Water Damage Restoration

Kind: captions
Language: en

hi how you doing guys in this video I'm
00:00:02.659 00:00:02.669 gonna be answering to one question that
00:00:04.999 00:00:05.009 I got from one of the viewers but before
00:00:08.900 00:00:08.910 we go ahead and do something else please
00:00:11.209 00:00:11.219 subscribe to my channel I really
00:00:13.850 00:00:13.860 appreciate that you take a little bit of
00:00:15.259 00:00:15.269 your time to watch the videos and spend
00:00:17.390 00:00:17.400 a little bit of you know time when you
00:00:19.070 00:00:19.080 restore this channel and if you like the
00:00:21.470 00:00:21.480 video give me a thumbs up if you have
00:00:23.480 00:00:23.490 any questions like this one that I'm
00:00:24.950 00:00:24.960 gonna be answering today just give me a
00:00:27.470 00:00:27.480 heads up I don't know or everything but
00:00:30.230 00:00:30.240 I know you know the basics I want I got
00:00:35.209 00:00:35.219 one of the emails and and then I got a
00:00:37.520 00:00:37.530 call
00:00:38.119 00:00:38.129 following that email and it was a friend
00:00:40.430 00:00:40.440 of a friend that told me Santos I got a
00:00:43.010 00:00:43.020 lot of close places I got a lot of
00:00:44.959 00:00:44.969 attics I got a lot of confined spaces
00:00:48.040 00:00:48.050 and I'm really tired of seeing my guys
00:00:50.990 00:00:51.000 it was a really decent business owner he
00:00:55.700 00:00:55.710 told me I got I am tired that
00:00:58.549 00:00:58.559 was the word I've seen my guys just
00:01:01.220 00:01:01.230 coming out of there sweating is is I
00:01:04.880 00:01:04.890 mean they can get more and off because
00:01:09.410 00:01:09.420 the heat is so bad and the guys I really
00:01:12.950 00:01:12.960 feel that when I see the guys coming out
00:01:14.780 00:01:14.790 of there not only dirty but sweating as
00:01:17.270 00:01:17.280 pigs and for him I got a solution we
00:01:21.890 00:01:21.900 always promote heat we always promote
00:01:24.770 00:01:24.780 the humidification we always promote air
00:01:27.530 00:01:27.540 movement and temperature control which
00:01:29.390 00:01:29.400 is the four principles of drying but we
00:01:31.730 00:01:31.740 never talk about confined spaces
00:01:34.130 00:01:34.140 confined spaces have different kind of
00:01:36.830 00:01:36.840 trainings and OSHA brings all of those
00:01:39.469 00:01:39.479 trainings together but when it comes to
00:01:42.789 00:01:42.799 temperature I've been taking a couple of
00:01:45.499 00:01:45.509 classes and I document everything
00:01:47.899 00:01:47.909 through the years of experience that I
00:01:50.270 00:01:50.280 have and I cook I make a couple of
00:01:52.190 00:01:52.200 videos and all that kind of stuff and
00:01:53.690 00:01:53.700 he's very little people talking about
00:01:57.190 00:01:57.200 temperature taking care safety of the
00:02:00.050 00:02:00.060 guys and taking care of safety or in
00:02:03.679 00:02:03.689 general when it comes to you know having
00:02:06.109 00:02:06.119 a person on a confined area just having
00:02:09.080 00:02:09.090 heat
00:02:10.460 00:02:10.470 blasting them and they they working hard
00:02:13.220 00:02:13.230 they scrubbing those beams they're
00:02:14.690 00:02:14.700 taking our garbage they that sometimes
00:02:16.880 00:02:16.890 they're shoveling out some of the dirt
00:02:18.950 00:02:18.960 when he says all cat3 I mean for older
00:02:21.410 00:02:21.420 control or whatever and I have a
00:02:24.290 00:02:24.300 solution it's being out there for all
00:02:26.180 00:02:26.190 the time and and not all the companies
00:02:29.780 00:02:29.790 that I work for use these kind of
00:02:31.880 00:02:31.890 techniques but some of the companies
00:02:33.470 00:02:33.480 have the equipment and they don't even
00:02:35.690 00:02:35.700 know when to apply this first of all you
00:02:38.300 00:02:38.310 get paid for these remember these guys
00:02:40.880 00:02:40.890 changing you get paid for this kind of
00:02:44.480 00:02:44.490 equipment you just got to document
00:02:46.520 00:02:46.530 everything well getting there take the
00:02:48.980 00:02:48.990 temperature inside come out with a
00:02:52.970 00:02:52.980 picture called the adjuster and tell
00:02:55.190 00:02:55.200 them listen I am a considerate employer
00:02:59.090 00:02:59.100 my guys are not gonna go in there
00:03:01.070 00:03:01.080 wearing masks and wearing tie-back suits
00:03:03.800 00:03:03.810 in 110 degrees weather I mean we got to
00:03:07.010 00:03:07.020 prepare this area so they can work on
00:03:09.740 00:03:09.750 their normal conditions never easy but
00:03:13.820 00:03:13.830 at least they they're not gonna get that
00:03:15.949 00:03:15.959 tough fatigue and I got the solutions
00:03:18.199 00:03:18.209 I'm gonna put the link in the
00:03:19.310 00:03:19.320 description just make sure you check
00:03:20.810 00:03:20.820 this did you check this piece of
00:03:22.190 00:03:22.200 equipment is around 3500 4000 dollars
00:03:25.460 00:03:25.470 but it's well worth it for those attic
00:03:28.070 00:03:28.080 projects those crawl spaces and ceilings
00:03:31.160 00:03:31.170 and I'm sorry n basement it's a phoenix
00:03:35.090 00:03:35.100 arctic max phoenix cell temporary aces
00:03:40.310 00:03:40.320 very powerful ACS with a lot of CFM's
00:03:43.729 00:03:43.739 they're really good for this kind of
00:03:45.910 00:03:45.920 projects like I said confined spaces
00:03:49.009 00:03:49.019 attics basement and crawl space these
00:03:51.800 00:03:51.810 guys know what they're doing they know
00:03:54.020 00:03:54.030 that we need heat to promote evaporation
00:03:56.570 00:03:56.580 but at the same time if it's a
00:03:59.150 00:03:59.160 crawlspace and it's already a hundred
00:04:01.880 00:04:01.890 and ten degrees we need what first ever
00:04:05.870 00:04:05.880 flush we want to make sure that we're
00:04:08.420 00:04:08.430 scrubbing and we're doing everything you
00:04:10.070 00:04:10.080 got the air scrubbers we got the fans
00:04:11.570 00:04:11.580 with the ducting and we're gonna have
00:04:13.220 00:04:13.230 you know air circulating air circulating
00:04:16.430 00:04:16.440 all the time air movement that's the
00:04:18.199 00:04:18.209 first thing and you can lower those
00:04:20.420 00:04:20.430 temperatures using the Arctic
00:04:23.570 00:04:23.580 arctic max I want to put the link in the
00:04:25.909 00:04:25.919 description and I hope you liked this
00:04:27.320 00:04:27.330 video and I hope you get something out
00:04:28.700 00:04:28.710 of it that's my all intention if you are
00:04:31.010 00:04:31.020 a tie I see I see a training instructor
00:04:35.469 00:04:35.479 please every time you give away your
00:04:39.640 00:04:39.650 classes and stuff like that we got to
00:04:41.899 00:04:41.909 think outside the box we're not
00:04:43.520 00:04:43.530 promoting equipment we're just giving
00:04:45.680 00:04:45.690 the guy's a solution we're giving an
00:04:48.050 00:04:48.060 idea of two to create a solution for
00:04:51.320 00:04:51.330 that specific problem if you're if you
00:04:53.600 00:04:53.610 have a lot of heat or big max Phoenix
00:04:57.980 00:04:57.990 arctic max the linkings is in the
00:05:00.409 00:05:00.419 description if you like this video
00:05:02.119 00:05:02.129 there's no other video in youtube in
00:05:04.249 00:05:04.259 regards to this because it's a topic
00:05:06.020 00:05:06.030 that a lot of people don't taking care
00:05:07.820 00:05:07.830 or probably they don't know that this
00:05:10.129 00:05:10.139 this particular equipment is working for
00:05:12.469 00:05:12.479 them and that they they're gonna get
00:05:13.879 00:05:13.889 paid for it for this equipment if you
00:05:16.010 00:05:16.020 talk to the insurance guy and you tell
00:05:18.950 00:05:18.960 them we're gonna have enough for no air
00:05:21.320 00:05:21.330 movement so we don't create any kind of
00:05:23.659 00:05:23.669 condensation and this is gonna be
00:05:25.159 00:05:25.169 constant airflow but I need some fresh
00:05:27.439 00:05:27.449 air for my guys I need a temporary AC
00:05:30.019 00:05:30.029 for that specific unit it's gonna be
00:05:31.909 00:05:31.919 placed on there positive air pressure
00:05:33.159 00:05:33.169 it's gonna be placed outside the
00:05:35.779 00:05:35.789 property so there's no hazardous
00:05:37.990 00:05:38.000 problems in regards to you know has
00:05:40.339 00:05:40.349 meant for fires or none of that you're
00:05:42.920 00:05:42.930 just gonna set it up outside before they
00:05:45.110 00:05:45.120 start working 30 45 minutes before until
00:05:47.719 00:05:47.729 they get suit up and okay they get older
00:05:49.670 00:05:49.680 the ideas and the equipment that they
00:05:51.350 00:05:51.360 need and then at the end of the day you
00:05:53.600 00:05:53.610 do the air flush boom leave the
00:05:55.159 00:05:55.169 equipment running the air scrubbers and
00:05:56.980 00:05:56.990 period you got a really good working
00:05:59.779 00:05:59.789 condition for your guys I mean we got to
00:06:01.580 00:06:01.590 conceal the guys they go in there they
00:06:03.230 00:06:03.240 just scrub everything the heat is
00:06:05.269 00:06:05.279 blasting them they got the suit I mean
00:06:07.490 00:06:07.500 it's really it's really uncomfortable
00:06:09.769 00:06:09.779 for them so if you want to take a look
00:06:11.570 00:06:11.580 of this equipment just check on the link
00:06:14.629 00:06:14.639 in the description and you just tell
00:06:16.580 00:06:16.590 them wants to contact our the the
00:06:18.980 00:06:18.990 company I see it on your he storage
00:06:21.019 00:06:21.029 channel anyways Santa's thank you that
00:06:22.879 00:06:22.889 would be a good help
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