What is the difference between a combi and conventional boiler heating systems

Kind: captions
Language: en

so we wanted to show you the main
00:00:03.290 00:00:03.300 difference between a combination boiler
00:00:05.360 00:00:05.370 and a conventional boiler but we're only
00:00:07.249 00:00:07.259 talking about the heating so the
00:00:09.140 00:00:09.150 radiators for a combination boiler what
00:00:13.640 00:00:13.650 happens is you turn your thermostat on
00:00:17.950 00:00:17.960 you want heat so the boiler then tells
00:00:20.990 00:00:21.000 itself why to produce some heat comes
00:00:23.750 00:00:23.760 from the boiler through the radiator
00:00:26.599 00:00:26.609 back out the radiator and back to the
00:00:28.910 00:00:28.920 boiler very very straightforward so you
00:00:31.820 00:00:31.830 ask for it it should then come on goes
00:00:33.799 00:00:33.809 free back out and back so the
00:00:37.250 00:00:37.260 conventional system is slightly more
00:00:40.190 00:00:40.200 complex but not too much more so you
00:00:44.030 00:00:44.040 boiler see turn your thermostat on you
00:00:47.330 00:00:47.340 then tell us it says to the boy - right
00:00:49.250 00:00:49.260 I need to produce some heat for the
00:00:52.369 00:00:52.379 radiators so the water water comes on
00:00:55.569 00:00:55.579 goes to what's and this is the pump it's
00:01:01.610 00:01:01.620 just a schematic symbol for it and then
00:01:03.470 00:01:03.480 it goes to the Freeport valve which is a
00:01:04.969 00:01:04.979 pretty port X and this Freeport valve
00:01:07.219 00:01:07.229 then tells the water where to go either
00:01:09.950 00:01:09.960 to your hot water which we're not we're
00:01:11.929 00:01:11.939 talking about or chill heating so you've
00:01:14.750 00:01:14.760 turned your thanks to on goes through
00:01:16.219 00:01:16.229 the Freeport valve close down to
00:01:19.310 00:01:19.320 radiator it's nice and hot comes back to
00:01:24.800 00:01:24.810 your boiler return so it basically
00:01:28.100 00:01:28.110 creates a constant circuit waters
00:01:31.100 00:01:31.110 flowing constantly round for the time
00:01:32.929 00:01:32.939 you want your heating or the thermostats
00:01:35.840 00:01:35.850 reached its limit this temperature and
00:01:38.770 00:01:38.780 this the boiler on the combi is fed via
00:01:43.899 00:01:43.909 the mains
00:01:45.469 00:01:45.479 so that's how that's filled up with the
00:01:50.630 00:01:50.640 conventional system what you'll usually
00:01:52.190 00:01:52.200 find is you see here a little tank in
00:01:55.520 00:01:55.530 your loft this will come down feed pipes
00:01:59.600 00:01:59.610 in a way just by the same as drawing and
00:02:02.569 00:02:02.579 now I'm just be fed into the system and
00:02:04.789 00:02:04.799 also have a well so I tried to technical
00:02:10.369 00:02:10.379 on that but essentially a boiler then
00:02:12.559 00:02:12.569 used apart
00:02:14.119 00:02:14.129 personally radiator back and keeps going
00:02:17.259 00:02:17.269 I hope this helps
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