What is FURNACE What does FURNACE mean FURNACE meaning, definition & explanation

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Language: en

a furnace is a device used for
00:00:20.390 00:00:20.400 high-temperature heating the name
00:00:22.730 00:00:22.740 derives from Greek word for nax which
00:00:25.460 00:00:25.470 means oven in American English and
00:00:28.160 00:00:28.170 Canadian English usage the term furnace
00:00:30.769 00:00:30.779 on its own refers to the household
00:00:32.600 00:00:32.610 heating systems based on a central
00:00:34.610 00:00:34.620 furnace known either as a boiler or a
00:00:36.889 00:00:36.899 heater in British English and sometimes
00:00:39.650 00:00:39.660 as a synonym for kill a device used in
00:00:42.530 00:00:42.540 the production of ceramics in British
00:00:45.260 00:00:45.270 English a furnace is an industrial
00:00:47.209 00:00:47.219 furnace used for many things such as the
00:00:50.060 00:00:50.070 extraction of metal from ore smelting or
00:00:52.729 00:00:52.739 in oil refineries and other chemical
00:00:55.100 00:00:55.110 plants for example as the heat source
00:00:57.560 00:00:57.570 for fractional distillation columns the
00:01:00.650 00:01:00.660 term furnace can also refer to a direct
00:01:03.049 00:01:03.059 fired heater used in boiler applications
00:01:05.929 00:01:05.939 in chemical industries or for providing
00:01:08.450 00:01:08.460 heat to chemical reactions for processes
00:01:11.179 00:01:11.189 like cracking and is part of the
00:01:13.280 00:01:13.290 standard english names for many
00:01:14.960 00:01:14.970 metallurgical furnaces worldwide the
00:01:17.840 00:01:17.850 heat energy to fuel a furnace may be
00:01:19.910 00:01:19.920 supplied directly by fuel combustion by
00:01:23.030 00:01:23.040 electricity such as the electric arc
00:01:25.160 00:01:25.170 furnace or through induction heating and
00:01:27.499 00:01:27.509 induction furnaces
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