Why old Evaporators shouldn't be repaired even with Sealant

Kind: captions
Language: en

and when I show a system here has a very
00:00:03.679 00:00:03.689 large freon leak and here's the history
00:00:09.820 00:00:09.830 the history of it so 2015 added two
00:00:16.010 00:00:16.020 pounds of refrigerant the system only
00:00:17.870 00:00:17.880 holds four pounds again 2015 it lost its
00:00:22.670 00:00:22.680 refrigerant put super seal which I
00:00:25.429 00:00:25.439 rarely use I'll do a video on super seal
00:00:28.279 00:00:28.289 and why it's not a fixed support
00:00:32.060 00:00:32.070 everything actually 2016 the super seal
00:00:38.030 00:00:38.040 seemed to hold when we had to add a half
00:00:40.670 00:00:40.680 a pound and now 2017 system is flat and
00:00:45.880 00:00:45.890 I had about 11 psi in it and whenever
00:00:50.650 00:00:50.660 whenever you lost all your liquid
00:00:52.910 00:00:52.920 refrigerant and you're getting down to
00:00:55.819 00:00:55.829 your lower pressures don't even bother
00:00:57.650 00:00:57.660 with a sniffer because the leak is huge
00:01:01.029 00:01:01.039 so ultrasonic I'm just picking up the
00:01:05.960 00:01:05.970 leak right about here so I'm going to
00:01:10.880 00:01:10.890 pull this coil and see exactly what the
00:01:13.130 00:01:13.140 leak looks like and to show why the
00:01:15.920 00:01:15.930 super seal did not seal the leak or it
00:01:18.289 00:01:18.299 sealed it for a little bit I mean I can
00:01:20.120 00:01:20.130 tell you right now before even looking
00:01:21.859 00:01:21.869 at it it's a crack and the crack grew
00:01:25.219 00:01:25.229 bigger and super seals not going to keep
00:01:28.609 00:01:28.619 up with that and I highly recommend not
00:01:32.539 00:01:32.549 using leak sealant because there's it
00:01:36.319 00:01:36.329 makes it harder for the compressor to
00:01:38.030 00:01:38.040 start leak sealing also is basically
00:01:40.819 00:01:40.829 just superglue so you're basically
00:01:43.130 00:01:43.140 putting glue inside that activates water
00:01:46.340 00:01:46.350 so now we got issues you know is there
00:01:50.420 00:01:50.430 any water in the system so I'm
00:01:52.429 00:01:52.439 definitely you know I want to put a new
00:01:54.319 00:01:54.329 filter drier and but it's not that
00:01:57.440 00:01:57.450 cure-all you're better teams the
00:01:59.510 00:01:59.520 evaporator now since we definitely don't
00:02:02.330 00:02:02.340 want to get moisture in and then in when
00:02:05.749 00:02:05.759 I cover everything and then here's a
00:02:08.119 00:02:08.129 little heat shield some folded sheet
00:02:10.820 00:02:10.830 metal imma unsolder right he
00:02:13.370 00:02:13.380 here and then this coil let's pull right
00:02:15.560 00:02:15.570 out and then I can pressurize it outside
00:02:19.070 00:02:19.080 of the unit and fix the leak you can see
00:02:23.000 00:02:23.010 leak right there
00:02:29.530 00:02:29.540 so I could dig out the aluminum probably
00:02:34.520 00:02:34.530 have to do or I could bang down the
00:02:37.880 00:02:37.890 metal to reach it I'm going to try
00:02:40.850 00:02:40.860 banging down the metal first because
00:02:42.380 00:02:42.390 it'll look nicer on this coil so it's
00:02:47.930 00:02:47.940 just too bright here basically take your
00:02:58.580 00:02:58.590 hammer and spang it down and get to the
00:03:01.370 00:03:01.380 crack okay see the crack right there for
00:03:13.400 00:03:13.410 the crash right where it went through
00:03:16.670 00:03:16.680 the tube key so bang it down the tube
00:03:20.720 00:03:20.730 sheet it gives me enough room I get some
00:03:23.990 00:03:24.000 solder on there but first I need to
00:03:26.060 00:03:26.070 clean that up a little bit some
00:03:27.590 00:03:27.600 sandpaper probably bang it down a little
00:03:30.110 00:03:30.120 more - so super seal not going to work
00:03:35.180 00:03:35.190 on that it's too big so you can see
00:03:38.720 00:03:38.730 there - cracks pretty big
00:03:48.479 00:03:48.489 and you might ask this banging on this
00:03:51.940 00:03:51.950 coil make other leaks
00:04:04.940 00:04:04.950 yep it does so I use Opie sandpaper get
00:04:16.199 00:04:16.209 in there clean it up a little bit more
00:04:20.210 00:04:20.220 and then blow it out some gas I can't
00:04:28.800 00:04:28.810 video and show the soldering but
00:04:31.140 00:04:31.150 basically I'm going to use a small flame
00:04:32.850 00:04:32.860 as possible I'm going to try not to eat
00:04:35.640 00:04:35.650 up the other joints which is going to be
00:04:38.820 00:04:38.830 difficult but and then the leak checking
00:04:43.050 00:04:43.060 other joints because sometimes you can
00:04:44.670 00:04:44.680 be chasing your tail creating leaks as
00:04:47.520 00:04:47.530 you're going but they're easy enough to
00:04:49.980 00:04:49.990 fix when you're outside the unit like
00:04:51.779 00:04:51.789 this and the other leak fix they got
00:04:56.399 00:04:56.409 caused so I went around and I snooped
00:05:00.770 00:05:00.780 the other tubes
00:05:04.040 00:05:04.050 this is the best liquid leak detector
00:05:07.709 00:05:07.719 because how it applies all that spray-on
00:05:11.129 00:05:11.139 stuff it doesn't apply as nicely this is
00:05:18.510 00:05:18.520 you can leak check without making
00:05:20.399 00:05:20.409 bubbles now one other thing let's say
00:05:24.480 00:05:24.490 you mess those pipes up to hell and
00:05:27.749 00:05:27.759 there's no way in heck you're going to
00:05:29.369 00:05:29.379 fix the pipes you could jump this
00:05:32.309 00:05:32.319 circuit out this circuit this evaporator
00:05:37.529 00:05:37.539 has three circuits that go all the way
00:05:40.200 00:05:40.210 up I'm not talking about jumping a whole
00:05:42.779 00:05:42.789 circuit because you kill your capacity
00:05:44.490 00:05:44.500 you could jump out just this these
00:05:47.249 00:05:47.259 actual two tubes by on the other side
00:05:51.029 00:05:51.039 just taking a piece of 3/8 copper and
00:05:53.519 00:05:53.529 just jumping across this pretend this
00:05:56.999 00:05:57.009 was the other side if I were to take a
00:06:01.439 00:06:01.449 couple of the ends off make a bigger end
00:06:05.070 00:06:05.080 jump across I could change the
00:06:08.969 00:06:08.979 refrigerant circuit so that I just
00:06:12.119 00:06:12.129 skipped two tubes you can't skip one
00:06:14.189 00:06:14.199 tube but you can skip even tubes so I
00:06:17.670 00:06:17.680 could recirc it it with a new piece of
00:06:20.070 00:06:20.080 copper on the other end and throw my
00:06:23.550 00:06:23.560 balance off a little bit so I'll get a
00:06:25.409 00:06:25.419 little bit of liquid wanting to come out
00:06:27.269 00:06:27.279 in that circuit
00:06:28.840 00:06:28.850 we're only talking about out of one two
00:06:31.720 00:06:31.730 three four five six seven eight so it
00:06:35.230 00:06:35.240 would be one out of eight I'd be losing
00:06:37.180 00:06:37.190 twelve percent of capacity on that
00:06:41.020 00:06:41.030 actual circuit so it's not the end of
00:06:43.660 00:06:43.670 the world you know on that and but I've
00:06:47.800 00:06:47.810 actually had to do that on some larger
00:06:49.540 00:06:49.550 commercial jobs so I swapped the filter
00:06:53.650 00:06:53.660 drier now since this is a low side leak
00:06:57.390 00:06:57.400 probably sucked in air in the system
00:06:59.730 00:06:59.740 which is not good with the leak ceiling
00:07:03.600 00:07:03.610 so make sure to try the system out and
00:07:07.980 00:07:07.990 we got my large 3/8 hoses
00:07:13.379 00:07:13.389 to remove the cores vacuum Paul
00:07:21.090 00:07:21.100 600 right now
00:07:24.320 00:07:24.330 all right here's the evaporator there's
00:07:28.590 00:07:28.600 thermal image they have good refrigerant
00:07:32.250 00:07:32.260 flow let's do a final leak check now so
00:07:41.850 00:07:41.860 we have a house full of freon throw it
00:07:47.580 00:07:47.590 out and I would expect a house full of
00:07:53.040 00:07:53.050 friends I was just working on this thing
00:07:55.790 00:07:55.800 [Applause]
00:07:57.940 00:07:57.950 [Music]
00:07:59.540 00:07:59.550 00:08:07.140 00:08:07.150 00:08:15.250 00:08:15.260 00:08:25.190 00:08:25.200 so my repair effort was in vain I'm
00:08:29.130 00:08:29.140 still getting a leak on the repaired
00:08:31.500 00:08:31.510 coil I'm not going to pull it again I
00:08:33.540 00:08:33.550 must swap it out with a used coil which
00:08:36.330 00:08:36.340 is the not leaking it was from a system
00:08:39.000 00:08:39.010 that didn't leak by me doing the video
00:08:41.730 00:08:41.740 you can see what not to do and avoid the
00:08:44.310 00:08:44.320 trouble on the out of old coil don't try
00:08:47.580 00:08:47.590 repairing it if you do try repairing it
00:08:49.710 00:08:49.720 make sure you tell a customer there's a
00:08:51.870 00:08:51.880 good chance this repair is not going to
00:08:53.640 00:08:53.650 work but you're better off just changing
00:08:55.860 00:08:55.870 the coil every time the exception would
00:08:58.500 00:08:58.510 be some coil is no way you can get it or
00:09:02.100 00:09:02.110 if it's a huge commercial machine I hope
00:09:05.700 00:09:05.710 you like what's in the video thanks for
00:09:07.440 00:09:07.450 watching
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