Windhager PuroWIN - wood chip boiler - zero-emission gasification boiler with stainless steel burner

Kind: captions
Language: en

00:00:07.040 00:00:07.050 00:00:19.040 00:00:19.050 00:00:20.830 00:00:20.840 the pure wind would ship boiler
00:00:23.480 00:00:23.490 incorporates wind hoggers patented
00:00:25.519 00:00:25.529 updraft gasification combustion chamber
00:00:28.220 00:00:28.230 and is the cleanest appliance of its
00:00:30.769 00:00:30.779 type in the world the principle deployed
00:00:35.329 00:00:35.339 by wind Haga is to take advantage of the
00:00:37.640 00:00:37.650 filtering effect of wood chip our
00:00:40.060 00:00:40.070 intensive research and development work
00:00:42.439 00:00:42.449 totally redefines wood chipper and sets
00:00:45.500 00:00:45.510 revolutionary standards the results is
00:00:48.829 00:00:48.839 new levels of dust emissions clickin
00:00:50.869 00:00:50.879 hardly be detected we also paid a lot of
00:00:57.080 00:00:57.090 attention to the robustness and safety
00:00:59.389 00:00:59.399 of the boiler so the complete combustion
00:01:02.599 00:01:02.609 chamber is made from high-quality
00:01:04.040 00:01:04.050 stainless steel the entire smart fuel
00:01:11.120 00:01:11.130 detection system in the pure wing
00:01:12.889 00:01:12.899 ensures that the correct amount of wood
00:01:14.930 00:01:14.940 chip is continually transported into the
00:01:17.389 00:01:17.399 combustion chamber via the stoker auger
00:01:20.770 00:01:20.780 firstly the complete combustion chamber
00:01:23.510 00:01:23.520 is filled with wood chip
00:01:29.680 00:01:29.690 00:01:33.270 00:01:33.280 supply of primary air and one single
00:01:36.610 00:01:36.620 ignition process produces an ember bed
00:01:39.040 00:01:39.050 in the bottom section the heat of the
00:01:42.730 00:01:42.740 ember bed carbonized is the wood chip
00:01:44.530 00:01:44.540 above it this layer acts like an active
00:01:48.220 00:01:48.230 carbon filter fine dust is filtered and
00:01:50.920 00:01:50.930 retained within this charcoal layer the
00:01:54.040 00:01:54.050 combustible wood gases rise up from the
00:01:56.320 00:01:56.330 Ember bed through the layer of carbon
00:01:58.210 00:01:58.220 and unbirth wood chip after exiting the
00:02:02.410 00:02:02.420 layer of wood chips these gases are
00:02:04.090 00:02:04.100 enriched with additional air and ignited
00:02:06.460 00:02:06.470 by an energy-saving glow igniter and
00:02:08.800 00:02:08.810 Burt combustion therefore always takes
00:02:12.490 00:02:12.500 place above the wood chip the pure winds
00:02:18.670 00:02:18.680 innovative wood chip gasification system
00:02:20.710 00:02:20.720 produces emission so low they can hardly
00:02:23.560 00:02:23.570 be measured emissions from the pure
00:02:25.540 00:02:25.550 awareness several times lower than the
00:02:27.820 00:02:27.830 strictest statutory limits because the
00:02:33.580 00:02:33.590 bureau Wynne is designed to be
00:02:34.930 00:02:34.940 completely sealed the ember bed is
00:02:36.910 00:02:36.920 retained for up to four days without any
00:02:39.130 00:02:39.140 fuel or combustion air having to be
00:02:41.199 00:02:41.209 added during this time the pure wind can
00:02:44.500 00:02:44.510 automatically heat up again without the
00:02:46.300 00:02:46.310 need for another ignition process this
00:02:50.140 00:02:50.150 cast ignition energy by up to 90 percent
00:02:52.900 00:02:52.910 compared with competitor wood chip
00:02:54.940 00:02:54.950 boilers and preserves the ignition
00:02:56.860 00:02:56.870 element in the long term
00:02:59.390 00:02:59.400 00:03:04.310 00:03:04.320 thanks to the special design of the
00:03:06.690 00:03:06.700 patented twin ash removal plates in the
00:03:08.940 00:03:08.950 pure win the gasification boiler doesn't
00:03:11.400 00:03:11.410 have to be shut down when ash is removed
00:03:13.160 00:03:13.170 the ember bed slide and ash removal
00:03:16.020 00:03:16.030 plates are designed as plate sealed from
00:03:18.480 00:03:18.490 one end to the other preventing foreign
00:03:20.610 00:03:20.620 bodies from getting stuck those plates
00:03:22.949 00:03:22.959 also have unique levels of robustness
00:03:25.050 00:03:25.060 and are not affected by foreign bodies
00:03:28.100 00:03:28.110 the overlying ember bed slide simply has
00:03:31.320 00:03:31.330 to be moved into the combustion chamber
00:03:32.970 00:03:32.980 and removes the ash from the ember bed
00:03:35.400 00:03:35.410 the embers are retained and combustion
00:03:38.190 00:03:38.200 is not interrupted the underlying ash
00:03:41.910 00:03:41.920 removal plate then opens the bureau when
00:03:48.180 00:03:48.190 automatically detects when there's a
00:03:49.979 00:03:49.989 foreign body in the ember bed or layer
00:03:52.020 00:03:52.030 of ash the ember bed slide moves into
00:03:55.199 00:03:55.209 the combustion chamber as far as
00:03:56.880 00:03:56.890 possible the ash removal plate opens and
00:04:00.690 00:04:00.700 the foreign body can drop down along
00:04:02.790 00:04:02.800 with the ash the ash falls into the
00:04:08.070 00:04:08.080 automatic ash conveyer and is
00:04:10.080 00:04:10.090 transported into the ash box
00:04:13.630 00:04:13.640 00:04:20.000 00:04:20.010 the ash removal plate closes again and
00:04:22.890 00:04:22.900 the ember bed slide above it opens
00:04:25.050 00:04:25.060 causing the Ember bed and wood chips to
00:04:27.990 00:04:28.000 slide through through this process our
00:04:31.409 00:04:31.419 development engineers ensure that the
00:04:33.420 00:04:33.430 pure wind can be operated continuously
00:04:36.230 00:04:36.240 there is no need for further ignition
00:04:38.820 00:04:38.830 and ignition energy is thereby cut this
00:04:41.970 00:04:41.980 procedure also means that the boiler
00:04:43.860 00:04:43.870 output is fully maintained during ash
00:04:46.200 00:04:46.210 removal
00:04:47.350 00:04:47.360
Office location
Engineering company LOTUS®
Russia, Ekaterinburg, Lunacharskogo street, 240/12

Phone: +7 343 216 77 75


Sales phone

Russia: +7 343 216 77 75

WhatsApp: +79122710308