Tamisium 12000 Automated Extractor - More controllable and safer than Closed Loop Extractors

Kind: captions
Language: en

but now a system is recovering the vapor
00:00:25.480 00:00:25.490 pressure from all of the tanks back into
00:00:30.130 00:00:30.140 the recovery team so because the day is
00:00:32.979 00:00:32.989 finished so it's climbing
00:00:36.570 00:00:36.580 ninety-five point five eight percent
00:00:41.910 00:00:41.920 pressure on the tanks started at 28 psi
00:00:46.440 00:00:46.450 and it's dropping it takes about an hour
00:00:48.900 00:00:48.910 to recover all the vapor pressure
00:00:51.390 00:00:51.400 there's vapor in each one of these tanks
00:00:53.400 00:00:53.410 that's pressure lock the tanks and you
00:00:56.610 00:00:56.620 don't lose that you only open this tank
00:00:59.579 00:00:59.589 the column to replace more plant
00:01:02.280 00:01:02.290 material inside and the only open
00:01:04.740 00:01:04.750 distinct access your extract uh so those
00:01:07.680 00:01:07.690 are the only two tanks that you open up
00:01:09.800 00:01:09.810 during the process or visit those are
00:01:12.480 00:01:12.490 the only two tanks that you lose vapor
00:01:14.160 00:01:14.170 in but these tanks here in here you know
00:01:18.150 00:01:18.160 we were recovering the vapor from it so
00:01:20.850 00:01:20.860 the vapors traveling back through the
00:01:22.770 00:01:22.780 green lines back into the liquid input I
00:01:24.990 00:01:25.000 mean the vapor and put into this team
00:01:27.230 00:01:27.240 through the outlets of all these other
00:01:29.760 00:01:29.770 three tanks when those pressures go down
00:01:32.430 00:01:32.440 to you know like zero one psi then we'll
00:01:35.940 00:01:35.950 consider that process complete it takes
00:01:37.950 00:01:37.960 about an hour
00:01:45.030 00:01:45.040 this is a two tank system we have one
00:01:47.970 00:01:47.980 tank here and one tank here there's also
00:01:50.610 00:01:50.620 an option to just use this one tank so
00:01:52.800 00:01:52.810 you use the solvent delivery tank to sim
00:01:55.530 00:01:55.540 solvent through and then it recovers
00:01:58.110 00:01:58.120 from here back into the same tank that
00:01:59.760 00:01:59.770 it was sent from drains the extract into
00:02:02.400 00:02:02.410 this bottom tank and then the final bit
00:02:04.590 00:02:04.600 of extract that drained into here that
00:02:06.600 00:02:06.610 was carried through here with butane
00:02:07.980 00:02:07.990 into this thing as recovered back into
00:02:10.440 00:02:10.450 the same thing and that process you know
00:02:13.830 00:02:13.840 is a single tank system the way it works
00:02:15.960 00:02:15.970 right now the way it's worked up the
00:02:17.190 00:02:17.200 solvent flows into here it goes through
00:02:18.630 00:02:18.640 the column into the extractor team and
00:02:21.240 00:02:21.250 then it recovers into this tank so that
00:02:23.220 00:02:23.230 this tank can be stand standby cold
00:02:25.590 00:02:25.600 ready to go cost a little more money I
00:02:28.140 00:02:28.150 have a second tank and then the same
00:02:31.140 00:02:31.150 process happens it recovers into this I
00:02:33.300 00:02:33.310 mean drains into this tank and then the
00:02:34.680 00:02:34.690 final bit recovers into this tank order
00:02:36.330 00:02:36.340 this tank because while this one's
00:02:37.410 00:02:37.420 getting cold this one can be getting
00:02:39.420 00:02:39.430 cold because it takes an hour to to
00:02:41.760 00:02:41.770 recover the solvent and then when that
00:02:44.160 00:02:44.170 solved when this one's cold then we turn
00:02:46.440 00:02:46.450 the heater on to this tank and it
00:02:47.729 00:02:47.739 transfers all the solvent back through
00:02:49.259 00:02:49.269 that line into this line and back into
00:02:50.820 00:02:50.830 the tank where it started from
00:02:52.430 00:02:52.440 so you can read you can recover into
00:02:54.780 00:02:54.790 either one of those tanks
00:03:04.559 00:03:04.569 going to the temperature settings
00:03:08.260 00:03:08.270 go on to the properties of each team
00:03:12.850 00:03:12.860 going to the chiller for each chiller
00:03:19.410 00:03:19.420 said it's temperature
00:03:21.710 00:03:21.720 100
00:03:23.540 00:03:23.550 set the temperature start temperature
00:03:26.480 00:03:26.490 control
00:03:34.030 00:03:34.040 anytime you want to see pressures you
00:03:37.149 00:03:37.159 can turn each one of the tanks on
00:03:41.030 00:03:41.040 look at the pressures individually and
00:03:45.199 00:03:45.209 the temperatures
00:03:54.140 00:03:54.150 they're here alarms from pressure test
00:03:58.920 00:03:58.930 edit your extraction recipe
00:04:07.309 00:04:07.319 and in your solvents this particular
00:04:10.039 00:04:10.049 extraction reuse of butene you could use
00:04:13.130 00:04:13.140 isobutane diethyl ether dimethyl ether
00:04:15.819 00:04:15.829 alcohol acetone whatever you need to use
00:04:21.009 00:04:21.019 show your solvent recipe lists clear all
00:04:24.409 00:04:24.419 data so your solvent recipe lists have
00:04:28.700 00:04:28.710 three different solvents that we've got
00:04:32.210 00:04:32.220 programmed in here now all you get to do
00:04:35.180 00:04:35.190 is enter the solvent and the program
00:04:37.909 00:04:37.919 already knows what its boiling point is
00:04:39.560 00:04:39.570 and what it needs to do to transfer the
00:04:42.200 00:04:42.210 solvent one tank to the other and
00:04:43.700 00:04:43.710 perform an extraction recovery the
00:04:45.560 00:04:45.570 extraction process stays the same the
00:04:47.839 00:04:47.849 recovery process changes obviously with
00:04:49.850 00:04:49.860 each solvent these are the five most
00:04:53.810 00:04:53.820 popular solvents so they're already
00:04:55.460 00:04:55.470 pre-programmed into this you can hit one
00:04:59.060 00:04:59.070 of these buttons and all load all the
00:05:00.379 00:05:00.389 values that you need for that solvent go
00:05:02.930 00:05:02.940 back over to extraction recipe and now
00:05:05.689 00:05:05.699 you can import that solvent into this
00:05:08.779 00:05:08.789 recipe by clicking that area and it will
00:05:11.180 00:05:11.190 change it set up for automatic solvent
00:05:14.300 00:05:14.310 recovery or you can stop the recovery
00:05:15.950 00:05:15.960 process that you can come monitor it
00:05:21.050 00:05:21.060 see all the extra buttons here for
00:05:24.540 00:05:24.550 loading pre-loaded data for a previous
00:05:26.490 00:05:26.500 extraction
00:05:31.040 00:05:31.050 there's nothing like it
00:05:33.439 00:05:33.449 it can extract and pull out 98% of the
00:05:37.879 00:05:37.889 oil out of four kilos II which is
00:05:40.969 00:05:40.979 usually on the worst case scenario a
00:05:42.559 00:05:42.569 pound to two pounds of oil per run
00:05:44.869 00:05:44.879 they can run depending on the wattage
00:05:47.299 00:05:47.309 system that you've got once every hour
00:05:49.670 00:05:49.680 or once every two hours with a high
00:05:51.920 00:05:51.930 wattage with these low wattage 600 what
00:05:54.909 00:05:54.919 chillers it takes about six hours to
00:05:57.529 00:05:57.539 recover all of this almond but if you
00:06:01.219 00:06:01.229 had a high wattage it could be done in
00:06:03.469 00:06:03.479 an hour
00:06:05.890 00:06:05.900 faster than you can perform the
00:06:08.510 00:06:08.520 operations that you need to perform them
00:06:10.189 00:06:10.199 to start your next extraction grinding
00:06:12.050 00:06:12.060 your material loading your column etc
00:06:19.750 00:06:19.760 you
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