/ News & Press / Video / Temperature Interval Method for Heat Exchanger Networks
Temperature Interval Method for Heat Exchanger Networks
WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en
00:00:02.500 --> 00:00:07.839 In this video we're going to focus on a specific design approach for creating a heat exchanger 00:00:07.839 --> 00:00:12.940 network, and we're just going to work through an example problem that's shown here, where 00:00:12.940 --> 00:00:18.020 we have four streams that are going through a process, and they have certain inlet temperatures 00:00:18.020 --> 00:00:25.109 and outlet temperatures, and just to clarify the inlet temperature of 30 degrees exits 00:00:25.109 --> 00:00:32.960 at an outlet temperature of 135, which means that the inlet temperature of 180 exits at 00:00:32.960 --> 00:00:39.040 60, so looking at these temperatures you can see that we have two hot streams and two cold 00:00:39.040 --> 00:00:40.040 streams. 00:00:40.040 --> 00:00:46.579 So I am going to go through an approach step-by-step using a temperature interval method to figure 00:00:46.579 --> 00:00:51.830 out what our minimum energy requirements, MER, are going to be in this process. 00:00:51.830 --> 00:00:57.450 So we're going to specifically focus on trying to minimize the utility loads that come in 00:00:57.450 --> 00:01:02.109 from both the hot side and a cold side of a process that we would need to off balance 00:01:02.109 --> 00:01:06.740 any energy that we would have to provide or take away from these four streams. 00:01:06.740 --> 00:01:10.220 So the first step is to create a table for our streams. 00:01:10.220 --> 00:01:17.950 So T(s) stands for our source temperature, so that's really our inlet, and T(t) stands 00:01:17.950 --> 00:01:20.270 for our target temperature. 00:01:20.270 --> 00:01:27.200 C is our heat capacity flow rate, and that's just something you've seen before as the flow 00:01:27.200 --> 00:01:33.710 rate times a specific heat, and you could see that the units on this are an energy per 00:01:33.710 --> 00:01:39.030 temperature, so that accounts for our mass flow rates for each stream. 00:01:39.030 --> 00:01:44.780 So I'll start filling in the temperatures here, so we were given the heat capacity flow 00:01:44.780 --> 00:01:49.300 rate values in the problem statement, so that's something I am going to write in here, and 00:01:49.300 --> 00:01:57.240 I have this assumption that these heat capacity flow rates are going to stay constant as a 00:01:57.240 --> 00:02:05.130 function of temperature, or in other words we would write that C is not a function of 00:02:05.130 --> 00:02:10.090 temperature, and you know that if we had a phase change for any of these streams we would 00:02:10.090 --> 00:02:14.040 definitely have to account for the energy associated with that, or a reaction that might 00:02:14.040 --> 00:02:19.480 be occurring, and for many species the heat capacity won't be constant over a large range 00:02:19.480 --> 00:02:24.040 in temperatures, and that's something that you may have to use in breaking up the streams 00:02:24.040 --> 00:02:25.880 into those specific intervals. 00:02:25.880 --> 00:02:33.489 So the first thing we could do is just calculate a heat transfer for each of the streams where 00:02:33.489 --> 00:02:39.840 we know that the heat transfer rate is going to be mC delta T, and we've already been given 00:02:39.840 --> 00:02:46.060 this mC as our heat capacity ratio, so it's just a matter of multiplying the heat capacity 00:02:46.060 --> 00:02:50.629 flow rate by this temperature difference, and I'll fill that in. 00:02:50.629 --> 00:02:57.930 So you could see that our cold load here on the cold side adds up to 510, and our hot 00:02:57.930 --> 00:03:02.170 load adds up to 480. 00:03:02.170 --> 00:03:06.100 So we know in this case that our difference between the two streams is 30 kW, and we'll 00:03:06.100 --> 00:03:10.040 have to determine later on how to account for these 30 kW. 00:03:10.040 --> 00:03:13.900 Now just a note this is not the minimum energy requirement that we're looking for, because 00:03:13.900 --> 00:03:18.260 we haven't designated a minimum approach temperature for our heat exchangers. 00:03:18.260 --> 00:03:23.440 So the first step in using the temperature interval method is to designate this minimum 00:03:23.440 --> 00:03:28.890 approach temperature for our design of our heat exchangers, and a good starting point 00:03:28.890 --> 00:03:33.560 is going to be 10 degrees Celsius, and to account for this in our energy balances we're 00:03:33.560 --> 00:03:39.750 going to take the hot streams, and we're going to subtract this approach temperature from 00:03:39.750 --> 00:03:47.099 the temperatures from the hot streams, so this becomes 170 and 50, 140 and 20. 00:03:47.099 --> 00:03:52.690 Now we maintain the temperatures for the cold streams, and we take these temperatures, these 00:03:52.690 --> 00:03:57.299 adjusted temperatures, as the temperatures that we're going to use to create our intervals. 00:03:57.299 --> 00:04:01.010 So a good place just to show where the streams are is to draw a diagram of this where we 00:04:01.010 --> 00:04:09.739 label our temperatures that we saw from our adjusted temperatures in order from coldest 00:04:09.739 --> 00:04:15.810 to hottest, and then we could draw arrows to designate which stream overlaps these temperature 00:04:15.810 --> 00:04:16.810 intervals. 00:04:16.810 --> 00:04:23.229 So if we look at our cold stream, for C(1), that goes from 30 to 135, we could draw an 00:04:23.229 --> 00:04:27.310 arrow that shows that shows that, and we could do the same thing for our second cold stream 00:04:27.310 --> 00:04:28.860 that goes from 80 to 140. 00:04:28.860 --> 00:04:35.540 Now if we do this for our hot streams we have one that goes from 140 to 30, and our other 00:04:35.540 --> 00:04:40.110 one that goes from 170 to 50, and I'll show you why this is going to be important as we 00:04:40.110 --> 00:04:42.900 move further into this approach. 00:04:42.900 --> 00:04:47.860 Our next step is to draw a basic flow chart that shows the transfer of energy in between 00:04:47.860 --> 00:04:50.009 each of these temperature intervals. 00:04:50.009 --> 00:04:54.470 So we start with the lowest temperature at the bottom, and in between each of these boxes 00:04:54.470 --> 00:04:58.080 we'll write what the temperatures of those intervals are. 00:04:58.080 --> 00:05:03.340 So the next step after this is to determine the enthalpies of each interval, and to do 00:05:03.340 --> 00:05:11.220 that our equation for our change in enthalpy is just going to be our heat capacity flow 00:05:11.220 --> 00:05:13.780 rate times our temperature difference. 00:05:13.780 --> 00:05:18.710 However, we have to account for all of the streams, so I'll put a summation on here. 00:05:18.710 --> 00:05:23.870 This is where the chart comes in handy, if we go back and look at our chart and we could 00:05:23.870 --> 00:05:29.120 fill in our information for the heat capacity rate we could see for the interval of 140 00:05:29.120 --> 00:05:38.680 to 170 we have one stream that's involved, so our delta H for the first process is just 00:05:38.680 --> 00:05:46.419 going to be 3 times the change in temperature, which gives us 90 kW. 00:05:46.419 --> 00:05:52.270 Now for this second process we go back and look at our chart, and we notice that we have 00:05:52.270 --> 00:05:58.360 three streams that are involved with this interval, so we take the hot streams and we 00:05:58.360 --> 00:06:04.520 add up the heat capacities, that gives us 4, and we're going to subtract out the heat 00:06:04.520 --> 00:06:06.419 capacities of the cold streams. 00:06:06.419 --> 00:06:08.889 4-5 will give us negative 1. 00:06:08.889 --> 00:06:14.770 So I'll have negative 1 as our summation times our interval, 5 degrees Celsius, and this 00:06:14.770 --> 00:06:16.900 gives us negative 5 kW. 00:06:16.900 --> 00:06:20.900 Now I'll do this for the rest of the temperature intervals, and you could see the resulting 00:06:20.900 --> 00:06:23.190 enthalpies of those calculations. 00:06:23.190 --> 00:06:26.780 The next step is to calculate the residual enthalpy, which is going to be a cumulative 00:06:26.780 --> 00:06:34.870 addition of all the intervals, so our residual enthalpy starts with our 90 kW and then as 00:06:34.870 --> 00:06:40.190 we add the negative 5 we drop down to 85, and so forth. 00:06:40.190 --> 00:06:43.760 So this gives us an idea of where the pinch point of this process is going to be. 00:06:43.760 --> 00:06:48.660 Now this pinch point is defined such that no energy is transferred across the pinch, 00:06:48.660 --> 00:06:55.280 and that's in order to maintain our approach to minimize our utility loads. 00:06:55.280 --> 00:06:59.199 So at this point we're going to choose the most negative enthlapy value, which is shown 00:06:59.199 --> 00:07:05.380 here, and we're going to take that as our hot utility load and add it to the beginning 00:07:05.380 --> 00:07:07.819 of this block diagram. 00:07:07.819 --> 00:07:14.240 So we do a final pass through our temperature intervals, where now we're going to start 00:07:14.240 --> 00:07:20.210 with 80 kW, we're going to add the enthalpies from each temperature interval such that at 00:07:20.210 --> 00:07:24.069 a pinch point we have 0 as our value. 00:07:24.069 --> 00:07:33.569 What this does is tell us our eventual residual enthalpy that's associated with our cold utility. 00:07:33.569 --> 00:07:38.919 So our hot utility was what we added to the system to start, and now our cold utility 00:07:38.919 --> 00:07:44.690 is the bottom, and these values are our MER targets. 00:07:44.690 --> 00:07:51.030 We've identified our pinch point to be 80 degrees for our cold stream, and because our 00:07:51.030 --> 00:07:56.640 minimum approach temperature was 10 degrees our hot side is going to be 90. 00:07:56.640 --> 00:08:01.270 So the last part of this process is to do what's known as a pinch decomposition of our 00:08:01.270 --> 00:08:05.780 hot and cold streams just to show what our networks going to look like from start to 00:08:05.780 --> 00:08:09.319 finish before we put in any of the heat exchangers. 00:08:09.319 --> 00:08:14.690 So I've filled in the specific heat flow rates on the right of each stream, and designated 00:08:14.690 --> 00:08:18.590 the hot streams going left to right, and the cold stream's right to left. 00:08:18.590 --> 00:08:25.340 So we plug in our values for our pinch temperatures, so on the cold side it's going to be 80 degrees, 00:08:25.340 --> 00:08:31.830 and on our hot side it's going to be 90 for our pinch temperature, we'll fill in our source 00:08:31.830 --> 00:08:34.270 and target temperatures for each stream. 00:08:34.270 --> 00:08:40.560 So we use the actual values given in the problem statement, so our hot stream starts at 180 00:08:40.560 --> 00:08:43.159 and finishes at 60. 00:08:43.159 --> 00:08:50.269 Our second hot stream starts at 150, finishes at 30 degrees Celsius, our cold stream starts 00:08:50.269 --> 00:08:54.770 at 30 and finishes at 135. 00:08:54.770 --> 00:08:59.550 The other one starts at 80, and finishes at 140. 00:08:59.550 --> 00:09:03.680 Now what you can notice is that we have a pinch temperature of 80, and our start temperature 00:09:03.680 --> 00:09:05.160 of 80. 00:09:05.160 --> 00:09:11.450 So this means that we can actually get rid of this side altogether, and we have the second 00:09:11.450 --> 00:09:17.390 cold stream, C(2) only on the hot side of the pinch, and we've designated this as our 00:09:17.390 --> 00:09:20.730 hot side, and this as our cold side. 00:09:20.730 --> 00:09:25.480 So we would at this point would move on to designing our two heat exchanger networks, 00:09:25.480 --> 00:09:29.779 one for the hot side of the pinch, and one for the cold side, and we'll do that in a 00:09:29.779 --> 00:09:31.539 subsequent screencast.
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