TPP Exposed - WikiLeaks Publishes Secret Trade Text to Rewrite Copyright Laws, Limit Internet Freedom

Kind: captions
Language: en

WikiLeaks is back in the news after it
00:00:02.360 00:00:02.370 published Wednesday part of the secret
00:00:04.700 00:00:04.710 text of a massive new trade pact called
00:00:07.400 00:00:07.410 the trans-pacific partnership or TPP for
00:00:10.850 00:00:10.860 the past several years the United States
00:00:12.440 00:00:12.450 and 12 Pacific Rim nations have been
00:00:15.259 00:00:15.269 negotiating behind closed doors on the
00:00:17.300 00:00:17.310 sweeping agreement on Wednesday
00:00:19.310 00:00:19.320 WikiLeaks released a 95 page draft of a
00:00:24.080 00:00:24.090 TPP chapter focusing on intellectual
00:00:26.810 00:00:26.820 property rights
00:00:28.160 00:00:28.170 WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange
00:00:30.500 00:00:30.510 appeared in a YouTube video Tuesday
00:00:33.139 00:00:33.149 talking about the leak we released today
00:00:35.959 00:00:35.969 the secret international the secret
00:00:41.650 00:00:41.660 intellectual property chapter what they
00:00:43.670 00:00:43.680 call intellectual property but it's
00:00:45.319 00:00:45.329 actually all about how to extend the
00:00:48.410 00:00:48.420 monopoly rights that come here like
00:00:50.209 00:00:50.219 Monsanto which has genetic patents over
00:00:53.420 00:00:53.430 wheat in corn
00:00:55.840 00:00:55.850 extending the ability of Disney to
00:00:59.660 00:00:59.670 criminally prosecute people for death
00:01:02.479 00:01:02.489 for downloading films prosecute Internet
00:01:06.380 00:01:06.390 service providers Japan introducing
00:01:09.289 00:01:09.299 something called they call a pate a
00:01:15.640 00:01:15.650 patent prosecution Highway Japan has and
00:01:20.270 00:01:20.280 so we released all with the secret
00:01:22.160 00:01:22.170 negotiating positions for all 12
00:01:24.380 00:01:24.390 countries the WikiLeaks release of the
00:01:27.950 00:01:27.960 text comes a week before TPP chief
00:01:30.649 00:01:30.659 negotiators summit in Salt Lake City
00:01:32.330 00:01:32.340 Utah President Obama and US Trade
00:01:34.609 00:01:34.619 Representative Michael Froman reportedly
00:01:36.499 00:01:36.509 wished to finalize the TPP by the end of
00:01:38.719 00:01:38.729 the year and are pushing Congress to
00:01:40.520 00:01:40.530 expedite legislation that grants the
00:01:42.410 00:01:42.420 president what's known as fast-track
00:01:44.330 00:01:44.340 Authority however this week some 151
00:01:47.270 00:01:47.280 House Democrats and 23 Republicans wrote
00:01:49.460 00:01:49.470 letters to the administration saying
00:01:50.990 00:01:51.000 they're unwilling to give the president
00:01:52.429 00:01:52.439 free rein to quote diplomatically
00:01:54.560 00:01:54.570 legislate well for more we go to
00:01:56.450 00:01:56.460 Washington DC where we host a debate on
00:01:58.550 00:01:58.560 the trans-pacific partnership though
00:02:00.410 00:02:00.420 Watson's trade policy analysts at the
00:02:02.450 00:02:02.460 Cato Institute a libertarian think-tank
00:02:04.639 00:02:04.649 and lori wallach the director of the
00:02:06.410 00:02:06.420 fair trade group public citizen's global
00:02:08.630 00:02:08.640 trade watch we welcome you both to
00:02:10.369 00:02:10.379 Democracy Now bill Watson why
00:02:12.890 00:02:12.900 you support the TPP well we need to
00:02:16.729 00:02:16.739 remember when when we see some of these
00:02:21.460 00:02:21.470 reports about the the intellectual
00:02:23.569 00:02:23.579 property chapter we need to remember
00:02:25.550 00:02:25.560 that the the free trade agreements are
00:02:29.149 00:02:29.159 about fundamentally something very
00:02:31.970 00:02:31.980 different they are about free trade and
00:02:35.319 00:02:35.329 the the value of free trade I think is
00:02:39.890 00:02:39.900 is really incontrovertible the United
00:02:43.220 00:02:43.230 States has been lowering its barriers
00:02:45.020 00:02:45.030 for 50 years to engage in the global
00:02:49.190 00:02:49.200 economy in a way that increases growth
00:02:51.099 00:02:51.109 economically that improves the quality
00:02:53.119 00:02:53.129 of life of people in the United States
00:02:55.039 00:02:55.049 we still have a number of protectionist
00:02:58.759 00:02:58.769 measures in the United States that an
00:03:00.920 00:03:00.930 agreement like the TPP will address
00:03:04.270 00:03:04.280 particular to Asia that are at interest
00:03:07.280 00:03:07.290 in this Agreement are tariffs quotas and
00:03:10.910 00:03:10.920 subsidies dealing with things like
00:03:12.440 00:03:12.450 footwear and clothing consumer items
00:03:16.039 00:03:16.049 that that these barriers really act as
00:03:18.740 00:03:18.750 taxes on the on the poor mostly who end
00:03:23.059 00:03:23.069 up paying a larger portion of their
00:03:25.009 00:03:25.019 income to support an economic policy
00:03:28.670 00:03:28.680 that benefits a select few the the
00:03:32.479 00:03:32.489 protectionist measures in place these
00:03:34.159 00:03:34.169 trade barriers are our special interest
00:03:37.640 00:03:37.650 handouts to big businesses that have
00:03:40.220 00:03:40.230 good lobbying efforts in Washington DC
00:03:42.949 00:03:42.959 the the purpose of a free trade
00:03:45.259 00:03:45.269 agreement is to overcome an inherent
00:03:48.740 00:03:48.750 political difficulty in getting rid of
00:03:50.990 00:03:51.000 those barriers we know we want to get
00:03:53.059 00:03:53.069 rid of the barriers but it's hard to
00:03:55.219 00:03:55.229 counteract these special interests
00:03:56.659 00:03:56.669 because they have a lot of influence in
00:03:58.670 00:03:58.680 Congress so the the idea of a reciprocal
00:04:03.199 00:04:03.209 free-trade agreement where the u.s.
00:04:04.879 00:04:04.889 lowers its barriers and in exchange
00:04:06.589 00:04:06.599 other countries lower theirs is a way to
00:04:08.869 00:04:08.879 gain to really to gain special interest
00:04:12.050 00:04:12.060 support for the free trade agreement
00:04:13.969 00:04:13.979 that US industries that benefit from
00:04:16.729 00:04:16.739 export access abroad will lobby they
00:04:20.750 00:04:20.760 have a concentrated benefit in the
00:04:22.490 00:04:22.500 agreement and and so they will counter
00:04:25.379 00:04:25.389 the special interests that are
00:04:27.920 00:04:27.930 supporting the existing barriers the end
00:04:30.540 00:04:30.550 result ideally is open markets at home
00:04:33.959 00:04:33.969 and abroad
00:04:34.860 00:04:34.870 and this is a very good outcome the
00:04:37.320 00:04:37.330 problem at this point if you could say
00:04:40.230 00:04:40.240 there's a problem if we can't if we
00:04:42.659 00:04:42.669 could bring in Laurie Wallet to respond
00:04:44.939 00:04:44.949 to some of your comes especially in
00:04:46.529 00:04:46.539 terms of that we've had lots of
00:04:47.820 00:04:47.830 publicity over pharmaceuticals and the
00:04:50.339 00:04:50.349 huge disparities and prices of
00:04:52.649 00:04:52.659 pharmaceuticals around the globe and how
00:04:54.179 00:04:54.189 this might affect the tea under the TPP
00:04:57.629 00:04:57.639 agreement Laurie well free trade is a
00:05:02.129 00:05:02.139 pretty theory but as yesterday's
00:05:04.950 00:05:04.960 WikiLeaks showed the TPP has very little
00:05:08.339 00:05:08.349 to do with free trade so only five of
00:05:11.790 00:05:11.800 the 29 chapters of the agreement even
00:05:14.550 00:05:14.560 have to do with trade at all what's in
00:05:17.219 00:05:17.229 that intellectual property chapter what
00:05:19.980 00:05:19.990 the Cato Institute would call
00:05:21.420 00:05:21.430 rent-seeking government's being lobbied
00:05:24.899 00:05:24.909 by special interests to set up special
00:05:27.510 00:05:27.520 rules that give them monopolies to
00:05:29.700 00:05:29.710 charge higher prices what does that mean
00:05:32.279 00:05:32.289 for you and me in that agreement we now
00:05:35.010 00:05:35.020 can see the United States is pushing for
00:05:37.709 00:05:37.719 longer monopoly patents for medicines
00:05:40.170 00:05:40.180 that would increase the prices here
00:05:42.119 00:05:42.129 they're looking for patenting things
00:05:44.519 00:05:44.529 like surgical procedures making an even
00:05:47.279 00:05:47.289 higher medical costs they're looking to
00:05:49.769 00:05:49.779 patent life forms and seeds and with
00:05:53.189 00:05:53.199 respect to copyright the u.s. positions
00:05:56.519 00:05:56.529 are actually even undermining US law so
00:05:59.760 00:05:59.770 for Internet freedom if he didn't like
00:06:01.950 00:06:01.960 SOPA the Stop Online Piracy Act the
00:06:05.540 00:06:05.550 domestic law that Congress an amazing
00:06:08.219 00:06:08.229 citizen activism killed last year when
00:06:10.709 00:06:10.719 it was attempted to be pushed here
00:06:12.240 00:06:12.250 domestically huge chunks of soap are
00:06:14.969 00:06:14.979 pushed through the backdoor of this
00:06:16.290 00:06:16.300 intellectual property chapter now what
00:06:18.480 00:06:18.490 the heck is that doing in a free trade
00:06:20.429 00:06:20.439 agreement I would imagine the Cato
00:06:22.709 00:06:22.719 Institute is also wondering our Adam
00:06:25.980 00:06:25.990 Smith and David Ricardo the free trade
00:06:28.529 00:06:28.539 philosophers rolling in their graves
00:06:30.469 00:06:30.479 because that is protectionism this is
00:06:33.629 00:06:33.639 patent monopolies this is copyright
00:06:35.999 00:06:36.009 extensions this is actually exactly what
00:06:38.730 00:06:38.740 pill just talked about which is powerful
00:06:41.129 00:06:41.139 special interests big pharma Disney and
00:06:44.370 00:06:44.380 the other big content guys undermining
00:06:46.860 00:06:46.870 us as consumers our access to the
00:06:49.200 00:06:49.210 Internet our access to affordable
00:06:51.330 00:06:51.340 medicine and they're using their power
00:06:53.939 00:06:53.949 to put that into an agreement that
00:06:56.100 00:06:56.110 they've got misbranded as free trade
00:06:58.589 00:06:58.599 that's what's the real TPP so maybe
00:07:02.010 00:07:02.020 actually we agree between the consumer
00:07:04.740 00:07:04.750 group Public Citizen and Cato that
00:07:07.020 00:07:07.030 what's in TPP whatever you think about
00:07:09.089 00:07:09.099 free trade ain't so good for most of us
00:07:13.339 00:07:13.349 this is a rare occasion where I do agree
00:07:17.189 00:07:17.199 with lori wallach i agree that that
00:07:20.580 00:07:20.590 what's going on in the IP chapter is a
00:07:22.770 00:07:22.780 special interest free for all a grab-bag
00:07:26.189 00:07:26.199 us US companies are pushing to get what
00:07:30.300 00:07:30.310 they want in these agreements and the
00:07:32.370 00:07:32.380 problem really with that is that
00:07:33.930 00:07:33.940 intellectual property is not a trade
00:07:35.730 00:07:35.740 issue and it shouldn't be in the
00:07:37.050 00:07:37.060 agreement originally adding intellectual
00:07:39.719 00:07:39.729 property into it the agreement was a way
00:07:41.520 00:07:41.530 to bring on more political support to be
00:07:44.700 00:07:44.710 able to bring in US companies to counter
00:07:48.089 00:07:48.099 other US companies that would oppose the
00:07:50.279 00:07:50.289 agreement at this point I think we've
00:07:52.830 00:07:52.840 gotten to where the intellectual
00:07:55.350 00:07:55.360 property champions are so expansive that
00:07:57.830 00:07:57.840 what you're seeing is a domestic
00:08:01.499 00:08:01.509 constituency people concerned about
00:08:03.870 00:08:03.880 copyright and patent reform who are
00:08:07.020 00:08:07.030 opposing the TPP not because of anything
00:08:09.629 00:08:09.639 having to do with trade but just because
00:08:11.820 00:08:11.830 it's going to reform u.s. copyright and
00:08:13.559 00:08:13.569 patent laws so the what I would say is
00:08:17.490 00:08:17.500 that we need to have a renewed focus
00:08:19.529 00:08:19.539 within these trade agreements to be more
00:08:22.830 00:08:22.840 about free trade and less about some of
00:08:25.649 00:08:25.659 these other issues like intellectual
00:08:27.240 00:08:27.250 property rights but so why should we
00:08:29.370 00:08:29.380 even have to depend on WikiLeaks to
00:08:32.699 00:08:32.709 provide information on what's in the
00:08:35.159 00:08:35.169 this this proposed agreement isn't the
00:08:39.959 00:08:39.969 actual just super secrecy under which
00:08:42.659 00:08:42.669 this agreement has been worked out raise
00:08:46.019 00:08:46.029 questions for ordinary citizens about
00:08:48.180 00:08:48.190 why all the secrecy
00:08:50.329 00:08:50.339 you know I'm certainly
00:08:52.390 00:08:52.400 the WikiLeaks published this report
00:08:54.370 00:08:54.380 personally I like to be able to read it
00:08:57.010 00:08:57.020 it's very interesting I wish that they
00:08:58.900 00:08:58.910 would publish the rest of it to show us
00:09:01.780 00:09:01.790 the rest of the draft text I don't think
00:09:03.730 00:09:03.740 that would be at this point particularly
00:09:05.140 00:09:05.150 harmful to the agreement to let us know
00:09:07.090 00:09:07.100 something about the countries
00:09:08.079 00:09:08.089 negotiating positions but I really I
00:09:11.410 00:09:11.420 really disagree that the TPP
00:09:14.380 00:09:14.390 negotiations are especially secret
00:09:16.950 00:09:16.960 there's a lot that goes on in Congress
00:09:19.480 00:09:19.490 that the public doesn't know about when
00:09:21.910 00:09:21.920 Congress writes a law we don't know in
00:09:24.400 00:09:24.410 advance what it's going to be before it
00:09:26.019 00:09:26.029 gets proposed so there's they're still
00:09:29.350 00:09:29.360 trying to figure out what the contents
00:09:30.940 00:09:30.950 of the agreement will be they they don't
00:09:34.000 00:09:34.010 know yet they're working on it so
00:09:35.640 00:09:35.650 eventually we'll see something we'll see
00:09:38.410 00:09:38.420 it well in advance of when it becomes
00:09:39.850 00:09:39.860 law and Congress will have a chance to
00:09:41.410 00:09:41.420 decide to vote yes or no on the
00:09:43.030 00:09:43.040 agreement lori wallach what most
00:09:44.860 00:09:44.870 surprised you about seeing the TPP
00:09:48.010 00:09:48.020 agreement for the first time yesterday
00:09:49.660 00:09:49.670 you know the WikiLeaks leaked well first
00:09:53.200 00:09:53.210 of all this is extraordinarily secret I
00:09:55.780 00:09:55.790 followed these negotiations since 1991
00:09:58.510 00:09:58.520 with NAFTA and during NAFTA any member
00:10:01.900 00:10:01.910 of Congress could see any text in fact
00:10:04.060 00:10:04.070 the whole agreement between negotiating
00:10:06.160 00:10:06.170 rounds was put in the capital accessible
00:10:08.530 00:10:08.540 for them to look at in 2001 the Bush
00:10:11.199 00:10:11.209 administration published the entire free
00:10:14.620 00:10:14.630 trade area of the Americas text when it
00:10:17.110 00:10:17.120 was even in an earlier stage than TPP is
00:10:19.510 00:10:19.520 right now on government websites
00:10:21.610 00:10:21.620 they've even excluded members of
00:10:23.410 00:10:23.420 Congress from observing the negotiations
00:10:25.210 00:10:25.220 I mean this is extraordinary and so to
00:10:27.579 00:10:27.589 me what was the most horrifying I would
00:10:32.170 00:10:32.180 say is the ways in which the US
00:10:34.660 00:10:34.670 negotiators are using this agreement to
00:10:37.269 00:10:37.279 try and rewrite US law I mean I find it
00:10:40.120 00:10:40.130 morally repugnant and outrageous that
00:10:42.760 00:10:42.770 the US negotiators we pushing Big
00:10:44.680 00:10:44.690 Pharma's agenda to raise medicine prices
00:10:47.860 00:10:47.870 for the developing countries in the TPP
00:10:50.579 00:10:50.589 people in Vietnam in all the developing
00:10:53.440 00:10:53.450 countries that have hiv/aids that have
00:10:55.449 00:10:55.459 malaria the need access to generic
00:10:57.910 00:10:57.920 medicines and this will cut it off but
00:11:00.070 00:11:00.080 they're actually doing it also to us so
00:11:02.800 00:11:02.810 to the extent theoretically they're sort
00:11:05.230 00:11:05.240 of supposed to be
00:11:06.100 00:11:06.110 presenting our interests it would make
00:11:08.019 00:11:08.029 cancer drugs in this country more
00:11:09.940 00:11:09.950 expensive evergreening of patents
00:11:12.190 00:11:12.200 changing just a little tweaky thing the
00:11:14.259 00:11:14.269 six year the six hour versus 12 hour
00:11:16.960 00:11:16.970 version of Medicine you get twenty more
00:11:18.610 00:11:18.620 years of monopoly also undermining our
00:11:21.009 00:11:21.019 Internet freedom by rewriting US law
00:11:24.100 00:11:24.110 there's language in there where US law
00:11:26.530 00:11:26.540 says there's an exception for liability
00:11:28.569 00:11:28.579 for US Internet service providers the
00:11:31.630 00:11:31.640 u.s. is the only country in that bracket
00:11:33.460 00:11:33.470 that's saying no we shouldn't allow that
00:11:35.560 00:11:35.570 in TPP its backdoor diplomatic
00:11:38.440 00:11:38.450 legislating and that ties into that
00:11:40.630 00:11:40.640 business with fast-track why were and
00:11:43.420 00:11:43.430 it's not 27 Republican members because
00:11:46.210 00:11:46.220 it was a second letter that came out of
00:11:47.650 00:11:47.660 Republicans 151 Democrats why were they
00:11:52.210 00:11:52.220 always saying together in the last 36
00:11:54.910 00:11:54.920 hours
00:11:55.569 00:11:55.579 no fast-track trade process we don't
00:11:58.630 00:11:58.640 want to give away our constitutionally
00:12:01.389 00:12:01.399 granted authority over trade policy and
00:12:03.790 00:12:03.800 a big piece of the reason is the left
00:12:06.970 00:12:06.980 and the right in Congress may disagree
00:12:09.069 00:12:09.079 on what the policy should be but they
00:12:11.590 00:12:11.600 actually believe that constitutionally
00:12:13.449 00:12:13.459 Congress gets to write our legislation
00:12:15.730 00:12:15.740 so the notion of this backdoor
00:12:17.769 00:12:17.779 legislating that we saw actually
00:12:19.480 00:12:19.490 revealed in this wiki leak it's
00:12:22.689 00:12:22.699 precisely what is uniting animating
00:12:25.420 00:12:25.430 congressional outrage at the notion that
00:12:27.550 00:12:27.560 after being left out of these
00:12:29.290 00:12:29.300 negotiations uninformed somehow they
00:12:31.840 00:12:31.850 should volunteer to handcuff themselves
00:12:33.670 00:12:33.680 so they can be thoroughly steamrollered
00:12:36.280 00:12:36.290 and have even their legislative
00:12:38.319 00:12:38.329 authority on your mind through this
00:12:40.439 00:12:40.449 so-called trade agreement that's really
00:12:43.329 00:12:43.339 a backdoor coup d'etat domestic policy
00:12:47.050 00:12:47.060 no Watson might this be another place
00:12:48.699 00:12:48.709 where you were in lori wallach agree not
00:12:52.120 00:12:52.130 really no I see it on fast-track let me
00:12:56.079 00:12:56.089 just say that I I don't have a lot of
00:12:58.300 00:12:58.310 confidence in Congress's ability to come
00:13:01.720 00:13:01.730 in it and and resist special interests
00:13:04.000 00:13:04.010 and make good policies on these areas
00:13:05.860 00:13:05.870 but actually fast-track is a way for
00:13:08.680 00:13:08.690 Congress to exert its influence over
00:13:11.410 00:13:11.420 these agreements when it when Congress
00:13:13.389 00:13:13.399 passes fast-track it imposes a number of
00:13:16.180 00:13:16.190 negotiating objectives one of those if
00:13:18.430 00:13:18.440 Congress imposes faster
00:13:19.750 00:13:19.760 is to impose to have strong IP measures
00:13:23.200 00:13:23.210 in the agreement so you know you don't
00:13:25.900 00:13:25.910 necessarily want Congress's input you
00:13:28.570 00:13:28.580 know if you're trying to get a good
00:13:29.500 00:13:29.510 policy here but you but you do get it
00:13:31.660 00:13:31.670 through fast-track and you get increased
00:13:33.670 00:13:33.680 transparency fast-track will set the
00:13:35.710 00:13:35.720 rules for what the president who the
00:13:38.050 00:13:38.060 president has to talk to an inform in
00:13:39.580 00:13:39.590 Congress and and how Congress
00:13:40.810 00:13:40.820 participates in the agreement but let me
00:13:43.720 00:13:43.730 also say you know when Laurie talks
00:13:46.150 00:13:46.160 about how increased patent law on
00:13:49.180 00:13:49.190 pharmaceuticals is going to harm people
00:13:51.390 00:13:51.400 in poor countries like Vietnam I'd like
00:13:54.400 00:13:54.410 to point out also that trade barriers
00:13:57.100 00:13:57.110 harm people in countries like Vietnam
00:13:59.580 00:13:59.590 our trade barriers harm them their trade
00:14:03.220 00:14:03.230 barriers harm them it stunts the growth
00:14:05.290 00:14:05.300 of their economy prevents them from from
00:14:07.750 00:14:07.760 engaging in you know commerce that
00:14:11.440 00:14:11.450 increases their quality of life what we
00:14:14.440 00:14:14.450 need to do is not ditch the free trade
00:14:17.170 00:14:17.180 agreement because some parts of it are
00:14:19.360 00:14:19.370 harmful we need to get rid of the
00:14:22.840 00:14:22.850 harmful parts and recognize that the the
00:14:25.600 00:14:25.610 value of these agreements in improving
00:14:28.240 00:14:28.250 quality of life around the world Laurie
00:14:29.650 00:14:29.660 well I'm sorry right now under the
00:14:33.010 00:14:33.020 so-called trade authority system there
00:14:35.020 00:14:35.030 are 600 corporate advisors who with the
00:14:38.470 00:14:38.480 executive branch are behind closed doors
00:14:41.280 00:14:41.290 making these rules seeing the text I
00:14:43.990 00:14:44.000 myself have much more faith in the US
00:14:47.050 00:14:47.060 Congress the US public and the US press
00:14:49.690 00:14:49.700 and the democratic process with all of
00:14:52.390 00:14:52.400 us who will live with the results messy
00:14:54.610 00:14:54.620 though democracy maybe having the
00:14:56.680 00:14:56.690 ability to make sure these policies work
00:14:58.720 00:14:58.730 for us I don't want a bunch of unelected
00:15:01.420 00:15:01.430 US trade negotiators and 600 corporate
00:15:04.630 00:15:04.640 advisers dictating my future through
00:15:07.810 00:15:07.820 so-called trade agreements I mean these
00:15:10.000 00:15:10.010 agreements once they're implemented you
00:15:11.800 00:15:11.810 can't change a comma unless all the
00:15:14.770 00:15:14.780 other countries agree it locks into
00:15:17.650 00:15:17.660 place
00:15:18.010 00:15:18.020 superglue cements into place one vision
00:15:20.860 00:15:20.870 of law that as we've seen has very
00:15:23.230 00:15:23.240 little to do with trade it's about
00:15:25.360 00:15:25.370 domestic food safety do we have to
00:15:27.640 00:15:27.650 import food that doesn't meet US safety
00:15:29.500 00:15:29.510 standards it's about setting up
00:15:31.530 00:15:31.540 international tribunals
00:15:34.009 00:15:34.019 can imagine the Cato Institute likes
00:15:35.660 00:15:35.670 that global governance know where US
00:15:38.299 00:15:38.309 government could be sued and our
00:15:40.429 00:15:40.439 Treasury rated by foreign corporations
00:15:42.290 00:15:42.300 who are read seeking compensation for
00:15:45.109 00:15:45.119 not having to meet our own laws that our
00:15:47.869 00:15:47.879 domestic companies have to meet and I
00:15:49.970 00:15:49.980 got to say something about fast track
00:15:51.470 00:15:51.480 which is in fact empirically bill fast
00:15:55.579 00:15:55.589 track is a huge giveaway of Congress's
00:15:58.069 00:15:58.079 authority and for anyone who wants to
00:15:59.989 00:15:59.999 get into the weeds please take a look at
00:16:02.150 00:16:02.160 my book the rise and fall of fast-track
00:16:04.160 00:16:04.170 trade Authority you can get it on trade
00:16:06.289 00:16:06.299 watch org WWE trade watch org we looked
00:16:10.309 00:16:10.319 at the history of trade Authority since
00:16:12.079 00:16:12.089 the founding of the country because of
00:16:14.239 00:16:14.249 the old Boston Tea Party Congress the
00:16:16.549 00:16:16.559 founders put Congress in charge of trade
00:16:18.919 00:16:18.929 so the king couldn't just dictate with a
00:16:21.739 00:16:21.749 few special interests what would be our
00:16:23.780 00:16:23.790 trade policy and historically Congress
00:16:26.960 00:16:26.970 has had the steering wheel the emergency
00:16:29.239 00:16:29.249 brake Nixon came up with fast-track in
00:16:31.910 00:16:31.920 73 its anomalous 16 agreements ever have
00:16:36.769 00:16:36.779 used this handcuff procedure why are
00:16:39.710 00:16:39.720 Democrats and Republicans together
00:16:41.239 00:16:41.249 saying no more not because they want to
00:16:43.999 00:16:44.009 have a seat at the negotiating table but
00:16:46.069 00:16:46.079 because they want to roll in the
00:16:47.239 00:16:47.249 formative aspects of trade agreements in
00:16:49.819 00:16:49.829 the end how they vote on it ain't the
00:16:51.379 00:16:51.389 issue the question is upfront is it
00:16:53.419 00:16:53.429 going to be in our interests with
00:16:54.919 00:16:54.929 accountability and actually not having
00:16:57.499 00:16:57.509 these corporate advisors making the
00:16:59.299 00:16:59.309 calls or is it going to be a trade
00:17:01.160 00:17:01.170 agreement like TPP which Cato must agree
00:17:03.949 00:17:03.959 really is not about free trade but has
00:17:06.620 00:17:06.630 become really the Trojan horse for all
00:17:09.049 00:17:09.059 these other issues so in the end the
00:17:12.079 00:17:12.089 process is really important and
00:17:13.760 00:17:13.770 historically we've had a new trade
00:17:15.799 00:17:15.809 negotiating mechanism every twenty years
00:17:18.949 00:17:18.959 until now President Obama's a candidate
00:17:21.769 00:17:21.779 said he'd replace it you can find out if
00:17:24.049 00:17:24.059 your member of Congress was amongst the
00:17:26.449 00:17:26.459 200 who said they'd hold on to their
00:17:28.879 00:17:28.889 constitutional authority or if you need
00:17:31.039 00:17:31.049 to do a little conversation with your
00:17:32.899 00:17:32.909 member you can see all of that and
00:17:34.490 00:17:34.500 expose the TPP org that's a website
00:17:37.730 00:17:37.740 expose the TPP if I can bring bill
00:17:41.419 00:17:41.429 Watson on this issue of because you
00:17:43.580 00:17:43.590 yourself mister wants to admit that
00:17:44.810 00:17:44.820 there are objectionable part
00:17:46.080 00:17:46.090 for to this agreement that need to be
00:17:49.620 00:17:49.630 changed but how would that change occur
00:17:51.899 00:17:51.909 if the pact is being negotiated
00:17:54.149 00:17:54.159 essentially in secret and then
00:17:55.740 00:17:55.750 fast-track legislation would require
00:17:57.659 00:17:57.669 Congress to have voted up or down how
00:18:00.299 00:18:00.309 would the changes occur it's a very good
00:18:03.360 00:18:03.370 question and you know to be honest the
00:18:06.060 00:18:06.070 problem with issues like intellectual
00:18:09.120 00:18:09.130 property is not just in free trade
00:18:11.039 00:18:11.049 agreements Congress is not very good
00:18:12.779 00:18:12.789 about intellectual property either so I
00:18:15.210 00:18:15.220 think that we need to be more active in
00:18:19.490 00:18:19.500 explaining to Congress what the right
00:18:21.480 00:18:21.490 policies are to use the democratic
00:18:23.760 00:18:23.770 process I fast track and and indeed
00:18:27.029 00:18:27.039 these negotiations negotiated agreements
00:18:29.460 00:18:29.470 are not really a way to bypass Congress
00:18:31.320 00:18:31.330 Congress still has say they still have
00:18:33.899 00:18:33.909 to approve the agreement they can they
00:18:36.840 00:18:36.850 can do a number of things to exert
00:18:39.659 00:18:39.669 pressure on the administration to
00:18:41.610 00:18:41.620 include certain things they don't always
00:18:43.560 00:18:43.570 include very good things going to
00:18:45.870 00:18:45.880 Congress is not really the best way to
00:18:48.149 00:18:48.159 get the agreements through and indeed
00:18:49.680 00:18:49.690 fast-track is a way to increase the
00:18:51.960 00:18:51.970 power of Congress in a number of ways
00:18:53.639 00:18:53.649 and and so may I agree with lori wallach
00:18:56.159 00:18:56.169 there are some dangerous to using
00:18:57.510 00:18:57.520 fast-track but but in the end I just
00:19:01.620 00:19:01.630 don't see Congress and and and even a
00:19:05.130 00:19:05.140 little bit more transparency as really a
00:19:07.620 00:19:07.630 panacea for solving these problems this
00:19:10.919 00:19:10.929 is a larger issue as we wrap up bill
00:19:13.830 00:19:13.840 Watson we gave you the first word lori
00:19:15.269 00:19:15.279 wallach you've got the last the bottom
00:19:18.389 00:19:18.399 line of all of this is we need a new
00:19:20.100 00:19:20.110 procedure to replace fast-track that
00:19:22.470 00:19:22.480 gives the public the role and Congress
00:19:25.169 00:19:25.179 the role to make sure what will be
00:19:27.149 00:19:27.159 binding permanent global laws do not
00:19:30.779 00:19:30.789 undermine either a democratic process of
00:19:33.269 00:19:33.279 making policies at home that we need or
00:19:35.940 00:19:35.950 that lock us into retrograde policies
00:19:38.730 00:19:38.740 that the current 600 corporate trade
00:19:41.549 00:19:41.559 advisors are writing to impose on us so
00:19:44.070 00:19:44.080 we need a new way to make trade
00:19:45.690 00:19:45.700 agreements to get different kinds of
00:19:47.370 00:19:47.380 agreements and the bottom line with TPP
00:19:49.830 00:19:49.840 is as Wikileak just showed it's very
00:19:52.019 00:19:52.029 dangerous
00:19:52.620 00:19:52.630 it's not about trade you got to find out
00:19:54.840 00:19:54.850 about it and you got to make sure your
00:19:56.610 00:19:56.620 member of
00:19:57.700 00:19:57.710 maintains their constitutional authority
00:20:00.580 00:20:00.590 democracy is messy but I myself more
00:20:03.800 00:20:03.810 trust the American public the press and
00:20:06.200 00:20:06.210 this Congress rather than 600 corporate
00:20:09.200 00:20:09.210 advisors we need to make sure what's in
00:20:11.270 00:20:11.280 that Trade Agreement suits us and you
00:20:13.910 00:20:13.920 all are going to be the difference in
00:20:15.140 00:20:15.150 doing that well we'll certainly link to
00:20:17.120 00:20:17.130 the document that WikiLeaks has just
00:20:19.520 00:20:19.530 leaked the draft TPP proposal lori
00:20:23.120 00:20:23.130 wallach thanks for being with us
00:20:24.170 00:20:24.180 director of public citizen's global
00:20:25.700 00:20:25.710 trade watch and Bill Watson trade policy
00:20:27.560 00:20:27.570 analyst at the Cato Institute coming up
00:20:32.980 00:20:32.990 [Music]
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