Kind: captions
Language: en

today the whole world moves on a thin
00:00:52.070 00:00:52.080 film of lubricating oil oil is our magic
00:00:55.850 00:00:55.860 carpet without it nor wheel could turn
00:00:58.250 00:00:58.260 no moving part operate delicate watches
00:01:02.170 00:01:02.180 and ponderous engines
00:01:06.950 00:01:06.960 watercraft and aircraft an automobile
00:01:15.120 00:01:15.130 trucks
00:01:18.609 00:01:18.619 busses and tractors whatever there is
00:01:23.109 00:01:23.119 motion wherever power is made or used
00:01:25.569 00:01:25.579 there's oil
00:01:30.450 00:01:30.460 lubricating oil separates spinning gears
00:01:33.000 00:01:33.010 and metal parts lacking it's all moving
00:01:35.940 00:01:35.950 mechanisms would soon grind to a stun
00:01:41.420 00:01:41.430 with it they move smoothly efficiently
00:01:45.200 00:01:45.210 provide proper lubrication is not simple
00:01:48.120 00:01:48.130 or easy in this stage of machines many
00:01:51.450 00:01:51.460 types of oil are needed each to perform
00:01:53.790 00:01:53.800 a special job only in the great modern
00:01:57.690 00:01:57.700 refinery can these many types be
00:01:59.850 00:01:59.860 perfected here modern science keeps pace
00:02:02.880 00:02:02.890 with the ever increasing ever more
00:02:04.560 00:02:04.570 exacting needs for lubricating oil
00:02:09.419 00:02:09.429 so we come to the story of how we get it
00:02:12.119 00:02:12.129 and what we do to it the hero of our
00:02:15.720 00:02:15.730 story is a typical lubricating oil
00:02:17.880 00:02:17.890 molecule
00:02:19.500 00:02:19.510 he is called a hydrocarbon because he is
00:02:22.740 00:02:22.750 made up of atoms of carbon and hydrogen
00:02:25.160 00:02:25.170 joined together such molecules and
00:02:29.369 00:02:29.379 countless other hydrocarbon molecules
00:02:32.149 00:02:32.159 differing only in size and shape make up
00:02:35.399 00:02:35.409 crude oil these molecules are much too
00:02:38.610 00:02:38.620 small to see even with the highest
00:02:40.440 00:02:40.450 powered microscope but are tremendous in
00:02:43.110 00:02:43.120 importance
00:02:44.059 00:02:44.069 let's take our typical lubricating oil
00:02:46.890 00:02:46.900 molecule and trace his career from the
00:02:49.050 00:02:49.060 time science begins to prepare him for
00:02:51.420 00:02:51.430 his role in our mechanized world as with
00:02:54.839 00:02:54.849 all petroleum products lubricating oil
00:02:57.030 00:02:57.040 comes from crude oil crude oil of
00:02:59.759 00:02:59.769 veritable black magic that is taken from
00:03:02.580 00:03:02.590 the depths of the earth
00:03:03.900 00:03:03.910 [Music]
00:03:07.980 00:03:07.990 the first step is that of separating the
00:03:10.470 00:03:10.480 various types of molecules
00:03:12.390 00:03:12.400 this is accomplished at the refinery in
00:03:14.850 00:03:14.860 the huge bubble towers of a pipe still
00:03:17.340 00:03:17.350 by distillation here's a simplified
00:03:21.330 00:03:21.340 diagram and we really mean simplified of
00:03:24.510 00:03:24.520 a modern distillation unit the crude oil
00:03:27.270 00:03:27.280 is heated on the left so hot that most
00:03:29.790 00:03:29.800 of it is above its boiling point and so
00:03:32.130 00:03:32.140 it turns to vapor it then goes to the
00:03:34.410 00:03:34.420 bubble tower on the right
00:03:36.480 00:03:36.490 00:03:39.860 00:03:39.870 the gas molecules are small they have
00:03:43.050 00:03:43.060 little tendency to condense from gas to
00:03:45.330 00:03:45.340 liquid and so they pass all the way up
00:03:47.790 00:03:47.800 the tower and are taken out at the top
00:03:52.280 00:03:52.290 the next larger molecules are gasoline
00:03:55.720 00:03:55.730 they rise to the fourth level before
00:03:58.369 00:03:58.379 they change from vapor back to liquid
00:04:00.319 00:04:00.329 and are drawn off
00:04:03.559 00:04:03.569 the kerosene molecules have condensed on
00:04:06.350 00:04:06.360 the next Lord train and fuel oil from
00:04:09.559 00:04:09.569 the one still lower the unbaptized
00:04:12.949 00:04:12.959 portion known as reduced crude is
00:04:15.709 00:04:15.719 removed from the bottom of the tower and
00:04:17.659 00:04:17.669 sent to a second still a lubricating oil
00:04:23.480 00:04:23.490 pipes still for the critical task of
00:04:26.090 00:04:26.100 properly separating the lubricating oil
00:04:28.219 00:04:28.229 molecules high temperature is ordinarily
00:04:31.460 00:04:31.470 required to distill these heavy
00:04:33.200 00:04:33.210 molecules are avoided by the use of
00:04:35.360 00:04:35.370 vacuum and steam this bubble tower
00:04:39.080 00:04:39.090 further separates the molecules into
00:04:41.240 00:04:41.250 light medium and heavy distilled lube
00:04:43.400 00:04:43.410 oil stocks from the bottom of the tower
00:04:46.040 00:04:46.050 is taken residual loom stock containing
00:04:48.499 00:04:48.509 asphalt and other heavy materials to
00:04:54.439 00:04:54.449 keep things simple we've shown just four
00:04:56.540 00:04:56.550 types of lubricating oil molecules as
00:04:59.480 00:04:59.490 they come from the stills other
00:05:01.040 00:05:01.050 materials come along with them and as so
00:05:05.060 00:05:05.070 often happens in the best of families
00:05:07.010 00:05:07.020 these other members may be black sheep
00:05:09.890 00:05:09.900 some of them have their uses but not in
00:05:13.010 00:05:13.020 lubricating oil
00:05:14.550 00:05:14.560 00:05:29.410 00:05:29.420 [Applause]
00:05:37.420 00:05:37.430 I'm a color impurity
00:05:41.280 00:05:41.290 under certain conditions these black
00:05:43.810 00:05:43.820 sheep will interfere with good
00:05:45.370 00:05:45.380 lubrication they must therefore be
00:05:47.440 00:05:47.450 removed
00:05:50.090 00:05:50.100 we'll start by getting rid of asphalt
00:05:52.490 00:05:52.500 which has been concentrated in the
00:05:54.980 00:05:54.990 residual stock that was taken off from
00:05:57.320 00:05:57.330 the bottom of the second still
00:06:07.920 00:06:07.930 asphalt is removed in units like this
00:06:10.800 00:06:10.810 the oil is diluted for the liquefied
00:06:13.630 00:06:13.640 petroleum gas called propane which has
00:06:16.600 00:06:16.610 to be kept liquid by high pressure
00:06:18.190 00:06:18.200 because of the temperature employed the
00:06:21.880 00:06:21.890 large asphalt molecules are not soluble
00:06:24.310 00:06:24.320 in the warm propane diluted oil they
00:06:26.980 00:06:26.990 settle to the bottom and are drawn off
00:06:30.030 00:06:30.040 saw the first steps in the refining
00:06:32.800 00:06:32.810 process have been taken the process is
00:06:35.620 00:06:35.630 used from here on may be applied to
00:06:37.870 00:06:37.880 distilled as well as residual oils so
00:06:43.630 00:06:43.640 for the sake of simplicity let's combine
00:06:45.490 00:06:45.500 the distilled stalks then take the
00:06:48.670 00:06:48.680 representative oil molecules that typify
00:06:51.340 00:06:51.350 distilled and residual lubricating oil
00:06:53.800 00:06:53.810 stocks and consider them as a typical
00:06:59.380 00:06:59.390 lubricating oil molecule the little
00:07:01.870 00:07:01.880 character whose to be are here all for
00:07:03.880 00:07:03.890 the remainder of the story as we can see
00:07:08.440 00:07:08.450 undesirable companions are still
00:07:10.600 00:07:10.610 following him around
00:07:11.980 00:07:11.990 and these undesirables will have to be
00:07:14.290 00:07:14.300 removed before our hero can do his job
00:07:16.330 00:07:16.340 properly the purifying process continues
00:07:21.700 00:07:21.710 with the removal of wax little guy
00:07:27.430 00:07:27.440 accepted low-temperature as money
00:07:29.410 00:07:29.420 solidifies and blocks oil flow
00:07:32.290 00:07:32.300 he is removed in units like this in
00:07:35.800 00:07:35.810 these modern methods of dewaxing
00:07:37.810 00:07:37.820 a thinner or solvent is added to the oil
00:07:40.630 00:07:40.640 the thinner employed is liquefied
00:07:42.700 00:07:42.710 propane normally a gas the same
00:07:45.310 00:07:45.320 liquefied gas used in removing asphalt
00:07:47.950 00:07:47.960 but now at a much lower temperature
00:07:53.220 00:07:53.230 here is how this solvent dewaxing works
00:07:55.890 00:07:55.900 the mixture oil and propane is chilled
00:08:05.070 00:08:05.080 00:08:06.440 00:08:06.450 this causes wax molecules to form solid
00:08:09.960 00:08:09.970 particles but the oil molecules remain
00:08:12.570 00:08:12.580 liquid and easily passed through filters
00:08:14.760 00:08:14.770 the wax particles which are solid cannot
00:08:17.910 00:08:17.920 pass and are trap
00:08:20.040 00:08:20.050 00:08:21.290 00:08:21.300 in settling tanks petrolatum a different
00:08:24.750 00:08:24.760 type of wax contained in the residual
00:08:26.730 00:08:26.740 oils is separated from the chilled
00:08:28.920 00:08:28.930 mixture
00:08:32.850 00:08:32.860 laboratory pour tests are continually
00:08:35.649 00:08:35.659 run to make sure that the process is
00:08:37.480 00:08:37.490 just described will produce oils that
00:08:39.730 00:08:39.740 flow readily in cold weather so asphalt
00:08:46.150 00:08:46.160 and wax are now gone a good start in our
00:08:48.879 00:08:48.889 refining process the next two culprits
00:08:52.240 00:08:52.250 to be dealt with by the character that
00:08:54.910 00:08:54.920 forms sludge and varnish and the one
00:08:58.000 00:08:58.010 that causes oil to thin excessively at
00:09:00.250 00:09:00.260 high temperatures and thicken too much
00:09:02.319 00:09:02.329 at low temperature they may be removed
00:09:06.939 00:09:06.949 along with part of the color by several
00:09:09.610 00:09:09.620 processes one is acid treatment sulfuric
00:09:13.509 00:09:13.519 acid and oil are mixed together by
00:09:16.750 00:09:16.760 chemical reaction acid particles hook on
00:09:19.120 00:09:19.130 to the unwanted molecules forming heavy
00:09:21.610 00:09:21.620 sludge that settles out of the oil
00:09:29.280 00:09:29.290 another method is solvent extraction one
00:09:32.189 00:09:32.199 of the most advanced processes
00:09:33.749 00:09:33.759 revolutionary in principle making
00:09:36.090 00:09:36.100 possible the attainment of new high
00:09:37.800 00:09:37.810 standards in lubricating oil quality
00:09:42.670 00:09:42.680 in this process a special solvent
00:09:45.400 00:09:45.410 literally dissolves out unstable
00:09:47.410 00:09:47.420 materials it differs from acid treatment
00:09:49.840 00:09:49.850 in that no chemical reaction is involved
00:09:57.800 00:09:57.810 the oils five stability resulting from
00:10:00.290 00:10:00.300 solvent extraction is checked by the
00:10:02.090 00:10:02.100 Indiana
00:10:02.840 00:10:02.850 stirring oxidation test which measures
00:10:05.420 00:10:05.430 the oils greatly improved resistance to
00:10:07.819 00:10:07.829 attack by oxygen over long periods of
00:10:10.400 00:10:10.410 time
00:10:12.730 00:10:12.740 to demonstrate another improvement
00:10:14.320 00:10:14.330 obtained by solvent extraction note that
00:10:17.740 00:10:17.750 at room temperature the falling balls
00:10:19.540 00:10:19.550 show that these two oils have the same
00:10:21.670 00:10:21.680 viscosity or body
00:10:25.370 00:10:25.380 but when they are chilled the oil on the
00:10:28.220 00:10:28.230 right thickens less showing that its
00:10:31.280 00:10:31.290 body is affected least by low
00:10:33.530 00:10:33.540 temperatures this resistance to change
00:10:38.480 00:10:38.490 is one of the desirable characteristics
00:10:40.100 00:10:40.110 that is found in oils for the high
00:10:42.440 00:10:42.450 viscosity index called bi files with
00:10:49.520 00:10:49.530 high VI also better resist changes in
00:10:52.790 00:10:52.800 body when heated
00:10:55.540 00:10:55.550 thus lubricating oil is improved in its
00:10:58.610 00:10:58.620 VI with the removal of the unwanted
00:11:00.950 00:11:00.960 molecules by the solvent extraction
00:11:03.380 00:11:03.390 process
00:11:04.050 00:11:04.060 00:11:11.450 00:11:11.460 and now we have only one undesirable
00:11:14.460 00:11:14.470 left he's not so bad but he does give
00:11:17.880 00:11:17.890 oil a darker color to remove him
00:11:22.010 00:11:22.020 lubricating oil is treated with a
00:11:24.120 00:11:24.130 powdered special type of clay there's
00:11:27.090 00:11:27.100 several ways to do this final cleanup
00:11:29.900 00:11:29.910 one is to pump through a filter oil and
00:11:33.360 00:11:33.370 powdered clay that have been mixed
00:11:34.980 00:11:34.990 together another way is the percolation
00:11:39.630 00:11:39.640 00:11:42.170 00:11:42.180 the oil descends slowly by gravity
00:11:44.720 00:11:44.730 through a deep bed of a special granular
00:11:47.090 00:11:47.100 type of clay clay particles hold tightly
00:11:52.370 00:11:52.380 onto the dark color impurities the rest
00:11:54.980 00:11:54.990 of the oil goes on through
00:11:57.240 00:11:57.250 00:12:00.490 00:12:00.500 the improved lighter color is checked
00:12:03.200 00:12:03.210 for uniformity by comparison with
00:12:05.180 00:12:05.190 official color standards
00:12:08.840 00:12:08.850 now our hero rid of his questionable
00:12:11.970 00:12:11.980 companions by these purifying processes
00:12:14.430 00:12:14.440 is at last fed for lubricating service
00:12:17.130 00:12:17.140 under all except the most severe
00:12:19.019 00:12:19.029 conditions out of the refining processes
00:12:26.220 00:12:26.230 you've seen have come all these oils the
00:12:29.639 00:12:29.649 rising bubbles indicate differences in
00:12:31.769 00:12:31.779 body and the various colors differences
00:12:34.290 00:12:34.300 in type these oils and thousands more
00:12:37.829 00:12:37.839 are especially fitted for the countless
00:12:40.019 00:12:40.029 variety of lubrication jobs so essential
00:12:43.019 00:12:43.029 to our modern mechanized world
00:12:46.030 00:12:46.040 00:12:51.530 00:12:51.540 into service they go
00:12:54.800 00:12:54.810 specific answers to a wide range of
00:12:58.040 00:12:58.050 lubrication requirements each one fitted
00:13:01.370 00:13:01.380 to do a particular job
00:13:05.750 00:13:05.760 in industry and transportation in
00:13:11.030 00:13:11.040 devices at our homes and in countless
00:13:13.670 00:13:13.680 other ways
00:13:18.100 00:13:18.110 we know that on our farms now highly
00:13:20.740 00:13:20.750 mechanized lubricating oil is extremely
00:13:23.290 00:13:23.300 important in reducing friction
00:13:24.880 00:13:24.890 preventing wear and rusty vitally
00:13:27.790 00:13:27.800 helping the operation of all equipment
00:13:31.820 00:13:31.830 but to meet increasingly severe
00:13:33.680 00:13:33.690 operating conditions especially in motor
00:13:36.259 00:13:36.269 cars trucks buses and tractors
00:13:40.780 00:13:40.790 lubricating oils now need qualities that
00:13:43.490 00:13:43.500 cannot be secured even by the best
00:13:45.800 00:13:45.810 refining processes from oil alone
00:13:48.940 00:13:48.950 scientists keeping pace with these new
00:13:51.050 00:13:51.060 requirements have discovered that
00:13:52.430 00:13:52.440 putting in special ingredients called
00:13:54.319 00:13:54.329 additives even in small amounts makes
00:13:57.079 00:13:57.089 lubricating oil work still better
00:14:00.400 00:14:00.410 for certain conditions a poor point
00:14:03.010 00:14:03.020 depressor a viscosity index improvers
00:14:05.500 00:14:05.510 may be required in oils that transmit
00:14:07.750 00:14:07.760 power for example in automatic
00:14:09.970 00:14:09.980 transmissions oils must not vary greatly
00:14:11.920 00:14:11.930 in body at different temperatures an
00:14:15.430 00:14:15.440 anti-corrosion additive may be necessary
00:14:17.440 00:14:17.450 to prevent corrosion of this type with a
00:14:19.750 00:14:19.760 newer harder bearings
00:14:24.220 00:14:24.230 an extreme pressure additives used where
00:14:27.130 00:14:27.140 the pressure is extremely high and there
00:14:29.110 00:14:29.120 is considerable rubbing between steel to
00:14:31.120 00:14:31.130 steel surfaces as in hypoid gears it
00:14:34.570 00:14:34.580 forms on these surfaces a tightly bound
00:14:36.700 00:14:36.710 protective film and
00:14:40.480 00:14:40.490 oiliness additive is used in mechanisms
00:14:43.360 00:14:43.370 where the rubbing action requires an
00:14:44.950 00:14:44.960 exceptionally strong film of oil
00:14:49.240 00:14:49.250 an antioxidant may be employed to
00:14:52.449 00:14:52.459 protect the oil at high temperature
00:14:54.160 00:14:54.170 against the formation of sludge varnish
00:14:56.499 00:14:56.509 and corrosive acids the detergent
00:14:59.410 00:14:59.420 dispersant may be added to prevent the
00:15:01.119 00:15:01.129 posits such as these from collecting in
00:15:03.009 00:15:03.019 oil passages and to keep carbon and
00:15:05.619 00:15:05.629 other deposits in a harmless finely
00:15:07.780 00:15:07.790 divided state dispersed in the oil
00:15:11.730 00:15:11.740 00:15:13.370 00:15:13.380 anteye foam agents for veterans from
00:15:16.440 00:15:16.450 forming out of the equipment may
00:15:18.120 00:15:18.130 sometimes be necessarily
00:15:24.960 00:15:24.970 other antioxidants and also metal
00:15:27.750 00:15:27.760 deactivators may be used to counteract
00:15:30.000 00:15:30.010 the tendency of certain metals that may
00:15:32.190 00:15:32.200 be present to promote attack on the oil
00:15:34.200 00:15:34.210 by oxygen
00:15:37.950 00:15:37.960 00:15:40.710 00:15:40.720 there are other additives for others
00:15:42.810 00:15:42.820 special uses and new additives are being
00:15:45.300 00:15:45.310 developed continually as new needs arise
00:15:49.760 00:15:49.770 so now we see our fully finished
00:15:52.230 00:15:52.240 lubricating oil molecule when required
00:15:55.260 00:15:55.270 palliative spent in to handle the
00:15:57.120 00:15:57.130 toughest lubrication problems tested and
00:16:07.410 00:16:07.420 retested every step of the way our
00:16:09.900 00:16:09.910 little lubricating oil molecule
00:16:11.520 00:16:11.530 undergoes many final inspections before
00:16:14.250 00:16:14.260 he is sent out to do his job
00:16:19.450 00:16:19.460 like a fighter before his entry into the
00:16:22.250 00:16:22.260 ring the oil undergoes many final checks
00:16:27.350 00:16:27.360 body or viscosity is tested by the
00:16:30.960 00:16:30.970 seybolt universal method
00:16:34.240 00:16:34.250 or by the suspended level men from his
00:16:38.350 00:16:38.360 viscosity at various temperatures his
00:16:40.750 00:16:40.760 viscosity index or VI is calculated
00:16:45.090 00:16:45.100 hydrometers are used to determine the
00:16:47.290 00:16:47.300 gravity from which the weight per gallon
00:16:49.120 00:16:49.130 may be calculated the Cleveland open cup
00:16:53.050 00:16:53.060 flash test is another of the common
00:16:55.090 00:16:55.100 control tests another is the ability of
00:16:58.840 00:16:58.850 the oil to separate from water
00:17:00.570 00:17:00.580 00:17:02.829 00:17:02.839 this is checked by the demon civility
00:17:05.600 00:17:05.610 test that specified temperatures using
00:17:08.120 00:17:08.130 mechanical agitation
00:17:12.330 00:17:12.340 and by this test using steam
00:17:17.720 00:17:17.730 tendency to form carbon is shown by this
00:17:20.210 00:17:20.220 carbon residue test or by this more
00:17:22.819 00:17:22.829 modern Ramsbottom method an excellent
00:17:27.110 00:17:27.120 check on carbon forming tendency is
00:17:29.210 00:17:29.220 obtained by distilling the oil under a
00:17:31.519 00:17:31.529 high vacuum
00:17:35.130 00:17:35.140 and collecting and measuring the
00:17:36.840 00:17:36.850 combustion residue formed in the engine
00:17:38.910 00:17:38.920 is of course the ultimate test service
00:17:44.430 00:17:44.440 in the field is after all the best way
00:17:47.130 00:17:47.140 to prove the practical worth of a
00:17:48.960 00:17:48.970 product
00:17:50.980 00:17:50.990 that is why the products of the research
00:17:53.169 00:17:53.179 and development laboratories must also
00:17:55.659 00:17:55.669 pass service tests before they offered
00:17:58.149 00:17:58.159 for sale all lubricating oils and this
00:18:01.870 00:18:01.880 includes power plant and industrial
00:18:03.940 00:18:03.950 types and all automotive types must
00:18:07.690 00:18:07.700 prove themselves on the firing line of
00:18:09.850 00:18:09.860 practical use or little hero cruises
00:18:13.480 00:18:13.490 Fitness proves he can take punishment
00:18:17.460 00:18:17.470 months of severe performance are now
00:18:19.930 00:18:19.940 compressed into a few hours by the use
00:18:21.909 00:18:21.919 of ingenious speed-up tests the ability
00:18:26.980 00:18:26.990 of an extreme pressure lubricant to
00:18:28.720 00:18:28.730 protect metal against scouring in
00:18:30.549 00:18:30.559 service is checked quickly with special
00:18:32.830 00:18:32.840 test machines a test like this in an
00:18:37.899 00:18:37.909 actual passenger car hypoid rear axle
00:18:40.620 00:18:40.630 telescopes months of service in two
00:18:42.880 00:18:42.890 hours and really proves the merit of a
00:18:45.310 00:18:45.320 high point gear lubricants
00:18:48.710 00:18:48.720 00:18:51.120 00:18:51.130 this severe endurance test in an actual
00:18:54.370 00:18:54.380 engine judges the ability of an oil to
00:18:56.950 00:18:56.960 prevent or remove deposits in high speed
00:18:59.140 00:18:59.150 diesel and automobile engines afterwards
00:19:02.770 00:19:02.780 parts for examine for deposits ring
00:19:05.080 00:19:05.090 sticking and where
00:19:09.340 00:19:09.350 another severe endurance test and an
00:19:11.529 00:19:11.539 actual engine determines the oils
00:19:13.450 00:19:13.460 increased resistance against breaking
00:19:15.430 00:19:15.440 down into sludge in corrosive products
00:19:19.840 00:19:19.850 again parts are examined for deposits
00:19:22.539 00:19:22.549 possible bearing corrosion and ring
00:19:24.370 00:19:24.380 sticky
00:19:26.720 00:19:26.730 one of the best proofs of a motor oils
00:19:28.760 00:19:28.770 quality is provided in this extensive
00:19:31.370 00:19:31.380 lineup of automobile test engines the
00:19:33.650 00:19:33.660 36-hour high-temperature engine tests
00:19:36.820 00:19:36.830 determined here is the oils resistance
00:19:39.290 00:19:39.300 to oxidation in severe service at the
00:19:44.450 00:19:44.460 completion of the test parts are
00:19:46.310 00:19:46.320 carefully studied by expert observers
00:19:48.350 00:19:48.360 and rated for varnish deposits sludge
00:19:50.750 00:19:50.760 deposits and bearing corrosion
00:19:54.550 00:19:54.560 now our tough little hero thoroughly
00:19:57.170 00:19:57.180 qualified is ready for all types of
00:19:59.270 00:19:59.280 lubrication no matter where or what the
00:20:02.510 00:20:02.520 job is wherever or however metal slides
00:20:05.450 00:20:05.460 on metal are here all the little
00:20:08.210 00:20:08.220 lubricating oil molecules faithfully
00:20:10.580 00:20:10.590 meets all requirements
00:20:12.280 00:20:12.290 00:20:14.000 00:20:14.010 so tiny in size that he cannot be seen
00:20:19.370 00:20:19.380 so tremendous and effect at the
00:20:22.230 00:20:22.240 mechanized life we know today could not
00:20:24.780 00:20:24.790 go on without him
00:20:26.410 00:20:26.420 00:20:41.360 00:20:41.370 00:20:44.769 00:20:44.779 they are science not prepared bastard
00:20:50.860 00:20:50.870
Office location
Engineering company LOTUS®
Russia, Ekaterinburg, Lunacharskogo street, 240/12

Phone: +7 343 216 77 75


Sales phone

Russia: +7 343 216 77 75

WhatsApp: +79122710308