.540 00:14:10.550 pressure now this guy is getting warm in
00:14:15.580 00:14:15.590 order to process the stuff but it is
00:14:20.050 00:14:20.060 also losing heat to the air so we can
00:14:24.820 00:14:24.830 actually insulate this guy that's what
00:14:27.460 00:14:27.470 we have these olive wood planks for and
00:14:29.320 00:14:29.330 I'm actually gonna use slabs too as long
00:14:31.960 00:14:31.970 as there is some block in the space it
00:14:35.830 00:14:35.840 will basically insulate it so if we look
00:14:37.720 00:14:37.730 down we can see we're hovering around
00:14:39.670 00:14:39.680 117 degrees right so if we basically
00:14:46.210 00:14:46.220 wrap this thing up
00:14:51.550 00:14:51.560 and in the front I'm actually gonna use
00:14:54.200 00:14:54.210 slabs so that we can access access these
00:14:57.920 00:14:57.930 things whoops and now we should see that
00:15:03.530 00:15:03.540 the temperature is going to go up so
00:15:04.910 00:15:04.920 we're at 129 degrees right now now if we
00:15:07.340 00:15:07.350 had more compressors here to keep up
00:15:09.260 00:15:09.270 with the pressure because what do we
00:15:11.420 00:15:11.430 have 3.5 bar here and plus we have a
00:15:13.820 00:15:13.830 very long distance that the pressure is
00:15:15.950 00:15:15.960 traveling so it does lose a little bit
00:15:17.600 00:15:17.610 of pressure by the time it gets here and
00:15:18.950 00:15:18.960 we couldn't get this much hotter but for
00:15:22.250 00:15:22.260 now you can see it is processing the oil
00:15:24.470 00:15:24.480 quite a bit faster than it was before
00:15:26.210 00:15:26.220 and red 129 degrees and we're getting
00:15:28.910 00:15:28.920 all the stuff that we need so we can use
00:15:31.250 00:15:31.260 all of these fuels to generate pressure
00:15:34.700 00:15:34.710 if we have a liquid compressor there's
00:15:38.900 00:15:38.910 actually lots of other uses we can use
00:15:40.550 00:15:40.560 these fields for as well we can use them
00:15:42.350 00:15:42.360 for other mods like for instance the
00:15:43.700 00:15:43.710 diesel we can use to power like our
00:15:46.010 00:15:46.020 immersive petroleum boats and generators
00:15:49.850 00:15:49.860 and such and and all that and then we
00:15:53.900 00:15:53.910 can also let as I said earlier we can
00:15:55.610 00:15:55.620 process these into the next higher one
00:15:58.370 00:15:58.380 so the next lighter one so we can
00:15:59.990 00:16:00.000 process diesel into kerosene kerosene
00:16:01.730 00:16:01.740 into gasoline gasoline into LPG and
00:16:03.680 00:16:03.690 we'll take a look at how to do that late
00:16:05.360 00:16:05.370 now that we are producing LPG we can
00:16:07.460 00:16:07.470 start moving toward making plastics so
00:16:09.830 00:16:09.840 the first machine that we're going to
00:16:11.300 00:16:11.310 need in order to make plastic is the
00:16:13.130 00:16:13.140 thermo pneumatic processor plant and
00:16:15.410 00:16:15.420 this will allow us to make liquid
00:16:16.940 00:16:16.950 plastic so the thermo pneumatic
00:16:18.590 00:16:18.600 processor plant is actually useful for a
00:16:20.630 00:16:20.640 lot of things I'm actually if we look in
00:16:24.220 00:16:24.230 jei we will see that if we throw LPG and
00:16:30.920 00:16:30.930 coal in our thermo pneumatic processing
00:16:33.350 00:16:33.360 plant and it reaches a hundred degrees
00:16:35.510 00:16:35.520 the same as the oil processing and we
00:16:38.870 00:16:38.880 will get liquid plastic now if we click
00:16:40.550 00:16:40.560 on this we will see that there are a lot
00:16:42.290 00:16:42.300 of other things that we can do with this
00:16:44.120 00:16:44.130 as well some of them require pressure
00:16:45.590 00:16:45.600 some of them just require temperature
00:16:47.810 00:16:47.820 this is the machine that we would also
00:16:49.850 00:16:49.860 use in order to process our diesel into
00:16:52.340 00:16:52.350 kerosene and we can also actually print
00:16:54.530 00:16:54.540 produce lubricant by using diesel and
00:16:57.680 00:16:57.690 redstone in here that is how we make
00:17:00.800 00:17:00.810 speed upgrades in this mode now I
00:17:03.040 00:17:03.050 they already have lubricant from
00:17:05.319 00:17:05.329 immersive petroleum and it does work
00:17:07.569 00:17:07.579 with this mod as well so now that we
00:17:10.540 00:17:10.550 have more than a bucket of LPG we can go
00:17:12.610 00:17:12.620 in here and right click on that top one
00:17:16.319 00:17:16.329 is it a liquid is it a gas I don't know
00:17:19.120 00:17:19.130 if you notice with the advancements for
00:17:21.340 00:17:21.350 this mod are actually pretty fun you can
00:17:22.929 00:17:22.939 right click on it and then we will see
00:17:25.900 00:17:25.910 that we have that in here and then if we
00:17:27.370 00:17:27.380 throw some coal in there which I don't
00:17:28.750 00:17:28.760 if we put some coal in here it'll then
00:17:31.480 00:17:31.490 show us that it needs the temperature to
00:17:34.360 00:17:34.370 be up to this point so when it's not
00:17:35.710 00:17:35.720 there it's just at the bottom when it's
00:17:37.030 00:17:37.040 here it shows us where the temperature
00:17:38.470 00:17:38.480 needs to be which that happens to be
00:17:39.910 00:17:39.920 hundred degrees Celsius and it's showing
00:17:43.180 00:17:43.190 that we don't need any pressure but we
00:17:46.390 00:17:46.400 do need heat so we're going to need
00:17:47.710 00:17:47.720 another vortex we're gonna do the same
00:17:51.400 00:17:51.410 thing here that I did and the other the
00:17:54.460 00:17:54.470 other one that and I'm going to put the
00:18:01.110 00:18:01.120 regulator module there and then we're
00:18:04.660 00:18:04.670 gonna put a vortex tube right there so
00:18:08.770 00:18:08.780 now when you place the vortex tubes the
00:18:10.780 00:18:10.790 hot side always faces you so when you
00:18:13.180 00:18:13.190 want heat when you want to put heat into
00:18:15.250 00:18:15.260 a machine you're gonna have to quick
00:18:17.380 00:18:17.390 pass through that machine and now this
00:18:19.450 00:18:19.460 guy is heating up and we are getting
00:18:21.960 00:18:21.970 some plastic ray so our first liquid
00:18:26.350 00:18:26.360 plastic should I'll just throw that in
00:18:28.090 00:18:28.100 there now here I'm just gonna put a
00:18:32.080 00:18:32.090 lever there so that we can turn that
00:18:33.790 00:18:33.800 vortex tube off when we don't need it
00:18:37.090 00:18:37.100 because again it takes a lot of a lot of
00:18:40.030 00:18:40.040 pressure and it's producing more heat
00:18:43.810 00:18:43.820 than we need at the moment unfortunately
00:18:47.320 00:18:47.330 this one doesn't output to a comparator
00:18:49.630 00:18:49.640 so we'll just have to turn this on and
00:18:51.520 00:18:51.530 off manually right now of course there
00:18:54.010 00:18:54.020 are ways that we could detect what's
00:18:55.630 00:18:55.640 going on inside there like with
00:18:56.830 00:18:56.840 automated redstone or something like
00:18:58.270 00:18:58.280 that
00:18:58.690 00:18:58.700 so now that we have the liquid plastic
00:19:00.610 00:19:00.620 and we can start making our plastic
00:19:03.310 00:19:03.320 pieces so with that for that we're going
00:19:06.970 00:19:06.980 to use the plastic mixer the plastic
00:19:10.060 00:19:10.070 mixer does not require Heat if you're
00:19:12.400 00:19:12.410 creating plastic sheets and the only
00:19:14.680 00:19:14.690 time it requires heat is if you want to
00:19:16.840 00:19:16.850 melt a plastic sheet into liquid plastic
00:19:19.350 00:19:19.360 however we're melting we're getting
00:19:21.940 00:19:21.950 liquid plastic over here so if we want
00:19:24.130 00:19:24.140 this machine now we could use pipes to
00:19:26.080 00:19:26.090 pipe from here to here but if we use the
00:19:27.910 00:19:27.920 dispenser upgrade of course we can look
00:19:29.470 00:19:29.480 over here to see what upgrades we can
00:19:31.660 00:19:31.670 add to this thing if we add the
00:19:33.970 00:19:33.980 dispenser upgrade it will automatically
00:19:35.710 00:19:35.720 output to nearby machines so that
00:19:37.810 00:19:37.820 automatically inputs into here so now in
00:19:40.150 00:19:40.160 order for us to make plastic pieces so
00:19:42.250 00:19:42.260 we need for a lot of our crafting
00:19:44.530 00:19:44.540 ingredients we're going to need these
00:19:45.700 00:19:45.710 different little plastic sheets or
00:19:48.790 00:19:48.800 whatever is we need to give the sky some
00:19:51.280 00:19:51.290 dyes so red green and lapis or blue or
00:19:54.280 00:19:54.290 whatever and then we click here to get
00:19:56.860 00:19:56.870 things out of it we can also lock a
00:19:59.440 00:19:59.450 selection in place if we want a machine
00:20:01.630 00:20:01.640 that's setup to make a specific type of
00:20:03.220 00:20:03.230 plastic all the time like if we want to
00:20:05.440 00:20:05.450 do that for automation we can throw a
00:20:06.700 00:20:06.710 red dye in there green dye and lapis and
00:20:10.650 00:20:10.660 it'll consume a little bit and it'll mix
00:20:12.940 00:20:12.950 it in so now whenever we need plastic
00:20:16.830 00:20:16.840 how is this thing so hot
00:20:18.790 00:20:18.800 oh it's getting oh no it's absorbing
00:20:20.410 00:20:20.420 heat from that that's not ideal but
00:20:22.150 00:20:22.160 whatever it's fine we've got our oil
00:20:23.380 00:20:23.390 refining we have our plastics and next
00:20:25.690 00:20:25.700 time we're going to be jumping into some
00:20:26.890 00:20:26.900 itching acid in order to make these PCBs
00:20:29.800 00:20:29.810 that we're going to be needing for our
00:20:31.360 00:20:31.370 assembly machines this is a very
00:20:33.460 00:20:33.470 involved and immersive process that
00:20:36.490 00:20:36.500 takes a fair amount of time but once we
00:20:38.890 00:20:38.900 get our assembly machine set up not only
00:20:40.510 00:20:40.520 will they be fun to watch but they will
00:20:41.920 00:20:41.930 also allow us to craft the things that
00:20:43.480 00:20:43.490 we need for all of our tier 2 stuff so I
00:20:45.790 00:20:45.800 hope you join me for that if you do have
00:20:47.680 00:20:47.690 any questions or comments or ideas feel
00:20:49.330 00:20:49.340 free to leave them in the comment
00:20:50.860 00:20:50.870 section below and of course if you did
00:20:52.570 00:20:52.580 enjoy this don't forget to click the
00:20:53.980 00:20:53.990 like button and to join me next time
00:20:55.270 00:20:55.280 thanks for watching
00:21:11.160 00:21:11.170 you
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