Kind: captions
Language: en

00:00:32.240 00:00:32.250 welcome to our mission every day people
00:00:36.479 00:00:36.489 from all over the world come to visit
00:00:38.850 00:00:38.860 the old Spanish missions of the
00:00:40.560 00:00:40.570 Southwest one of the most popular is
00:00:44.250 00:00:44.260 Mission San Juan Capistrano because of
00:00:47.430 00:00:47.440 its romantic myth of the swallows legend
00:00:51.540 00:00:51.550 tells us that the swallows return each
00:00:54.329 00:00:54.339 year on st. Joseph's Day to rebuild
00:00:57.240 00:00:57.250 their nests but in truth some arrive
00:01:00.689 00:01:00.699 earlier and others return days later but
00:01:08.940 00:01:08.950 the missions are not legend they remind
00:01:12.779 00:01:12.789 us of a time when Spain ruled what is
00:01:16.290 00:01:16.300 now northern Mexico and the southwestern
00:01:19.320 00:01:19.330 United States on this northern frontier
00:01:23.550 00:01:23.560 of colonial Spain the mission was one of
00:01:27.270 00:01:27.280 the most important centers of Spanish
00:01:29.550 00:01:29.560 influence by the middle 1700s Spanish
00:01:34.260 00:01:34.270 Padres of the Catholic Church had
00:01:36.569 00:01:36.579 established many missions in northern
00:01:38.760 00:01:38.770 Mexico and Baja California and across
00:01:41.969 00:01:41.979 the present-day states of Arizona New
00:01:44.819 00:01:44.829 Mexico and Texas father Kino was one of
00:01:52.350 00:01:52.360 the most important of the early
00:01:54.209 00:01:54.219 missionary explorers more than 250 years
00:01:58.859 00:01:58.869 ago he explored the deserts of northern
00:02:02.130 00:02:02.140 Mexico and Arizona his explorations led
00:02:06.600 00:02:06.610 to the founding of more than 25 missions
00:02:09.330 00:02:09.340 in this hot dry land during this period
00:02:16.910 00:02:16.920 there were no Spanish settlements in
00:02:19.590 00:02:19.600 Alta California until the outposts of
00:02:22.949 00:02:22.959 Russian fur traders began to threaten
00:02:25.680 00:02:25.690 Spain's northern frontier to protect the
00:02:29.400 00:02:29.410 frontier Spain's Inspector General for
00:02:32.789 00:02:32.799 say de gálvez directed Father Junipero
00:02:35.910 00:02:35.920 Serra to extend the influence
00:02:39.000 00:02:39.010 the missions into Alta California from
00:02:45.119 00:02:45.129 the mother mission of Loretto in Baja
00:02:47.699 00:02:47.709 California father Sarah moved northward
00:02:51.210 00:02:51.220 to establish the first mission in Alta
00:02:53.940 00:02:53.950 California at San Diego in 1769 after
00:03:02.880 00:03:02.890 San Diego
00:03:03.839 00:03:03.849 he established Mission San Carlos at
00:03:06.330 00:03:06.340 Carmel which became the mission
00:03:08.550 00:03:08.560 headquarters for Alta California
00:03:11.089 00:03:11.099 eventually this mission chain grew to 21
00:03:15.619 00:03:15.629 admission san luis rey built after
00:03:18.839 00:03:18.849 father Sarah's death became the largest
00:03:21.270 00:03:21.280 mission in all of colonial Spain today
00:03:26.940 00:03:26.950 in the garden at Mission San Fernando
00:03:29.960 00:03:29.970 this statue honors father Sarah one of
00:03:34.319 00:03:34.329 the best remembered of all the spanish
00:03:36.899 00:03:36.909 padres each mission has its own colorful
00:03:42.420 00:03:42.430 story more than we have time for now but
00:03:46.259 00:03:46.269 you can read about them in your history
00:03:47.759 00:03:47.769 books all the missions of the Southwest
00:03:51.659 00:03:51.669 were built to extend the colonial power
00:03:54.659 00:03:54.669 of Spain into this new and unsettled
00:03:57.629 00:03:57.639 land the padres selected mission sites
00:04:05.729 00:04:05.739 that had fertile soil available water
00:04:08.400 00:04:08.410 and building materials and most
00:04:11.369 00:04:11.379 important of all enough indians to
00:04:14.699 00:04:14.709 establish the mission communities but
00:04:20.129 00:04:20.139 the indians were not always willing to
00:04:22.320 00:04:22.330 accept a new way of life and many
00:04:25.050 00:04:25.060 missions were raided and burned as the
00:04:27.600 00:04:27.610 padres struggled to gain a foothold in
00:04:29.909 00:04:29.919 the wild ladder
00:04:33.160 00:04:33.170 [Applause]
00:04:36.500 00:04:36.510 as a mission became firmly established
00:04:39.720 00:04:39.730 the Padres directed their Indian
00:04:42.510 00:04:42.520 neophytes in the building and decorating
00:04:44.970 00:04:44.980 of a church for the bringing of
00:04:47.790 00:04:47.800 Christianity to the Indians was one of
00:04:50.400 00:04:50.410 the major concerns of the Padres
00:04:52.730 00:04:52.740 00:05:05.700 00:05:05.710 but the missionaries were concerned with
00:05:08.379 00:05:08.389 more than religious faith they also
00:05:11.409 00:05:11.419 taught their neophytes to use new tools
00:05:13.839 00:05:13.849 and how to farm the land soon grain
00:05:18.969 00:05:18.979 fields were flourishing and were
00:05:21.100 00:05:21.110 harvested to feed the mission community
00:05:27.839 00:05:27.849 fruit orchards and vineyards were
00:05:30.159 00:05:30.169 planted and livestock grazed on the
00:05:33.040 00:05:33.050 hillsides as the missions prospered
00:05:38.339 00:05:38.349 settlers from Mexico were encouraged to
00:05:41.680 00:05:41.690 move north to establish new settlements
00:05:44.409 00:05:44.419 and help strengthen Spain's claim to the
00:05:47.260 00:05:47.270 southwest
00:05:56.810 00:05:56.820 the road that once linked the missions
00:05:59.570 00:05:59.580 and became known as El Camino rayul
00:06:03.040 00:06:03.050 disappeared long ago now modern highways
00:06:07.910 00:06:07.920 have replaced the roads the Padres once
00:06:10.820 00:06:10.830 traveled many missions of the Southwest
00:06:15.800 00:06:15.810 have disappeared or stand in ruins
00:06:19.240 00:06:19.250 slowly eroding back into the earth from
00:06:22.640 00:06:22.650 which they were made
00:06:25.000 00:06:25.010 other mission buildings especially the
00:06:28.250 00:06:28.260 21 of Alta California have been
00:06:31.070 00:06:31.080 partially restored to their former
00:06:32.660 00:06:32.670 grandeur some such as Mission San Luis
00:06:37.160 00:06:37.170 Obispo stand half-hidden by the cities
00:06:40.670 00:06:40.680 that have grown around them
00:06:49.840 00:06:49.850 San Antonio and a few others retain some
00:06:53.720 00:06:53.730 of their isolation living symbols of a
00:06:57.500 00:06:57.510 story that began more than two hundred
00:07:00.320 00:07:00.330 years ago whether you visit a restored
00:07:05.930 00:07:05.940 mission such as San Francisco decease in
00:07:08.960 00:07:08.970 California or visit ruins such as these
00:07:12.230 00:07:12.240 at tumacacori in Arizona you can still
00:07:15.800 00:07:15.810 see the burned tile and adobe bricks
00:07:18.230 00:07:18.240 used to build the walls so long ago the
00:07:25.580 00:07:25.590 thick walls were plastered with lime
00:07:28.130 00:07:28.140 stucco to protect the soft adobe bricks
00:07:30.980 00:07:30.990 from the weather
00:07:41.159 00:07:41.169 each mission feature reveals the simple
00:07:44.670 00:07:44.680 design and hand workmanship typical of
00:07:47.969 00:07:47.979 the mission period the thick walls
00:07:55.619 00:07:55.629 permitted decorative window openings
00:07:58.100 00:07:58.110 long moorish windows were built at San
00:08:01.230 00:08:01.240 Gabriel and star windows are found at
00:08:04.469 00:08:04.479 Carmel and San Rafael roof tiles were
00:08:12.209 00:08:12.219 first made at San Luis Obispo and later
00:08:15.119 00:08:15.129 were used at all the missions of Alta
00:08:17.309 00:08:17.319 California the heavy tiles were laid
00:08:20.730 00:08:20.740 over a framework of log beams and wild
00:08:23.519 00:08:23.529 cane lashed together with rawhide thongs
00:08:30.469 00:08:30.479 many of the mission buildings were built
00:08:33.089 00:08:33.099 around an enclosed patio and all
00:08:36.000 00:08:36.010 featured the arcade or cupboard corridor
00:08:38.880 00:08:38.890 common to Spain and Mexico the arches of
00:08:43.439 00:08:43.449 the arcades at many missions were
00:08:45.660 00:08:45.670 supported by pillars of Adobe or burned
00:08:48.269 00:08:48.279 brick the arcade provided a shady
00:08:54.689 00:08:54.699 outdoor hallway and also protected the
00:08:57.810 00:08:57.820 adobe walls from the rain in Mission
00:09:04.079 00:09:04.089 times the ringing of bells regulated the
00:09:07.710 00:09:07.720 lives of Indians and Spaniards alike
00:09:10.970 00:09:10.980 the bells call them to work as well as
00:09:14.490 00:09:14.500 to worship at some missions the bells
00:09:20.699 00:09:20.709 were hung in a campanario or bell wall
00:09:23.810 00:09:23.820 the company REO at San Gabriel was an
00:09:27.030 00:09:27.040 extension of the church wall with
00:09:29.160 00:09:29.170 openings for the bells
00:09:36.500 00:09:36.510 at other missions bell towers were used
00:09:39.810 00:09:39.820 rising one or two stories above the
00:09:42.030 00:09:42.040 church wall
00:09:45.620 00:09:45.630 although the Padres were often limited
00:09:48.449 00:09:48.459 by a lack of materials and skilled labor
00:09:50.940 00:09:50.950 they were able to erect buildings that
00:09:53.670 00:09:53.680 duplicated many features they remembered
00:09:56.160 00:09:56.170 from the elaborate churches of Mexico
00:09:58.530 00:09:58.540 and Spain to decorate the plain adobe
00:10:02.970 00:10:02.980 walls painted designs were used around
00:10:06.449 00:10:06.459 door and window openings in place of
00:10:09.269 00:10:09.279 carved stone or decorative tile
00:10:15.410 00:10:15.420 sandstone was available at San Xavier in
00:10:18.600 00:10:18.610 Arizona and was carved to form an
00:10:21.300 00:10:21.310 elaborate ornamental front for the
00:10:23.400 00:10:23.410 church
00:10:33.170 00:10:33.180 the mission at Santa Barbara now
00:10:35.450 00:10:35.460 completely rebuilt has stately columns
00:10:38.420 00:10:38.430 and geometrical lines copied from Roman
00:10:41.780 00:10:41.790 architecture the original missions were
00:10:48.260 00:10:48.270 much more than a church each was a small
00:10:52.190 00:10:52.200 industrial community that employed
00:10:54.590 00:10:54.600 hundreds of Indians although most of the
00:10:58.400 00:10:58.410 buildings have disappeared we can still
00:11:01.070 00:11:01.080 see remains of the missions as they were
00:11:03.440 00:11:03.450 long ago weathered floors marked the
00:11:09.860 00:11:09.870 site of once active shops grinding
00:11:14.540 00:11:14.550 stones suggests the harvest of
00:11:16.970 00:11:16.980 long-forgotten grain fields tanning vets
00:11:22.600 00:11:22.610 olive presses and the ruins of fire pits
00:11:27.890 00:11:27.900 where tallow and iron were once melted
00:11:30.350 00:11:30.360 are all that is left of typical mission
00:11:33.320 00:11:33.330 industries a visit to any of the old
00:11:41.480 00:11:41.490 missions is truly a journey into the
00:11:44.600 00:11:44.610 past but the mission still lived and
00:11:47.840 00:11:47.850 many play an active role in today's
00:11:50.360 00:11:50.370 modern world
00:12:00.170 00:12:00.180 San Xavier in Arizona continues to serve
00:12:03.860 00:12:03.870 the Papago Indian tribe for whom it was
00:12:06.590 00:12:06.600 originally built much as it did long ago
00:12:11.620 00:12:11.630 the mission provides them with the
00:12:13.940 00:12:13.950 skills and knowledge necessary to live
00:12:16.580 00:12:16.590 and work in a changing world
00:12:27.630 00:12:27.640 many missions also continue to serve as
00:12:30.630 00:12:30.640 cultural and social centers recalling
00:12:33.449 00:12:33.459 the colorful heritage of Spain and
00:12:35.550 00:12:35.560 Mexico and a way of life which is still
00:12:39.060 00:12:39.070 a part of the present-day Southwest
00:12:53.620 00:12:53.630 my
00:12:54.890 00:12:54.900 00:13:32.650 00:13:32.660 00:13:37.040 00:13:37.050 00:14:04.700 00:14:04.710 San Carlos San Buenaventura San Miguel
00:14:08.580 00:14:08.590 and many others are still active
00:14:10.860 00:14:10.870 churches concerned with the religious
00:14:13.200 00:14:13.210 faith of the communities in which they
00:14:15.150 00:14:15.160 stand
00:14:16.350 00:14:16.360 00:14:39.090 00:14:39.100 the missions are living reminders of
00:14:42.370 00:14:42.380 Spanish influence in the southwest they
00:14:45.910 00:14:45.920 remain as a symbol of the courage and
00:14:48.490 00:14:48.500 resourcefulness of those who settled
00:14:50.829 00:14:50.839 here more than 200 years ago
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