/ News & Press / Video / Time-lapse manufacturing of large shell and tube heat exchangers
Time-lapse manufacturing of large shell and tube heat exchangers
WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en
00:00:16.083 --> 00:00:20.208 For nearly 40 years HRS has been designing and manufacturing heat exchangers ... 00:00:20.208 --> 00:00:25.583 ... for a wide variety of industries such as environmental, industrial, food and pharmaceutical. 00:00:26.708 --> 00:00:33.750 Every HRS heat exchanger is designed specifically to the client's demands, from small units to large ones. 00:00:35.041 --> 00:00:38.625 Our largest heat exchangers are designed to the smallest detail... 00:00:38.625 --> 00:00:42.708 ... to make sure they fit perfectly within the customers’ planned installation. 00:00:44.750 --> 00:00:50.416 Let’s take a closer look at a unit recently manufactured by HRS and a time-lapse of how it was made. 00:00:55.375 --> 00:01:02.375 This unit is designed for a gas heat recovery application and fully manufactured in stainless steel ... 00:01:02.375 --> 00:01:07.000 ... with HRS's reknown high quality for arduous duties. 00:01:08.000 --> 00:01:12.125 For gas applications, small pressure drops are often required. 00:01:12.125 --> 00:01:15.166 This leads to large tube bundles... 00:01:15.541 --> 00:01:16.625 ... such as this one. 00:01:18.166 --> 00:01:22.750 Here we have 2900 tubes inserted within this shell ... 00:01:23.291 --> 00:01:24.250 ... one by one. 00:01:25.333 --> 00:01:29.833 With almost 21Km of tubes fitted inside this shell ... 00:01:30.208 --> 00:01:34.250 ... the tubes are carefully expanded and welded into the tube sheet, ... 00:01:34.583 --> 00:01:39.375 ... to give a high level of resistance to thermal and mechanical stresses. 00:01:52.958 --> 00:01:57.416 Impingement rods are carefully spaced and placed at the shell inlet, ... 00:01:57.541 --> 00:02:03.875 ... absorbing kinetic charge of the incoming flow and preventing unwanted tube vibrations. 00:02:04.916 --> 00:02:10.625 Inside the shell, segmental baffles are placed for supporting the large tube bundle... 00:02:10.625 --> 00:02:13.166 ... and improving the thermal efficiency. 00:02:13.625 --> 00:02:18.708 The inlet nozzles are designed to meet strict dimensional specifications. 00:02:18.750 --> 00:02:25.708 Otherwise, this 14 tonnes monster would not connect to the pipework at the customer's facilities. 00:02:26.666 --> 00:02:32.125 Lifting logs are fitted to the 1.5m diameter and 7m long shell ... 00:02:32.125 --> 00:02:38.208 ... to ensure safe transportation during its manufacturing, transport and finally the installation. 00:02:39.541 --> 00:02:46.916 Expansion bellows are fitted to absorb thermal dilations which take place between the inner tubes and the shell. 00:02:47.708 --> 00:02:52.500 The gas flow in this heat exchanger can reach up to 500ºC. 00:02:53.958 --> 00:02:58.000 Fixing supports are installed for reinforcing the bellows ... 00:02:58.000 --> 00:03:01.041 ... during the handling of the unit prior to startup. 00:03:06.458 --> 00:03:11.916 Stainless steel plate is rolled for the fabrication of the heat exchanger shell. 00:03:14.875 --> 00:03:18.875 The shell sections are joined together. 00:03:22.750 --> 00:03:27.125 On the left hand side, the baffle cage is being prepared. 00:03:39.250 --> 00:03:44.291 The expansion bellows are point welded to the shell. 00:03:46.375 --> 00:03:50.791 The shell section is complete, measuring 7 meters in length. 00:03:56.583 --> 00:04:00.291 The baffle cage reaching its completion. 00:04:17.166 --> 00:04:23.208 Working around the clock to meet the promised delivery date. 00:04:30.250 --> 00:04:33.750 The baffle cage is placed in the shell. 00:04:42.458 --> 00:04:45.625 The first tubes are inserted one by one. 00:04:47.208 --> 00:04:51.833 Only the first tube plate is welded at this time. 00:04:55.208 --> 00:04:58.541 Positioning of the second tube plate. 00:05:07.750 --> 00:05:12.125 The remaining tubes are inserted. 00:05:44.958 --> 00:05:49.833 When all the tubes are inserted they are point welded to the tube plate. 00:05:49.833 --> 00:05:54.041 Now the orbital welding and roller expansion work can begin. 00:05:55.416 --> 00:05:58.583 Two operators begin the orbital welding. 00:06:02.916 --> 00:06:08.208 Tubes are welded in a zig-zag pattern to avoid tension on the tube plate. 00:06:14.458 --> 00:06:18.958 The tubes are roller expanded assuring a perfect fit. 00:06:25.500 --> 00:06:30.291 The unit has been pressure tested and is prepared for transportation. 00:06:37.000 --> 00:06:42.166 Specially manufactured saddles are used to support the unit on the truck. 00:06:43.125 --> 00:06:47.708 A 16 ton lift. 00:06:53.125 --> 00:06:56.125 Job done!
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Engineering company LOTUS®
Russia, Ekaterinburg, Lunacharskogo street, 240/12